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able Space analysis through DB02 for PSA and Change log deletion strategies

By Viral Shah, Accenture


This document tells you how to use DB02 in BI to make policy or decision for Deletion of PSA and
Change log table.

Use DB02 T-code for check the table space of the PSA, DSO and cube and change logs.

You will find the table space status on the front page.
Then click on the overview under tablespace (tablespaceà overview) and you will find table space
allocated to different process into BI.

         You can use these and check the table space before starting any big activity like extraction from ECC
, from PSA to DSO or within BI.

         You can coordinate with Basis by looking the report and ask for necessary space if you require.
To identify table sized occupied at different tables like PSA tables, DSO size for active as well as change
log table and cube sizing. You have to click on addition function “BW analysis”.  
Screen will give you details of the each process table spaced occupied  and values are in MB so you can
check and do analysis for particular by clicking double click to check which are the tables and size of the
If you want to check which are the PSA tables are considering BI system then double click on that will
give you details of that PSA table wise size occupied in system.

If you want to do analysis of PSA tables then double click on that entire PSA table and sizing will come.
Then do the descending order on Size will give you details of which PSAs have occupied more size.
You can use RSTSODS table to know that particular PSA table belong to which object so that based on
business scenario you can go for deletion strategies. Copy PSA name from DB02 and paste in technical
ODS name in RSTSODS.

Note: Please make sure that PSA request deletion should be only for full load specially for Master data.
You will find info object or DSO or cube name in object name fields.

You can download file of DB02 and export to excel also. Please make a practise to study system and
export PSA, cube and DSO tables and sizes for analysis and cleansing also.  

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