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Applied Ergonomics 43 (2012) 392e399

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Characterization of posture and comfort in laptop users in non-desk settings

J.E. Gold a, *, J.B. Driban a,1, V.R. Yingling b, E. Komaroff a
Department of Public Health, Temple University, 1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue 004-09, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA
Department of Kinesiology, Temple University, 1800 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Laptop computers may be used in a variety of postures not coupled to the office workstation. Using
Received 25 October 2010 passive motion analysis, this study examined mean joint angles during a short typing/editing task in
Accepted 11 June 2011 college students (n ¼ 20), in up to seven positions. Comfort was assessed after task execution through
a body map. For three required postures, joint angles in a prone posture were different than those while
Keywords: seated at a couch with feet either on floor or on ottoman. Specifically, the prone posture was charac-
Office ergonomics
terized by comparatively non-neutral shoulders, elbows and wrists, and pronounced neck extension.
Computer workstations
Significantly greater intensity and more regions of discomfort were marked for the prone posture than
Joint angle
for the seated postures. It is recommended that the prone posture only be assumed briefly during laptop
use. Exposure to laptops outside of the office setting should be assessed in future epidemiologic studies
of musculoskeletal complaints and computer use.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction a lesser extent, while using a laptop computer at a desk (Asundi

et al., 2010; Moffet et al., 2002; Straker et al., 1997; Szeto and Lee,
Almost one-half of American adults own a laptop computer 2002) or on or close to the lap while seated at a chair (Asundi
(Horrigan, 2009). In Australia, laptop prevalence is increasing (to et al., 2010; Moffet et al., 2002; Sommerich et al., 2002) have
63% of all households in 2008), while desktop computer ownership been quantitatively characterized, this is not the case for postures
is declining (Nielsen Company, 2009). A similar trend is occurring assumed when using laptops in other positions or locations.
globally, with the volume of laptop sales recently exceeding that of Postural risk factors may be common in these non-traditional
desktops (Euromonitor International, 2009). In contrast to desktop positions, but to date, this has not been assessed in any published
computers, which are typically utilized in a seated position at study that we are aware of. Sommerich and Korkmaz (2008)
a desk, the portable nature of laptop computers allows for a variety surveyed high school students and teachers who had been issued
of postures during usage. tablet PCs and found that participants used these devices in non-
Several postural factors are thought to impart risk for muscu- desk settings such as sitting on a bed or sitting on the floor
loskeletal symptoms in computer users. Generally, non-neutral between “a little time” to “some time”. However, postures were not
postures are regarded as detrimental. In a systematic review of quantitatively assessed in this study.
epidemiologic studies of video display terminal work, Punnett and The objective of this study was to quantitatively determine
Bergqvist (1997) identified the following specific risk factors: wrist postural characteristics of the upper extremity, head-neck
ulnar deviation, wrist extension, elbow flexion, shoulder flexion, as segment, and trunk during laptop usage away from the desk and
well as neck flexion and rotation. More recent works (Gerr et al., to ascertain the level of musculoskeletal comfort following a short
2006; Marcus et al., 2002) have pointed to study inconsistencies (seven minute) typing/editing task in college students. Specifically,
with respect to some of these postures. Although the postures students (n ¼ 20) were asked to assume three non-desk positions
assumed while at a desktop computer (Gerr et al., 2000), and to of laptop usage. These included 1) sitting on a couch with both feet
flat on the floor, laptop on lap (couch feet down), 2) sitting on
a couch with their feet on an ottoman, laptop on lap (couch feet
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 215 204 9661; fax: þ1 215 204 1854. up), and 3) lying prone on a bed, laptop on the bed in front of the
E-mail addresses: (J.E. Gold), jdriban@ participant (prone). Students were also asked to choose up to four (J.B. Driban), (V.R. Yingling), (E. Komaroff).
alternative positions with which they frequently used a laptop in
Present address: Division of Rheumatology, Tufts Medical Center, 800 Wash- order to form a more complete assessment of the positions
ington Street, Box #406, Boston, MA 02111, USA. employed in non-desk laptop usage.

0003-6870/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.
J.E. Gold et al. / Applied Ergonomics 43 (2012) 392e399 393

The objectives of this study were to: four and five cameras, reflecting acceptable precision for both
conditions. The cameras (MacReflex, Qualisys AB) were on average
1. determine if there was any difference in mean joint angles located 2.53 m from the participant. Coordinates of the reflective
during typing among the required three positions assumed. markers were passed from the video processors to a computer with
2. determine if there was any difference in mean joint range Qualisys Track Manager version 2.0 software (Qualisys AB). Addi-
of motion (ROM) during typing among the three required tionally, right wrist kinematics were captured using a 30 Hz Sony
positions. high definition video camera (HDR-SR11, Sony Corporation; Tokyo,
3. determine if participants reported any difference in comfort Japan). The camera was placed parallel to the sagittal plane of the
after typing in the three positions. wrist and recorded wrist flexion and extension. MaxTRAQ version
2.21 (Innovision Systems, Inc.) was utilized to digitize the wrist
Mean joint angles, joint ROM, and comfort after typing were also markers.
determined for the three most frequently chosen self-selected To detect kinematics for all joints, eleven passive markers were
postures. placed as indicated below. Black pre-wrap was wrapped around the
participant’s head to cover the ears in order to adhere a head
2. Methods marker, which was placed over the right tragus. The other markers
were positioned at standardized locations: 1) suprasternal notch of
2.1. Participant recruitment and selection the sternum, 2) acromion process of the scapula (bilateral), 3) right
lateral epicondyle of the humerus, 4) right dorsum of the wrist
Twenty asymptomatic right-hand dominant college-aged between the radial and ulnar styloid processes, 5) right ulnar
students who identified themselves as laptop users were recruited styloid process, 6) ulnar surface of the head of the right 5th
through electronic and paper advertisements at Temple University. metacarpal, and 7) greater trochanter of the femur (bilateral)
After responding to a solicitation, each potential subject was con- (Fig. 1). Low pass (6 Hz) filtered data from each participant was
tacted for a structured phone interview to determine study eligibility. exported to MaxMATE version 3.6E (Innovision Systems, Inc.;
We limited our study to 18 to 25 year olds because we thought that Columbiaville, MI), through which all joint kinematics, including
this age group (which represents a typical undergraduate population) that of the wrist, were analyzed.
would be more likely to be accustomed to using their laptops in non- Joint angles analyzed included trunk flexion/extension, neck
desk settings (floor, couch, etc.) than an older age group, thereby flexion/extension, shoulder elevation, shoulder horizontal abduc-
minimizing confounding of discomfort ratings due to using a laptop in tion/adduction, shoulder external/internal rotation, elbow flexion/
an unfamiliar position. extension (inner elbow angle), and wrist flexion/extension. Wrist
Additional exclusion criteria included left handedness, and flexion was defined as the angle between the hand (H) segment
a history of adhesive allergy. Potential subjects reporting pain in the (Fig. 1) and the forearm (FA) segment (sagittal plane). Elbow flexion
upper extremity or back or numbness in the arms or hands of 4 on was defined as the angle between the forearm (FA) and the upper
a ten point scale (1 ¼ no pain or numbness, 10 ¼ most intense pain arm segments (UA).
or numbness imaginable) while typing on a computer were also Shoulder (glenohumeral) elevation was calculated as the angle
excluded as were those that reported frequent or continuous (vs. between the upper arm and trunk (T) segment. Glenohumeral
occasional) discomfort of any intensity. These latter exclusion elevation is the displacement of the humerus upwards away from
criteria ensured that joint angle, range of motion, and comfort as the trunk. Based on clinical terms, flexion is elevation parallel to the
well as self-selected postures were not confounded by symptoms of sagittal plane and abduction is elevation in the frontal plane (Wu
musculoskeletal disorders. Temple University’s Institutional Review et al., 2005). To determine whether the humerus was elevated
Board approved the study protocol and consent forms. closer to the sagittal or front plane we measured horizontal
abduction (a transverse plane movement; sagittal plane ¼ 0
2.2. Equipment and data capture degrees and frontal plane ¼ 90 degrees). Shoulder horizontal
abduction was calculated as the angle between the right upper arm
A five-infrared camera motion capture system (Qualisys AB, segment and a sagittal reference plane (perpendicular to a line
Gothenburg, Sweden) with a 60 Hz sampling rate was used to track between the two acromion process markers) (Fig. 2a). Shoulder
and record passive reflective markers associated with the head- internal rotation was calculated as the angle between the forearm
neck segment, trunk, right shoulder, and right elbow kinematics. segment (FA) and a sagittal reference plane (Fig. 2b).
Due to the failure of one camera, eight of the total (n ¼ 75) trials, Trunk and neck (N) segment angles were referenced to the
representing 10.7% of the data, used a four-camera system. The global reference vertical plane in the seated positions and a hori-
motion analysis calibration procedure passed in all trials with both zontal plane in the prone position. Therefore, the trunk segment

Fig. 1. Passive motion analysis markers with segments and joint angles, shown for prone position. Solid lines represent segments used to derive flexion/extension and shoulder
elevation. Arrows indicate direction of positive joint angles. Sternum, left shoulder, and right hip markers are not shown. ZeX represents the sagittal plane, XeY represents the
frontal plane.
394 J.E. Gold et al. / Applied Ergonomics 43 (2012) 392e399

a b H



Fig. 2. Schematic showing a) shoulder horizontal abduction/adduction, and b)

shoulder external/internal rotation. Arrows indicate direction of positive joint angles.

angle was considered flexed if the acromion process (shoulder) was

anterior to the greater trochanter (hip), and extended if the acro-
mion process was posterior to the greater trochanter. The neck
segment (ear to shoulder) was defined as flexed if the ear was
anterior to the shoulder marker, and extended if posterior. Joint
angles in the anatomical position were defined as 0 . Positive joint
angles represented flexion, shoulder forward elevation, shoulder
external rotation, shoulder horizontal abduction, and wrist radial
deviation. All participants used a 2.47 kg Lenovo 3000 N200 laptop
(Morrisville, NC) with a 15.4 inch screen and standard keyboard
with integrated standard two button touch pad with scroll feature.

2.3. Experimental protocol

2.3.1. Postures
Study participants assumed three required postures and up to
four self-selected postures. The required postures were chosen
based on preliminary surveys of laptop postures among college
students. Posture order was randomized a priori over two visits for
each subject, with no more than four conditions per visit. The three
obligatory postures included 1) seated couch feet down e the
participant sat on a couch with their back against the back pillows,
thighs on the couch and both feet on the floor with the laptop on
the participant’s lap; 2) prone e this condition was performed by
lying with the abdomen in contact with a bed with the laptop
directly in front of the participant; 3) seated couch feet up e the
participant was required to sit similarly to position 1 but both feet
were placed on an ottoman with both legs straight and parallel to
the floor with the laptop on the participant’s lap (Fig. 3). In addition
to the three primary conditions, at their first visit, participants were
asked to demonstrate up to two conditions on the couch and two
conditions on the bed that they adopted regularly while using their

2.3.2. Laptop tasks

A 2-minute typing task followed by a 5-minute editing task was
performed in this study. The first task consisted of typing Edgar
Allen Poe’s The Raven (Dennerlein and Johnson, 2006). This two-
minute task gave the participant an opportunity to become
accustomed to the posture while using the laptop. After the typing
task, the participant switched windows and began an editing task.
Fig. 3. Required postures (top to bottom): seated feet down, prone, seated feet up.
This second task involved editing articles from a university news
service that were manipulated to include spelling and grammatical
mistakes. The participant was expected to perform three types of
edits: spelling and grammatical corrections, text selection with For each condition, the middle three minutes of the editing task
mouse pad followed by deletion, and typing new phrases into the was recorded for posture analysis.
text. All errors were highlighted for efficient editing, as were new
phrases to be inserted into the document. For the latter type of edit, 2.3.3. Procedures
after the new text was typed the participant was instructed to use At their first session, all subjects completed an informed consent
the mouse pad to select the original highlighted text and delete it. form. After instruction on assuming the required postures and
All work was performed in Word 2003 (Microsoft Corporation, participant demonstration of self-selected conditions, markers for
Redmond, WA) under the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. motion analysis were placed on the study subject. Following each
J.E. Gold et al. / Applied Ergonomics 43 (2012) 392e399 395

Table 1
Mean joint angle (degrees) by posture assumed while using a laptop in non-desk positions (n ¼ 20).

Posture Trunk flexion/ p-Value Neck flexion/extensiona p-Value Shoulder elevationa p-Value

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

1 24.37 8.65 0.06 23.83 12.80 <0.0001 8.24 3.76 <0.0001
2 25.31 5.73 18.10 11.63 71.51 9.28
3 30.57 5.59 20.75 12.70 8.20 5.96

Posture Shoulder p-Value Shoulder external/ p-Value Elbow flexiona p-Value Wrist flexion/ p-Value
horizontal internal rotation extensiona

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

1 39.52 16.46 0.0004 40.40 7.40 0.39 95.41 9.47 <0.0001 4.11 11.73 <0.0001
2 22.89 12.93 43.23 10.60 67.93 9.99 12.79 16.63
3 39.46 14.74 40.81 6.27 94.39 9.72 6.27 9.59

Post-hoc pairwise contrast e posture 2 different from others, except wrist flexion/extension e posture 1 different from others, p < 0.0167.
First listed joint direction is positive, second is negative.
Posture: 1 e laptop on lap, sitting on couch, feet flat on the floor; 2 e laptop on bed, lying on stomach; 3 e laptop on lap, sitting on couch, feet on ottoman.
Repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni adjustment: alpha ¼ 0.0071.

7-minute period of laptop use, participants were provided a body mean joint angle and 8 repeated measures ANOVAs for each mean
map and asked to mark any regions of discomfort on a scale of 1e10 joint range of motion. Each of the 15 ANOVA models compared
where 10 indicated the greatest imaginable symptoms. A fifteen differences in mean joint angle or range of motion over the same 3
minute break was taken between trials. posture positions (within subject factor). Significant overall F tests
Several metrics for discomfort were determined including were followed by Bonferroni pairwise post-hoc contrast tests.
dichotomized discomfort (yes/no), number of anatomical regions Similar tests were also used to determine mean differences in
marked, and average intensity of marked regions, and average discomfort (number of regions of discomfort and discomfort
overall intensity (including 0’s). If subjects noted no regions of intensity) between the three required postures. Differences in
discomfort, the discomfort intensity was regarded as 0. The distal prevalence of discomfort between each of the three required
upper extremity was defined as the elbow, forearm or hand. conditions was determined with generalized estimating equations
Proximal upper extremity was defined as shoulder or upper arm. (GEE) for repeated measures followed by post-hoc contrast tests. A
The lower extremity was defined as any region below the waist. p-value of <0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. SAS (SAS
Institute Inc., Cary, NC) and Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation,
2.4. Data analysis Redmond, WA) software were used for statistical analysis.

MaxMATE motion analysis data was exported to Excel (Micro-

soft Corporation, Redmond, WA) for further processing where the 3. Results
mean joint angle and mean range of motion (maximumeminimum
joint angle) for each joint was calculated. A repeated measures 3.1. Participants
ANOVA with Bonferroni adjustment for alpha to account for
multiple comparisons was used to determine mean differences in Study participants (n ¼ 20) included 11 females and 9 males.
joint angles and joint ROM for the three required postures. There They ranged in age from 18 to 24 years (mean ¼ 20.2  1.9 years)
were 7 repeated measures ANOVA models performed for each with a mean height of 172.5  9.7 cm.

Table 2
Mean joint range of motion (degrees) by posture assumed while using a laptop in non-desk positions (n ¼ 20).

Posture Trunk flexion/ p-Value Neck flexion/ p-Value Shoulder p-Value Shoulder p-Value
extension extensiona elevation horizontal

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

1 5.19 4.55 0.16 16.11 7.02 <0.0001 17.38 6.21 0.20 32.95 14.19 0.56
2 7.41 5.61 42.85 20.34 22.95 19.86 29.13 17.82
3 4.33 3.57 16.49 8.62 16.37 6.68 28.32 9.74

Posture Shoulder p-Value Elbow flexion p-Value Wrist flexion/ p-Value Wrist deviation p-Value
external/internal extension radial/ulnara

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

1 29.56 6.16 0.17 30.11 11.95 0.07 70.98 21.72 0.05 37.55 9.05 0.002
2 35.36 12.97 31.84 12.31 77.59 24.07 59.52 13.93
3 28.98 9.58 23.58 7.72 64.42 16.45 39.39 10.07

Post-hoc pairwise contrast e posture 2 different from others, p < 0.0167.

Posture: 1 e laptop on lap, sitting on couch, feet flat on the floor; 2 e laptop on bed, lying on stomach; 3 e laptop on lap, sitting on couch, feet on ottoman.
Repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni adjustment: alpha ¼ 0.0063.
396 J.E. Gold et al. / Applied Ergonomics 43 (2012) 392e399

Table 3
Discomfort by laptop posture in non-desk setting (n ¼ 20).

Posture Any discomforta Number of regionsb Intensity of regions Overall intensityb


n % Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

1 10 50 1.30 1.84 0.93 1.10 0.05 0.09
2 19 95 4.50 3.40 3.47 1.47 0.40 0.3
3 9 45 0.80 1.01 0.90 1.12 0.03 0.04

Posture: 1 e laptop on lap, sitting on couch, feet flat on the floor; 2 e laptop on bed, lying on stomach; 3 e laptop on lap, sitting on couch, feet on ottoman.
Repeated measures for proportions (GEE), p ¼ 0.0005, contrast p < 0.0167.
Repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni adjustment: alpha ¼ 0.0167; post-hoc pairwise contrast e posture 2 different from others, p < 0.0167.

3.2. Mean joint angle in three non-desk laptop postures (repeated measures ANOVA, p < 0.0001). Intensity of discomfort in
the regions marked was approximately 3.5 times greater in the
The mean joint angles in both seated positions were charac- prone position (repeated measures ANOVA, p < 0.0001, post-hoc
terized by neck flexion, shoulder horizontal abduction of approxi- pairwise contrast test p < 0.05). In the prone position, seventy
mately 40 , minimal elevation (“shoulder extension”), elbow percent of the subjects reported shoulder/upper arm discomfort
flexion of slightly more than 90 , and a relatively neutral wrist (average intensity ¼ 3.6) after seven minutes of laptop use, while
posture (Table 1). In contrast, the prone posture was typified by approximately half noted back or neck or distal upper extremity
neck extension, pronounced shoulder elevation (“shoulder discomfort (Table 4). Average neck discomfort intensity in the
flexion”), 68 of elbow flexion, and pronounced wrist flexion. The prone position, of those reporting neck discomfort, was 4.3, and the
trunk was extended in all conditions. The shoulder was internally corresponding mean discomfort for couch feet down and couch feet
rotated to a similar angle in all positions. up positions was 2.4 and 1.8, respectively. Similarly, back discom-
A statistically significant difference between the three laptop fort intensity in the prone position was more than two times
postures was found for all mean joint angles examined except for greater than in the seated postures (3.9 vs. 1.7).
shoulder external/internal rotation and trunk flexion/extension
(repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni adjustment, F-test
p-values ranged from <0.0001e0.0004). In post-hoc pairwise 3.5. Self-selected postures
comparisons, the prone posture was different than the seated
positions for neck flexion/extension, shoulder elevation, shoulder A total of 22 different postures were self-selected by the 20
horizontal abduction/adduction, and elbow flexion/extension subjects. Three frequently selected postures (n ¼ 5), included cross
(p < 0.05). For wrist flexion/extension, the seated with feet down legged (Indian style, while seated with or without back support),
condition was different from the other two postures (p < 0.05). lying down with legs out (knees at 180 ), and seated with knees
flexed at 90 or greater (Fig. 4).
The mean joint angles in the cross-legged position were char-
3.3. Joint ROM in three non-desk laptop postures
acterized by pronounced neck flexion, shoulder horizontal abduc-
tion and internal rotation, and wrist extension (Table 5). The seated
Minimal joint ROM was observed in the trunk sagittal plane,
with knees flexed position was typified by shoulder horizontal
while the greatest joint excursions occurred in the wrist (Table 2). A
abduction and internal rotation, and elbow flexion. The lying down
significantly different joint ROM between laptop postures was
with legs out appeared to be a rather neutral posture for the
found for neck flexion/extension (repeated measures ANOVA,
shoulders, elbows, and wrists. The trunk was extended in all
p < 0.0001). Post-hoc comparisons revealed that the prone posture
was different than the 2 seated postures (p  0.05).
As with the required postures, minimal joint ROM was observed
in the trunk sagittal plane, while the greatest joint excursions
3.4. Discomfort in three non-desk laptop postures occurred in the wrist (data not shown). Subjects assuming the cross
legged position reported discomfort in more regions and a greater
All but one of the subjects reported discomfort after the typing/ mean intensity of discomfort in the regions marked after a typing/
editing task in the prone position, while approximately half of the editing task than either the lying down legs out or seated with
participants reported any discomfort in the seated postures knees flexed positions (Table 6).
(Table 3). Participants marked 3e5 times as many regions of
discomfort for the prone position as for the seated postures
4. Discussion
Table 4
Body regions of discomfort, by laptop posture (n ¼ 20). The goal of this study was to characterize postures and comfort
in non-desk usage of laptop computers. Differences in mean joint
Posture Neck Back Proximal Distal Lower
angles were found for a prone condition in contrast to two seated
UE UE ext
positions (one with feet flat on the floor, and one with feet on an
n % n % n % n % n % ottoman). The prone condition was typified by several non-neutral
1 5 25 6 30 1 5 2 10 1 5 postures including neck extension, shoulder flexion (defined by
2 10 50 11 55 14 70 10 50 0 0
shoulder elevation near the sagittal plane), less than 90 degrees of
3 8 40 3 15 0 0 0 0 2 10
elbow flexion, and pronounced wrist flexion. The seated postures
Posture: 1 e laptop on lap, sitting on couch, feet flat on the floor; 2 e laptop on bed, were characterized by neck flexion, relatively neutral shoulders,
lying on stomach; 3 e laptop on lap, sitting on couch, feet on ottoman.
Proximal UE ¼ shoulder or upper arm.
elbows, and wrists (in the flexion/extension plane). Subjects
Distal UE ¼ elbow or forearm or hand. reported greater intensity of discomfort in the prone position than
Lower ext ¼ any region below the waist. in the seated postures, particularly in the back and neck.
J.E. Gold et al. / Applied Ergonomics 43 (2012) 392e399 397

Table 5
Mean joint angle (degrees) by posture assumed while using a laptop in self-selected
non-desk positions (n ¼ 5).

Posture Trunk flexion/ Neck flexion/ Shoulder

extension extension elevation

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Cross-legged 18.28 6.03 26.60 17.35 4.32 1.96
Lying, legs out 33.87 8.70 22.62 16.56 9.62 7.54
Seated, knees flexed 35.19 8.30 11.13 13.39 10.27 9.41

Posture Shoulder Shoulder Elbow Wrist flexion/

horizontal external/ flexion extension
abduction/ internal
adduction rotation

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Cross-legged 59.11 12.54 50.02 10.66 89.83 12.43 13.27 21.05
Lying, legs out 29.11 21.99 31.37 8.42 102.92 11.87 2.02 13.03
Seated, knees flexed 45.38 9.59 54.74 7.01 77.32 5.03 6.76 9.71

First listed joint direction is positive, second is negative.

into the couch to take advantage of the back support. Although

overall the trunk appeared to be extended, participants often had
a decreased lordotic curve leading to a rounded posture (lumbar
spine flexion). This characteristic rounded posture was more
pronounced in the feet up position. The prone position demon-
strated overall trunk extension because the participants were lift-
ing their upper body off of the bed and hence forcing their lumbar
spine into extension.
In the prone condition, the position with the greatest discom-
fort, the neck was in extension. Although muscle activation was not
measured in the current study, presumably the neck extensor and
scapular stabilizer musculature was active during the task and
resisting the flexion moment caused by the head. In addition,
the prone posture may have resulted in scapular retraction and
elevation (shrugging) with increased levels of muscle activity in the
thoracic erector spinae and rhomboids (Schüldt and Harms-
Ringdahl, 1988), offering another explanation of an increase in
proximal upper extremity discomfort. The neck extension posture
may place the active muscles in a length that is suboptimal for
muscle force production, which could lead to early fatigue.
In the seated positions, the neck was flexed resulting in the
center of gravity of the head to be further away from the joint
center of rotation in the cervical spine, thus increasing the flexor
moment. Passive structures (e.g., ligaments and joint capsules) in
the cervical spine may be under increased loading in a flexed
posture; studies have verified a flexion-relaxation phenomenon in
the cervical spine (Meyer et al., 1993; Pialasse et al., 2009). Under
normal conditions, muscles provide joints with dynamic stability
and prevent excessive or prolonged loading to passive structures.
During the flexion-relaxation phenomenon, the neck extensors are
less active and therefore the passive structures are exposed to
adverse loads which can lead to an increased risk for injury, creep,
and/or impaired neuromuscular control. Pialasse et al. (2009)
report the appearance of the flexion relaxation at a mean value of
23.2 (SD ¼ 4.5 ). Neck flexion in both of the required seated
Fig. 4. Self-selected postures (top to bottom): seated cross-legged, seated with knees postures are close to that angle.
flexed at 90 or greater, lying down with legs out (knees at 180 ).

Table 6
Discomfort by self-selected laptop posture in non-desk setting (n ¼ 5).

Our back flexion/extension measurement did not separate the Posture Number of Intensity of Overall
regions regions intensity
thoracic and lumbar portions of the spine, as we measured
the trunk as a single segment from the greater trochanter to the
acromion process. In all of the conditions, trunk extension was Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

recorded. Nonetheless, it was observed qualitatively that spine Cross-legged 2.2 2.28 1.36 1.32 0.1 0.09
Lying, legs out 0.50 1.00 0.88 1.75 0.04 0.08
posture differed in the prone position in contrast to the two seated
Seated, knees flexed 0.80 1.79 0.40 0.89 0.03 0.08
positions. In the seated positions, the participants often leaned back
398 J.E. Gold et al. / Applied Ergonomics 43 (2012) 392e399

Our study’s measurement of mean elbow flexion angle while in due to specific characteristics of students’ personal laptops (e.g.,
a seated posture is comparable to that measured in studies of overall laptop and screen dimensions, keyboard activation force,
posture during desktop (see Gerr et al., 2000 for review) and laptop key travel distance). However, because the students may have been
near the lap (Sommerich et al., 2002) use, and our measurement of unfamiliar with this particular laptop, they may have reported
slight shoulder extension while using a laptop on the lap is a greater intensity of discomfort than if they had been typing on the
comparable to Moffet et al. (2002) which examined joint angles in laptops that they owned. It is unknown how many of the students
laptop users in a similar posture. In contrast, Sommerich et al. were familiar with the laptop that was used in this study. The
(2002) reported shoulder flexion (22 e27 ) during laptop use, process of randomizing positions may have limited a potential
which is likely due to the fact that the keyboard in that study was learning effect of subjects becoming familiar with the study laptop
placed at elbow height. across trials.
In the seated postures, we observed a mean wrist extension A limitation of the study is that we are uncertain how the results
angle that was close to neutral in comparison to the 20e30 degree would be applicable to a longer-term laptop usage period. However,
corresponding mean angle detected in other studies (Asundi et al., after a short 7-minute task in laboratory conditions we found that
2010; Dennerlein and Johnson, 2006; Gerr et al., 2000; Hales et al., the prone position elicited discomfort. Discomfort may be associ-
1992; Moffet et al., 2002). Since the laptop used in the current study ated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the longer term
provided a place to rest the wrists in front of the keyboard, it is (Hamberg-van Reenen et al., 2008; Werner et al., 2005). Addition-
possible that subjects took advantage of the opportunity to assume ally, the perception of pain is an important mechanism alerting us of
a comparatively more neutral wrist posture. Dissimilar measure- potential harm being imposed to our body that requires corrective
ment methods may also account for differences. action (Calliet, 1996). Based on this logic, the perception of
Shoulder abduction has previously been measured in laptop discomfort after 7-minutes of a laptop task suggests that this may be
users in only one study (Asundi et al., 2010). They estimated a harmful position requiring corrective action (e.g., changing posi-
a median shoulder abduction angle of 15 with the laptop on the tions). We are not suggesting that there is no risk of MSDs given
lap. We can infer from our shoulder elevation and horizontal a seated position. We are suggesting that MSD risk is greater for the
shoulder abduction that our measures are close to the sagittal lying down position given that greater discomfort is initiated after
plane. Thus, this can be interpreted as minimal shoulder abduction. such an extremely short usage period. This experiment was per-
According to the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) system formed with a small sample of college students aged 18e25.
(McAtamney and Corlett, 1993), neck flexion of greater than 20 is Although the results are likely not generalizable to children and
especially problematic, as is any neck extension. All mean neck joint much older adults, we suspect that they are likely to be applicable to
angles observed in the study required positions are in these less most able-bodied individuals of working age. However, further
desirable ranges. In contrast, the mean elbow joint angle in each of experiments would be necessary to verify this assumption.
the required positions is regarded favorably in the RULA system and The laboratory setting of the study could not capture the natural
in a systematic study of computer users’ postures (Gerr et al., 2000). working conditions of the subjects. That is, we required that subjects
A non-neutral wrist is regarded as problematic in several job anal- typed for seven minutes in each position even though it is likely that
ysis schema (McAtamney and Corlett, 1993; Moore and Garg, 1995). they would have changed to a different position prior to that time if
We observed a non-neutral wrist in each of our required positions. they became uncomfortable in a real-world setting. Future studies
Neck and wrist deviation ROM in the prone posture was greater should examine the habits of non-desk laptop users during a more
than in the seated positions. This greater neck ROM may be a result extended period of time and in varying settings to assess how often
of participants aiming to reduce their discomfort by moving their these subjects change their overall working positions and to deter-
neck as their muscle fatigued. mine how this influences their discomfort. It is possible that
particular positions are assumed for specific tasks (e.g., web-surfing,
4.1. Workstation design (furniture, laptop position) reading email, writing a paper). Further research should explore
task preferences in conjunction with non-desk setting positions.
Postures are determined through workstation design interact-
ing with individual anthropometry. In the current study, we 4.3. Conclusions
suspect that both the laptop computer and furniture dimensions
influenced participants’ postures. For instance, in the prone posi- Using a laptop in a prone posture, typified by neck extension as
tion, a participant needed to extend their neck to adequately view well as non-neutral angles in the shoulders, elbows, and wrists, was
the laptop display. Under all positions, the laptop keyboard width associated with a greater intensity of discomfort after a brief
may have influenced shoulder abduction, and shoulder internal typing/editing task than performance of the same task in two
rotation, while the furniture likely affected the trunk angle. In the positions while seated on a couch. More regions of discomfort were
seated feet up position, the back was fully supported by the couch also indicated in the prone posture. In contrast, the seated postures
for most participants. That is, the angle of the back support built on a couch were characterized by relatively neutral shoulders,
into the furniture determined the back flexion/extension in this elbow flexion angle, and wrist (in the flexion/extension plane). This
posture. In contrast, in the feet down position, many participants suggests that non-neutral postures throughout the upper extremity
did not take advantage of the back support provided by the couch. If contributed to the discomfort in the prone position, and it is rec-
the couch had bulkier cushions or a reduced seat pan depth, it is ommended that this position should only be assumed for brief
possible that any difference in back postures between the two periods while using a laptop. Any exposure to laptops in non-desk
seated positions would have been removed. settings, including identification of specific postures assumed by
individuals, should be assessed in future epidemiologic studies of
4.2. Strengths and weaknesses musculoskeletal complaints and computer use.

This is the first study to our knowledge to quantitatively assess Acknowledgements

postures and comfort in laptop users away from a conventional
office setting. A single laptop was used for all trials to eliminate the Funding for this study was provided by the Office Ergonomics
variability in postures and comfort that have would have ensued Research Committee (OERC). Special thanks to Michael Bartha for
J.E. Gold et al. / Applied Ergonomics 43 (2012) 392e399 399

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