Rogue Wireless AP Detection Using Delay Fluctuation in Backbone Network

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2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)

Rogue Wireless AP Detection

using Delay Fluctuation in Backbone Network

Ziwei Zhang Hirokazu Hasegawa Yukiko Yamaguchi Hajime Shimada

Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University
Nagoya, Japan Nagoya, Japan Nagoya, Japan Nagoya, Japan yamagu chi@ shimada@itc.nagoy .jp

Abstract— Nowadays, wireless LAN service has been taken for

granted for everyone. On the other hand, there is an increasing
cyber threat in wireless LAN. For example, there is an attack
called Evil-Twin Attack which places rogue access point which has
the same SSID as legitimate one to make clients unknowingly
connect to it. Once attacked, all of the traffic moving across the
network will be eavesdropped by attackers. In this paper, we
propose a method to detect rogue AP by comparing delay
fluctuation of backbone network. We define delay of backbone
network as the difference between ICMP travel from client to first
gateway and to the Internet Server. By comparing 100 samples of Figure 1 Experiment Environment
backbone delay evaluation results among 5 different wireless Server. Backbone delay based rogue AP detection lias been
networks, which have different backbone networks, we obtained a tested in 2 APs in which we focused on “using different
perspective to discriminate networks by histogram of the network” as experimental environment (Figure 1). The
backbone delay. experimental setup includes 3 wireless LAN infrastructure,
using which the client can connect to 5 different wireless LAN
Keywords— evil twin attack, rogue wireless AP, backbone
network delay
which have different AP organization or backbone network. We
collected 100 samples of backbone delay respectively on above
I. I n t r o d u c t io n 5 different wireless LAN at one trial and compared them. Using
The Internet is becoming one of the important infrastructure the collected samples we were able to obtain a perspective to
of the society. To increase connectivity, Wireless LAN or Wi-Fi discriminate networks by evaluating cosine distance of
becomes more and more essential to our daily life. Meanwhile, histogram.
cyber threats has to be considered seriously due to the rising
II. D e t e c t io n m ethod
numbers of cyber-attacks. Accessing public Wi-Fi has various
risks such as getting eavesdropped through man-in-the-middle The rogue AP simulates the behavior of the legitimate AP,
attack. Besides, there is a type of attack called Evil Twin Attack but the backbone network or the authentication is hard to be set
(ETA). In ETA, attackers create a rogue access point (rogue AP) as same as the real one. In such situation, it is considered that we
that hijacks the wireless connection from clients by providing can discriminate the rogue AP from the legitimate AP based on
same SSID with stronger signal than legitimate AP. In addition, the delay of backbone network. Therefore, we propose a method
to convince the victims that the rogue AP is not a fake AP, that detects rogue AP by measuring delay fluctuation from the
attackers provides internet connection to clients in many cases. first gateway to the Internet Server. Since the Wi-Fi APs in real-
To provide such connectivity, attackers may route the traffic world exhibit more than 2 AP usually, the experiments have
either through a legitimate AP, or may use different backbone been performed on 5 different wireless networks in the
network [1,2], laboratory.
Such a rogue AP based attack is also threat for wireless LAN 192.168. 5.0/24 Server on
service provider. So, it is important to develop a method to
detect rogue AP. There is a research which try to detect rogue
AP by delay from client to the Internet Server[l], But current
m AP
the Internet

¡ IC M P E c h o R e q u e s t
wireless LAN is so crowded especially in 2.4GHz band so that
delay fluctuates so largely. A
¡ IC M P E c h o R e p ly ;

In this study, to improve preciseness, we utilized delay of I C M P E c h o R e q u e st

backbone network which is defined by subtracting time taken B * ----------------------------4— --------------------------
for ICMP packet from client to first gateway and to Internet Figure 2 Measurement Method

978-1-7281-2607-4/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 936 _ IEEE

DOI 10.1109/COMPSAC.2019.00149 computer
Table 1 Difference among Wireless Networks Table 2 Average Cosine Distance
Lab. L e gitim ate R o g u e Cam pusl Cam pus2 Lab. Le gitim ate Rogue C a m p u sl C am p us2
A P o rgan ization m a k e r l m aker2 Linux P C m aker3 m aker3
Lab. 0.721 0.763 0.594 0.681 0.620
Backbone backbone! backbone! backbone2 backbone3 backbone4
Le gitim ate 0.936 0.395 0.614 0.642

We measured delay of backbone network by following the Rogue 0.771 0.616 0.445

below steps on each wireless networks. C am p usl 0.788 0.824

1. Connect to the AP C am p u s2 0.904

2. Send ping (ICMP echo request) from the client to the first vertical axis shows frequency. As indicated in Section III, the
gateway (AP or router) as shown in Figure 2 A. maximum delay bin is more than 100ms, but since the difference
Simultaneously send ping from the client to the server on among wireless networks is insignificant when it exceeds more
the Internet such as Google server. than 24ms, it has been omitted. As shown in Figure 3, there are
some visible differences among wireless networks as well as
3. Repeat step 2 for 100 times to collect delay A (from the client similar histogram patterns such as Lab. and Legitimate those
to the first gateway) and delay B (from the client to the have same backbone or Campus 1 and Campus2 which utilize
server) (as shown in Figure 2). same hardware for AP.
4. Subtract delay A from delay B for respective samples. Table 2 shows average of cosine distance vectors generated by
Finally the histogram of a sample of 100 has been created histograms. The vectors have been generated using histograms
following the rules explained in Section III and respective cosine for respective days and networks and their cosine distance have
distances between histograms have been calculated. In practical been computed. As shown in Table 2, Legitimate and Campus2
usage, delay histogram of legitimate AP is prepared beforehand shows more than 0.9 similarity in same wireless LAN and
and is compared with delay histogram whenever there is new AP similarity to other wireless LAN are less than them. Thus, the
connected. If similarity is smaller than the predefined threshold, networks can be easily distinguished using delay histogram. On
the newly connected AP is potentially rogue AP. the other hand, Lab., Rogue, and Campusl shows 0.721 to
0.788 similarity with the same wireless networks and higher
III. E x p e r im e n t a l s e t u p similarities with the other networks. Thus, it sometimes miss to
To measure the effectiveness of the proposal, we evaluated distinguish the network. We believe by improving data quality
backbone delay of 5 wireless networks (Laboratory, Legitimate, it can achieve better results. Also, the current evaluation is
Rogue, Campusl, Campus2) which differs in terms of their preliminary one and considers only 3 days of data. Hence in
respective backbone networks or AP implementations as shown order to improve performance more data needs to be collected.
in Table 1. We evaluated backbone delay in different days Also it can be seen that threshold value could be set around 0.7.
(weekday, Saturday, Sunday). The delay is summarized to
histogram and the similarities have been calculated using cosine V. C o n c l u s io n
distance by treating histogram data as vector. The bins of the Wireless LAN is essential to our social life, however, it is
histogram is created according to the following rules. (1) bin becoming more dangerous to use Wi-Fi in the public settings
size is 1ms from 1ms to 10ms. (2) bin size is 2ms between 10ms due to the cyber-attacks such as ETA or man-in-the-middle
and 30ms. (3) bin size is 5ms between 30ms and 60ms. (4) bin attacks. In this paper, we propose a method to detect the rogue
size is 10ms between 60ms and 100ms. (5) less than 0ms AP by using delay fluctuation of backbone network. To evaluate
(occurs when delay A in Figure 2 is longer than delay B) and the proposal, we measured backbone delay of 5 wireless
more than 100ms are defined as the otherbin. networks. We obtained histograms and computed their cosine
IV . R e s u l t s a n d D is c u s s io n s
distances from observed delays. Using the result, we obtained
potential method to distinguish rogue and legitimate APs in the
Figure 3 shows the histogram of Sunday as an example. wireless LAN.
The horizontal axis shows delay with milliseconds and the
As a future work, we need to collect more delay data at least
for a period of month. Additionally creation of a tool which
A evaluates and compares delays and warn the end user if the
A currently connected AP seems to be possible rogue AP.

R eferences.

[1] O. Nakhila, “User-side Wi-Fi Evil Twin Attack detection using SSL/TCP
10 protoclos,” CCNC2015, pp. 239-244, Jan. 2015.
[2] F. Lanze, “Undesired Relatives: Protection Mechanisms Against The Evil
0- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Twin Attack in IEEE 802.11, ” Q2SWinet, pp. 87-94, Sep. 2014
Lab. Legitimate Rogue C a m p u sl Cam pus2

Figure 3 Delay Histogram on Sunday


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