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Review client’s chart for precautions concerning To determine the level of assistance required by the

client’s movement and positioning client and to avoid causing injury during bathing
Identify the client, discuss the procedure and To promote reassurance, provide knowledge about
assess the ability to assist in bathing as well as the procedure, encourage client participation and to
the personal hygiene preferences allow individualized nursing care
Wash hands To deter the spread of microorganisms
Bring the necessary equipment to the bedside or To conserve time and energy, to make it convenient
overbed table and to avoid stretching and twisting the nerves or
Place paper lining on the floor To protect the floor from any water or liquid product
that may drip
Close the curtains around the bed and the door if To ensure the privacy of the client
Turn off the electric fan or airconditioner To lessen the loss of body heat during the bath
Wear the working gloves To avoid the spread of microorganisms
Offer bed pan or urinal Voiding or defecating before a bath lessens the
likelihood that the bath will be interrupted since the
warm water may stimulate the urge to void
Change working gloves To prevent the spread of microorganisms
Raise the bed to working height To prevent strain on the nurse’s back
Lower side rail
Assist the client to the side of the bed To prevent unnecessary stretching or twisting of the
muscles of the nurse
Loosen top covers
Place the bath blanket over the client and roll the This is done in order to avoid exposing the client
top sheet with the contaminated side inside unnecessarily to maintain warmth
toward the foot part while the client holds the
bath blanket in place
Assist the client with oral hygiene, however, this Oral hygiene helps maintain the teeth and gums in
may be done after the bath if the client prefers it good condition and alleviates unpleasant odor and
Remove the client’s gown while keeping the bath To provide access during the bath and to maintain
blanket in place the warmth of the client
Raise the side rails To maintain client’s safety
Fill the basin 2/3 full with water that has a It is important to provide water that is warm to
temperature of 43-46 C. To make sure, check it promote comfort and relaxation. It also stimulates
using a bath thermometer the circulation and provides for more effective
If allowed, remove the pillow and raise the bed To make it easier to wash the client’s ears and neck
30-40 deg.
Put a towel under the client’s head To prevent chilling and to keep the blankets dry
Wet and wring the wash cloth and make a bath Wringing of the wash cloth prevents dripping. Also,
mitt over the basin the loose ends of the towel may feel uncomfortable
when dragged over the skin and it cools very quickly
so it is important to make a mitt to prevent all of that
Start washing the farther eye from the inner
For the other eye, turn the mitt inside out To prevent the spread or organisms from one eye to
Rinse the wash cloth To prevent the spread of organisms from one eye to
another and prevent secretions from entering the
Ask the client’s preference whether or not to use Soap can be drying and maybe avoided as a matter
soap on face of personal preference
Afterwards, wash the face starting at the
forehead, down to the cheek, nose, chin and
neck ending at the back of the ears.
Expose the client’s far arm and place a towel To keep the bed dry. Starting at the farther side first
lengthwise underneath it eliminates contaminating a clean area once it is
Using firm long strokes, soap, rinse and dry the Gentle friction stimulates circulation and helps
arm and axilla, and cover with bath blanket remove dirt, oil and organisms
Strokes should be from distal to proximal areas This increases venous blood return
Place a folded towel on the bed next to the This is done to promote comfort and relaxation and it
client’s hand and place the basin and soap with also allows for a thorough washing of the hands and
the soap dish. Start with the farther hand. the spaces in between the fingers and removal of
debris under the nails
Wet, soap, rinse and dry the hand and cover with To avoid unnecessary exposure and chilling
a blanket afterwards
Do the same to the nearer hand
Spread the towel across the client’s chest then
lower the bath blanket to the umbilical area
Soap, rinse and dry the chest while keeping it To do so, wipe in a counter clockwise motion for the
covered with a towel farther area of the chest and a clockwise motion for
the nearer area
Remember to pay special attention to the skin To remove any accumulated dirt
folds and under the breasts
Lower the bath blanket to cover the perineal area To avoid unnecessary exposure and chilling
Soap, rinse and dry the client’s abdomen by
using downward strokes starting from the
epigastrum to the hypogatrium towards the
farther side
If the accumulated dirt in the navel is hard to To soften hard-to-remove dirt before cleaning it with
remove, you may use oil the use of cottonbuds
Return the bath blanket to the original position
Expose the client’s far leg and place a towel To protect the linen and promote comfort
Using firm long strokes, soap, rinse, and dry the
leg from the ankle to the knee and knee to thigh
to groin
Pay special attention to the back of the knee and To remove accumulated dirt in these areas
the groin
Do the same to the other leg
Spread the towel across the bed under the feet
and place the basin on the towel in between the
Bring the necessary equipment and place it on
the towel
Place the farther foot in the basin while To promote comfort and relaxation and reduce strain
supporting the ankle and heel with your hand and discomfort. Just like the hands, this allows a
and the leg with your arm thorough cleaning of the foot particularly in hard-to-
reach areas
Do the same for the other foot
Wash the equipment as well as glove hands Because they are contaminated
Change washcloth and bath towel
Refill the basin with clean water
Lay a towel under the buttocks To protect the bed
Ask the client about their preferences regarding Providing perineal self-care mat decrease
perineal care and give instructions. Make a mitt embarrassment. Effective perineal care reduces
on the patient’s hand and instruct to clean from odor and the chance of infection through
the mons veneris down the perineum in a single contamination
Remove towel and wash gloves hands
Assist the client to switch to a prone or lateral To expose the back
Lower the bath blanket exposing the buttocks To maintain warmth and privacy
and lay towel on the clinet’s side
Soap, rinse and dry the client’s back and buttock
Wipe in a downward motion starting from the Fecal material near the anus can be a source of
nape to the upper buttocks going out to the microorganism. Prolonged pressure on the sacral
further side. area or other bony prominences may compromise
circulation and lead to the formation of decubitus
Do the same to the other side
Using downward strokes, soap, rinse and dry the
farther buttocks starting from the center towards
the side, paying attention to the gluteal folds
towards the anal area
Observe for any unusual conditions on this part
Wash gloved hands and wash cloth
Do the same to the other side and clean the anus
Remove the gloves and dispose properly
If it is not contraindicated, offer a back rub This improves circulation to the tissues and aids
Place towel on the side To catch any excess product used for massaging the
client and protect the client from skin irritation
Assist the client to return to their previous position
Assist the client with oral hygiene
Help the client to put on a new gown To promote warmth and comfort of the client
Groom the hair
Remove towel underneath the pillow Hair is lost during combing and the towel collects
loose hair so it must be removed to contain the
Assist to client to clean and trim fingernails and Nails post-bathing are soft thus it is easy to trim or
toenails if necessary clean
Place towel to catch out nails
Change the bed linen following the procedure of To promote medical asepsis and comfort
making an occupied bed
Remove all the equipment used including the soiled To make the room clean and tidy.
linen and bring them to the utility room. Wash the
used equipment if necessary and return to its proper
Wash hands To deter the spread of microorganisms
Record any significant observations then report to A careful record is important for planning and
the CI and headnurse or attending physician individualizing the client’s care

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