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A three-month program

Breakthrough Threshold Vantage English Special

Level one Level two Level three Flight Attendant

Billingual teaching Billingual teaching Billingual teaching Billingual teaching

technique (50%) technique (50%) technique (95%) technique (95%)

English-rich English-rich English-rich English-rich

environment environment environment environment

Confidence speak Confidence speak Confidence speak Confidence speak

Exploring idea Exploring idea Term recondition

SPEAKING-TOTAL IMMERSION English daily challenge

Participants are able to:

One  A basic ability to communicate and  Ask and answer simple questions on very familiar topics.
exchange information in a simple  Use simple phrases and sentences to describe where you live and people
way you know.
 An ability to deal with simple,  Communicate in simple and routine tasks on familiar topics and activities.
straightforward information and  Simply describe your family and other people, living conditions, your
begin to express oneself in familiar educational background and your present or most recent job.
contexts  Talk about family, hobbies, work, travel and current events.
 Talk about experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions.
 Tell the story of a book or film and describe your reactions.
Two  The ability to express oneself in a  Speak regularly with native speakers.
limited way in familiar situations  Discuss familiar topics in detail.
and to deal in a general way with  Give your opinions and explain advantages and disadvantages.
nonroutine information.  Deal with most situations when you travel in an area where people speak
 Give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Three  The capacity to achieve most goals  Speak fluently without searching for language.
and express oneself on a range of  Communicate effectively in social and professional situations.
topics.  Give ideas and opinions and relate your ideas to those of other speakers.
 Talk about of complex subjects and develop arguments.
Four  Applicate the English based on the
demand on the need of the job. BASED ON THE PROGRAM TAKEN
 Applicate the English actively
based on the job environment.
 Understand some English terms and
condition based on the job’s need.

Day Vocabulary and Expression Fundamental speak English in use goal
Mon Diagnostic test
Tue Greeting , introduction , and Introducing them selves Conversation about self-information Students are able
farewell to introduce self
Wed Day, month, year Introduce others Conversation about introducing others and others and
invite someone.
Thu Number and time Conversation about Invitation Preparing the examination
Fri Exam (self-Introduction, Introduce others and Invite someone)
Mon Vocabulary about shopping Telling like – Dislike about 3 topics Conversation like – Dislike about 3 topics Students are able
Tue Vocabulary about transport Telling like – Dislike about 6 topics Conversation like – Dislike about 6 topics to have simple
Wed Vocabulary about Daily activity 1 Telling Daily activity ½ day Conversation Daily activity ½ day conversation about
Thu Vocabulary about Daily activity 2 Telling Daily activity full day Conversation Daily activity full day Daily activity
Fri Exam ( telling like dislike, daily activity and able to answer sudden questions about them)
Mon Vocabulary about human character Describing someone’s personality and Questions and answers
Tue Vocabulary about bodypart Describing someone’s personality, Questions and answers Students are able
appearance and travelling to describe and
retell in a simple
Wed Simple past and verb 2 Telling about past experience Conversation about past experience way
Thu Vocabulary to describe a place Telling about past experience and Questions and answers
describe the location
Fri Exam (Retell and describe past experience activity and able to answer sudden questions about them)
Mon Home town and direction Telling about hometown, culture and Answering Questions on books in pair
tourism places
Tue Restaurant, Food and the taste Telling about hometown, culture and Answering Questions on books in pair Students are able
tourism places and the food to answer general
Wed Job and profession Telling about Society and neighborhood Answering Questions on books in pair questions fluently
and spontaneity
Thu Feeling and family opinion about Society and Answering Questions on books in pair
Fri Exam ( Answer all teacher’s questions fluently and spontaneity)
DAY Vocabulary and Expression English Discovery Pronunciation
Mon Diagnostic test
Tue Season and weather Offering and suggestion Alphabet, numeral and Introduction. Students are able to
Wed Illness and medicine Monophthong start and End the
Thu Crime and punishment How to start and End the conversation Practice and giving example conversation well
Mon Furniture and appliances Clarifying Tongue twister and Diphthong
Tue Books, film and TV Diphthong Students are able to
keep talking when
Wed Family and relative Solving problem Consonant 1
they don’t remember
Thu Pets and animals Consonant 2 a word by describing
Mon Holidays and travelling Advantages and disadvantages Tongue twister and review all symbols

Tue Prefixes Ed ending, stressing and Longman Students are able to

make decision and
Wed Suffixes Agree Disagree Longman and Practice reading 1
give positive negative
Thu Circumfixes Longman and Practice reading 2 feed back

Mon Hotel facilities and restaurant Food, Culture and Restaurant Tongue twister
Tue Participles Es Ending and pop sound Students are able to
speak with native or
Wed Culture and Clan Asking opinion Reading intonation 1 tourist with regularly
Thu Hobby , sports and interest Reading intonation 2 topic clearly
Fri Evaluation and aims of feedback
DAY Fluency Speak Trick Talk Chritical Thinking
Mon Diagnostic test
Tue All symbols review New Concept 1 Describing graph and data Students are able to retell the
Wed story/ event happened in the
Silent letters
Thu Practicing text New Concept 2
Mon American British T CCU about word and Education
Tue Practicing text Relevance of criticism, analysis,
and rationale Students are able to give
opinion and some ideas to
Wed American to CCU about Body move and Relationship Paraphrasing
other speakers
Thu Practicing text Summarising
Mon Word connection Live broadcasting TV show Speech

Tue Word connection Students are able to speak

Wed Word connection Breaking News and answer fluently without
Thu Word connection language problem

Mon Intonation Job Interview Mind mapping as a visionary
young man’s life
Tue Intonation
Students are able to be
Wed Intonation Mind mapping as a visionary English Active
Thu Intonation
Fri Evaluation and aims of feedback
DAY Vocabulary and Expression Conversation Listening and pronunciation
(intonation and smile is very important)
Mon Diagnostic test
Tue Things commonly brought in flight Introduction (self and others) “role- Intonation for Introduction
Wed Checking and Clarifying Briefing pre-flight Intonation for yes/no &WH Questions
Thu Kinds of Polite request Welcome on board (welcome aboard) Intonation for welcoming
Fri Evaluation and aims of feedback
Mon Seat and cabin items Explaining the label of Boarding Listening about direction and checking the ticket
pass(ticket) + Direction
Tue phrasal verbs needed on flight Tell how something works (procedure) reviewing
Wed formal and informal language Conversation about final check to take Demonstrating safety procedures and checking
off before take off
Thu Accepting and refusing politely Deal with passenger needs Reviewing
Fri Evaluation and aims of feedback
Mon Comfort expressions Deal with passengers characteristic Demonstrating safety procedures and checking
before landing
Tue Food and drinks on flight & polite Offering and explaining the food Listening about serving the foods
offering (choice) and serving the foods
Wed Sharing and selling on flight Money transactions Listening about Money transactions
Thu Offering help Dealing with passenger’s problems

Fri Evaluation and aims of feedback

Mon Asking condition/problem happening Check-call-care Listening about suggestion and recommendation
Tue Saying sorry, Thanks and goodbye Apologizing for the lack or mistaken on Listening about complaining on flight
Wed Pre-interview Pre-Interview Listening about Interview
Thu Interview Interview Listening about Interview
Fri Evaluation and aims of feedback
SPEAKING TOTAL IMMERSION ( An empowering full-speak method)
adalah sebuah metode pengoptimalan potensi setiap peserta dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris khusunya speaking melalui:
Yang pertama konsepnya adalah dengan menata mindset atau mengkondisikan pemikiran setiap peserta, sehingga setiap peserta dapat
dengan mudah menguasai kemampuan speaking yang ingin di kuasai.
 Pemberian technical meeting pada saat hari pertama.
 Penggiringan mindset oleh tutor jam pertama atau hari pertama.
 Pemberian tugas tugas atau PR yang bertemakan penataan mindset.
 Pemberian challenge bertema penataan mindset.

Konsep kedua adalah dengan membimbing peserta dengan setiap komponen syllabus yang sudah di pilih berdasarkan kebutuhan
pencapaian goal program.
 Pengajaran di kelas sesuai syllabus.
 Kegiatan tambahan yang dapat mendukung goal utama.
Bulan pertama : Nightly speaking (Confidence speak)
Bulan kedua : Nightly speaking (Confidence speak & Exploring idea)
Bulan ketiga : Nightly speaking (Confidence speak & Exploring idea as the executor)
English challenge
 Format examination di ganti menjadi pemberian evaluasi dan feedback.

Membangun English environtment dari segala aspek yang dibutuhkan.
Untuk peserta bulan pertama dan kedua:
 Mendapatkan pengajaran billingual dari pengajaran di kelas.
 Wajib berbahasa inggris di lingkungan berlogo “ENGLISH AREA / ENGLISH ZONE”.
 Menjadi partner dengan senior untuk challenge time.
 Aplikasi bahasa inggris melalui nightly speaking.
Untuk peserta bulan ketiga
 Mendapat pengajaran FULL ENGLISH dari tutor.
 Wajib berbahasa inggris di kelas dan di area berlogo “ENGLISH AREA / ENGLISH ZONE”.
 Menerima challenge untuk aplikasi bahasa inggris dengan peserta bulan pertama dan kedua.
 Aplikasi bahasa inggris melalui nightly speaking sebagai penghandle.
 Penempatan logo di seluruh penjuru lembaga kecuali tempat ibadah / mushola (jika ada), ruang guru, kantin (jika ada), dan toilet.
 Pemasangan “ENGLISH ON THE WALL” di banyak tempat-tempat strategis.
 Pemuataran English audio ketika break.
 Pemberian challenge untuk peserta senior (bulan ketiga)

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