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Modals of


Nelida Moreno
1. You must stay home 7. You have to stay away from other

2. You must eat hot food

8. You have to cough or sneeze into
a disposable tissue

3. You must eat vitamin c

9. You don't have to share clothes

4. You must disinfect all things 10. You don't have to touch your

5. You must wash your hands often 11. You need to practice something
you like during quarantine

6. You have to use face masks 12. You need to prevent food
13. You don't need to panic 18. you will need to wifi

14. You need to read a book 19. you will need to bottled water

20. you will need to make calls to

15. You need to do an online course
communicate with people
that you like

16. You will need to cleaning


17. you will need to medications

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