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MATH2913 : Affine   Instructor: RIAZ AHMED

      Calculus I

This course deals with Affine Geometry and will help students to develop a better understanding of geometry from
multiple standpoints. The course focus on Vector spaces and affine geometry, theorems, Euclidean Geometry.

After studying this course the students should be able to:

      understand knowledge about the axiomatic approach to geometry from a logical, historical, and pedagogical point
of view
basic concepts of Affine Geometry, Affine spaces and Platonic Polyhedra

After studying this course, the student should be able to understand:

Vector spaces and affine geometry:
      Euclidean geometry:
Orthogonal transformations:
Platonic polyhedra

Reading Material
Term Paper
Any other Teaching-Learning Tool

Notes on Geometry by E. Rees Published by Springer (Year: 2004)

Groups and Symmetry by M. A. Armstrong Published by Springer (Year: 1998.)

      Fundamentals of Modern Elementary Geometry by H. Eves Published by Jones and Bartlett Publishers International,
(Year: 1992.)

      The Poincare Half-Plane A Gateway to Modern Geometry, by S. Stahl, Published by Jones and Bartlett Publishers
International (Year: 1993.)
 Exam Type Percentage(%) Consideration

Quiz 25 Take Average of All

Assignments 25 Take Average of All
Final Term 40 Take Average of All
Class Participation 10 Take Average of All

Week   Contents  Tasks/Activities

Vector spaces and affine geometry:

1 Collinearity of three points
Ratio AB/BC.
Linear combinations and linear dependent set versus affine combinations
2 and affine dependent sets. Classical theorems in affine geometry:
3 Ceva Assignment 1
Affine subspaces, affine maps.
4 Quiz 1
Dimension of a linear subspace and of an affine subspace.
Euclidean geometry:
5 Scalar product,
Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
Norm of a vector,
6 distance between two points, Assignment 2
Angles between two non-zero vectors.
Pythagoras theorem,
7 Quiz 2
Parallelogram law
Cosine and sine rules.
Elementary geometric loci.
9 Mid term Mid term
Orthogonal transformations:
Isometries of plane (four types)
11 Isometries of space (six types). Assignment 3
12 Orthogonal bases Quiz 3
Platonic polyhedra
Euler theorem on finite planar graphs.
14 Classification of regular polyhedra in space. Assignment 4
15 Classification of regular polyhedra in space. Quiz 4
16 Isometries of regular polygons and regular polyhedra.
17 Final term Final term

Plagiarism and Intellectual Property Policy:

Reproduction of the writing or literary work or concepts or inventions of another person as one's own product without writing proper
acknowledgment to the actual author, willfully or unintentionally, is termed as plagiarism. The actual author has a right to bring a lawsuit for
unauthorized use of his/her work against the plagiarist. University of Central Punjab discourages plagiarism and warns students to be careful
while using someone else's work in their written work to meet requirements of a course or a degree. It may be clarified that quotes which are brief
or are acknowledged as quotes do not constitute plagiarism.

Be watchful - Every written material/assignment shall come under the careful scrutiny of others. Do ensure that published work of others is
properly cited; source of unpublished material obtained from lectures, oral communication or interviews are duly acknowledged. UCP's statutes
2004 - Clause 22 at Chapter 15 and UCP regulations 2005 - Clause 8.18 and Clause 13 at Chapter 13 deal with plagiarism and intellectual property
rights, which may be consulted by the UCP students and employees.

A fellow student, a Faculty member or a member of the UCP Administration can report any instance of plagiarism to the Dean of the Faculty, who
after ascertaining extent of Plagiarized material will determine penalty against the student according to UCP Regulations, 2005.

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