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1. Clauses and linkers of PURPOSE: Conectori (conj. subord.) pentru Subordonata de SCOP:

in order to/ so as to = pentru ca să in order not to/ so as not to = pentru ca să nu

Subject 1 = Subject 2 People created myths so as to explain supernatural events.

so that = ca să (S1 dif. S2) He closed the window so that she wouldn’t sit in the draught.
2. Clauses and linkers of REASON: Conectori (conj. subord.) pentru Subordonata de CAUZĂ:

because/ as/ for = fiindcă, pentru că for this reason = din acest motiv

because of = din cauza due to = datorită They passed the exam because they worked hard.

3. Clauses and linkers of RESULT: Conectori (conj. subord.) pentru Subordonata CONSECUTIVĂ:

so + adj./adv. + that sentence = așa de ... încât so beautiful that; so well that;
such a/an + adj. + noun(s)+ that sentence = așa de ... încât such (a) good friend(s)
He is such a good student that teachers hold him up as an example.

4. Clauses and linkers of CONTRAST/ CONCESSION: Conectori (conj. subordonatoare) pentru

Subordonata CONCESIVĂ:

although (beginning)= even though = deși, cu toate că however (middle) nevertheless

in spite of (the fact that)= despite (the fact that)= deși/ în ciuda faptului că
on the one hand … on the other hand = pe de o parte … pe de altă parte
He was an experienced explorer. However he couldn’t finish the trip.
Although he was an experienced explorer, he couldn’t finish the trip.
In spite of being a historic city, Edinburgh is still very lively.
Edinburgh is still very lively despite the fact that it is a historic city.

5. Clauses and linkers of ADDITION: Conectori pt. idei similare/ un plus de informație:

in addition = besides = moreover = what is more = în plus, mai mult, pe lângă asta, în afară de
not only … but also = nu numai… cât/ dar și … Not only is it cheap, but also convenient.

6. Clauses of Comparison: Conectori pt. comparații:

as ... as = la fel ... ca și as if/ though = de parcă/ ca și când

7. Parallels:

either ... or ... = fie ... fie ... (sau ... sau ...) neither ... nor ... = nici ... nici ...
like(wise) = in the same way = similarly = precum unlike = spre deosebire de

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