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Two computers at MIT Lincoln

Lab communicate with one

another using packet-switching

1965 technology.

Beranek and Newman,Inc.

(BBN)unveils the final version
of the Interfrace Message
Processor(IMP) specifications.
1968 BBN wins ARPANET contract.
Queen Elizabeth II hits the
"send button" on her first


USENET forms to host news

and discussion groups.

The first Internet Service
Provider(ISP) is born with
the introduction of a
commercial version of

1973 ARPANET, known as


Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn

( the duo said by many to
be the Fathers of the

1974 Internet).
history of internet
Credit for the initial concept developed into
the world wide web is typically given to
Leonard Kleinrock. In 1961, he wrote about
ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet, in
a paper entitled “Information Flow in Large
Communication Nets.” Kleinrock, along with
other innovators such as J.C.R Licklider, the
first director of the information Processing
Technology office(IPTO), provided the
backbone for the ubiquitous stream of emails,
media, Facebook postings and tweets that are
now shared online every day. Here, then, is a
brief history of the internet.
On Oct. 29, UCLA's Network
measurement center,
stanford Research
Institute(SRI), University of
California-Santa Barbara and
1969 University of Utah install

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