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University of Caloocan City

College of Education
English Department
Midterm Examination
Purposive Communication

Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ____________

Section: ______________________________ Date: _____________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read and understand each question/statement. Write your answer in CAPITAL LETTER. NO
ERASURE, there will deduction in any form of erasure.

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer on your answer sheet.

1. What do you call the content of communication?

a. language b. message c. symbols d. cues

2. What process involves the conversion of a message into groups of words, symbols, gestures, that present
ideas or concepts?
a. encoding b. decoding c. feedback d. communication

3. What do you call the form of communication that conveys a message consisting of word?
a. verbal b. non-verbal c. spoken d. written

4. Which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective communication?

a. eliminate noise b. communicate overload c. distorting information d. distance

5. ______ is the person or thing attempting to share information.

a. receiver b. sender c. feedback d. decoding

6. What is the type of communication that is designed to inform, persuade, or entertain an audience?
a. Dyadic communication c. Public communication
b. Small group Communication d. Interpersonal Communication

7. The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured
and conversational way. Also used by a particular country or community.
a. communication b. language c. speech d. language acquisition

8. The act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood
signs, symbols, and semiotic rules.
a. communication b. language learning c. speech d. language acquisition

9. What is misunderstanding?
a a fight
b. a disagreement
c. when two people agree on something
d. when someone takes something in a way that it was not meant to be taken

10. What is the primary purpose of communication?

a. To use technology
b. To sell your mixtape
c. To establish contact between sender and receiver
d. To send message between senders and receivers

11. Communication is when the sender speaks and the _________ accurately decodes its meaning.
a. sender b. receiver c. message d. feedback

12. ___________ is the receiver’s response to the sender’s message that indicates understanding.
a. hearing b. seeing c. encoding d. feedback

13. _______ barriers include environmental, visual, and physical distractions?

a. internal b. external c. semantic d. all of the above
14. Which of the following is NOT a process in oral communication?
a. encoding b. transmission c. decoding d. speech

15. Which of the following is NOT an element of communication process?

a. sender b. receiver c. feedback d. barriers

16. Which of the following is an example of verbal communication?

a. eye movements b. gestures c. video d. facial expressions

17. Which is NOT true about non-verbal communication?

a. Adds much of the feeling and emotion that a sender wants to give to a message
b. Often has more effect than verbal on the meaning receivers give a message
c. Behavior that communicates but does not use written or spoken words
d. Any form of handwriting, printed memo, or report

18. Which is a disadvantage of written communication?

a. Retrievable
b. Almost permanent
c. Comprehension is better because of rereading
d. Receiver must first read the message before interpreting and responding to it

19. What do you the type of presentation format that is based on 20-slides with 20 second time allotment?
a. Multimedia presentation c. Pecha Kucha presentation
b. Power point presentation d. none of the above

20. Which is NOT an element of multimedia?

a. text b. audio c. video d. gesture

21. Which of the following words is classified as casual type of speech?

a. Words of endearment like love, mine and alike.
b. The use of slang words such as wasshup.
c. Language use in a job interview.
d. Classroom recitation.

22. Which type of speech is considered as the most formal type of communication?
a. frozen b. consultative c. intimate d. formal

23. Which of the 5 C’s of effective communication refers to being specific?

a. courtesy b. clarity c. consciousness d. concreteness

24. This style is private and occurs between or among close family members or individuals.
a. casual b. intimate c. consultative d. formal

25. Which of the following is NOT a reason that cultural sensitivity is important?
a. Our culture influences many aspects of our lives.
b. Cultural sensitivity allows us to respond in a respectful and appropriate manner to different types of people
in a way that recognizes and affirms their worth, regardless of their cultural background.
c. People who are culturally sensitive are able to effectively function in other cultures.
d. Cultural sensitivity allows people to learn how to offend other people.

For items 26-30, identify the purpose of the selection.

a. narrative b. descriptive c. expository d. persuasive

26. You go on a hiking trip across Europe. Throughout your journey, you keep a journal in which you describe the
scenes, people, buildings, plants, animals and everything else you encounter. What type of writing is it?

27. You have just been hired as the restaurant critic for your local newspaper. For your first assignment, you visit a
new restaurant and discover what you consider to be the best seafood in the area. You write a critique telling
the readers to check out this new restaurant. What type of writing is it?
28. You have a big exam for world history on Friday. You realize you haven't done any of the reading
assignments. You spend all night reading several chapters from the textbook. What kind of writing is in your

29. You write a business letter to a company telling them about your latest projects. What kind of writing is it?

30. You write a personal experience article about being trapped on Mount Everest for five days and how you
survived. You send the article to a magazine to see if they will accept it for publication. What type of writing is

For items 31-40, classify each of the following communication strategies. Write VC for verbal communication,
NVC for non-verbal communication, and VSC for visual communication.
31. fax 36. Handshake
32. memorandum 37. Voice tone
33. body language 38. hugging
34. email 39. Facial expressions
35. webpages 40. Signage

II. Essay. Answer the following topic/questions directly and briefly.

A. Define what communication is. (2pts)

B. How does communication process take place? (3pts)
C. Illustrate the Communication Process. (10pts)
D. How does communication affect globalization? (5pts)
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. D
18. D
19. C
20. D
21. B
22. A
23. D
24. B
25. D
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. A
31. VC
32. VC
33. NVC
34. VC
35. VC
36. NVC
37. NVC
38. NVC
39. NVC
40. VSC

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