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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project Option

Revised 1.1.19
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Rebecca Rodriguez Social Studies 6,7 and 8
Mentor Email School/District Date
German Gallardo LAUSD Charter 3/8/19
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to
T - Guide students to think critically through use of
apply critical thinking by designing structured inquiries into
Promoting critical T– questioning strategies, posing/solving problems, and T–
complex problems.
thinking through Applying reflection on issues in content. Innovating
1.5 S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex
inquiry, problem S– S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed S-
questions and problems, reflect, and communicate
solving, and reflection Exploring to promote comprehension and critical thinking in single Innovating
understandings based on in depth analysis of content
lessons or a sequence of lessons.
Collaborating with Collaborates with colleagues to expand impact on teacher Works to ensure the broadest positive impact possible on
colleagues and the and student learning within grade or department and instructional practice and student achievement at school
broader professional school and district levels. Engages with members of the T- and district levels and for the profession. Initiates and
6.3 T-Applying
community to support broader professional community to access resources and a Innovating develops professional learning opportunities with the
teacher and student wide range of supports for teaching the full range of broader professional community focused on student
learning learners. achievement
Integrates the full range of professional responsibilities into
Managing professional Models professionalism and supports colleagues in
advanced planning and prepares for situations that may be
responsibilities to meeting and exceeding professional Responsibilities
challenging. T-
6.6 maintain motivation T-Applying effectively.
Maintains continual effort to seek, develop, and refine new Innovating
and commitment to all Supports colleagues to maintain the motivation, resiliency,
and creative methods to ensure individual student
students and energy to ensure that all students achieve
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
-Use the school EL Master plan to develop a plan for EL
focus strategies for Q1
-present to staff and clarify importance of strategies and
Can establishing priority strategies for English language expectations of implementation
Establishing Quarter 1 ELD Focus Strategies development during Q1 help clarify instructional -gain teacher buy in and see school-wide implementation
expectations and support teacher’s instruction? of focus strategies on a consistent basis
-create a cohesive instructional focus for Q1 around
language supports
-support staff morale and feeling of team
Audience for Project How Project Fits into Professional Goals and/or
How Audience Satisfaction will be Assessed
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Needs
This teacher leader project fits into the needs of the
This project is geared toward our school’s entire instructional staff
school in several ways. At Vox we approach academic
and it aims to benefit staff and students. The benefit for staff lies in Staff will participate with interactive PD notes and will
instruction as if all students are learning English,
the clarity that we will achieve around the ways we support EL engage using the actual strategies that are being
particularly academic English and this will support that
students in all of our classes during Q1. The benefit for students prioritized. Staff will give feedback and will check in one-
vision. It also ensures we help students who are
will be experiencing similar supports across all classroom including on-one during coaching meetings.
labeled EL reclassify by the 8th grade or 9th at the very
ample opportunities to practice speaking.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Directions: Identify at least one NBPTS and at least one Teacher Leader Model Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated

This is an opportunity to really establish myself as an instructional leader that is creating a clear plan for our school wide
NBPTS – Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their
EL approach. In my experience instructional expectations are often unclear and always changing. In Leading with Focus
practices and learn from experience
Mike Schmoker insists that clarity and narrowing the few items of importance truly support a team’s ability to gain
TLMS – Domain 3: Promotes professional learning for continuous
momentum. Establishing priority strategies coupled with my one-on-one coaching will allow for a culture to grow that
values continuous improvement and development.

Inquiry Implementation Plan

Analyze Results Discuss Results with Mentor
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
Research and Plan Create and Conference Deliver PD Follow up and Observe Conference and Plan for Q2
Identify name and date for
April, 2019 July, 2019 July 2019 August – September, 2019 October, 2019
Use the current EL Master plan Work with mentor to create plan Conduct class observations and Use collected data to analyze
Deliver PD during our summer
and update it to reflect needs and and presentation of Q1 priority staff coaching meetings to and adjust effectiveness of PD
staff institute.
goals. strategies. collect effectiveness data. and plan.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 5
Provide 1-2 sentence
summary of your teacher I will be using and improving our school’s EL master plan to establish Q1 priority strategies for English learners across all classrooms.
leader project.
Summarize process for
analyzing effectiveness of Effectiveness of our Q1 priority strategies will be measures through PD exit slips, one-on-one teacher check ins and the classroom observations.
leadership role.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)
This book provided an overall argument that there is a need to identify and focus on essential practices and strategies in
Leading with Focus: Elevating the Essentials for school-wide improvement plans. Schmoker speaks about the tendency for schools and districts to give convoluted
directives filled with current research and a multitude of practices something which ends up being unclear and often
School and District Improvement ignored by staff. There is a need for consistency and ample practice with certain strategies in order for them to be
Focus.aspx effective in supporting language acquisition. This is something I saw to be true in my experience as an educator, it always
felt as if there was a new focus, a new initiative, a new any time to truly do the work we were supposed to be doing.

Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy The texts delves into the importance of creating a clear plan that ensures staff understands which content, strategies, and data they are to prioritize. The text also stresses the schoolwide approach to any initiative is always enhanced when
and-Implement-a-Schoolwide-Literacy-Action-Plan.aspx all people on campus are aware of priorities, not just instructional staff. Setting priority strategies that all of our staff
practices across classrooms provides our students with robust and consistent practice.

Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at department/school/district level.)
Camino Nuevo Charter had a literacy specialist that I worked closely with to research, create and establish an
Camino Nuevo’s organization wide literacy task organization wide literacy framework. She spent a lot of time and focus on developing student talk tools to elevate and
force (Rachel Hazlehurst) prioritize student conversation and verbal participation. Together we made clear to all instructional staff the importance
of student talk in academic spaces in language acquisition. When I began my work with Vox, the EL master plan existed in
isolation of PD resources and materials. There was a need to take this overarching document and create the day to day
Vox Collegiate’s School Founder’s EL Master Plan resources that would allow for school-wide implementation. The EL master plan broadly outlined what support were to
(TyAnthony Davis) be provided for students learning English. I used this document as a foundation for what was to be done on day to day
basis and what we, as a school, were to prioritize.

Section 5: Results and Reflection

Initial Revised
CSTP Element Evidence/Rational for Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
Rating Rating
To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase
Promoting critical thinking Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
T – Applying T – Integrating complexity of task beyond a single lesson so that there are
1.5 through inquiry, problem Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s. Students created
S – Exploring S - Integrating continuing opportunities for students to engage in inquiry in
solving, and reflection their own math problems.
complex problem. How could you extend lesson into PBL?
As a small charter school having the appropriate
resources is sometimes very difficult. There are
several other small charter schools in our area that
Collaborating with We began our PD by looking at our EL Masterplan which laid a serve a similar demographic whose staff I am in
colleagues and the foundation for understanding the work at hand. It is important contact with. To move forward in this CSTP I take
broader professional that any initiative or directive is housed within a larger context the piece of “broader professional community”
6.3 T-Applying T-Integrating
community to that helps clarify the importance of the work. This allows teachers serious and would like to partner with those
support teacher and to find relevance in what is being presented or discussed and schools in our literacy efforts. We already share
student learning personally connect to it. physical resources when possible, next we will
collaborate around our offerings to staff. I think
this also connects us to a larger city-wide effort
and educational community.
This PD anticipated the time an effort that it takes in order to truly The innovating rating asks for educators to help
Managing understand the importance of simple yet vital strategies such as colleagues meet and exceed expectations. Upon
professional graphic organizers, processing vocabulary and structured language reflection I think that creating a method of teacher
responsibilities to practice. The anticipation of time and practice needed and to teacher classroom visits to see strategies in
6.6 T-Applying T-Integrating
maintain motivation management of Q1 priorities aligns directly with the language in action could promote a high achieving culture. I
and commitment to the integrating level of CSTP 6.6. I have often experienced know that it can be a sensitive practice, however I
all students teachers feeling overwhelmed by “simply” asks because they are believe it is possible when a culture that sustains it
not afforded the time to process, practice or implement. is cultivated. I believe we have that at our school.

Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions

Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
Developed by Teacher Others/Department/School/District
NBPTS – Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their
practices and learn from experience – My biggest learning came in
this area as I continue to push my ability to think and plan in a
systematic way. Teachers had clarity around our 3 priority -Q1 priority strategies with goals My teacher leader presentation supported our new school
strategies and the importance of a school-wide approach to -teacher observation and feedback loop in beginning its work toward literacy across classrooms and
implementation. Through this presentation I also furthered my -presentation helping our staff form a professional learning community.
learning on the new ELPAC and the requirements for students to -presentation guided notes
reclassify, something that is crucial in middle school -literacy framework (presentation supported it continued This work also impacts our English Language Learning
development) students in ensuring they have access to the language and
TLMS – Domain 3: Promotes professional learning for continuous the content which supports future reclassification efforts.
improvement – I think I am consistently working on this, and I
share my own personal learnings with our staff. I think it is
important to model professional learning.
Mentor Feedback
Directions: The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
Effectiveness of resources designed by Candidate, Strengths:
-interactive and clear
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 5
-the rational was convincing and motivating
including presentation, notes, handouts, and other -guided notes allowed staff to process
resources. Areas of Improvements:
-have examples of resources printed and ready to go for staff (not just link)
Effectiveness of Candidate in teaching and coaching Strengths:
-connected to staff’s experience
adults. (Refer to Adult Learning Principles in FOTIP
-was relevant and had immediate use
Handbook [ Areas of Improvements:
theory.html]. -more time to plan and implement
-essential for academic English
-makes sense based on demographics
Value of topic for audience. Areas of Improvements:
-add a scholarly reading to support the ask
-give more time for implementation (work on units)
Overall delivery by Candidate of the professional -warm and welcoming
-clearly connected to staff
development experience, including audience engagement, -responsive to questions
pacing, tone, and response to questions. Areas of Improvements:
-engagement in planning and use of resources
Analysis and Summary of Audience Assessment
Directions: Record assessment data into Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies of assessment tool with submission. Include at least one graph in your summary.

After looking at the data from staff feedback along with data from classroom observations my two major take aways were around process and use of time. First teachers truly enjoyed the use
of guided notes and found them useful in processing the information we were covering. Several teachers also commented that it was nice to “focus” on something for once rather than
covering a lot of material. Staff rated the process of the presentation helpful and they agreed that the content that was reviewed supported their teaching practice. The second major take
away was the need for time to implement. Several teachers commented that they wished they would have had more time during PD to look at the resources, plan and adjust lessons right then
and there in the moment. Upon reflection I completely understand as I know I have felt the same way. Many times, presentations can be informative and motivational but if not given time to
reflect, process and implement it can fall short once we leave the room. This was also something that my mentor and I talked about. If I were to do this again, I would embed time to implement
and adjust lessons to include each of the strategies. To give this work time while we are all in the same place also supports the creating and maintaining of a PLC. Teaching can be an isolating
job even when we are right next to each other in neighboring classroom. This scheduled time to work and plan within PD also further develops the professional learning community by
automatically allowing for and promoting collaboration. This take away is one I will surely implement in future professional development work.

Action Items (some may not be applicable)

For curriculum design, lesson -use ELPAC data to further support the rationale behind priority strategies
planning, assessment -revisit strategies and give time to plan
planning -inform future planning using data from school-wide classroom observations

-model SLP’s for staff

For classroom practice -agree on a common practice for think-pair-share (based on observations)

For teaching English learners,

students with special needs,
-adjust SLPs for students who are newcomers (thoughtful about paring) and creating written supports for speaking (Constructing Meaning resources)
and students with other
instructional challenges
For future professional
-plan to include time for implementation and lesson adjustments
For supporting
-continue to develop a year long plan for ELPAC interim assessments
others/department/ -continue to develop a systematic plan to process and make meaning of observation feedback in relationship to school-wide instructional priorities


Other Notes and Comments

At Vox we consider all of our students English learners because we know and understand that academic English is the ultimate goal of
our formal schooling system. You will see that we talk about language acquisition for all students while also talking specifically about
students who are labeled EL all with in the same approach.
Include copy of Google Survey Form assessment tool.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 5
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 5
Example of school-wide goal using one of the EL priority strategies

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of 5

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