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Most people tend to blame the government and education policies for not promoting environmental

studies. But with times, the education system has evolved, and students are taught EVS subject that is
mandatory. The role of teaching EVS is that it inculcates the values required to respect Nature and know
about it from the junior classes itself. Children are taught about Earth, elemental form of Nature, Flora
and fauna. Along with this, they are made aware of what is wrong with the Environment today.
Concepts of Pollution, global warming, and deforestation are briefly explained to them. This is crucial as
this information develops the mind of children in a way that he grasps the knowledge and is willing to do
something for the sake of helping the Nature.

Also, the parents can play an important role in shaping the psyche of their children as responsible future
citizens. By promoting hobbies, encouraging them to work for Nature, and save energy at home and in
school, they will inculcate important values in them.

Also, some steps that can be taken by students as well as school authorities to make the class
environment more eco-friendly and energy efficient are as follows:

– Children should be taught to switch off all switches when not in use to save electricity.

– Children should be guided to save water and not to leave the taps running in washrooms.

– Kids should be encouraged to minimize wastage of paper and use recycled paper.

– Environment related charts and crafts should be used to decorate the classrooms.

– On occasions of birthday and special school days, children should be encouraged to plant trees and
take care of them.

– Tube lights in the classrooms should be replaced with CFLs to reduce electricity consumption, and
children should be made aware of it.

– Schools should have solar power plants in schools and teach their students about them at operational
and theoretical level.
– Water harvesting, its importance and how students can participate in water harvesting needs to be
explained to students.

– The importance of greenery and cleanliness should be taught.

– “Save water,” “Save Earth” campaigns should be held in school and students of all grades should be
encouraged to participate in the campaigns.

– A “Best out of waste material Sale” can be organized in the school that will encourage children to
make interesting and creative products out of waste.

The steps mentioned above if taken by parents, school authorities and children, then many things can
change. A student who grows in an environment where there are respect and care for Nature will grow
up as a responsible and compassionate human being. He/she will always know how to create the best
out of waste and use limited resources to their advantage. And with age and maturity, and also with an
increase in exposure to knowledge, one will understand the significances of environmental education to
a deeper level and use it in personal life. Many problems like global warming can be solved if people are
aware of the factors that contribute to it and for this awareness is a must. School education is the
foundational level to bring awareness into the mind of children, and thus, the education is crucial.

Thus by promoting environmental education, exposing students to issues related to the environment,
making them aware of green living and adopting an eco-friendly life, we can assure a safer and
responsible generation.

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