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general vocabulary Phrasal verbs 1

W rite a preposition(s) or partide(s) from the box after each verb in bold in these sentences to make
phrasal verbs. Th e meaning of each phrasal verb is in italics at the end of each sentence.

back behind down forward in into of off on out

over to up with

1. Som e parents are criticised fo r the w a y th e y b r in g e ir children, (raise)

2. T h e com m ittee m em bers f e l l .......................over plans fo r the n e w health centre, (argued)
3. Th e y refused to fa ce e ir responsibilities, w ith disastrous consequences.
(accept an unpleasant state o f affairs, and try to deal w ith it)
4. A t the last m inute w e had to c a ll ....................... o u r visit to the m useum , (n o t to go ahead w ith
som ething)
5. I can always c o u n t ....................... m y best friend to be there w h e n I need him . (rely / depend)

6. M a n y d eve lo p in g countries are failing to c a tc h ................................................... th e ir m ore developed

neighbours, (ge t to the same level)
7. As the w in d d ie s ....................... . th e heat and h u m id ity gra du ally begin to rise, (becomes less strong)

8. A n a larm ing n u m b e r o f students d r o p early every year, (leave)

9. M a jo r international com panies can't figure ....................... the p o pula rity of the anti-capitalist
m o ve m en t, (find it hard to understand)
10. If th e y exam ined the issues m ore closely, th e y w o u ld f i n d .......................the reasons fo r the changes.
11. As w e g r o w ....................... o u r priorities change, (change from being children to being adults),

12. Students can be quite creative w ith the reasons th e y give fo r n ot handing ....................... th e ir
h o m e w o rk , (giving their teachers)
13. Salaries very rarely k e e p ........................................................ the cost of living, (rise at the same speed as)
14. T h e article is very detailed, but leaves e reasons fo r dem ogra ph ic change, (does not
15. Th e lecturer p o in te d .......................all of the places on th e m ap w h e re similar incidents had occurred.
16. Before yo u w rite yo u r essay, you should lo o k ....................... the Party's history. ( research)
17. M a n y em ployees ca rrie d ....................... w o rk in g despite pressure fro m the unions, (continued)

18. Once people f a ll ....................... w ith th e ir m o rtg a ge paym ents, the y com e un d er extrem e financial
pressure fro m th e ir bank, (become late)
19. T h e first step to a healthier lifestyle is to c u t ..................................................a m o u n t o f salt you consume.
20. It is becom ing m ore co m m o n fo r people to c u t ....................... m eat fro m th e ir diet, (stop eating)

21. In the late 1990s, a lot o f large superm arket chains t o o k ......................... premises th a t had previously
been run by small, in d e pe nd e nt retailers, (assumed control)
22. W h e n co m p u te r techn o lo gy fails us, w e have to make d o ..........................m ore prim itive methods.
Th e y're called 'pe n and paper', (use something because there is nothing else available)
23. In this essay, I'd like to p u t ....................... the argum ents fo r and against globalism . (suggest or state
the case for som ething)
24. W h e n I lo o k ...................................................m y childhood, I rem em ber the m any sacrifices m y parents
m ade fo r me. (think about som ething that happened in the past)

general vocabulary
Phrasal verbs 2
Complete the second sentence in each pair w ith a phrasal verb from the box so that it has the same
meaning as the first sentence. You will need to change the verb form in m any of the sentences.

break down carry out cut back on cut off do away with do up
end up fall through hold up keep on let down let off
pull out of pull through show up sort out split up wear off
wear out work out

1. Peace talks betw een the tw o countries collapsed w h e n neither side reached an agreem ent.
Peace talks betw een the tw o c o u n trie s ....................... w h e n neither side reached an agreem ent.

2. I'm tryin g to calculate if w e 've sold m ore this year than last year.
I'm tryin g t o ....................... if w e 've sold m ore this year than last year.

3. T h e effects of the d ru g disappear after a fe w hours.

Th e effects of the d r u g ....................... after a fe w hours.

4. A lot of people exhaust themselves th ro u g h overw ork.

A lot of p e o p le .......................the m se lves........................ th ro u g h ove rw o rk.

5. Despite the severity of the disease, m any people recover w ith the help of a ppropriate drugs.
Despite th e severity of the disease, m any p e o p le ....................... w ith the help of appropriate drugs.

6. T h ro u g h careful negotiation, they w ere able to resolve the problem .

T h ro u g h careful negotiation, they w ere able t o ....................... the problem .

7. W h e n parents start to live apart, it can be particularly difficult for their children to cope.
W h e n p a re n ts ......................... it can be particularly difficult fo r th e ir children to cope.

8. A t th e opening night, o nly a fe w audience m em bers came.

A t the o p en in g night, o nly a fe w audience m e m b e rs ............................

9. T h e Australian partners stopped being a part of the deal at the last m om ent.
T h e Australian p a rtn e rs .................... the deal at the last m om ent.

10. People celebrate the Chinese N e w Year by exploding fireworks in the street.
People celebrate the Chinese N e w Year b y ....................... fireworks in the street.

general vocabulary Phrasal verbs 2
11. It is pointless relying on people to help yo u if th e y d o n 't do as th e y prom ised.

It is pointless relying on people to help you if t h e y ....................... you .............................

12. N e w g o v e rn m e n t pension plans m ean th a t m any people w ill continue w o rk in g w ell into their
N e w g o v e rn m e n t pension plans mean th a t m any people w i l l ....................... w o rk in g w ell into their

13. T h e planned changes w ere delayed because com m ittee m em bers a rgued a m o n g themselves.
Th e planned changes w e r e ....................... because com m ittee m em bers argued a m o n g themselves.

14. A t the last m inute, the plans fo r the proposed m o to rw a y d id n 't take place.
A t the last m inute, the plans fo r the proposed m o t o r w a y .........................

15. D u rin g the recession, m any w orkers in the prim ary sector becam e jobless.
D u rin g the recession, m any w orkers in the prim ary s e c to r....................... jobless.

16. Doctors did some tests on the patients.

D o c to rs ....................... some tests on the patients.

17. M in o r econom ies, such as spending less on staff costs, can often p revent a com pany sliding into
M in o r economies, such a s ....................... staff costs, can often p revent a com p an y sliding into

18. W e w ere accidentally disconnected in the m iddle o f o u r pho n e call.

W e w e re a ccid e n ta lly....................... in the m iddle o f o u r phone call.

19. Once the g o v e rn m e n t rem oved quotas, the m arket was flooded w ith cheap fo re ig n imports.
Once the g o v e r n m e n t ....................... quotas, the m arket was floode d w ith cheap fo re ig n imports.

20. It cost alm ost £8 m illion to renovate the stadium , by w hich tim e the team was in serious financial
It cost alm ost £8 m illion t o ....................... the stadium , by w h ich tim e the team was in serious
financial difficulties.

general vocabulary
Phrasal verbs 3
Complete these sentences w ith come, get, give, go or look to make a phrasal verb w ith the preposition
or particle in bold. Make sure you use the correct form of the verb in each one.

1. I loved school as a child, and never really looked forw ard to the holidays as much as th e other

2. In rural districts, it can be difficult t o .................... by w ith o u t a car.

3. Th e 'drive safely' message is finally .................... through to people, and there are n o w few er
accidents on the roads.

4. A fte r years o f decline, g o v e rn m e n t investm ent is revitalising the area, and things are finally
................... up fo r local businesses.

5. As ticket p rice s .................... up, fe w e r people g o to the cinem a, preferring instead to stay at hom e
and do othe r things.

6. I believe th a t people w h o have to ............. after elderly relatives or o th e r dependants should

receive financial support.

7. Large com panies can no lo n g e r .................... aw ay w ith d u m p in g industrial waste in rivers.

8. Even if you fail th e first tim e, you s h o u ld .....................................on tryin g.

9. Scientists.................... across the cure by accident w hile the y w e re studying the health benefits of
a rare tropical plant.

10. T h e first step to a healthier lifestyle is t o .................... up sm oking.

11. A lth o u g h m any c h ild re n ....................... up to th e ir parents, m any rebel against th e ir values and w a y
of life.

12. People w h o w a n t to k n o w h o w to .............. about starting up their o w n website should read

Websites Made Easy.

13. T h e gas fire heating th e co n tain er....................... out, and the apparatus started to cool d o w n rapidly.

14. W e decided not t o .................... through w ith o u r plans until w e had m ade e no u gh money.

15. Some people tend t o ............................................. d o w n on those w h o are less fortun a te than the y are.

16. W e alth y countries are usually able to .................... through a period of recession by d ra w in g on
financial reserves.

17. In any dispute w ith a m ajor com pany, it is usually the custom er w h o .................... off the w orst.

18. Before I handed m y essay in, I .................... through it very carefully, checking fo r mistakes.

19. People w h o live in close proxim ity to one a no the r must try t o ....................... on w ith th e ir neighbours.

20. W h e n o u r local council tried to build a ring road a ro u nd the to w n , t h e y .................... up against a
lot o f opposition.

general vocabulary Phrasal verbs 4
Th e verbs and particles in the tw o boxes can be combined to make phrasal verbs, which can then be
used to complete the sentences below.

Decide w hich phrasal verbs go into each sentence, and w rite the answers in the crossword grid. In
m any cases, you w ill need to change the form of the verb. The meaning of each phrasal verb is in
italics at the end of each sentence.

D on't forget that some phrasal verbs need tw o particles.

Th e first one has been done as an example.

opt make pick put run after against aside down

set stand take talk for in off on out
turn round up with

Clues across ( ^ )

I. A cco m m o d a tio n in some cities is so expensive th a t some people cannot even afford t o _____ the
eight w eeks' deposit th a t is required, (to make a deposit) A n s w e r = p u t d o w n
4. Th e y w e re reluctant to m ake changes, b u t w e m anaged to _____ th e m _______. (to persuade
5. Children o f t e n _____ one o f th e ir parents, either in th e ir m annerisms o r in th e w a y th e y look, (to
6. A f t e r _____ a fe w unexpected difficulties, th e y decided to scrap the project, (to stop because
som ething is in the way)
8. T h e y w e r e _____ o f the a pa rtm e nt by th e ir landlord w h e n th e y could no lo n ge r afford the rent,
and ended up living on the street, (to be forced to leave)
I I . W h e n I was at school, some teachers unfairly _____ children w h o avoided sport because the y
prefered m ore creative interests and pastimes, (to choose someone to attack o r criticise)
12. A lth o u g h m any com panies offer th e ir em ployees a pension p ro g ra m m e, m a ny decide t o _____ of
the p ro g ra m m e and make th e ir o w n arrangem ents, (to decide n o t to take pa rt in som ething)
16. A lot o f applicants expressed an interest in the job , b u t only a h a n d f u l_____ fo r th e interview, (to
arrive for a meeting, appointm ent, etc.)
19. A ir p o llutio n c a n ______asthma and o th e r chest diseases in those most vulnerable, (to start)
20. People w h o use credit cards unw isely can e asily_____ debts of thousands o f pounds every m onth.
(to make debts go up quickly)
21. By the tim e he was 18, he h a d _____ his m ind th a t he w a n te d to be fam ous, (to decide on
som ething)

Clues d o w n M

1. It's often a g o o d idea t o _____ some m on ey for a 'ra in y day', (to save m oney)
2. Tech no lo g y is m o ving at such a fast pace it is no lo n ge r possible t o _____ all the latest developm ents.
(to understand o r assimilate inform ation)
3. N o b o d y w a s _____ by the go vern m en t's false figures on un e m p lo ym e n t, (to be fooled o r tricked)

5. H e ______th e jo b th a t was offered to him , even th o u g h he was desperate fo r th e m oney, (to refuse
som ething which is offered)
7. M ost people w i l l _____ a stressful jo b if the m on ey is g o o d e n o u g h , (to tolerate som ething which
is n o t very pleasant)

general vocabulary
Phrasal verbs 4
9. He was unable to make the speech, so I was asked t o _____ and make it on his behalf, (to take the
place o f someone - often also used w ith 'for')
10. A lot of people a r e _____ the idea of w o rk in g fo r themselves because of the lack of a regular
salary, (to be discouraged from doing something, usually because o f a potentially negative
outcom e)
13. Once bad w e a th e r _____ , people ten d to stay at hom e rather than g o out. (to start and become
perm anent)
14. Doctors and medical experts w e re unable t o _____ w h y some people survived the virus and others
d id n 't, (to understand or k n o w the reason for something)
15. S h e _____ a story a bo u t ghosts in the cellar to stop us go in g d o w n there, b ut of course w e d id n 't
believe her. (to invent a story)
17. A t the age of 38 h e _____ the post of President, b u t lacked sufficient experience to be taken
seriously, (to apply for a jo b in politics, competing against other people for the same jo b )
18. Despite massive p ro m o tio n by the tourist board, it to o k a long tim e fo r tourism t o _____ again
after th e terrorist attacks, (to improve, to ge t better)


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