Basbas, Aeron Bien B. (PRELIM ASSIGNMENT NO. 1)

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Basbas, Aeron Bien B.




Explain the following rules and cites an example.

1. Rule 15. The mechanical engineer shall observe punctuality in his appointments;
perform honestly and in good faith his contractual obligation and his duties and
obligation to his client or employer.

- Being a mechanical engineer or as a professional, being on time is one of the good

characteristic of being a professional. Especially if you have a meeting or seminar we
should be always on time. Performing honestly in the line of work is giving a great image
as a Mechanical engineer and to the company you are working for. And giving the client
or the employer a satisfactory service.

2. Rule 21. “To thine own self be true and thou cannot be false to any men” expresses the
duty which a mechanical engineer owes to himself and to others.

- It means that just be true to yourself and don`t tell a lie to any colleagues or workmates.
And always be grateful to someone who was helping you and be good to others. Always
keep in mind that being a good person and being true to yourself was a great characteristic
as a person and as a professional. Example if you don`t know what to do in the job just tell
them that you need help don`t be boastful. And if your workmates have making a wrong
or bad move just help them and tell them how to do the job properly.

3. Rule 25. He shall define clearly the line of authority and scope of responsibility of his
associates and assistants. Orders, or the recall thereof, shall be issued through proper

- A mechanical engineer should clearly know the line of authority and scope of
responsibility of his associates and assistant for them to guide properly and have a good
working environment. It`s because that you have the clear definition of the scope of
responsibility of your associates and assistants, you should know what will they do. You
should be able to organize them and tell orders according to their position. Telling them
their responsibility should be able to help them to work generously.

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