Intermediate Reading Text: Page 149 Unit 12: A Website Article

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Intermediate Reading Text

Page 149 Unit 12: A website article

How to behave with a homestay family

I’ve stayed with several families in Britain and Ireland and each of them has been different.
But there are some key things I can pass on about getting the best out of your stay. I hope
these things are useful!

Even though you are a paying guest in their home, take a small gift for your hosts. You’d
expect a gift from a guest, I’m sure.

Your stay is not just about learning English. British and Irish people will expect you to show
an interest in British and Irish culture.

Take some photos from home so that you can talk to your hosts about the photos. Taking the
photos will also give you more opportunities to actually speak English too.

You’re not a tourist, so don’t behave like a tourist. Your host family will be getting on with
normal life. Normal life is what you are there to experience!

And finally, remember the importance of being punctual (two o’clock means two o’clock!),
polite (be careful with expressions you’ve picked up from pop music and movies!) and
sociable (join in with things – at least the first time).

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