Adaptive Filtering in Astronomical Image Processing: Very Deep Convolutional Networks For Large-Scale Image Recognition

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S. No.

Paper Name
1 Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-
Scale Image Recognition

2 An improved method for object detection in

astronomical images

3 Adaptive Filtering in Astronomical

Image Processing

4 Multiresolution and Astronomical Image

5 Digital Image Reconstruction Applied to
Alpha Orionis
Images can be of different sizes; rescale them randomly and take 224x224 segments as the input. Pre-processing done: i
image randomly flipped (horizontally) and mean RGB value subtracted from each pixel. Now, the ConvNet is trained usi
merely 3x3 filters (1 px padding) and 2x2 max pooling layers (not all Conv layers followed by a max-pooling layer), with
significantly good results if the depth is upto 19 layers, with the ReLU activation function. The resulting ConvNet is appl
the whole with no need for multiple crops since the network has to re-compute the whole thing for each segment. Finall
a sum-pool of the class score map (with no. of channels = no. of classes), we get a fixed size vector of class scores which h
identify which regions in the image were relevant to the particular class to get discriminative image regions.

The fundamental idea—to extract more real objects and more faint objects close to bright objects in image
very large dynamic intensity ranges and high levels of noise. Two main components: global detection (whi
can be run as an independent detection routine) and local detection. Global detection: Gaussian filter ->
background subtraction -> histogram equalization -> thresholding by Otsu’s method. These steps are app
a normalized image with intensities from 0 to 1. Local detection: watershed segmentation applied to create
irregularly sized sub-regions. The following image transformations are then applied: grayscale stretching,
background estimation, Histogram equalization. Adaptive noise is removed and layered object detection is
finally applied. The output is deblended to derive locally detected objects. This tool can be used as a stand
(to process astrophysical images) or in combination with other ones.

Adaptive filters recognize and adapt their own impulse to the resolution of the local signal. Thus, it can
recognize the local resolution in presence of noise. It doesn’t degrade the spectrum. Once recovered by th
inverse transform, the adaptive filtered image appears smooth over large regions of the sky background (a
gradients=0), but star-like features (significant gradients) are unchanged—using a one-dimensional versio
the adaptive filter. The authors also present a 2D transform, the H transform (named after Haar).

There is no ideal wavelet transform algorithm—selection depends on the application. Their key advantage
Fourier transforms: capturing both frequency and location information. The algorithms: Mallat’s Transform
the scale parameter is sampled along the dyadic sequence 2^j (j->Integer) and the wavelet transform is
calculated for each point in time; Feauveau’s Transform—not dyadic and allows image decomposition with
resolution factor=√2; Wavelet Transform with FFT—a decomposition with isotropic scaling and wavelet
functions; A Trous Algorithm—[very powerful] produces an isotropic transform (for 2D) and the reconstruc
algorithm is trivial; Pyramidal Algorithm—derived from the a trous algorithm, it allows all computation to be
carried out in direct space, although an iterative algorithm is necessary for exact restoration.
The authors’ first attempt to produce an image of alpha Ori was made by deconvolving the images reprod
in a paper by Gezari, Labeyrie, and Stachnik. The final image was still blurred by some function accountin
the difference between the actual impulse response and the adopted impulse response. A similar result w
later achieved by a procedure in which a digital, scanning microdensitometer was used to superpose indiv
speckle images. The result of this partial deconvolution is, for gamma Orí, an approximate solution for f(x,
function which may be thought of as an image of a point source and as a representation of the intensity im
response of a system that includes all of the data processing that has been introduced. Although the partic
procedure for the reconstruction of the images has only a limited range of validity.
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