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Computerization of human lives was the beginning of the end of all the
traditional methods and non-automated devices. Ever since the evolution
of computers and the introduction of automation the human lives have
gone through drastic changes.

Considering how many technological advances have impacted our lives,

one can say that there is no limit to technological advancements. In the
beginning, computers astounded the whole world and now AI. The term
“Artificial Intelligence” has a very broad meaning.

One can easily define AI as human-like

computers. The computers or devices which can mimic human-like
movements and can perform functions in a much better and more
efficient way than humans. From integral mobile apps like SIRI to surgical
robots, AI has not widened the perspectives of automation, but it has
redefined what completion automation means.

The AI technology of this era is focused on enabling the machines on

doing a single task like driving a car or performing facial recognition or
home automation. Even though this automation was considered
impractical few decades ago but all credits to AI the human generation
surpassed its own expectations and possibilities. The scientists are striving
to make AI stronger; a technology that will supersede human intelligence
and efficiency at nearly every task humans can do.

How will AI impact the

employment sector?
One of the most controversial topic when it comes to artificial intelligence
is how the future of AI will impact humanity. There are tons of
controversies that are being discussed by the AI experts and
professionals. One of the most prophesied controversies about AI is that
this rapid development in technology will soon reduce the employment
opportunities to none.

Does this myth ring any bells? Well, it is the same prophecy that many
people used to believe in when computers were introduced in the
corporate world. Not only do computers increased the job opportunities
instead it also helped in improving human efficiency and performance.

Same is the case with artificial intelligence. The employment of AI is not

restricted to only checking the baggage at assembly lines rather AI is
outperforming the humans in many other sectors like marketing, sales,
and analysis.

It will be unreasonable to say that AI will not replace any job and will make
jobs easier and better for humans. The truth lies in the midway of both
these approaches, in some approaches AI will make jobs and tasks easier
and simpler for humans while on the other hand robots and AI machines
will replace humans.

However, this doesn’t pose any threat to any human employment.

Automation is the real essence of the AI revolution and potentially. Not all
careers will be destroyed, the robotic takeover of several jobs also means
the opening of new job opportunities in advanced technology.
Several studies and researches have been conducted on the jobs which
have a higher chance of getting replaced by AI machines, robots, and
other automated devices. In this article, we present you with a
comprehensive enlistment of jobs and professions that will be fully
computerized in a few decades. Based on the nature, type and amount of
training required for these jobs, AI machines are most likely to perform
these jobs in the coming years:

1. Telemarketers
The probability of this job getting fully computerized is quite high, at least
99.9%. One of the biggest reason behind this replacement is that the
conversion rates of telemarketing are quite low. The career growth
expectancy in telemarketing is meant to reduce by 3% in upcoming years.
2. Book-keeping clerk
The likelihood of this job getting replaced by robots and AI-activated
devices is almost 98%. Well, it’s no surprise that this job is getting
computerized as the growth in this role is expected to decrease by a solid
8%. Tools and applications like QuickBooks, Microsoft Office, and other
tools offer book-keeping features and services. With a rapid increase in
the fully automated tools and applications, the job of book-keeping clerk
will no longer need a person to keep all your books in check.

3. Benefits managers
With a remarkable replacement likelihood of over 96% and a surprising
growth ratio of almost 7%, it doesn’t mean that this job is safe from
automation. As the business organizations are enlarging their businesses
and prospects, automated benefit and compensation management
systems will save a lot of time and efforts. These automated systems are
currently gaining popularity and are being adopted by some huge
business organizations to provide their employees with promised benefits
and compensations.

4. Receptionists
Automated phoning and scheduling systems have the potential to replace
the role of a receptionist. The possibility of computerization and
automation of this role is nearly 96%. Most of the multinational
companies and huge business organizations which don’t have an office-
wide telephoning system are going for these automated systems.
5. Couriers
In the next few years, your delivery-boy will no longer have a human form.
Drones and robotic devices are rapidly taking over the courier and
delivery services. The expectancy of a robotic takeover is increased by an
astonishing 5%. It only a matter of time that this job will be fully

6. Proofreaders
Proofreading applications and software are used almost every blogging
site. With a replacement probability of almost 84%, this job will soon be
done only by automated software in the next few years. There are now
self-checking writing tools and applications that not only helps in checking
and detecting grammatical errors rather it also detect plagiarism and
corrects the sentence structures.

7. Computer support specialist

With a rapid increase in online content, tips, guidelines, and instructions,
many huge organizations now rely on automated robots and software to
answer FAQs and customer support questions. The replacement
possibility of this job is estimated to be 65%.

8. Market research analysis

The role of research analysts is crucial for every organization and
company in content development. These analysts are supposed to
conduct comprehensive market research on their competitors. To
produce a highly accurate and comprehensive market research report,
automated robots are gaining popularity in the business and market

9. Advertising salesperson
Advertising has shifted from print media and TV to online and social
marketing. Social media platforms offer thousands of options for
marketers to which makes it easy for them to promote their product and
services. Many huge organizations utilize the services of the animation
studio to obtain high quality animated business ads and explainer videos.

10. Retail salespeople

With a likelihood of 92%, this job is most likely to disappear in the next
couple of years. With the emergence of online shopping, people are now
inclined towards doing online market research and making a purchase
decision on their own. Most of the online shopping stores now offer high-
end features self-checkout to enhance the shopping experience.

11. Accountant
There is no denying that computerized devices are much better at
financing and accounting than any human will ever be. Many companies
and business organizations are already automated their financing and
accounting systems and no longer need a human employee for
monitoring and tracking the payables and receivables.

12. Security guards

The evolution of technology in the field of security is commendable. With
facial recognition systems to high-tech robotic guards, AI has made huge
advancements in the field of security.

The impacts of artificial intelligence on human lives cannot be neglected.
Some experts of fear that such rapid growth in AI might bring about
drastic consequences on humanity while others have a completely
opposite take on this rapid development in AI.

Nobody is completely sure about what the future of AI holds for the
coming human generations, but considering the human capabilities to
learn, to adapt, to self-educate— it is safe to say that human beings are
bound to bring about more rapid and successful changes in the world.

What jobs will be replaced by

Artificial Intelligence?
 Telemarketers
 Bookkeeping Clerks
 Benefits Manager
 Receptionist
 Couriers
 Proofreaders
 Computer Support Specialist
 Market Research Analyst
 Advertising Sales
 Research Sales
 Accountant
 Security Guard

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