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Design Folder Sustainable Design - Jane Doe (7DET8)

C1: Work Plan

Examples of work plans found online - Instructables DIY Phone Pouch | We All Sew | Nutella Brownies

🔎 What?
C1: Outline a plan, which considers the use of resources and time, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution.

1. Describe all steps needed to create your product. In this step plan:
● List all tools you will need for each step.
● List all materials you will need for each step (where appropriate).
● Record the estimated time it should take to complete each step.
● Outline safety precautions for each step (where appropriate).
● Outline/describe what each step entails (bullet point sequence of smaller ‘sub-steps’).
● Present photographs and/or screenshots that illustrate the production process of your product (if found)
2. Summarize the materials and tools of the project in the following:
● Cutting List
● Tools List
3. Extension: Present photographs of your pattern & prototype (if complete)

Despite the fact that every student has their own project, it is likely your plan has some of the following ‘steps’:
- Create seams
- Iron fabric
- Mark out pattern A
- Cut pattern A
- Press seams on part A with iron
- Pin part A to part B
- Sew part A to part B
- Apply rivets/eyelets/snap buttons
- Sew on snap-buttons/velcro/zipper

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

The student lists some of the The student lists the main The student lists the steps in a The student outlines a
main steps in a plan that steps in a plan that contains plan, which considers time plan, which considers the
contains some details, some details, resulting in and resources, resulting in use of resources and time,
resulting in peers having peers having difficulty peers being able to follow the sufficient for peers to be
significant difficulty following following the plan to create plan to create the solution. able to follow to create the
the plan to create the solution. the solution. solution.

How to make a ...

Design Folder Sustainable Design - Jane Doe (7DET8)

Phone pouch for holding your phone while it's charging.

Source(s) (MLA format):

# Step title Materials and tools Time Step details

(1 pd =

EX. Prepare fabric - Fabric scissors 20m Cut the legs of the jeans just below the pockets. Open the legs by
- Denim jeans cutting along the thick seam (inside leg).

Be careful with the rotary cutter so that your cuts are precise.

1 Prepare fabric Fabric scissors 10m Cut the legs of the jeans just below the pockets. Open the legs by
Denim jeans cutting along the thick seam (inside leg).

Be careful with the rotary cutter so that your cuts are precise.

2 Cutting jeans Fabric scissors 10m When you have the leg of the jean then open it and cut through
Denim jeans one of the walls so it will no longer look like a cylinder but like a 2d

3 cutting Fabric scissors 15m From the rectangle you now want to cut out two other small
Denim jeans rectangles one that is 22 cm of height and 9cm of width and the
other one that is 16cm height and 9cm width. Also cut a small
pocket 2.2*2cm. Then to the big one cut one squared shaped hole
with the measurements of a charger .

4 dying Dyeing materials 30m Dye the two materials blue or orange.

5 sewing Needle, string 5m Get the small rectangle and sew the small pocket onto it.

Design Folder Sustainable Design - Jane Doe (7DET8)

6 sewing Needle, string 30m Place the two rectangles, the tallest one at the back and the other
one on top of it. Sew them together.

7 00m

8 00m

9 00m

10 00m

11 00m

12 00m

13 00m

14 00m

Cutting list
# Material and Dimensions Quantity Needed for

1 Denim 28*9cm 1 piece Back of my pouch

2 Denim 16*9cm 1 piece Front of pouch

3 Small pocket like denim 1 piece Front pocket


# Name of Tool Quantity Needed for

1 Fabric scissors 1 cutting

2 needle 1 seawing

Design Folder Sustainable Design - Jane Doe (7DET8)

3 string 1 For sewing pieces together

4 dye 2 (blue) For dying the pieces of fabric.



Extension: Insert photos of your life-size patterns and paper prototype


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