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Cancer: the Dark Side of Wound Healing

Article  in  FEBS Journal · June 2018

DOI: 10.1111/febs.14586


10 311

3 authors:

Gopinath Meenakshisundaram Shan Quah

University of Oxford

Prabha Sampath
Institute of Medical Biology


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Cancer: the dark side of wound healing

Gopinath M. Sundaram1, Shan Quah1 and Prabha Sampath1,2,3
1 Institute of Medical Biology, Agency for Science Technology & Research (A*STAR), Singapore City, Singapore
2 Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore City, Singapore
3 Program in Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore City, Singapore

Keywords Complex multicellular organisms have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to

angiogenesis; chronic wounds; growth rapidly resolve epithelial injuries. Epithelial integrity is critical to maintain-
factors; invasion; metastasis; squamous cell
ing internal homeostasis. An epithelial breach represents the potential for
carcinoma; wound healing
pathogen ingress and fluid loss, both of which may have severe conse-
Correspondence quences if not limited. The mammalian wound healing response involves a
P. Sampath, Institute of Medical Biology, finely tuned, self-limiting series of cellular and molecular events orches-
Agency for Science Technology & Research trated by the transient activation of specific signalling pathways. Accurate
(A*STAR), 8A Biomedical Grove, #05-41 regulation of these events is essential; failure to initiate key steps at the
Immunos, Singapore City, Singapore right time delays healing and leads to chronic wounds, while aberrant initi-
ation of wound healing processes may produce cell behaviours that pro-
Fax: +65 6464 2049
mote cancer progression. In this review, we discuss how wound healing
Tel: +65 6407 0171
E-mail: pathways co-opted in cancer lose their stringent regulation and become
compromised in their reversibility. We hypothesize on how the comman-
(Received 27 February 2018, revised 17 deering of wound healing ‘master regulators’ is involved in this process,
May 2018, accepted 13 June 2018) and also highlight the implications of these findings in the treatment of
both chronic wounds and cancer.

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with 8.8 One way in which this might be achieved is through
million attributable fatalities in 2015 alone (Source: the study of epithelial wound healing. The physiology
World Health Organization). Over 90% of cancers underlying wound healing is highly similar to that
originate in epithelial tissues, where the primary involved in cancer progression, especially in the case
tumour itself is rarely a significant cause of mortality. of epithelial cancers. While this idea is not new, the
Instead, the process of metastasis, whereby cells leave hypothesis of ‘cancer as an overhealing wound’ was
the primary tumour and colonize distant organs, is brought forward almost three decades ago, it has been
responsible for most cancer-related deaths. Under- gaining traction in recent years [1–3]. Many signalling
standing tumorigenesis and the metastatic process is pathways and molecular mechanisms which are critical
essential to the development of anticancer therapies. for wound healing have been implicated either in

BCC, basal cell carcinoma; BMP, bone morphogenetic protein; CIS, carcinoma in situ; CSC, cancer stem cell; ECM, extracellular matrix;
EGF, epidermal growth factor; EMT, epithelial–mesenchymal transition; FAK, focal adhesion kinase; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; FSTL1,
follistatin like-1; HFSC, hair follicular stem cell; HGF, hepatocyte growth factor; HIF, hypoxia inducible factor; IFESC, interfollicular epidermal
stem cell; IFNc, interferon c; IL, interleukin; lncRNA, long noncoding RNA; miRNA, microRNA; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; NET,
neutrophil extracellular traps; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; RTK, receptor tyrosine kinase; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; SMAD,
mothers against decapentaplegic homologue; TAM, tumour-associated macrophage; TAN, tumour-associated neutrophil; TERT, telomerase
reverse transcriptase; TGF, transforming growth factor; TIMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase; TNF, tumour necrosis factor;
VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; ZEB, zing finger E-box binding homeobox.

The FEBS Journal (2018) ª 2018 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 1

Parallels between wound healing and cancer G. M. Sundaram et al.

cancer cell proliferation or in metastasis [3,4]. There- markers associated with hyperproliferation and migration
fore, elucidating the link between wound healing and as early as 6 h postinjury [14]. The time taken to achieve
metastatic cancer progression may aid in the formula- wound closure depends on the severity of the injury.
tion of better strategies to combat cancer. Superficial wounds confined to epidermal tissue heal
within days without significant scarring. Full thickness
wounds involving dermal or subcutaneous tissue take
Wound healing
longer to heal and are often associated with significant
The epithelium forms a protective barrier around the scarring in adult skin [15]. While restoration of barrier
organism, guarding it from external insults. The integ- function through the formation of neoepidermis occurs
rity of epithelial tissues, such as skin, is critical to quickly, reconstitution of dermal tissue may take several
maintaining a sterile internal environment. Multicellu- months [16]. In this remodelling phase, dermal fibrob-
lar organisms have therefore evolved sophisticated lasts/myofibroblasts actively reshape the dermal matrix
means by which epithelial wounds may be rapidly by secreting collagen fibres and metalloproteinases to
repaired, incorporating highly orchestrated pro- restore it to pre-injury conditions.
grammes involving multiple cell and tissue types [5]. Cell behaviours involved in re-epithelialization are
Wound healing occurs at the cellular, tissue and very similar to those that occur during cancer initia-
organismal levels. As organismal complexity increases, tion and metastasis. One critical distinction between
there is a correlated increase in the number of compo- wound repair and cancer progression is that the
nents involved in the wound healing process [6]. This promigratory, hyperproliferative behaviour demon-
is generally accompanied by a reduction in the organ- strated by keratinocytes during wound healing is self-
ism’s regenerative capabilities. Morphologically simple limiting; keratinocytes return to a quiescent state when
organisms such as planarians are capable of regenerat- epithelial repair is complete. In contrast, loss of con-
ing a large proportion of their bodies following ampu- trol over tumour cell proliferation and migration is a
tation [7]. Vertebrate regeneration potential is hallmark of malignant cancer.
restricted to limbs and specific organs in amphibians,
while mammals have difficulty repairing all but the
Molecular similarities between wound
smallest epithelial lesions without scarring [8,9].
healing and cancer
The seminal link between wound healing and cancer
Phases of wound healing
was first proposed nearly two centuries ago [17]. Over
The cutaneous wound healing response is classically the years, multiple lines of evidence have emerged in
subdivided into overlapping phases with distinct func- support of the notion that wound healing and tumori-
tional objectives and biochemical events [10,11]. Hae- genesis are two sides of the same coin. All the major
mostasis is initiated immediately following injury. A pathways implicated in wound healing are also active
fibrin clot is formed at the wound site to minimize in cancers [1,3]. Inflammation, an essential event in the
blood loss. This fibrin plug serves as a provisional wound healing response, is a key driver for cancer
matrix for the migration of various cell types such as [18,19]. As mentioned above, enhanced proliferation
keratinocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, and a and migration of cancer cells is similar to the beha-
trap for various growth factors in the wound milieu vioural profile of wounded epithelial cells [3,20]. Extra-
[12]. The inflammatory phase is initiated with the infil- cellular matrix remodelling during later stages of
tration of circulating neutrophils at the wound site. wound healing also has its parallels in tumours, where
Resident immune cells such as Langerhans, natural cancerous tissue is capable of altering the surrounding
killer (NK) and cd T cells are activated. These release matrix to support its own growth and invasion [21].
a plethora of cytokines and chemokines which serve as The wound microenvironment is conducive to cancer
alarm signals and actively recruit systemic immune progression, as gleaned from a study performed on mice
cells to combat infection at the wound site [13]. by Stuelten et al. [22]. In this report, mice with a local
Re-epithelialization represents the most critical phase subcutaneous wound created adjacent to the site where
of wound healing, whereby keratinocytes adjacent to the breast cancer cells were injected had higher incidences of
wound edge initiate hyperproliferation and migration on tumours and developed larger tumours relative to mice
the wound bed to repair the wound. These cell behaviours with distally created wounds, implying that local injury
necessitate reciprocal interaction between keratinocytes, response may play a role in tumorigenesis. In a separate
dermal cells such as fibroblasts and immune cells. Re- study, biopsies performed on mouse mammary tumours
epithelialization is initiated rapidly; keratinocytes express induced significant lung metastatic colonization. It was

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G. M. Sundaram et al. Parallels between wound healing and cancer

proposed that inflammation associated with the local epidermal growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth fac-
wound healing response at biopsy sites contributed to tor (FGF), transforming growth factor-b families
metastasis [23]. This effect was abrogated in mice lack- (TGF-b) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF/c-MET).
ing the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6. Injury-induced
tumour growth also occurs in nonmammalian verte-
Epidermal growth factor family
brates. In a RasG12V -driven melanoma model of zebra-
fish, repeated wounding led to increased incidence of The epidermal growth factor (EGF) family is one of
melanoma formation compared to unwounded controls. the best-characterized growth factor signalling path-
This process was mediated by inflammatory neutrophils ways involved in keratinocyte proliferation and migra-
[24,25]. tion [35]. This family of growth factors includes EGF,
A relationship between wound healing and cancer heparin binding EGF (HB-EGF), transforming growth
progression may also be inferred from studies on factor-a (TGF-a), heregulin and amphiregulin [36] that
chronic wounds in diabetics. In 2015, diabetes afflicted work in both autocrine and paracrine manners. EGFR
400 million adults worldwide. About 15% of diabetic (otherwise known as ErbB11 or HER1) is a 170 kDa
patients develop nonhealing foot ulcers [26,27]. Met- transmembrane glycoprotein which belongs to the
formin, an FDA-approved drug widely used in the receptor associated tyrosine kinase (RTK) family [36].
treatment of diabetes mellitus, significantly improves EGF can also induce heterodimerization across the
the outcome of these wounds. Metformin also has a RTK family and activation of the mitogen-associated
negative effect on cancer progression [28,29]. However, protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, which promotes cell
the relationship between chronic diabetic ulcers and proliferation and migration. EGFR is predominantly
cancer is far from straightforward. Platelet derived expressed in the basal layer of the human epidermis.
growth factor (PDGF-BB), marketed as Becaplermin, Its expression is upregulated in wound edge ker-
is clinically approved for the treatment of chronic atinocytes after injury [37].
ulcers. Diabetic patients treated with Becaplermin are
at increased risk of developing cancer, implying that
The EGF pathway in wound healing,
certain drugs which accelerate wound healing may
tumour progression and metastasis
inadvertently induce cancer-promoting pathways [30].
Although wound healing and cancer are highly compli- Cell proliferation and migration, the two vital processes
cated processes, both result from coordinated regulation required for wound healing and cancer progression, are
over two relatively simple cell behaviours – migration activated by the EGFR pathway. This pathway is
and proliferation. These behaviours are shaped by inter- essential for wound healing. EGFR!/! mouse skin
actions between various cell types, including epithelial, grafted onto nude mice displayed wound healing defects
endothelial, mesenchymal and immune cells, through after full thickness injury [38]. EGFR ligands such as
growth factor/cytokine signalling networks. An example TGF-a, HB-EGF and amphiregulin are upregulated in
of such coordination may be seen during re-epithelializa- keratinocytes upon wounding [39,40]. In chronic ulcers,
tion. Keratinocyte migration over the wound bed is EGFR signalling is reduced due to a number of factors
guided by intracellular mechanisms such as cytoskeletal including cytoplasmic EGFR retention, as well as
rearrangement, as well as extracellular events such as decreased EGFR levels resulting from the protease-rich
cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions, basement mem- milieu in the wound environment [41] (Fig. 1).
brane remodelling and proteinase-mediated matrix alter- In cancer, one of the initial steps in metastasis is the
ation. Many of these events also operate during cancer dissociation of cells from the primary tumour and
progression [31–33]. A number of promigratory proteins stromal invasion. This process is accompanied by
required for keratinocyte migration are also abundantly hemidesmosome disassembly, which results from the
expressed in epithelial cancers [34]. Here we provide a dis- disruption of a6b4 integrins in response to EGFR sig-
course into the commonalities between wound healing nalling [42]. Notably, this EGF-induced disassembly
and epithelial cancers, with a focus on invasive and meta- process, which occurs during invasion and metastasis
static squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). of SCC cells in vitro and in vivo [43], also occurs dur-
ing normal epithelial cell migration. Thus, EGF-
mediated hemidesmosome disassembly represents a
Growth factor networks in wound
function present in healthy epithelia which has been
healing and cancer metastasis
co-opted by epithelial cancer cells for dissociation from
A large number of growth factors influence wound their site of origin. Nevertheless, cell dissociation from
healing and metastasis, including the members of the the primary tumour alone is insufficient for stromal

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Parallels between wound healing and cancer G. M. Sundaram et al.

Fig. 1. Schematic representing common growth factor signalling pathways that regulate key cellular processes required for wound healing and
cancer. The effect of each growth factor on various physiological processes in a healing wound is listed above. The bottom panel elucidates the
role of growth factors in processes involved in cancer growth and metastasis. Note that TGF-b decreases the proliferation of epithelial cells in
both wound healing and cancer, while promotes keratinocyte migration in wound healing and tumour-promoting processes in cancer.

invasion. In order for metastasis to progress, cancer and head and neck SCCs (cSCC & HNSCC) [49,50].
cells must degrade the basement membrane delineating In cancer tissues, EGFR expression status is positively
the epithelial compartment from the stroma. Basement correlated with lymph node involvement, tumour grade
membrane degradation requires dissolution of the and stage [21,51,52]. Recently, EGF has been shown to
extracellular matrix (ECM), involving a remodelling induce EMT and confer stem cell-like properties to
process highly similar to that which occurs during oral cancer cells through the ‘Warburg effect’ [53].
wound healing. During re-epithelialization, wound EGFR activation may also activate multiple other
edge keratinocytes form an epithelial tongue that pathways such as PI3-AKT, JAK-STAT and nuclear
migrates across the wound bed while constantly modi- factor kappa B (NF-kB) [54]. Moderate success has
fying the wound ECM [33]. In both wound healing been attained using targeted therapies against EGFR
and stromal invasion, ECM remodelling results from in the treatment of metastatic disease in multiple can-
the activities of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs). cer types including HNSCC, oesophageal, gastric, col-
MMPs are transcriptional targets of the EGFR path- orectal and lung SCC [55–59].
way [44] which degrade ECM components. Tissue inhi-
bitors of MMPs (TIMPs) exert spatiotemporal control
TGF-b signalling pathway
over MMP activity, and affect the healing status of an
acute or chronic wound [33]. The MMP2 and MMP9 TGF-b possesses three isoforms, all of which stimulate
proteins are present in wound fluids but virtually the same intracellular signalling SMADs (SMAD2/3)
absent from normal skin [45]. Increased MMP9 while performing different functions in development
expression is associated with poor healing in chronic and tissue homeostasis [60]. In the canonical TGF-b
wounds, and correlates with poor overall survival sta- pathway, TGF-b ligands bind to TGF-b receptor I
tus in HNSCC [46,47]. Stromal invasion of cutaneous (TGFBRI, otherwise known as ALK-5) and cause it
SCC is higher in patients with increased MMP2 to heterodimerize with TGF-b receptor II (TGFBRII).
expression [48]. These studies indicate that while EGF- This stimulates phosphorylation of the receptor regu-
induced MMPs are a crucial requirement for wound lated SMAD2/3 (R-SMADs) complex. Phosphorylated
healing, uncontrolled expression of these proteases can SMAD2/3 binds to SMAD4 (co-SMAD) and enters
have pathological consequences including chronic the nucleus, where it transactivates transcriptional tar-
wounds and metastasis of SCC. gets. In cutaneous wound healing, TGF-b is released
EGFR amplification, overexpression and gain-of- initially by platelets trapped in the fibrin clot, and at
function mutations are highly prevalent in cutaneous later stages by keratinocytes [61–63].

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G. M. Sundaram et al. Parallels between wound healing and cancer

TGF-b in wound healing and cancer wound healing and cancer cell invasion [79] (Fig. 1).
Downregulation of E-cadherin in epithelial cells, a
The role of TGF-b in wound healing is complex, and classical marker of EMT, also occurs during ker-
likely to vary temporally as well as by its distinct atinocyte migration in wound healing [80]. Transcrip-
effects on different cell types. TGF-b1 is secreted by tional targets of TGF-b1 are often involved in cell
macrophages, stromal fibroblasts and keratinocytes migration, invasion and EMT. TGF-b1 activates sev-
and its expression is stringently regulated during eral EMT-associated master transcription factors
wound healing [64,65]. Mice with a TGFBRII deletion which are Snail 1, Snail 2 (Slug), and zinc finger E-box
in dermal fibroblasts display severe defects in full binding homeobox (ZEB) 1, ZEB2 and TWIST [81].
thickness wound healing and delayed re-epithelializa- During EMT, TGF-b1-mediated Snail activation leads
tion [66]. However, epidermal overexpression of TGF- to direct suppression E-cadherin gene expression, via
b1 also delays full thickness wound healing due to HDAC recruitment to the E-cadherin promoter, or
excessive inflammation [67]. This is likely due to the through activating ZEB-1 [82,83].
differential ability of TGF-b to orchestrate conflicting
pathways in wound healing. It is well known that
TGF-b exerts a negative effect on keratinocyte prolif-
Fibroblast growth factor family in
eration, but promotes both in vitro and in vivo ker-
wound healing and cancer
atinocyte migration [68]. Several studies have reported
defective TGF-b signalling in chronic wounds due to The FGF family includes over 22 structurally related
lack of TGFBR1, TGFBR2 or TGF-b ligand expres- FGF ligands, most of which interact with four FGF
sion [69–71]. In such wounds, TGF-b treatment was receptors (FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 and FGFR4).
met with limited success, perhaps due to the lack of FGFs function primarily as mitogens controlling pro-
TGFBR expression and the protease-rich environment liferation and differentiation of various tissues, and
[72]. also regulate wound healing and angiogenesis [84].
TGF-b has gained considerable attention in past Several FGF ligands such as FGF7, FGF10 and
years for its puzzling role in cancer progression and FGF22 are transcriptionally induced upon injury in
metastasis. Some authors argue that TGF-b1 and its mice, although only FGFR1 is upregulated in similar
receptors are downregulated in SCC [73,74], while conditions [85]. FGF2 stimulates keratinocyte migra-
others presenting evidence for aberrant TGF-b1 over- tion in vitro through Rac activation and lamellipodia
expression in head and neck tumours [75]. It is possi- formation, and its loss causes delayed wound healing
ble that TGF-b initially exerts growth suppression on in mice [86]. FGF7, otherwise known as keratinocyte
epithelial cells, while also promoting EMT at later growth factor, is critical to keratinocyte proliferation.
stages. In transgenic mice, induction of TGF-b1 over- Inhibiting FGF7 signalling in mice causes epidermal
expression at papilloma stage induced rapid metastasis, atrophy and substantial delays in re-epithelialization
while induction of TGF-b1 at earlier stages led to [87]. In addition to its effects on proliferation, FGF7
tumour suppression [76]. Similarly, mice expressing is a more potent stimulator of keratinocyte migration
dominant-negative TGFBRII (DbRII) in the epidermis than FGF2 [88].
exhibit faster tumour formation and malignant pro- Fibroblast growth factor pathways utilized in wound
gression, but reduced EMT. This suggests that TGF- healing also feature in cancer progression. FGFR1
b1 has distinct effects on keratinocyte proliferation expression correlates with the epithelial–mesenchymal
and metastasis, and that normal TGFBRII exerts a transition (EMT) status of cell lines in vitro. Treatment
tumour-suppressive effect in the epidermis. In support of high EMT cell lines with the FGFR inhibitor
of these findings, Han et al. showed increasing TGF- PD173074 induces mesenchymal–epithelial transition,
b1 expression in stage wise SCC progression from acti- suggesting a potent role of FGF signalling in cancer
nic keratosis (epidermal hyperplasia), carcinoma metastasis [89] (Fig. 1). FGFR1 was recently shown to
in situ (CIS) towards metastatic SCC, while TGFBRII be a part of a molecular signature network with b3-
showed an opposite trend [77]. Thus, TGF-b signalling integrin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) which drives
is activated in a cancer stage specific manner. This EMT and metastasis of breast cancer [90]. Oncogenic
may explain why TGF-b and TGFBR were not identi- driver mutations and copy number changes in FGFR
fied as hot spots for SCC risk, unlike EGF/EGFR and ligands occur in a subset of HNSCC patients [91].
[78]. Aberrant FGF signalling may promote both angiogen-
The dissociation of cell–cell junctions to facilitate esis and the acquisition of chemoresistance against
keratinocyte migration is a prerequisite for both tyrosine kinase inhibitors [92].

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Parallels between wound healing and cancer G. M. Sundaram et al.

Hepatocyte growth factor/c-MET keratinocytes. Both macrophages and neutrophils pre-

receptor signalling in wound healing dominate the tumour mass and play pivotal roles in
and cancer injury and cancer. Metastatic tumours often show infil-
tration of tumour-associated macrophages and neu-
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), also known as scat- trophils (TAMs and TANs respectively) which provide
ter factor (SF), is another growth factor involved in an abundant supply of proangiogenic factors in the
wound healing and cancer. It is mostly secreted by tumour microenvironment [105]. Adaptive immune
mesenchymal cells, although injury can upregulate cells such as T- and B-lymphocytes may also have
HGF and its receptor in murine epidermal ker- tumour-promoting properties [105].
atinocytes [93]. The HGF receptor c-MET controls
proliferation and also promotes keratinocyte migration
by coordinating the formation and orientation of focal Neutrophils in wound healing and
adhesions [93]. In diabetic rats, exogenous HGF cancer
administration accelerates wound healing by inducing Neutrophils contribute to the innate immune response
cell adhesion molecules b1-integrin and integrin-linked against infection following a barrier breach (Fig. 2).
kinase both in vivo and in vitro [94]. Platelet degranulation provides chemo-attractants
An association of c-MET with migration, invasion which recruit circulating neutrophils to the injury site
and angiogenesis is frequently observed in cancers. [106], where they perform antimicrobial functions.
While genetic mutations or amplifications are rare at Neutrophil infiltration is also seen in epithelial
the c-MET locus in cancer, an activating point muta- tumours. Although tumour-associated neutrophils
tion, Y1253D, in the MET gene is tightly linked to (TANs) are expected to be antitumorigenic, TAN-asso-
distant metastasis in HNSCC patients [95]. c-MET ciated tumours show poor clinical outcome and
overexpression is seen in HNSCC, cSCC and cuta- increased metastasis frequency. This is likely due to
neous melanoma patients, with elevated serum HGF inflammation associated with neutrophil infiltration,
levels also observed in oral SCC [96,97]. In conjunc- which promotes tumour growth [107]. In addition to
tion with its promigratory role, overexpression of killing foreign pathogens through engulfing and the
c-MET in oral SCC disrupts cadherin junctions and use of antimicrobial peptides, neutrophils form web-
significantly augments invasion [98]. Interestingly, like structures known as neutrophil extracellular traps
c-MET is also secreted in exosomes. This increases (NETs). NETs consist of chromatin fibres and antimi-
metastasis frequency in melanoma, perhaps by precon- crobial proteins and form a mesh-like structure used
ditioning possible metastasis niches such as bone mar- to trap pathogens. In mouse breast cancer, NET for-
row for cancer cells to thrive after colonization [99]. A mation occurs in the absence of infection and enhances
role for HGF/c-MET signalling in conveying stem cell lung metastasis. This clearly demonstrates the capacity
properties and drug resistance has been recently for cancers to seize neutrophil-mediated innate immu-
demonstrated [100,101]. The HGF/c-MET pathway is nity to promote cancer progression [108].
currently an attractive therapeutic target in multiple
cancers [102].
Macrophages in wound healing and
Inflammation and the immune system
Following neutrophil recruitment, circulating mono-
in tumour metastasis and wound
cytes transmigrate through endothelial cells, enter the
injury site and differentiate into macrophages. Macro-
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to infec- phages perform several key tasks in regulating inflam-
tion, wounds and foreign body infiltration, and is mation during both wound healing and cancer
mainly mediated by immune cells via cytokines and metastasis, and are subdivided based on their cytokine
chemokines (Fig. 2). Inflammation is prevalent in both expression profiles [109]. M1 macrophages are proin-
healing wounds and tumours [19]. Several studies have flammatory, activated by IFN-c, and secrete IL-1b,
reported a low but significantly reduced risk of SCC in TNF-a and MMP9. M2 macrophages, activated by
people taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs IL-4, are anti-inflammatory and secrete higher levels of
such as aspirin or ibuprofen, suggesting a role for TGF-b and IL-10 [110,111]. The presence of M1
inflammation in cancer [103,104]. Multiple cell types macrophages is associated with a chronic wound phe-
contribute to inflammation including platelets, mast notype in mouse models. Antagonizing IL-1b with a
cells, neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells and neutralizing antibody causes proinflammatory, chronic

6 The FEBS Journal (2018) ª 2018 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

G. M. Sundaram et al. Parallels between wound healing and cancer

Fig. 2. Illustration showing the three important cell types that play an integral role in both wound healing and cancer. Depending on the
cytokine milieu in the micro environment, macrophages differentiate into either the M1 or M2 subtype with opposing functions in regulating
inflammation in both wound and cancer niches. Macrophages also regulate angiogenesis and extracellular matrix composition in tumour
stroma making the tumour environment conducive for tumour growth. Even though the main function of neutrophils in the wound bed to
promote inflammation and defence, tumour-associated neutrophils (TANs) perform functions akin to macrophages. Both interfollicular
epidermal (IFESC) and hair follicular (HFSC) stem cells contribute to re-epithelialization. Recent evidence indicates their active role in
conferring drug resistance and EMT properties via acting as cancer stem cells.

wounds to adopt a healing phenotype containing M2 and migration into the surrounding ECM (reviewed in
macrophages [110]. In cancer, M1 macrophages antag- [114]).
onize tumour growth, while the M2 phenotype is con- Hypoxia is a key trigger for angiogenesis in the
ducive to tumour progression. M2 macrophages are wound environment and in tumours [115]. Reduced
also known as tumour-associated macrophages oxygen tension is detected by hypoxia inducible factor,
(TAMs) [112]. Hypoxia, which is common in tumour HIF1a, which stimulates production of the proangio-
microenvironments, is a major inducer of intratumoral genetic factor VEGF [116,117]. VEGF and HIF1a
macrophage recruitment through chemo-attractants mRNAs are absent in unwounded skin, upregulated
such as EMAPII, endothelin and VEGF-A. Macro- upon wounding and restored to basal levels after re-
phages in turn modulate the tumour microenvironment epithelialization [117]. Neovascularization of the
to favour invasion by secreting proteases and growth wound bed permits adequate supply of nutrients, oxy-
factors [113]. gen and immune cells for proper wound healing [118];
vascular insufficiency is a common causative factor in
chronic wounds, which also exhibit reduced levels of
Angiogenesis in wound healing and
VEGF secretion [116,119]. Angiogenesis in the wound
environment, like keratinocyte migration during re-
Both wound repair and metastasis involve the coordi- epithelialization, is self-limiting and terminates upon
nation of cell movement and proliferation. These pro- healing. Stringent regulation of angiogenesis during
cesses require an energy supply, which is obtained pre- and post-wound healing is orchestrated through
from the vasculature. Angiogenesis, referring to the controlled expression of negative (CXCL4 and Throm-
growth of new blood vessels, is essential to the pro- bospondin-1) and positive (FGF-2, VEGF and PDGF-
gression of cancer and wound healing. Wound angio- BB) regulators of angiogenesis [120]. During solid
genesis involves multiple steps with striking parallels tumour progression, hypoxia develops at the centre of
to metastasis, including endothelial cell activation, pro- the tumour mass. Both HIF1a and VEGF mRNAs
liferation, invasion through the basement membrane, increase in abundance from simple hyperplasia to

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Parallels between wound healing and cancer G. M. Sundaram et al.

invasive SCC in multistage carcinogenesis mouse mod- healing time in rats [133]. Composite skin grafts con-
els [117]. Notably, the first report showing the ability taining stem cells derived from IFE or HF has been suc-
of endothelial cells to form capillary tubes in vitro cessfully used to treat chronic wounds [134].
demonstrated the dependency of this process on Both IFESCs and HFSCs contribute to skin cancers
tumour conditioned media, suggesting that cancer cells [135]. LGR6 is a marker associated with stem/progeni-
can induce angiogenesis [121]. Tumour cells secreted tor cells within the IFE or HF niche [136]. Unsurpris-
FGFs stimulate migration of vascular endothelial cells ingly, LGR6 was also found to be a specific CSC
towards the tumour mass and work in synergy with marker in mouse SCC models [137]. The contribution
VEGF [122]. VEGF directly stimulates the secretion of of injury-induced HFSC migration to cancer is demon-
matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1 and MMP-2) by strated in two contiguous articles published in 2011 on
endothelial cells [123]. MMPs degrade the basement transgenic BCC mouse models. In these models, injury
membrane and allow for endothelial cell invasion. increased the frequency of BCC lesions by recruiting
Basement membrane degradation also allows tumour HFSCs to tumours, implicating a link between wound-
cells to escape the epithelial compartment boundary, ing, stem cells and cancer [138,139]. Cancer stem cells
thereby facilitating metastasis. (CSCs) may be derived from tissue-resident stem cells,
Angiogenesis in epithelial wounds and carcinoma is or from cells which acquire the capability to self-
also stimulated by inflammation. Epidermal injury trig- renew. They contribute to drug resistance and closely
gers rapid recruitment of leucocytes and initiates the associate with tumour recurrence [140].
inflammatory response. Neutrophils, macrophages, The contribution of epithelial stem cells to cancer
endothelial cells and keratinocytes in acute wounds metastasis is currently an active area of investigation. Sev-
secrete VEGF-A and promote angiogenesis [124–126]. eral studies have highlighted that the EMT and stemness
Although tumour angiogenesis does not guarantee properties are probably linked. For example, TWIST is a
metastasis, it is permissive for malignancy. The initia- classical EMT marker in epithelial cancers. Conditional
tion of angiogenesis is cited as a pivotal point in tumour ablation of TWIST at different stages of carcinogenesis
progression (the ‘angiogenic switch’), following which revealed its role in CSC maintenance independent of its
tumours can more readily expand in size as well as allow EMT related functions. [141]. Forced expression of other
for intravasation of cancer cells into the bloodstream. EMT drivers such as Snail led to the development of stem
Angiogenesis at secondary sites also facilitates the cell-like traits in mammary epithelium. Further suggest-
growth of metastases. The importance of angiogenesis ing EMT transition and CSC emergence may be coupled
to cancer progression has made it the subject of much in cancers [142]. Counterintuitively, EMT transition is a
research into anticancer drugs. Insights into candidate reversible process in both wound healing and cancers.
antiangiogenics have been gleaned from the understand- EMT is only transiently activated during the re-epithelia-
ing of angiogenesis in wound healing, and strategies are lization phase of wound healing. [143]. In cancers, EMT
being developed to either target endothelial cells is an early event and once cells reach the metastatic
directly, or to block key growth factors and proangio- organs, a mesenchymal–epithelial transition (MET)
genic pathways involved in cancer progression [127]. appears to be imperative for successful colonization [144].
Indeed, in mouse tumours derived from bladder and
prostate cancer cell lines, the tumour initiating cells
Role of stem cells in wound healing
(TICs) isolated from metastatic sites had highly enriched
and cancer metastasis
epithelial gene programme, while overexpression of Snail
Stemness, the ability of a cell to perform self-renewal, is in these cells led to reduced TIC attributes and less meta-
important for the provision of material for wound clo- static potential [145]. Taken together, the link between
sure, and is also essential to tumour formation and the cancer stem cells and metastasis is highly plastic. Multiple
repopulation of tumours following treatment. Stem cells factors such as tumour microenvironment and contextual
are present in several reservoirs within the skin, includ- dependences decide its nature [146].
ing the interfollicular epidermis (IFESC) and hair folli-
cles (HFSC) [128]. Stem cells in both niches participate
Noncoding RNAs in wound healing
in wound healing and in skin homeostasis, though their
and cancer
relative contributions may differ based on the wound
niche [129–131]. In mice, the absence of hair follicles Noncoding RNAs (ncRNA) have received remarkable
results in delayed re-epithelialization, followed by com- attention in recent years due to their pivotal and pleo-
plete wound closure [132]. The addition of purified tropic role in the regulation of proteome output of the
CD34+ HFSCs to full thickness wounds accelerates cell. They can be broadly classified based on their size,

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G. M. Sundaram et al. Parallels between wound healing and cancer

namely, small; microRNAs (miRNAs), piRNAs and healing. Ectopic miR-483-3p expression suppresses the
endosiRNAs, medium sized; snRNA, snoRNA, tRNA in vitro and in vivo growth of HNSCC cells [164].
and large ncRNAs; intergenic/intragenic long noncod- miR-132, cited as a potential therapeutic for chronic
ing RNA (lncRNAs) and circular RNAs (cRNAs) [147]. wounds, is expressed at significantly lower levels in
A number of microRNAs help to regulate the intri- diabetic ulcers relative to normal wounds. Diabetic
cate wound healing cascade in mammals, some of mice also have reduced wound expression of miR-132
which also have well-defined roles in cancer progres- relative to wild-type mice; topical replenishment of
sion [148]. During cutaneous injury, miR-21 is upregu- miR-132 in these mice stimulates keratinocyte prolifer-
lated in both the epithelial and mesenchymal ation and accelerates wound closure [165]. However,
compartments of skin, where it actively promotes the clinical use of miR-132 in chronic wound manage-
wound healing. AntagomiR inhibition of miR-21 in ment should be approached with caution as it has
wounds reduces wound contraction and re-epitheliali- known oncogenic functions in laryngeal SCC [166].
zation [149,150]. miR-21 is a direct target of the Unlike miRNAs, lncRNAs and the roles they play
TGF-b signalling pathway, and is essential for TGF- in wound healing and epithelial cancers (excluding
b-driven keratinocyte migration [150]. miR-21 is also melanoma) are less well understood [167]. Both wound
considered to be an oncomiR in multiple cancers and healing and cancer progression are associated with
a prognostic biomarker in HNSCC, where its expression dedifferentiation of epidermal cells and their concomi-
correlates negatively with patient survival [151,152]. tant re-entry into cell cycle [94]. Differentiation antag-
Specific upregulation of miR-21 occurs during the pro- onizing noncoding RNA (DANCR) and terminal
gression from carcinoma in situ to invasive SCC, differentiation induced noncoding RNA (TINCR)
implying that its promigratory role in wound healing have opposing effects on epidermal differentiation
also occurs in cancer [153]. miR-31 is upregulated in [168,169]. TINCR has prodifferentiation functions and
wound edge keratinocytes, where it stimulates migra- may act as a tumour suppressor in cSCC, where it is
tion and proliferation in wound healing [154]. It is also suppressed [168]. Lee et al. identified eight novel
upregulated in oral SCC and has oncogenic roles in lncRNAs dysregulated in SCC – SCC misregulated
oral epithelial carcinogenesis [155,156]. miR-424 is transcripts (SMRT). The reciprocal link between neo-
induced in response to hypoxia in wounds, where it plasia and differentiation status is apparent in the case
stimulates angiogenesis [157]. Hypoxia-driven induc- of SMRT-2, which is significantly downregulated in
tion of miR-424 also promotes chemoresistance in can- SCC tissues. SMRT-2 is also essential for terminal ker-
cer by inhibiting apoptosis [158]. In pancreatic cancer, atinocyte differentiation in healthy skin. [170]. H19, a
miR-424-5p enhances proliferation and invasion in maternally imprinted lncRNA, has dual functions. It
addition to its antiapoptotic effects [159]. MicroRNAs acts either as a reservoir for the controlled release of
which delay wound healing also inhibit cancer progres- miR-675, or as a sponge for let-7 family microRNAs
sion. miR-203 is an antiproliferative miRNA with piv- [171,172]. H19 is implicated in several aspects of can-
otal roles in epidermal homeostasis. It is specifically cer progression such as genome instability, cell sur-
downregulated in the hyperproliferative compartment vival, hypoxia response, proliferation and EMT [173].
of the migrating tongue in healing wounds [160]. In H19 also promotes angiogenesis during wound healing;
the context of cancer, miR-203 exerts tumour-suppres- its downregulation in diabetic patients is correlated
sive characteristics at multiple stages of epithelial with impaired angiogenesis. Targeted delivery of H19
tumour progression; by targeting c-Myc leading to dif- lncRNA accelerates wound healing in diabetic rat
ferentiation, suppressing tumour initiating cells and by models [174].
promoting mesenchymal–epithelial transition (MET) in Cancer cells adopt multiple signalling pathways,
SCC. miR-200c suppresses keratinocyte migration and growth factors and molecular processes, ordinarily
delays re-epithelialization in human ex vivo wound used in wound healing, for their own benefit. We spec-
models [161]. In epithelial cancers, miR-200c exerts ulate that this is more likely to be achieved through
tumour-suppressive effects by targeting key mediators the hijacking of specific ‘master switches’ at the top of
of EMT and angiogenesis such as ZEB1, ZEB2, each pathway, rather than co-option of individual
MMP2 and VEGF [162,163]. The restoration of epi- pathway components. One clear example by which a
dermal homeostasis after wound closure, involving wound healing master regulator has been comman-
reversion of cells to a nonmigratory state, is also under deered can be seen in miR-198, a microRNA derived
miRNA regulation. miR-483-3p restricts keratinocyte from the 30 UTR of the follistatin-like-1 (FSTL1) tran-
proliferation by inducing cell cycle arrest, and is specif- script (Fig. 3). FSTL1 is capable of switching func-
ically upregulated during later stages of wound tions under different physiological contexts, acting

The FEBS Journal (2018) ª 2018 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 9

Parallels between wound healing and cancer G. M. Sundaram et al.

Fig. 3. A wound healing process hijacked in

cancer. Graphical representation of a dual
state molecular switch in wound healing
and cancer. MicroRNA-198 and FSTL1
protein are derived from the same primary
transcript. In physiological wound healing,
TGF-b triggers the switch from expression
of antimigratory miR-198 to FSTL1 to
initiate keratinocyte migration. In chronic
wounds, due to lack of TGF-b signalling, a
defective switch leads to persistent
expression miR-198 coupled with lack of
FSTL1 suppresses migration. On the other
hand, SCCs hijack this molecular switch
using EGF signalling as a surrogate for TGF-
b to turn off tumour-suppressive miR-198
and gain FSTL1 to promote cancer invasion
and metastasis.

either as a noncoding RNA (pri-miR-198), or a mes- demonstrated in several other cancers such as pancre-
senger RNA encoding the FSTL1 protein [63]. This atic, colorectal, liver and lung cancer [144,176–178].
change in function is reversible and forms the basis of FSTL1 promotes cell survival, invasion and metastasis
a bistable molecular switch controlling production of in glioma, liver, oesophageal SCC and lung cancer
either miR-198 or FSTL1. Crucially, the state of the [179–183]. Given the wide range of miR-198 targets
switch governs the migratory status of epidermal ker- being distinct in different tissues and the modulation
atinocytes. In healthy epidermis, exclusive expression of various signalling pathways by FSTL1 in different
of miR-198 suppresses promigratory targets, blocking cancers, miR-198/FSTL1 molecular switch may be a
keratinocyte migration. Upon injury, TGF-b signalling master controller in physiological wound healing and
flips the switch, causing wound edge keratinocytes shut cancer. It is also likely that other master switches exist
down miR-198 synthesis in favour of FSTL1 produc- and sit atop the various wound healing pathways and
tion. In addition to the derepression of promigratory processes which are seized for the progression of can-
targets caused by the absence of miR-198, FSTL1 also cer.
stimulates keratinocyte migration. Thus, a single
molecular switch regulates the expression of whole
Conclusion and future perspectives
suite of migration associated genes. In epithelial can-
cers, EGF signalling hijacks the switch to promote The need to demarcate the self from the surroundings
oncogenesis. Processing of the tumour-suppressive through maintenance of an intact barrier between the
miR-198 is abnormally suppressed, leading to sus- internal and external environments is universal to all
tained FSTL1 expression. The loss of miR-198 allows cellular life. It is therefore unsurprising that wound
for expression of its downstream promigratory targets, healing exists in one form or another, even in the sim-
while FSTL1 is a promigratory, proinflammatory plest animals. These basally branching metazoans
secreted protein which also stimulates EGF signalling. often possess immense regenerative potential such that
This creates a feed-forward loop which locks the much of the body can be regrown after injury. In ver-
switch in its defective position [175], creating a cellular tebrates, retention of a limited capacity for limb regen-
state resembling a prolonged wound healing phase. In eration is observed in some amphibian species.
this state, uncontrolled cell migration is highly con- Mammals have very restricted capabilities for tissue
ducive to metastasis [34]. The effects of this faulty replacement; most limbs and organs do not regenerate,
switch may not be limited to epithelial cancers. The and even epithelial wound repair is accompanied by
tumour-suppressive role of miR-198 has been some degree of scarring [9]. The evolutionary origin of

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tumours is likely to be linked to that of wound heal- undergoing colorectal and pancreatic cancer resection
ing; spontaneous tumour formation is known to occur [196]. It is likely that multiple factors affect the rela-
in Hydra (Cnidaria), at the base of the animal evolu- tionship between anticancer treatment and wound
tionary tree. It is therefore possible that co-option of healing. Thus, careful consideration of conditions such
wound repair pathways in tumourigenesis was present as wound aetiology, drug dosage and timing of treat-
at the dawn of animal life, and that the two processes ment relative to surgery may help to minimize wound
remained linked till the present day [184]. healing complications [190].
In mammals, the literature is replete with studies on Humanity’s understanding of the interrelationship
the occurrence of common molecular ground between between epithelial wound healing and cancer has a
wound healing and tumour progression. Mice with long and extensive history, just as the two processes
basal keratinocyte-specific telomerase (TERT) overex- themselves have evolved and intertwined over phyloge-
pression show increased tumour incidence as well as netic time. While we are clear on the broad parallels
accelerated wound healing [185]. Growth-promoting between both events, the literature is far less certain
molecular pathways, such as mTOR activation, are on their distinctions. What makes cancer different
associated with both improved wound healing and from wound healing? What molecular processes govern
increased cancer incidence [186,187]. The use of BRAF self-limitation at each step in the intricate series of
inhibitors in melanoma represents an interesting events in the mammalian wound healing cascade?
demonstration of the integral link between cancer and How, over the course of cancer progression, do
wound healing. BRAF inhibitors enhance patient sur- tumour cells gradually erode away these molecular
vival, but also stimulate metastasis through ERK/ controls and commandeer the relevant pathways for
MAPK activation in RAS mutant melanoma cells their own benefit? To understand how cancer differs
[188]. This same drug-induced MAPK activation from wound healing in healthy epithelia is to gain a
improves wound healing in mouse models by stimulat- glimpse into the restorative processes required to limit
ing keratinocyte hyperproliferation [189]. the progression of cancer.
Given this degree of overlap between cellular pro-
cesses and signalling pathways used in wound healing
and cancer, and the effects of chronic wound therapy Acknowledgements
on cancer risk noted at the start of this review, the This work was supported by National Medical
possibility that anticancer treatment could interfere Research Council (NMRC) Individual Research Grant
with wound healing should not be discounted. This is (IRG) to PS and Biomedical Research Council of Sin-
particularly relevant in the management of surgical gapore, A*STAR.
wounds incurred during tumour removal or resection
procedures. Therapeutic strategies targeted at rapidly
proliferating tumour cells tend to have side effects on Conflict of interest
wound healing. Radiotherapy, for example, delays
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
wound healing due to cytotoxic effects on skin, con-
nective tissue and surrounding vasculature [190]. The
effects of chemotherapy have mainly been studied in References
animal models; in humans, cutaneous side effects
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