Day Meal and COVID-19

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Since last year, everything is on track. Students were attending school regularly. Students' dropout from
school was reduced due to day meal program launched by government. The use of junk food was also
plummeted. But I have a trepidation that whether the day meal program sustain or not due to
devastating effect on the economy of Nepal by COVID-19.

I would like to grab your attention on day meal program which has a very positive effect on student's
learning and health. Since last 2 years I am working as a visiting health educator in schools. I had seen
those changes. Student's health and learning were improved. Of course, I accept that the MGML
method of teaching had a surplus effect in improving students learning. In the case, if day meal program
discontinue, then, our entire endeavor will be useless. For better learning, food is the most important
thing, we must consider. With empty stomach, learning may not be achieved. Simultaneously, health
will be deteriorating. Thus, it is a very serious concern for me whether the day meal program will run
smoothly or not in coming year.

I am very pensive about the situation and suddenly I came up with an idea that the schools must devise
a long-term vision on day meal issues. They must have a plan to run the day meal program even in the
absence of government budget. Some of the plans which could be useful from my point of view;

1. Primary plan

 Ask student to bring a leaf of spinach each day or talk with mothers group to send it.
 On every monthly meeting of mothers group and teachers, they have to donate Rs.30 for the
welfare of their children. (I don't think it is a large amount because each day they used to spent
more than 50 rupees on chatpate or panipuri or junk foods)
 To make a garden in schools wherever feasible to grow vegetables (It may be an extracurricular
activity for students as well as a good skill development platform for students)

2. Secondary plan

 To establish a donation box in each school because a lot of benevolent people and organization
used to visit school for various purposes, they might donate some money for the sustenance of
day meal program and betterment of students' health and learning.

Another concern is feeding children with a balanced diet. I agree that 15 rupees per head is not enough
to provide a balanced diet to the students. That's why; I came up with the above mentioned solutions
which might aid to feed a healthy diet. As I know, to be a balanced diet, there should be 3 categories of
food; 1. Carbohydrate, 2. Protein and 3. Vitamins and Minerals. However, most of the time what I saw
is; the students were fed with only 2 categories out of three and I have to accept it because I related it
with the previous situation when students used to come without Tiffin and ran away to home for having
meal, which was hampering their learning. This scenario is not the same in today's context. So, we have
to step up with the time lapse, school administration must have to think on the possibilities to feed the
children with balanced diet. The above mentioned possibilities are just few in number, we could think
for more other possibilities also.

To clarify the readers, I would like to give an example on how we could use the possibilities; In the case
if we can only fed rice and pulses in 15 rupees then you can ask students to bring just a leaf of spinach
every day. This will complete the balanced diet criteria. Isn't it so simple? If we do so student will eat
healthy and learn happily. This is just one way; schools can adopt different ways which is easiest for

I am persuading for balanced diet because just giving a meal is not enough, we have to feed them with a
complete food category. In fact it just needs a sincere consideration and positive attitude to bring a
change. Out of my busy schedule, I am spending some time to make a standard day meal menu for
schools and I know it is like taking gold out of blues but I will do it for healthier future generation.

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