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The author of ‘why are animal used in research’ try to deal with the issue of is

it proper to uses animal in research. His introduce reader with a hard statement that
infectious disease cannot be cured without having animal research and it is
contributing to better nutrition and sanitation. When some medical technique or
medicine is developing animal should be used rather than human in ethical aspect.
Other than that, the animal can offer experimental model such as fed identical and
closely monitored diets that mostly impossible if using human subjects. Beside the
advantage using animals in research there are some limitation which only mammal is
essential for research due to its close to human in evolutionary terms. Another issue
arises is the percentage animal die in a research lab is lower than another factor and
the pain that animal will experience in the research procedure.

Most in the article the author’s position is biased to approving and supporting
the issue to uses animal in research. The author claim that animal research has even
contributed to better nutrition and sanitation. Besides that it is possible to obtain
information that cannot be learned in any other way. He also claims that increase in
the field of biotechnology with a low number of animal abuse, including deaths,
breed, pain and discomfort. Although some of the animals may experience acute or
prolonged pain during research but most of the institutional committees, including the
author consider the animal pain just a small problem compared to the solution they
need for human beings. Finally, he take into account that if the uses of animal in
research is band of law, there only little hope to overcome human suffering. 

There are few types of supporting detail that the author uses in bringing the
issue. Most of the author claim are more from its opinion and point of view. In
paragraph one he stated that animal research makes people healthier and even
contributed to better nutrient and sanitation. He also claims that without animal
research there is almost possible to obtain some information in paragraph 2 and in the
last paragraph he once again claim that without animal research there are little hope to
eliminate the widespread of human infection reflect his personal opinion. Beside that
he also takes in some opinion from the expert on the last paragraph where they
believe that animal discomfort and pain experience is a small problem compared to
the statistical amount of human suffering. Other than that author use case studied in
paragraph two, some example in paragraph two and three, statistical data at paragraph
five and seven, and research finding in paragraph six to support his claim.

In this article the author fulfills the aspect of relevance, objectivity,

completeness, credibility and validity. The support is directly related to the argument
for example only animal can be fed identically and closely monitored diet and on the
other hand it still has some biological similarities to human so its related to the
argument impossible by using human subject in the experimental model. Most of the
support consists fact and clear evidence such as data from the 1998 Animal Welfare
Enforcement Report by Department of Agriculture prove that the author's argument
has objectivity. Animal research is essential in alleviating this widespread human
suffering compare that they abuse in animal show the argument is complete. Low
percentage of animal abuse in laboratory, low number of dead involve a lab animal,
better nutrition and sanitation in animal research and social confrontation in using
human subject to show the argument has validity and credibility.
Based on the article, there will be a lot more goodness and cures that can be
developed in the future. There will be sometime a helpful cure may be found from this
method. Even though there look like cruel to use an animal as a subject, but it should
be continuous because in future it may be helpful and save a lot of human life.

The tone that's been used by the author was supportive tone. ”As much as it
benefits the human, animal used in research takes its toll on the condition of the
animal itself. The author was being optimistic. The author's belief that most of the
animals only experience minimal pain while being experimented. The author also
stated that the usage of animal has been producing lots progressive. They're also a
gentle touch by the author when being considerate about the American that suffer
from chronic pain.

From the article, the author's purpose was to inform about the animal used in
the experiment. From the research on the animal. The facts is polio vaccine was
developed from it. Author is also informing the reader, that no animal was abused
while being used as experimental. According to the 1998 Animal Welfare
Enforcement Report by Department of Agriculture, about 94 percent of all animals
reported are not exposed to painful procedures or given drugs to relieve any pain
caused by a procedure.

Finally, the intended group that the author wan tackle was general public.
Since the author would like to share the knowledge and the word used aren’t highly
scientific so it’s easy for the reader to digest it. Another clue was the resource of the
article. The article was published publicly on the internet for all.

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