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Quiz on IPR
(Duration: 1 hour, Each right choice gets 2 score, max score 50 x2=100 , no negative score for wrong choice)
1. IPR is a right that is,
A) Exclusive, B) International, C) private , D) Public
2. IPR by rule is,
A) Limited validity, B) monetisable, C) Territorial, D) all of these
3. Copy rights protect,
A) Idea, B) expression of an idea, C) broadcasting, D) traditional knowledge
4. Paris international convention was related to,
A) Patent, B) Trade mark, C) Copy right, D) industrial design
5. Madrid international convention was related to,
A) Patent, B) Trade mark, C) Copy right, D) industrial design

6. Borne international convention was related to,

A) Patent, B) Trade mark, C) Copy right, D) industrial design
7. Hague international convention was related to,
A) Patent, B) Trade mark, C) Copy right, D) industrial design

8. Rome international convention was related to,

A) Geopgraphical indication, B) related rights, C) Copy right, D) integrated circuits
9. Which state of India has the highest number of registrations under geographical indication?
A) Kerala, B) Tamil Nadu, C) Karnataka, D) Telegnana
10. The term ‘ quid pro quo’ in IPR means,
A) Right , B) infringement, C) give and take, D) copy and make
11. The term ‘doctrine of pith and marrow’ is used in IPR for
A) Money, B) Procedure, C) Equivalence, D) Product
12. Compulsory licensing makes the patent
A) International, B) extended , C) infringed, D) public
13. The provisional patent application is valid for a period of
A) 3 months, B) months, C) 9 months, D) 12 months
14. In a patent application to succeed, the following one is considered very important,
A) Claim, B) Title, C) Fee, D) Diagram
15. The term ‘prior art’ in IPR relates to
A) Existing information, B) non-existing information, C) sculpture, D) drawing
16. Which one of the following was not patented?
A) Electric rice cooker, B) Pressure cooker, C) Sewing machine , D) Band aid
17. A trade mark is powerful when
A) Fanciful, B) Distinctive, C) Short , D) All these
18. The validity of apatent is
A) 20 years, B) 10 years, C) life time of owner, C) 100 years
19. The validity of copy right is
A) Life time of owner, B) lifetime of owner plus 60 years, C) 20 years, D) 60 years
20. Biodiversity is related to
A) Traditional Knowledge, B) Geographical Indicaion, C) both A &B, D) None of these
21. ‘Abercombie formulation’ is used to find out,


A) Patent eligibility, B) strength of trade mark, C) geographical indication, D) inventive step

22. Validity of Trade mark is
A) 10 years, B) 10+10 years, C) 10+ infinite years, D) 5+10 years
23. “TATA” is a
A) Collective mark, B) Trade mark, C) Service mark, D) Certification mark
24. The present Director General of WIPO is
A) Francis Gurry, B) Tedros Adhanom , C) Roberto Azevedo, D) Michael Moller
25. WIPO is located in
A) London, B) Geneva, C) Paris, D) New York
26. WTO replaced
27. ‘Unfair competition’ in trade, does not refer to
A) Fake product, B) selling at similar price, C) false claims, D) adulteration
28. ‘Appellation of origin’ is closer in nature to,
A) Geographical indication, B) Integrated circuits, C) Related rghts, D) Copy right
29. The patent application to Indian Patent office should be made in
A) English only, B) Hindi only, C) English or Hindi, D) English and Hindi
30. Which one of the following can not be registered at patent office,
A) Trade Mark, B) Trade Secret, C) Copy right, D) Patent
31. The term ‘ passing off’ means,
A) Imitation, B) Adulteration, C) Discount, D) Selling without tax
32. A strong trade mark is usually,
A) Short, B) Long, C) Common, D) Indistinctive
33. A sign ‘TM’ shown as a superscript over a trade mark means the trade mark is
A) Registered, B) Unregistered, C) Indian company, D) Not an Indian company
34. Number of IPR related government establishments available in India are
A).2, B) 4, C) 5, D) 6
35. An excellent text book on IPR is authored by
A) Dan Brown, B) J.K.Rowling, C) David Bain bridge, D) Steve Jobs
36. ‘Inventive step” in a patent application refers to,
A) Novelty , B) non-obvious, C) mathematical step, D) chemical procedure
37. The term ‘free rider’ is referring,
A) The inventor, B) The third party, C) Infringer , D) Government
38. The term, ‘tort’ refers to,
A) Design, B) Infringement, C) Licence, D) Agreement
39. All ‘pochampally sarees ( geographical indication registered) have a characteristic design of
A) Peacock and lion, B) Parrot and elephant, C) Lotus and sun, D) peacock and parrot
40. The structural sequence of a claim in a patent application should be,
A) Preamble, transition, body, C) Preamble, body, transition, C) Transition, body, preamble, D) None of these
41. Bollgard is the brand of which crop (patented)
A) Bt-cotton, B) Bt-brinjal, C) Bt- potatoes, D) none of these
42. Geographical Indication is
A) Private right, B) Community right, C) Intellectual property right, D) Both B and C
43. Among the following the non- assignable IP is
A) Patents, B) Geographical indications, C) Industrial designs, D) Trade marks
44. Idu Mishmi textiles was registered under class


A) 25, B) 20, C) 19, D) 15

45. Patent document is a
A) Techno-legal document, B) technical document, C) Legal document, D) None of these
46. Free online patent databases are
A) Patenscope, B) Google patent, C) Espacenet, D) All of these
47. The term ‘NDA’ means in IPR,
A) Non-demand agreement, B) Non-design agreement, C) Non-disclosure agreement, D) Non-duty agreement
48. Which of the following is not protected by copy right law,
A) Literary work, B) Ideas, C) Musical, D) cinematographic films
49. What type of words to be avoided while creating a eligible trade mark,
A) Invented words, B) Arbitray words, C) Descriptive words, D) Laudatory words.
50. IPR protection includes
A) Patent, B) Copyright, C) Trade marks, D) All of these.

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