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—— ae cof sionco oFricen penrormance Evan REPORT FOR INSPECTOR TO SENIOR INSPECTOR (FIRST LEVEL) Rating Peri: 01 July - 31 December 2016 (2nd Semester CY 201 [Rates Names TAGMANWARKODILON JAVIER [2 Rank: Police Senior inspector (LastName) _(Gven Name) _ (Mile Name) 3. PositionDesignation: — Officerin-Charge I Unit AssignmentiStaioniOietice lhocos Sur PPO/Sta Cruz MPS Years and Months in Curent Postion: PARTS| DIMENSIONS. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Point | [Numerical] | Weighted] JAtocation| | Ratiog |_| score [a ual of wrk six 2 : Output fb. Tineiness of wai spt 7 eS (15 points) |c. Quantity of work 5 x + =] 20 a Cocker making Diss Kessel = |e 6 Penning gee xe 3 |. mplementation of harucbons Zee x [ae 0 Jeb Knowtedge [4 CreatviyResoucetuiness ere) [sens 5 1 (15points) |e, Anata Aaity exe] xara 4 Problem Sotengfroubihootng sea es 3 c Oral and wien comer 1 [xp 4 fh. Community Oeed Poking Fe Ed ° [Law Enfrcoment and Maintenance of Law and Order 2 [x5 _|=]_0 R E la Conta of Actos a [x[ 2 [b.Cost Conor sia K aera 15 | Supervisory |e: Reoos Mit and Submision of Ropris apf 18 ° Control |. Compance wih and inglementtion of PoRiegSOPS 4x4 16 “ (25 points) fo. Sonse of Priory a [x[ 4 16 P Cent Sasson Orion Saar | Xiao 15 Irvolumenl Presence in Aces 3k] ae 2 E T [a Wetvaion 3 [x4 2 E People [b. Workgroup Management fea | fae 16. | Management |e: Werk OrerizatonDolegaion a [x[ 5 2 c (25 pois) rtrpersonalRelaons 4px] 4 f= 18. 1 fe. Promoting Personnel Development «(x 416 I Traning of Suborinates 41x} 4 [16 E S| Organizational [a Housekeeping and Safely Securly Consciousness. 3_Ixf_4 2 Responsiveness |b. Preservation of Unit Properties/Intorest 3 x 4 42 {10 points) lc. Coordination 4 x 4 16 Personal Tat Personal Tat Personal [Honest [Responsible y a Quaities [Wel goa q 5 T] wo |x} s [=| » (10poins) [Fa and dst usta z [Loyal to the [initiate posite action ci lof Tras with Check Mais TOTAL WEIGHTED SCORE (TWS) ae NUMERICAL PERFORMANCE RATING (NPR) = TWS= 5 355 EQUIVALENT ADJECTIVAL PERFORMANCE RATING (APR) (Please refer to NRP-APR Table) V5 Raters Assessment RAE. Toerty that bis reat epesens my ost eigenen. [XJID0 [ |IDONOT recommend tis personel fobe ganied _[X]promoton_|_]desigaton higher postion | eft This personel moods inprovrent on the floaig: | SigrticantOrfcal Incdents) TF REFERRED TO THE GRIEVANCE COMBATTEE) | erty that ths report was refered othe Grievance Commitiee for review and evaluation,

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