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6° Grado Profesor: Melissa Sanjuán Fontalvo

1. La siguiente guía se desarrollara en casa. La Presente se realizará digitalmente y
se enviará por medio de la plataforma Edmodo Codigo 6A: arhw8u
Codigo 6B: dcwps8.
2. El estudiante debe registrarse en la plataforma EDMODO con ayuda del padre de
3. Si usted tiene alguna duda referente a la guía puede resolverla en el horario
académico establecido por la institución.
4. La Guía se entregará en la fecha establecida por el docente. ( No antes, ni

Objetivo: Identificar y aplicar los tiempos gramaticales estudiados en clase.

Tema: presente simple, pasado simple y futuro simple.
Fecha de entrega: 19 de marzo de 2020

1. For third person singular verb forms in the present simple, we add -s, -es or -ies
at the end of the verb
Add -s / -es / -ies to the following verbs.
1. teach Teaches 9. buzz
2. fly 10. watch
3. run 11. sit
4. push 12. guess
5. fix 13. stop
6. do 14. worry
7. dance 15. finish
8. go 16. have

What are the spelling rules for third person singular verb forms in the present simple? For most verbs we
For verbs ending with a consonant and Y we add
For verbs ending in -s, -z, -ch, -sh, or -x we add
For verbs ending with o we add
For verbs ending with a Vowel and Y we
B. Underline or circle the correct verb form for each sentence.
Example: My family go / goes on holiday together in the summer.
1. You often eat / eats dinner at your friend’s house.
2. Emma do / does her homework when she gets home.
3. I play / plays badminton every afternoon.
4. Harry listen / listens to me.
5. My brother never watch / watches television.
6. He never finish / finishes his homework on time
7. Mrs. White sweep / sweeps the floor twice a week.
8. My dog bark / barks at night.
9. Tom listen / listens to the radio in the morning
10. Becky and Liz go / goes to the swimming pool every week.

C. Complete the positive and negative sentences. Remember negative form uses 'doesn’t'
OR don’t

Fill in the correct form of the verb.

1. Tom (not play)____________football. He likes to (play) _____ computer games.

2. Fish (not fly) . They (swim) .

3. I (dry) the dishes but I (not put) them away.

4. They (not do) homework before they (eat) dinner.

5. Neil (try) to be a good boy, but he (not behave) well.

D. Write the above sentences (the exercise B, 2-6) in interrogative form. Do or Does.

1. Do you eat dinner at your friend’s house?

Past Simple (Follow the structure given in class)

1. Write the PAST Simple of EACH verb in the correct column.

-ed -d -ied double CONSONANT +

2. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple (+) (-) of the verbs in brackets.

a. My sister____________ (try) to bake a cake last Saturday.

b. We____________ (not order) steak and chips at the restaurant yesterday.
c. I___________ (phone) my cousin in Canada three days ago.
d. The children _____________(not play) on the computer yesterday.

3. Write the questions. Then ANSWER them.( sigue la estructura dada en clase para formar la
oración )

a. you / WATCH TV / LAST night

Did you watch last night?
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t
b. your friends / PLAY FOOTBALL / YESTERDAY

c. your mum / BAKE / A CAKE / LAST weekend

d. you / phone / A friend / AN hour AGO
Future simple

1. Put the verbs into the correct form (future simple). Use will.
a. You (earn) will earn a lot of money.
b. You (travel) ________ around the world.
c. You (meet) _____________ lots of interesting people.
d. Everybody (adore) ________________ you.
e. You (have) _________________some problems.
f. Many people (serve) ________________ you.
g. They (anticipate) __________________ your wishes.
h. There (not / be) ______________________ anything left to wish for.
i. Everything (be) ___________________perfect.
j. But all these things (happen / only) ___________________ if you marry with me.
2. Put in negative or interrogative form
a. You (not earn) will not earn a lot of money.
b. __________You ________ around the world? (travel)
c. You (meet) _____________ lots of interesting people.
d. Everybody (not adore) ________________ you.
e. You (not / have) _________________any problems.
f. ______ you _________ with me? (marry)

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