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Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506

Validation of a hybrid life-cycle inventory analysis method

Robert H. Crawford
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia
Received 24 October 2006; received in revised form 2 March 2007; accepted 16 March 2007
Available online 7 May 2007


The life-cycle inventory analysis step of a life-cycle assessment (LCA) may currently suffer from several limitations, mainly concerned
with the use of incomplete and unreliable data sources and methods of assessment. Many past LCA studies have used traditional
inventory analysis methods, namely process analysis and input–output analysis. More recently, hybrid inventory analysis methods have
been developed, combining these two traditional methods in an attempt to minimise their limitations. In light of recent improvements,
these hybrid methods need to be compared and validated, as these too have been considered to have several limitations. This paper
evaluates a recently developed hybrid inventory analysis method which aims to improve the limitations of previous methods. It was
found that the truncation associated with process analysis can be up to 87%, reflecting the considerable shortcomings in the quantity of
process data currently available. Capital inputs were found to account for up to 22% of the total inputs to a particular product. These
findings suggest that current best-practice methods are sufficiently accurate for most typical applications, but this is heavily dependant
upon data quality and availability. The use of input–output data assists in improving the system boundary completeness of life-cycle
inventories. However, the use of input–output analysis alone does not always provide an accurate model for replacing process data.
Further improvements in the quantity of process data currently available are needed to increase the reliability of life-cycle inventories.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Life-cycle assessment; Life-cycle inventory; Input–output analysis; Hybrid analysis; Embodied energy

1. Introduction flows are quantified. The limitations associated with LCI

have a subsequent impact on the reliability of overall LCA
There are a range of methods available for assessing the findings.
environmental impacts of products. Whilst many of these A greater level of completeness and reliability in LCI is
methods have proved adequate to an extent for a particular needed to permit a more accurate and precise assessment of
purpose, they are characterised by many disadvantages. the life-cycle environmental loadings from the manufacture
Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is one of the most popular of a particular product. A recently developed approach of
tools for evaluating the environmental impact that a assessing the life-cycle inputs to a product that attempts to
particular product or process has throughout its entire fill in the ‘gaps’ of previous methods of LCI has been
life. Although LCA is currently considered by many to be proposed (Suh, 2002; Treloar, 1997). This newly developed
the most appropriate and reliable tool for assessing these method of LCI, namely hybrid LCI, combines both process
environmental impacts, it can suffer from a number of and I–O data. Hybrid LCI methods based on process data
limitations. The most significant of these limitations is the have shown to be incomplete. Hybrid LCI methods based
incompleteness and lack of reliability associated with on I–O data involve substituting available process data into
current inventory data sources, both process and inpu- an I–O model minimising the errors associated with
t–output (I–O) data. This stage of an LCA is referred to as process-based hybrid LCI methods. Recent improvements
life-cycle inventory (LCI) analysis, where input and output to this hybrid LCI method include the use of current I–O
data and the inclusion of capital input data. However, until
Tel.: +61 3 8627 6000; fax: +61 3 8627 6060. now, this LCI method has not yet been broadly tested for
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R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506 497

results than traditional LCI methods based on process or the level of system completeness is not even able to be
I–O data alone. estimated, validation can be very difficult. This issue can
The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and have a much greater impact when considering the
completeness of an I-O-based hybrid LCI analysis method. environmental impacts of a single product or process. In
this case, I–O data may be useful for assessing the system
2. Background boundary completeness.
The second base method of LCI is I–O analysis. This
It is widely accepted that LCA is one of the best tools for method uses national average data for each sector of the
environmental assessment of a wide range of products and economy and is considered by many researchers to be more
processes. However, it is arguably best suited to primary or comprehensive than process analysis (e.g. inter alia Lave et
secondary industrial processes. LCA can be used to assess al., 1995; Lenzen, 2000, 2001a; Leontief, 1966; Suh and
and evaluate the impacts that products or processes have Huppes, 2002; Treloar, 1997, 1998). This method has a
on the environment over their entire life, from ‘cradle to systemically complete system boundary, which can there-
grave’. The LCI step is considered one of the most crucial fore potentially solve the major drawback of the process
steps involved in any LCA. Although LCI methods may be analysis method. However, I–O analysis is generally used
appropriate for assessing the environmental impacts of as a ‘black box’, with little understanding of the values
various products, there is a need to re-evaluate the being assumed in the model for each process.
adequacy of existing LCI methods in light of an increasing Furthermore, because they are based on many inherent
focus towards greenhouse gas emission reduction and the assumptions appropriate for national modelling, a perfect
current improvements to hybrid LCI methods. I–O model may not result in valid results for a particular
Inventory analysis involves the collection of data and product (Carnegie Mellon University, 2002; Suh, 2000).
calculations in order to quantify the inputs and outputs to Conversely, imperfect I–O data may provide reasonable
the product system over its entire life-cycle. The inputs may estimates for particular products. For this reason, the I–O
include energy and natural resources, whilst outputs may model should be seen as a scoping tool or an estimation
include emissions to air, water and land (ISO 14041, 1999). method for missing data from the process analysis method.
The extent of this analysis, and the two subsequent steps of While I–O analysis is systemically complete, some I–O
an LCA (impact assessment and interpretation), depends models are inappropriately constructed, and may leave out
on the scope and goals defined in the first step of an LCA. significant aspects of the economy (for example, capital
The inventory analysis step is one of the most time and cost investment, Lenzen 2001a; Lenzen and Treloar, 2004).
consuming processes in an LCA (Suh and Huppes, 2002). Some of the other main limitations of I–O analysis include:
If the scope of the study is not adequately defined, excessive the age of the I–O data; homogeneity assumption;
time may be wasted obtaining and analysing data that is proportionality assumption; the conversion of economic
beyond the scope required for the intended purpose of the data to energy data; the use of national averages; and
study. sector classification and aggregation (Lenzen, 2001a; Miller
The accuracy and extent of an LCI is dependent on and Blair, 1985).
which of the main analysis methods is chosen: process Hybrid techniques attempt to combine the benefits of
analysis, I–O analysis or hybrid analysis (Treloar, 1997). both base methods, while minimising their respective
The two base methods of LCI are susceptible to different limitations. Process-based hybrid analysis (Bullard et al.,
types of errors and have different benefits. The most widely 1978) is almost exclusively based on incomplete process
used of these methods, process analysis, can be significantly data, suffering similar limitations to those outlined
incomplete. This is primarily due to the complexity of the above for the two base LCI methods (Treloar, 1998). The
upstream requirements for goods and services (Lave et al., I–O systemic completeness is only applied to the compo-
1995). The magnitude of this incompleteness varies with nents of the model upstream from the process data.
the type of product or process and depth of study but can Downstream and horizontal truncation can still occur, to
be 50% or more (Lenzen, 2001a; Treloar, 1998). While the significant levels. To some extent, these errors can be
accuracy of the process analysis method can be high, it is compounded, despite the practitioner’s best efforts to
only relevant to the particular system considered and can minimise them.
be subject to considerable variability. These errors can be I–O-based hybrid analysis combines process data and
exacerbated as more and more process data are collected, I–O data in a different way to process-based hybrid
due to the flawed paradigm. analysis, in order to exclude downstream and horizontal
Results of studies by Bullard et al. (1978), Lenzen and truncation. The direct inputs to a specific product or
Treloar (2003), Miller and Blair (1985) and Peet and Baines process being studied are calculated using process analysis.
(1986) have suggested that even extensive process-based While process data are not usually easy to obtain, its use
inventories for complex products do not achieve sufficient maximises the reliability of the analysis at this stage.
system completeness. This is not as important in some Further upstream indirect processes are accounted for by
comparative studies as the system completeness may be either further applications of process analysis or I–O
identical for both products or processes. However, when analysis when the process data are unavailable or is
498 R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506

considered too time consuming to collect relative to the when applied to an individual product. This process can
significance of the process in question (Treloar, 1997). The then introduce further errors, which are often ignored (e.g.
I–O model is disaggregated to allow the activities for which Bullard et al., 1978).
process data are available to be subtracted, leaving a Other methods have since been developed to overcome
remainder that can be applied to the study in a holistic this limitation in error analysis by focusing on the outputs
manner to fill all the remaining gaps (as demonstrated in of the LCI methods. Gap analysis is used to assess the
Treloar et al., 2001). The use of this method can help to difference between process analysis results and hybrid
minimise time by determining the inputs to a product that analysis results, as an evaluation of the completeness of
may not be significant, in order to focus on those that are. each method (Treloar, 1998). Comparative analysis is used
The I–O-based hybrid analysis method proposed by to compare the I–O values for the process analysis
Treloar (1997) has been used in several life-cycle and components that are used in an I–O-based hybrid analysis
embodied energy studies (Crawford, 2004; Crawford et al., as a measure of the reliability associated with the I–O data
2003, 2006), which have demonstrated the possible (Treloar, 1998). These last two methods are best used
significance of the choice of LCI methods. This I–O-based together to evaluate and compare LCI methods as applied
hybrid analysis method is currently preferred, but has yet to individual products, thus overcoming the limitations of
to be evaluated against the base LCI methods and the error analysis (Bullard et al., 1978). These methods have
process-based hybrid analysis method, particularly con- been developed and demonstrated by Treloar (1998),
sidering recent improvements to the method. however they have only been applied to a single residential
The inputs required through the manufacture of building. This study by Treloar (1998) showed that there
machinery and other capital equipment have traditionally was both a large gap between process and hybrid analysis
been ignored in LCI. This is due to the difficulty in results (49%) and little correlation between I–O and
determining the time that the equipment was used in process analysis values.
production for amortising these inputs (Alcorn, 1997) and
in calculating the inputs embodied in products through the 3. Method
purchase and use of capital equipment. These inputs are as
much a part of a products life-cycle as is any other direct or In order to assess the I–O-based hybrid analysis method,
indirect input. Casler (1983) has demonstrated that the to provide a more accurate representation of its complete-
quantification of capital inputs can be easily achieved ness and reliability, the results from this LCI method need
through the use of I–O data. Gorree et al. (2002) and to be compared to the results from traditional and other
Lenzen (2001b) have estimated capital inputs to account hybrid LCI methods. Each method needs to be applied to a
for between 10% and 17% of total inputs of an LCI. range of case studies, to ensure a range of LCI values are
Unlike previous LCI methods, the I–O-based hybrid produced at various levels of detail. This level of analysis
analysis method evaluated in this study considers these has not previously been performed. The application to a
capital inputs, and hence provides a more comprehensive range of different case studies will improve the relevance of
inventory assessment. the study across the types of products likely to be evaluated
Whilst there are many problems and limitations asso- in the future.
ciated with current LCI methods, particularly through the The significance of the production and consumption of
application of the methodological processes, the need to energy towards global environmental impacts has led to
improve LCI methodology has been the focus of research more streamlined methods of LCA, such as life-cycle
worldwide. These improvements involve minimising the energy analysis (LCEA), being developed. Due to the
current problems with LCI in order to maximise the level significance of energy consumption from within the
of reliability and completeness of the results obtained, to manufacturing and construction industries in particular,
enable a more accurate reflection of the environmental this assessment of the I–O-based hybrid analysis method is
impacts of a particular product. based on energy as the sole parameter, in particular, the
In the past, researchers have used a number of embodied energy component of an LCEA.
techniques to evaluate the various methods of LCI. These The steps involved in the I–O-based hybrid analysis
have included error analysis (various types, including method are detailed below. For an I–O-based hybrid
truncation error analysis), gap analysis and comparative analysis, the steps for process analysis, I–O analysis and
analysis (Lenzen, 2001a; Treloar, 1998). Error analysis is process-based hybrid analysis are also required (Fig. 1).
used to assess the accuracy associated with the use of I–O
data for modelling system inputs (Lenzen, 2000). Trunca-
tion error analysis is used to assess the extent of Process analysis Input-output analysis

incompleteness associated with the use of process data in

a process-based hybrid analysis context (Bullard et al.,
1978). Error analysis evaluates initial data inputs. How- Process-based hybrid analysis Input-output-based hybrid analysis
ever, often these are so complex that the sum of the effects
of the errors in a national I–O model can be quite different Fig. 1. Outline of I–O-based hybrid analysis framework.
R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506 499

3.1. Input–output-based hybrid analysis Once the hybrid material energy intensities had been
calculated, they were multiplied by the delivered quantities
An I–O-based hybrid analysis uses the data gathered of basic materials of the product. These individual material
from a traditional process analysis, and the result of a embodied energy figures were then summed to obtain the
process-based hybrid analysis and increases the complete- process-based hybrid embodied energy value for the
ness of the LCI even further, with the use of I–O data. For product.
this study, process data were derived based on the The next step was to extract the inputs from the relevant
quantities of material inputs into the main products and sector of the economy from which the product belongs, by
a material energy intensity database (Grant, 2002). using an algorithm developed by Treloar (1997) and the
National I–O tables, produced by the Australian Bureau energy-based model based on 1996–1997 I–O data. Then,
of Statistics (ABS), using I–O data for Australia for the from the inputs extracted, the inputs that have been
financial year 1996–1997 were combined with national counted in the process analysis inventory are identified.
energy data from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural The total energy intensity of each of the inputs represented
and Resource Economics (ABARE) to develop an energy- in the process analysis inventory is subtracted from the
based I–O model of the economy. A number of these total energy intensity of the sector. If a process analysis
models have been developed for Australia (e.g. Lenzen, value is available then the relevant input from the input
2000; Lenzen and Lundie, 2002; Treloar, 1997). The I–O extraction must be subtracted from the total energy
tables were divided into 106 sectors of the Australian intensity of the sector to avoid double counting. The
economy (for example; ‘household appliances’, ‘road remainder of the unmodified inputs (the total energy
transport’, ‘residential construction’). Each one of these intensity of the sector minus those inputs subtracted, in GJ/
economic sectors has a respective direct energy intensity $1000) are then multiplied by the price of the product ($)
and total energy intensity, both quantified in GJ/$1000 of and divided by 1000 to give the additional energy inputs for
product, representing the amount of energy used directly the product, in GJ. The process-based hybrid analysis
and in total to produce $1000 worth of products from that value is then added to this figure, minus the direct energy
specific sector. It is therefore necessary to determine to component (as this is included in the remainder of
which sector the product being studied belongs in order to unmodified inputs), to give the I–O-based hybrid embodied
determine the energy intensities to be applied to that energy total:
product. The input–output theory underlying these calcu-
lations is extensively documented elsewhere (Lenzen, $BP
EEt ¼ QM  W  EIM þ ðTEIn  TEIM Þ  , (2)
2001b; Leontief, 1966; Miller and Blair, 1985; Proops, 1000
1977) and shall therefore not be repeated here. The retail
price of the product was obtained from the supplier of the where EEt is the total embodied energy through I–O-based
product, or if this was unavailable, for example for hybrid analysis; QM the quantity of materials in the basic
buildings, an estimate was made based on literature and/ product; W the wastage multiplier of the respective
or necessary assumptions. material; EIM the material hybrid energy intensity; TEIn
The delivered quantities of basic materials obtained the total energy intensity of the I-O sector (n) to which the
through the process analysis were then used as the basis for product being assessed belongs; TEIM the total energy
a process-based hybrid analysis. For this, a number of intensity of the I–O path representing the basic material;
hybrid material energy intensity figures, combining both and $BP the total price of the basic product.
process and I–O data, were derived. A hybrid energy Table 1 provides an example of the I–O-based hybrid
intensity figure was calculated for all of the most common LCI assessment method.
basic materials, such as steel, timber and glass. These
figures are expressed in GJ/unit (usually t, kg, m2 or m3) of Table 1
Example of an I–O-based hybrid analysis
material and represent a simplified method of incorporat-
ing process data into the analysis, giving the amount of Process Embodied energy
energy embodied in, for example, a kilogram of that (GJ)
Process data for quantified materials 15.99
Input–output data used to fill upstream gaps 14.31
$M Process-based hybrid analysis total 30.30 (a)
EIM ¼ PEIM þ ðTEIn  TEIM Þ  , (1)
Input–output data for specific product sector
where EIM is the hybrid energy intensity of the basic Direct energy intensity 0.51 (b)
Total energy intensity 64.10 (c)
material; PEIM the material process energy intensity; TEIn Inputs covered by process data 24.27 (d)
the total energy intensity of the I–O sector (n) to which the Remainder (c–b–d) 39.33 (e)
basic material belongs; TEIM the total energy intensity of Total (a+e) 69.63
the I–O path representing the basic material; and $M the Proportion of process data 23%
total price of the basic material. N.B. Figures may not sum due to rounding.
500 R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506

Traditionally, the consideration of capital inputs, such as more comprehensive I–O-based hybrid analysis method.
the machinery used for the manufacture of materials, has This gap can also be expressed as the percentage of
been ignored. Even some of the most recent and completeness of the process analysis value when compared
comprehensive LCI methods and studies have neglected to the respective I–O-based hybrid analysis value:
to include these capital inputs, mainly due to difficulties
involved in its collection. Lenzen (2001b) and Lenzen and GAP ¼  100,
Treloar (2004) have shown that these capital inputs may be
quite significant. Recent improvements to the hybrid LCI where PA is the embodied energy of the main product
method evaluated in this study include the consideration of through process analysis and IOHA the embodied energy
these capital inputs and the use of a model based on of the main product through I–O-based hybrid analysis.
1996–1997 I–O data, providing a more comprehensive and Comparative analysis is used to evaluate the process
complex system boundary than ever before. analysis and I–O analysis values for the whole product,
individual components and materials, as a measure of
3.2. Evaluation method reliability. The I–O analysis values are those extracted from
the I–O model which are, through the process of the I–O-
Many previous evaluation methods have been appro- based hybrid analysis, substituted with process data. The
priate for evaluating the results from traditional LCI process analysis values are therefore those substituted in
methods, such as I–O analysis or process analysis. place of the I–O figures. These two comparable figures are
However, a method is needed to evaluate an LCI method then evaluated to compare the I–O values against the
that combines both process and I–O data; in this case, I–O- process analysis values.
based hybrid analysis. Gap analysis and comparative
analysis are considered most appropriate for this evalua- 3.3. Application of evaluation methods to case studies
tion of the I–O-based hybrid analysis method as they focus
on the evaluation of final LCI results, rather than initial In order to evaluate the reliability and completeness of
data inputs, minimising the errors and limitations asso- the I–O-based hybrid analysis method, the evaluation
ciated with similar previous evaluations. The use of two techniques are applied to a range of different components,
methods for evaluating the I–O-based hybrid analysis materials, systems and products and at different levels of
method is necessary since currently no single method exists detail. Due to the significant environmental concerns and
for evaluating both completeness and reliability of hybrid complexity associated with the construction and operation
LCI methods. Whilst gap analysis is capable of assessing of buildings (Treloar, 1998), the items selected were those
the gap between the process analysis and I–O-based hybrid related directly to buildings. A number of case studies were
analysis results, to measure the completeness of the process identified, all of which required a reasonable amount of
analysis results, comparative analysis is required to process data quantities to be available to enable a
evaluate the reliability of the I–O data used in the I–O- comparison to the equivalent I–O values.
based hybrid analysis. The combination of these two Once the I–O-based hybrid analysis was applied to each
evaluation methods provides a more thorough evaluation case study and the results of the LCI determined, the
of the appropriateness of using the I–O-based hybrid evaluation methods were applied. The results obtained
analysis method. from these evaluations were then used to assess the
The following provides a description of the detailed completeness and reliability associated with the I–O-based
evaluation methods applied to the LCI results of a range of hybrid analysis method.
products, components and materials to provide a more
detailed assessment of the use of the I–O-based hybrid 3.4. Description of case studies
analysis method. The evaluation methods that have been
used for the evaluation of the LCI methods in this study The case studies selected to test the reliability and
include: completeness of the I–O-based hybrid analysis method
include two commercial office buildings, a residential
 gap analysis and building, a Velodrome (all located in Melbourne, Austra-
 comparative analysis. lia) and a number of building related products including: a
solar hot water system, building integrated photovoltaic
Gap analysis has been used to assess the difference between (BiPV) system and a washing machine.
the process analysis values and the I–O-based hybrid The first two case studies are two commercial office
analysis values for each of the case studies, as a measure of buildings. The gross floor area (GFA) of the first of these
completeness with respect to the I–O system boundary. buildings is 47 000 m2 with 8 and 15 storeys in the front and
This is done by subtracting the equivalent process analysis rear halves, respectively. The building construction type is
value from the I–O-based hybrid analysis value. The of a reinforced concrete structure, clad in precast concrete,
purpose of this is to show the embodied energy added glazed panels, aluminium framed curtain walling and
through the use of I–O data, through the application of the granite veneer panels. The roof consists of insulated steel
R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506 501

decking, and internal partitions consist of plasterboard the displacement of conventional roofing materials, as
clad steel framed and concrete walls and glazed screens. accounted for in this study.
The building services were also included in the analysis. Case study seven is a typical household clothes washing
The second commercial office building has a GFA of machine. The washing machine used in the study consists
11 588 m2 over three storeys and consists of a 200 mm thick of a large number of parts, including metal panels and
reinforced concrete slab substructure; steel columns; steel frame; switches; control units; hoses; fixings; pump;
roof frame and decking; aluminium framed toughened motors; pulleys; and packaging. These parts are made
glass glazed roof; precast concrete and aluminium cladding from a number of main materials including steel, plastic,
panels for external walls; frameless toughened glass solar aluminium, copper and cardboard.
double glazed windows; aluminium framed toughened These seven case studies have been summarised in Tables
glass curtain walls, louvers, screens and windows; and 2 and 3.
internal walls of single skin brickwork, 10 mm plasterboard The quantities of materials used in each of the case
clad steel and 200 mm thick autoclaved aerated concrete studies were determined. Information regarding compo-
blocks. nents, materials, masses, areas and volumes was obtained
The third case study is a single storey detached brick from various public domain sources. These usually
veneer house with a GFA of 109 m2. The substructure of included the architectural plans, specifications, bill of
the building consists of a timber sub-floor on concrete quantities, manufacturers of the various products or
stumps and the external walls are of brick veneer through assumptions where information was unavailable
construction. The structural framing is a traditional timber or unknown.
frame clad with plasterboard internally and the roof is clad
with concrete tiles. The ceiling is insulted with R2.5 4. Results and discussion
fibreglass batts, and the walls and roof have reflective foil.
The windows are single glazed and timber framed. The The LCI results of each of the case studies, based on
appliances and external structures, including a timber deck each of the LCI methods, are shown below (Tables 4 and
and pergola and concrete porch, were also included in the 5). These results show both the process analysis and I–O
analysis. analysis proportions for the I–O-based hybrid analysis
The fourth case study is the Velodrome used for the 2006 values.
Melbourne Commonwealth Games and consists of a two- A large range of values is evident for the buildings
storey building, with a GFA of 8947 m2, which also studied (Table 4). These results range from 6.4 GJ/m2 for
includes change rooms, function rooms and spectator the residential building, using I–O analysis, to 29.4 GJ/m2
seating. The construction of the building incorporates for the first commercial building using I–O-based hybrid
concrete slabs and walls; steel trusses and framing; analysis.
metal clad roof and external walls; and aluminium
windows. Table 2
Case study five is an electric-boosted solar hot water Building case study details
system. The system used for the study is a closed circuit
Case study No. of GFA (m2) Construction type
system, comprising of a storage capacity of 300 L and a storeys
collector area of 3.96 m2. The storage tank consists of a
steel container with steel end domes; vitreous enamel Commercial 8/15 47 000 Concrete frame
lining; magnesium anode; polyurethane foam insulation; building (1) and precast
steel jacket; aluminium outer casing; and polypropylene
Commercial 3 11 588 Steel frame and
casing ends. The collectors consist of a steel absorber plate building (2) precast concrete
with a black polyester powder coat finish, surrounded by Residential 1 109 Brick veneer
polyester insulation, cased in aluminium, with a tempered building (3)
glass top surface and aluminium glazing angles. Velodrome (4) 2 8947 Steel frame and
precast concrete
The sixth case study is a BiPV system. A BiPV system is
commonly used in buildings to generate electrical energy
through the conversion of solar energy, offsetting the Table 3
energy consumed in the everyday operation of a building. Building product case study details
This system consists of two mono-crystalline silicon (c:Si)
75 W photovoltaic modules in aluminium frames with a Case study Price ($) Size Description
total area of 1.26 m2. Each module contains silicon cells Solar hot water 2986 300 L tank, Electric
laminated between sheets of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) system (5) 3.96 m2 boosted, two
and high-transmissivity low-iron 3 mm tempered glass, collector collectors
fixed to a number of timber rafters as part of a typical Building integrated 1560 1.26 m2 75 W c:Si
PVs (6) (2  0.63 m2) modules
residential roofing system. An advantage of this type of
Washing machine (7) 1050 5 kg Typical model
integrated installation is the embodied energy credit from
502 R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506

Table 4
Embodied energy of building case studies for each LCI method

Case study PA (a) (GJ/m2) I–OA (GJ/m2) PHA (GJ/m2) I–O-based hybrid analysis

Total (b) (GJ/m2) % PA value % I–O value (gap)

1 10.1 16.0 19.4 29.4 34 66

2 8.0 12.5 17.8 25.8 31 69
3 6.9 6.4 14.4 17.0 41 59
4 8.1 11.0 16.0 21.8 37 63

N.B. ‘gap’ ¼ (ba)/b  100. PA ¼ process analysis; I–OA ¼ input–output analysis; PHA ¼ process-based hybrid analysis.

Table 5
Embodied energy of building product case studies for each LCI method

Case study PA (a) (GJ) I–OA (GJ) PHA (GJ) I–O-based hybrid analysis

Total (b) (GJ) % PA value % I–O value (gap)

5 16 64 30 69 23 77
6 7.9 29 8.0 29 28 72
7 2.4 23 6.0 19 13 87

N.B. ‘gap’ ¼ (ba)/b  100.

For all of the case studies, other than the residential 64%. These figures represent the gap in traditional
building, the process analysis results were lower than the process analysis.
respective I–O analysis results. This reflects the views of A large range of values is evident for the building
Lenzen and Dey (2000) who found that process analysis products studied. These values range from 2.4 GJ for the
results are consistently lower than results calculated using washing machine using the process analysis method to
I–O analysis. The exception to this (residential building) 69 GJ for the solar hot water system using the I–O-based
may be due to any or all of the following: hybrid analysis method (Table 5).
Table 5 shows that the process analysis values of each
 an underestimation of the price of the building as used case study are considerably lower than the values
in the I–O analysis; calculated through the I–O analysis. For example, the
 a considerably large proportion of process data being process analysis value of the washing machine is 2.4 GJ,
available; compared to the I–O analysis value of 23 GJ. This may be
 other limitations associated with I–O analysis. due to only a small amount of process data being available
for these case studies or the price for the individual
The process-based hybrid analysis figures show the effect of products being higher than the I–O sector average. This
one method of combining process data and I–O data. All result also reflects the incompleteness associated with
of the building case study process-based hybrid analysis process analysis.
values are moderately higher than the respective I–O The process-based hybrid analysis values for the building
analysis values. The reason for this may be due to the product case studies are significantly lower than the
possible underestimation of the price of the buildings used respective I–O analysis values (Table 5). This may be due
in the calculation of the I–O analysis results. This may to these products being complex and/or a small amount of
mean that I–O analysis provides a significant under- process data being available. However, as was expected,
estimation of the embodied energy of the buildings studied. they are higher than the respective process analysis results.
Therefore, the results of the gap evaluation are also likely This is due to the inclusion of I–O data to fill the gaps in
to be conservative. As expected, all of the process-based the process analysis results. This contrasts with the
hybrid analysis values are also higher than the process building case study process-based hybrid analysis values,
analysis values due to the use of I–O data to fill some of the which are significantly higher than the respective I–O
gaps in the process analysis method. analysis values (Table 4).
The I–O-based hybrid analysis results show a significant The I–O-based hybrid analysis results showed a sig-
increase in the total values for the building case studies nificant increase in the total values over the process
over the process-based hybrid analysis results (Table 4). analysis and process-based hybrid analysis results for the
The percentage of the total I–O-based hybrid values made building case studies (Table 4). This was to be expected due
up of I–O data for each building case study ranges from to the use of I–O data to fill the gaps in these process-based
59% to 69% with an average across these case studies of LCI methods. However, for the building product case
R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506 503

studies, these increases are even more significant, with the able gap in process analysis and process-based hybrid
I–O-based hybrid analysis values more than double the analysis results is due to the truncation errors associated
equivalent process-based hybrid analysis values (Table 5). with process data (Lenzen, 2000, 2001a). The significance
The main reason for this may be due to the building of this gap shows that even process-based hybrid analysis
products being more complex, or only a small amount of does not always provide a comprehensive assessment of the
process data being available. These I–O-based hybrid LCI of particular products. A breakdown of the gap
analysis values are almost identical to the I–O analysis between process analysis and I–O-based hybrid analysis
values, showing that the process data collected may not results of the material inputs to each product was
have had a significant impact on the final results. This may performed to provide a more detailed and less aggregated
also be partly due to the combined errors associated with evaluation than on a whole product basis. However, on this
the data used. This indicates that there may be a lack of more detailed level, the gap between traditional process
available process data for these products. This is also analysis and I–O-based hybrid analysis results remains
reflected in the proportion of I–O data in the I–O-based significant.
hybrid analysis values for each building product case study,
ranging from 72% to 87% with an average across these
case studies of 79%. These values reflect the considerable 4.2. Comparative analysis
gap in traditional process analysis.
The results of the comparative analysis for all of the case
4.1. Gap analysis studies are shown in Fig. 2. A logarithmic scale was used to
avoid smaller values being lost for the sake of visual
The gap between the process analysis value and I–O- comparison. The initial I–O values of material inputs and
based hybrid analysis value of the building and building whole products for each case study are compared to the
product case studies ranges from 59% (residential build- modified process analysis values to determine the validity
ing), and can be up to 87% (washing machine) (up from of the I–O values, against the more reliable process analysis
80% in previous assessments, showing the increased values, in particular for use in accounting for those inputs
complexity of the improved model) (Tables 4 and 5), with which a typical process analysis does not consider. The I–O
an average gap of 70%. This evaluation has shown that values for which equivalent process data were not available
traditional process analysis suffers from a large truncation could not be compared. However, if the equivalent I–O
error, and that I–O-based hybrid analysis, through its values of the inputs for which process data have actually
increased complexity, provides a more comprehensive been collected are compared, then the results of this
evaluation of energy inputs to buildings and building comparison could apply to those I–O values used to
products. The truncation errors associated with process complete the system boundary in an I–O-based hybrid
analysis have been identified by Lenzen (2000, 2001a) to be analysis. The intent here is to indicate that the national
in the range of 50%. The results obtained from this study average I–O data are not always a perfect model for the
support Lenzen, and show that this gap is even greater for process data. A strong correlation is not required to enable
certain buildings and building products, much greater than the use of I–O data to fill the gaps in traditional process
those previously reported (Lave et al., 1995; Lenzen, 2000,
2001a; Lenzen and Treloar, 2002, 2003). 100.000
What was found to be significant in the evaluation of the
gap between process analysis and I–O-based hybrid
analysis results was that the gap for all of the building 10.000
case studies was less than the gap for any of the building
Process Value (GJ/unit)

product case studies. The reasons for this may include any 1.000
or all of the following:
 material inputs differing between buildings and building
 variations in the quality and quantity of process data 0.010
 difference in I–O total energy intensities and complexity 0.001
for building sectors (‘residential building’ and ‘other
construction’) versus building product sectors.
0.000 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000
The gap between the process-based hybrid analysis and
I-O Value (GJ/unit)
I–O-based hybrid analysis results ranged from 15% to 34%
for the building case studies and 53% to 72% for the Fig. 2. Comparison of I–O values and process values for all case studies,
building product case studies. The reason for the consider- by product and material.
504 R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506

analysis, although it would be beneficial in terms of 100%

validating the reliability of the I–O data.
With the relatively even distribution of values both
above and below the bottom-left to top-right diagonal 80%
(59% and 41% of products and materials, respectively), the
initial I–O analysis values are shown to be fairly
conservative. The I–O values used to fill gaps in the hybrid 60%

Gap (%)
model, when no process data are available, are therefore
also likely to be conservative. While this comparison shows
a strong relationship for a very small number of materials 40%
and products (17%), there is very little correlation for the
30% Ideal area
overwhelming majority of the comparisons (average
correlation of 0.67), well below what is considered to be 20%
a strong correlation (40.9).
The comparative analysis between I–O and process data
showed that the values provided by I–O data do not give an 0%
accurate indication or representation of the equivalent 0% 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
process values, on a material input or whole product level. PA v I-OA comparison
Therefore, the use of I–O data to account for that process
data which is typically not collected in an LCI may not be Fig. 3. Relationship of gap and process versus I–O value comparisons, by
material inputs and whole products.
appropriate. However, the gap in traditional process analysis
has been shown to be too large to ignore and thus, even with
the current limitations associated with I–O data, its use may Ideally, for I–O data to be shown to provide an accurate
be more beneficial than not using it at all. This current study representation of equivalent material input and whole
has shown the lack of close correlation between process and product process data values and for achieving a reliable
I–O values across a broad range of building types and and comprehensive LCI, there would be a relatively low
building products. However, due to the truncation errors gap (closer to 0% on the y-axis, and no more than 50%)
associated with process data, resulting in large gaps between and a close correlation between process and I–O values
these values and I–O-based hybrid analysis values, this is (close to 100%). This ideal situation is shown by the area
more likely to be due to the limitations of current process surrounded by the dotted line in Fig. 3. All of the points in
data in Australia, particularly the insufficient quantity and the graph lie outside this ideal area. Thus, it is again shown
possibly quality of such data. With this is mind, the aim must that there is a weak correlation between equivalent process
be to collect more process data before a more sophisticated and I–O values and that there are large truncation errors
evaluation of the I–O-based hybrid analysis method can be associated with currently available process data (as shown
made. The quality of the available Australian process data by the large gap). Due to this, it appears that I–O data do
can then be evaluated, allowing for further evaluation of LCI not provide an accurate representation of the equivalent
methods to occur. process data for material inputs and whole products. The
significant gap for all of the inputs shows the need for
4.3. Combined evaluation improvements in the completeness of process-based LCI
The relationship between the values obtained from the Due to the state of currently available Australian data,
gap analysis and the comparative analysis can be used to this level of evaluation of LCI results is considered to be
determine the further significance of the initial findings of sufficient as the errors and limitations of these current LCI
the study. This relationship is shown in Fig. 3. The gap data sources and methods restrict any more sophisticated
values, shown on the ‘y-axis’, represent the % gap between evaluation from being relevant or necessary. If it were
the process-based and I–O-based hybrid analysis results for shown that a majority of these points had a low gap and
the material inputs and whole products. The ‘x-axis’ strong correlation, then it may be possible that the current
represents the comparisons between equivalent process evaluation methods are not sophisticated enough in view of
and I–O values for the material inputs and whole products. current levels of available process data.
These values are converted to a percentage of correlation The relationship between the gap and the comparison of
between the two values. For example, a value of 100% I–O and process values showed that although there were a
would show a perfect correlation between the equivalent number of points with a fairly low gap and a higher process
process and I–O value (correlation of 1.0). A value higher value than I–O value, the majority of points showed a high
than 100% means that the process value is higher than the gap and a lower process value than I–O value. Typically,
equivalent I–O value. Therefore, a value of 0% correlation the gap between the process analysis and I–O-based hybrid
would mean that no process data were available and that analysis results ranged from 35% upwards, with the higher
the gap is 100%. proportion of these above 50% and even up to 100% in
R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506 505

some cases. In all cases this gap is significant, while the reflected by the views of Gorree et al. (2002) and Lenzen
exact degree of this gap may be dependant on a number of (2001b). As capital inputs are rarely accounted for in LCI,
factors including: the exclusion of these inputs is one reason for the
incompleteness associated with past LCI studies. The
 quantity and quality of process data available; inclusion of capital equipment inputs in the I–O model
 variation in material inputs; has shown to increase the gap between I–O-based hybrid
 energy intensity of material inputs; analysis and process analysis results even further.
 energy intensity of I–O sectors used.
5. Conclusions
For example, a particular material will have a certain I–O
total energy intensity, while the process-based energy This paper has assessed the reliability and completeness
intensity of this material may be greater than the national of an I–O-based hybrid LCI method. Traditional LCI
average due to a particular manufacturing process or methods, I–O analysis, process analysis and process-based
location. hybrid analysis, were used in this evaluation and applied
As the evaluation between the gap and comparison across a range of building types and products.
between process and I–O values has shown that none of the It was found that current levels of available process data
points have a low gap and strong correlation, it can be are insufficient. This is demonstrated by gaps of up to 87%
assumed that the quantity of currently available process shown for process analysis methods. The use of I–O data to
data are not sufficient for the LCI of buildings and building fill the gaps associated with traditional process analysis
products. However, as for I–O data, having some process methods was evaluated. The comparison between equiva-
data is better than having none at all, and may be adequate lent process and I–O values showed that I–O data do not
until more process data are collected. provide a reliable representation of the equivalent process
values for material inputs and whole products. Therefore,
4.4. Capital inputs the use of I–O data to account for inadequate or missing
process data is not reliable. However, as there is currently
Whilst the I–O-based hybrid analysis method used in this no other method for filling the gaps in traditional process
study has been in existence for a number of years, the analysis, and as I–O data are considered to be more
inclusion of capital inputs (within any method for that complete than process data and the errors possibly
matter) is a new development. Previous studies based on somewhat lower, using I–O data to fill the gaps in
the case studies used in the current study (Crawford, 2004), traditional process analysis appears to be better than not
using an I–O model based on data exclusive of capital using any data at all. This appears to be of even greater
equipment inputs showed lower results than those calcu- importance for more complex products, such as building
lated in this current study. Table 6 shows the I–O-based related products. The main advantage of the I–O-based
hybrid analysis results of these previous studies and based hybrid LCI method is that it improves the system boundary
on these results, the percentage that these capital inputs completeness. However, with the errors still evident in
contribute to the current results. process and I–O data, when conducting an LCI using either
It has been suggested in the past that capital inputs may form of data, it is essential that the potential inaccuracies
account for up to 10–17% of the total embodied energy of associated with the LCI, as a result of these errors, are
any particular product (Gorree et al., 2002; Lenzen, stated.
2001b). This study has shown that these capital inputs Whilst previous LCI studies have neglected to account
may account for up to 22% of a product’s embodied for capital energy inputs, even those based on comprehen-
energy, with an average across the buildings and building sive hybrid approaches, this study has shown the sig-
products looked at in this study, of 15%. This value is nificance of these capital inputs. Excluding these capital
inputs can result in underestimates in LCI values of up to
Table 6 This study showed that current evaluation methods are
Previous case study results and percentage of capital component in current sufficiently accurate for the data typically available. I–O-
based hybrid analysis is currently the preferred method for
Case study Previous IOHA results % Capital in current the LCI of Australian buildings and building related
(GJ/unit) results products due to its superior level of completeness when
compared to traditional methods.
1 27.2 7.5
2 23.6 8.5
3 13.4 21 6. Further research
4 19.7 10
5 54 22 This study has shown that there is a significant lack of
6 25 14
process data currently available in Australia and further
7 15 21
improvements in the quantity of this data are needed to
506 R.H. Crawford / Journal of Environmental Management 88 (2008) 496–506

increase the reliability of life-cycle inventories. Subsequent ISO 14041, 1999. Environmental Management—Life-Cycle Assessment—
re-validation of LCI methods may be necessary in the light Goal and Scope Definition and Inventory Analysis. Standards
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Lave, L.B., Cobas-Flores, E., Hendrickson, C.T., McMichael, F., 1995.
If future comparisons between equivalent process and Life-cycle assessment: using input–output analysis to estimate econo-
I–O values were to show a close correlation, then it may be my-wide discharges. Environmental Science and Technology 29 (9),
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reliable indicator of missing or inadequate process data, Lenzen, M., 2000. Life-cycle assessment of Australian transport. In:
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Acknowledgements Lenzen, M., 2001b. A generalized input–output multiplier calculus for
Australia. Economic Systems Research 13 (1), 65–92.
Lenzen, M., Dey, C.J., 2000. Truncation error in embodied energy
The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of analyses of basic iron and steel products. Energy 25, 577–585.
Assoc. Prof. Graham Treloar (The University of Mel- Lenzen, M., Lundie, S., 2002. Input–output model of the Australian
bourne) in reviewing and providing invaluable comments economy based on published 1996–97 Australian input–output data.
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versus concrete. Energy Policy 30 (3), 249–255.
Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grant, Lenzen, M., Treloar, G.J., 2003. Differential convergence of life-cycle
LP0667653 with industry partner Williams Boag Archi- inventories toward upstream production layers: implications for life-
tects, Melbourne. cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 6 (3–4), 137–160.
Lenzen, M., Treloar, G.J., 2004. Endogenising capital—a comparison of
two methods. Journal of Applied Input–Output Analysis 10, 1–11.
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