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Kelley Barr

5105 Dat So La Lee Way

Carson City, Nevada 89701

Advisor: Scott Vickrey

Teacher: Mr. Macy
Carson High School
1111 North Saliman Road
Carson City, Nevada 89701

Dear Mr. Vickrey:

My senior project will be focused on boxing, which I have always wanted to participate in. I
have always wanted to learn some form of self defense, however could not find the time or
motivation. My older cousin gave me a brief lesson on boxing, which consisted of the basic
punches and movements, but never exceeded this. I hope that by taking more classes and lessons,
I can learn more.

For my senior project I will take a class and continue to train in boxing on the weekends for this
project. During this time, I will learn the basics of boxing and continue to improve my skills in
this area throughout the project. The costs associated with this will include the cost of a
membership at a boxing gym and whatever materials are not supplied to me: boxing gloves and
hand wraps. I know I will spend a minimum of 10 or 15 hours through the training.

I understand what plagiarism is and the consequences of plagiarizing anything for the senior
project. Plagiarizing is copying and using another person’s work and passing it off as my own. If
I plagiarize, I understand that I risk an F and not graduating, but also destroying my self image
and my image others may have of me.


Kelley Barr

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