Senior Project Proposal Boxing

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Senior Project Proposal: Boxing By Kelley Barr Carson High School AP Literature Advisor: Mr. Vickrey ‘Teacher: Mr Macy 10/8/19 \ Advisor Approval, LL Date:_ OCT AST ore 4 Page One: Task Analysis and Timeline Describe your project, inching what you plan to do and what you plan to accomplish. Be as specific and ‘concrete as you can be. For my senior project I will take a class and continue to tran in boxing on the weekends for this project. Ding this time, I will kam the basics of boxing and continue to improve my skils inthis area throughout the project. The costs associated with this wil include the cost of a membership at @ boxing gym and whatever materials are not supplied to me: boxing gloves and hand wraps. { know [will spend a minimum of 10 oF 15 hours through the taining ‘What willbe your product or your hands-on Fearing? [ willeam how to defend mysel'and lea correct techniques. ‘Task Analysis: List all the steps you must take and the tasks you must compkte to finish your project. Include the number of hours you think each step will ake and the approximate date you plan to have that part of the process competed. Task Houi uit Comy ate 1. tetclass 1 hour 101019 2. 2nd Class 1 hour 3. 3rd Class 1 hour 4, 4th Class 1 hour 5. 5th Class/Meet with 1 hour mentor 6. 6th Class 1 hour 7. TthClass 1 hour 8. 8th Class 1 hour 9, 9thClass 40. 10th Class and Meet with mentor 14. 11th Class 12.12th Class 13. 13th Class 14, 14th Class 15. 15th Class and final evaluation 4 hour 1 hour ‘hour 1 hour 4 hour 1 hour 1 hour ‘Total Projected Hours 15, Page Three: Obstacles and Learning Stretch List and discuss at least three diffctkics you might encounter with this project. How do you plan to solve each ofthese problems? One difficulty I might encounter is not having enough time to go to classes since the boxing chib is in Reno and I am ako working. In order to overcome this, I can ask for fewer hours at work in order to have more time to be able to go to chss, Another obstacle I might encounter is not having enough money for gas. In order to ‘overcome this, I will save money and use some of this money to pay for gas. The ast obstack I might encounter js not being able to make the commute to Reno. Not only not having time, but also not having reliable transportation. In order to overcome this, 1 will have to rely on other family members to give me a ride, Exphin how this project is a amin stretch for you. Indicate specifically what you expect to gain and how: From this project, Iwill eam how to defend myself Specifically, I willleam the correct techniques in boxing and how this can translate into self defense, Frommy fist clss, I eared the basie punches such as a jab, hook and uppercut, Moving forward I can kam how to make my techniques better by pivoting my foot and moving my shoulder and hips into the punch. Also I willbe able to become faster and punch harder, Page Four: Mentor Information Form (Note: This form may be handwritten.) Name COUR) Beer iz eae Date__10/2a)1¢, Mentor’s Name__ “DBO SARRELS Home Phon Cell Phone Work Phone 175 -583- SotHgimail_ toereno@ He boxing clvb.cory, ‘This form should be filled out by the Mentor: What is your expertise in the area the student is studying? NI EFRERTISE 15 IW MOTAL AILS : GPEcihicAly RBOUNl PEETAMIN To tug LOCTS/FTNESS, WS PROJECT. How long have you known this student and in what capacity? T WAVE KARO KELEY FOC ABOUT 3 WEEKS Nod AS Upe BoKWe TRAWER ‘When you reviewed the proposal with the student, what advice did you give him/ her about the calendar plan? WWE MSCUIED SOHEDULNG Hee CLASSES WW KDUANCE, PLANAIG AND We MANAGEMENT. ‘What advice did you give him/ her about the cost analysis? WE PGLHED — BypaeTwG% ANANCES, PLAGNING oy FP gavenseS AWD sranacwnd PAYMENTS TO Be AEroRDARLE, In what way would you change or modify the project OR what problems do you foresce the student might have? Lo RAVER T EWPEmEN CE ANYTHING OA Tus pReseer THAT T OSH CHANGE. KRLEY HAS DONE Gent. \ Mentor Signature - c Date_|©}23)\ varnsignaue Mey Bur Dae List all materials and resources that you will need to com ‘each item listed. You will be responsible for funding your project and will need to make sure that you wwiling to spend the amount of money needed to complete your intended project. plete this project, including the estimated cost for are |Gas to go to Reno $60 Boxing club membership fee for two months iseoxz [Boxing gloves, is40 |Hand wraps: $10 Total Projected Cost for Project: $8642.70 | understand that Carson High School will not fund my senior project and that | have fret undertake this project with its associated costs. ly chosen to Hey fut lo/io/14 ‘Signature Date Transportation erp " Name of Participant: Wii\uy Bee ith ate: Oot /2002_ Adina of Pricer St2 10a Ss Le Ue iggy Seuss ee senses Phone Number of Participant: 15-30-1007 Emergency Contact: Alyy far Se Phone Number: T6-Hysn6SM) ‘Alergies or Special structions: New > ‘The undersigned consents to allow the Participant to engage in his/her Senior Project at the Facility, with transportation Brovided by Participant andor bis/her parent or uardan. > The undersigned knows and understands that although completion of a Senior Project is required for High School graduation, the referenced Senior Project Activty al the Facility is NOT sponsored, conducted, or supersed by the Carson Gity School District. is tustees, administration, teachers, employees, contractors, agents, representatives, or vhinteors (Collectiely, “CCSD No sentces, safety, secur, superdsion, custodial janitorial, nuttin, marin, or medical senicos aro offer or rovded forthe Actiaty atthe Facilty by CCSD. The employees of the Faciity are NOT authorized agents or representatives of CCSD. >The undersigned knows and understands thatthe undersigned is responsible for the solely, secur, supordsion, and care ofthe Participant in the Activ, ant forall costs incued in connection with such participation, including the cost of meals, medical care, safely and security all without any compensation or reimbursement fom CCSD or Facity >> The undersigned represents that Participant is physically able to paticpate in the Activty at the Facility and thatthe Undersigned has no Knowedge of any mental, physical, or medical condition or impaiment which would limit Patticipant’s ably to engage in the Actvty al the Facily > The undersigned agrees to protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CCSD and Faciliy of, ftom, and aginst any and 2 clams, demands, damages, losses, liabiies, or injures, whether to person or property or both, including deat, which tight occur of be suffered by Participant, the undersigned, or the heirs or next of kn of Patticipant, or any thd pay, as fesuit of Participants involvement in the Actvty atthe Faciiy > The undersigned agrees {0 reimburse and make good any loss, damage, o costs, including attomeys' ees, that CCSD or Faciity may incur oF sufler to persons oF property as a result ofthe Participant's conduct, which results, crectly or indrecty, in damages allegedly caused by the Partcpant > The undersigned agrees to follow all behavoral expectations set by the Facility. The undersigned wil represent himself or erst and Carson High School in a positive manner. The undersigned understands that ifthe rules of conduct ae violated, the Undersigned wl be asked to leave the Facility. The undesigned also realizes that appropriate disciplinary action wl be taken. > rease of accent, nj, less, or other occurence requiing parental pemission, the Facility shall have ands hereby {yanked the authority to act fr and on behal ofthe Paricipart, ifthe undersigned cannot be reached, © in executing this document, Ve ceri thal there are no premises or inducements which ae not contained herein. ex Bay S715 -HH3-S51) Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Print Parent/Guardian Name & Phone Date Hu bu HAetiey Baer 175-430-1007 Signature éf Participant Print Student/Participant Name & Phone Date

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