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Apakah fungsi Sistem

Kardiovaskular kita?
• Deliver oxygen and other nutrients to the
System Kardiovaskular • Removal of carbon monoxide and other
metabolic waste
• Transport of hormones
• Maintenance of acid-base balance and
overall body fluid balance
• Immune function

The Cardiovascular System Jantung

• The heart is located between the lungs
• Three major circulatory elements
behind the sternum and above the
1. A pump (heart) diaphragm.
2. Channels or tubes (blood vessels)
• It is surrounded by the pericardium.
3. A fluid medium (blood)
• Its size is about that of a fist, and its
• Heart generates pressure to drive blood weight is about 250-300 g.
through vessels • Its center is located about 1.5 cm to the
• Blood flow must meet metabolic demands left of the midsagittal plane.

Figure 18.2a Location of the heart in the mediastinum. Figure 18.2b Location of the heart in the mediastinum.

Midsternal line
2nd rib Heart
Sternum Left lung
Diaphragm Location of
apical impulse Body of T7

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Figure 18.2c Location of the heart in the mediastinum.

The Heart

Superior Aorta
vena cava Parietal pleura
• The heart is a double pump – what does
Pulmonary Left lung
it mean?
Pericardium (cut)

Apex of heart • Four chambers

– Right and left atria (RA, LA): top, receiving
– Right and left ventricles (RV, LV): bottom,
pumping chambers
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Figure 6.1

The double pump

The Heart Valves Blood Flow Through the Heart

• The tricuspid valve regulates blood • Right heart: pulmonary circulation
flow between the right atrium and right
ventricle. – Pumps deoxygenated blood from body to
• The pulmonary valve controls blood lungs
flow from the right ventricle into the – Superior, inferior vena cavae  RA 
pulmonary arteries tricuspid valve  RV  pulmonary valve 
• The mitral valve lets oxygen-rich blood pulmonary arteries  lungs
from your lungs pass from the left
atrium into the left ventricle. • Left heart: systemic circulation
• The aortic valve lets oxygen-rich blood – Pumps oxygenated blood from lungs to body
pass from the left ventricle into the
aorta, then to the body – Lungs  pulmonary veins  LA  mitral
valve  LV  aortic valve  aorta


Figure 18.1 The systemic and pulmonary circuits.

Capillary beds of
lungs where gas
exchange occurs
Layers of the Heart Wall
Pulmonary Circuit
arteries Pulmonary veins • Three layers of heart wall:
Aorta and branches
– Epicardium
atrium – Myocardium
ventricle – Endocardium
Systemic Circuit

• Epicardium
– Visceral layer of serous pericardium
Capillary beds of all
body tissues where
gas exchange occurs
CO2-poor blood
CO2-rich blood © 2013 Pearson
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Layers of the Heart Wall Layers of the Heart Wall

• Myocardium • Endocardium continuous with endothelial
– Spiral bundles of contractile cardiac muscle lining of blood vessels
cells – Lines heart chambers; covers cardiac
– Cardiac skeleton: crisscrossing, interlacing skeleton of valves
layer of connective tissue
• Anchors cardiac muscle fibers
• Supports great vessels and valves
• Limits spread of action potentials to specific paths

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Figure 18.3 The pericardial layers and layers of the heart wall. Figure 18.4 The circular and spiral arrangement of cardiac muscle bundles in the myocardium of the heart.

trunk Fibrous pericardium
Parietal layer of serous
Pericardium pericardium
Pericardial cavity
Epicardium (visceral bundles
layer of serous
pericardium) Heart
Myocardium wall
Heart chamber

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Figure 18.12a Microscopic anatomy of cardiac muscle.


• Myocardium: cardiac muscle Nucleus

muscle cell Gap junctions Desmosomes

• LV has most myocardium

– Must pump blood to entire body
– Thickest walls (hypertrophy)
– LV hypertrophies with exercise and with
– But exercise adaptations versus disease
adaptations very different
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Figure 18.12b Microscopic anatomy of cardiac muscle.

Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac

Muscle Cardiac muscle
cell Mitochondrion Nucleus
• Intercalated discs - junctions between disc

cells - anchor cardiac cells

– Desmosomes prevent cells from separating
during contraction Mitochondrion
T tubule
– Gap junctions allow ions to pass from cell to Sarcoplasmic
reticulum Z disc
cell; electrically couple adjacent cells
• Allows heart to be functional syncytium
– Behaves as single coordinated unit Sarcolemma
I band A band I band

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Coronary Circulation Myocardial Blood Supply

• Functional blood supply to heart muscle • Right coronary artery
itself – Supplies right side of heart
– Delivered when heart relaxed – Divides into marginal, posterior
– Left ventricle receives most blood supply interventricular
• Arterial supply varies among individuals • Left (main) coronary artery
• Contains many anastomoses (junctions) – Supplies left side of heart
– Provide additional routes for blood delivery – Divides into circumflex, anterior descending
– Cannot compensate for coronary artery
• Atherosclerosis  coronary artery
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Figure 18.11a Coronary circulation.

vena cava trunk Coronary Circulation: Veins
Left atrium
(junction of • Cardiac veins collect blood from capillary beds
vessels) Left
coronary • Coronary sinus empties into right atrium;
Right artery
atrium formed by merging cardiac veins
Right Circumflex – Great cardiac vein of anterior interventricular sulcus
coronary artery
– Middle cardiac vein in posterior interventricular
artery Left sulcus
Right ventricle
ventricle Anterior – Small cardiac vein from inferior margin
Right interventricular • Several anterior cardiac veins empty directly
marginal Posterior artery
artery interventricular into right atrium anteriorly
The major coronary arteries
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Figure 18.11b Coronary circulation. Figure 18.5d Gross anatomy of the heart.

Aorta Superior vena cava

Superior Left pulmonary artery Right pulmonary artery
vena cava Right pulmonary veins
Left pulmonary veins
Auricle of left atrium Right atrium
Left atrium
Inferior vena cava
Anterior Great Great cardiac vein
Coronary sinus
cardiac cardiac Right coronary artery
vein Posterior vein of (in coronary sulcus)
veins left ventricle Posterior interventricular
Coronary Left ventricle artery (in posterior
interventricular sulcus)
sinus Middle cardiac vein
Right ventricle
Small Apex
cardiac vein Middle cardiac vein Posterior surface view

The major cardiac veins

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Figure 18.5a Gross anatomy of the heart.

Aortic arch (fat covered)

Pulmonary trunk
Auricle of right atrium

Auricle of left atrium

Anterior interventricular

Right ventricle

Apex of heart (left ventricle)

Anterior aspect (pericardium removed)
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Figure 18.7 The atrioventricular (AV) valves.

Heart Valves 1 Blood returning to the heart fills

atria, pressing against the AV valves. Direction of
The increased pressure forces AV blood flow
valves open. Atrium

Cusp of
• Ensure unidirectional blood flow through heart 2 As ventricles fill, AV valve flaps
hang limply into ventricles.
valve (open)
• Open and close in response to pressure 3 Atria contract, forcing additional tendineae
blood into ventricles. Papillary
changes Ventricle muscle
AV valves open; atrial pressure greater than ventricular pressure
• Two atrioventricular (AV) valves
– Prevent backflow into atria when ventricles contract Atrium
Cusps of
– Tricuspid valve (right AV valve) 1 Ventricles contract, forcing
blood against AV valve cusps.
valve (closed)

– Mitral valve (left AV valve, bicuspid valve) 2 AV valves close. Blood in

– Chordae tendineae anchor cusps to papillary 3 Papillary muscles contract and
chordae tendineae tighten,
preventing valve flaps from everting
muscles into atria.

• Hold valve flaps in closed position AV valves closed; atrial pressure less than ventricular pressure

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Figure 18.6a Heart valves.

Pulmonary valve

Heart Valves Aortic valve

Area of cutaway
Mitral valve
Tricuspid valve
• Two semilunar (SL) valves
– Prevent backflow into ventricles when Myocardium
ventricles relax (left atrioventricular)
– Open and close in response to pressure
changes (right atrioventricular)
– Aortic semilunar valve Aortic valve
– Pulmonary semilunar valve Pulmonary valve

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Figure 18.6b Heart valves.

Pulmonary valve
Aortic valve Homeostatic Imbalance
Area of cutaway
Mitral valve
Tricuspid valve • Two conditions severely weaken heart:
– Incompetent valve
Mitral • Blood backflows so heart repumps same blood
(left atrioventricular) over and over
Tricuspid – Valvular stenosis
(right atrioventricular)
valve • Stiff flaps – constrict opening  heart must exert
Aortic valve more force to pump blood
Pulmonary valve • Valve replaced with mechanical, animal, or
cadaver valve
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Sistem Konduksi Kardium

• Cardiac muscle has the unique ability to

generate its own electrical signal.
REST… • Dikenali sebagai “spontaneous
• Allows it to contract without any external

Figure 18.15a Intrinsic cardiac conduction system and action potential succession during one heartbeat. Slide 1
Superior vena cava Right atrium

Sistem Konduksi Kardiak (3) 1 The sinoatrial (SA)

node (pacemaker)
generates impulses.

Internodal pathway

2 The impulses Left atrium

pause (0.1 s) at the
(AV) node.

3 The Subendocardial
atrioventricular conducting
(AV) bundle network
connects the atria (Purkinje fibers)
to the ventricles.
4 The bundle branches
conduct the impulses Inter-
through the ventricular
interventricular septum. septum

5 The subendocardial
conducting network
depolarizes the contractile
cells of both ventricles.

Anatomy of the intrinsic conduction system showing the sequence of

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• Walaupun jantung menghasilkan
impulsnya tersendiri, kadar denyutan
jantung boleh dipengaruhi oleh
rangsangan luar.
– Sistem saraf parasimpatetik
– Sistem saraf simpatetik
– Sistem hormon (Endocrine system)


Blood Vessels

• Delivery system of dynamic structures that

begins and ends at heart
– Arteries: carry blood away from heart;
oxygenated except for pulmonary circulation
and umbilical vessels of fetus
– Capillaries: contact tissue cells; directly serve
cellular needs
– Veins: carry blood toward heart

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SISTEM VASKULAR (2) Blood Vessels

• Vessels vary in length, diameter, wall
thickness, tissue makeup
• See figure 19.2 for interaction with
lymphatic vessels

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Figure 19.2 The relationship of blood vessels to each other and to lymphatic vessels. Table 19.1 Summary of Blood Vessel Anatomy (1 of 2)
Venous system Arterial system

Large veins Heart

Large arteries
lymphatic (conducting
vessels arteries)

node Muscular
Lymphatic (distributing
system arteries)

Small veins

venule Metarteriole
Thoroughfare Capillaries Precapillary
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Capillaries Capillaries

• Microscopic blood vessels • In all tissues except for cartilage, epithelia,

• Walls of thin tunica intima cornea and lens of eye
– In smallest one cell forms entire • Provide direct access to almost every cell
circumference • Functions
• Pericytes help stabilize their walls and – Exchange of gases, nutrients, wastes,
control permeability hormones, etc., between blood and interstitial
• Diameter allows only single RBC to pass fluid
at a time
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Figure 19.3a Capillary structure.

Red blood
cell in lumen
• Three structural types
1. Continuous capillaries Intercellular
2. Fenestrated capillaries Endothelial
3. Sinusoid capillaries (sinusoids) cell
Tight junction Pinocytotic
Endothelial vesicles
Continuous capillary. Least permeable, and most
common (e.g., skin, muscle).
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Figure 19.3b Capillary structure. Figure 19.3c Capillary structure.


Red blood Red blood

cell in lumen cell in lumen

Fenestrations Large
(pores) intercellular

Endothelial Intercellular
nucleus cleft Tight junction
Basement membrane Incomplete Nucleus of
Endothelial basement endothelial
Tight junction membrane cell
Fenestrated capillary. Large fenestrations (pores) Sinusoid capillary. Most permeable. Occurs in special
increase permeability. Occurs in areas of active locations (e.g., liver, bone marrow, spleen).
absorption or filtration (e.g., kidney, small intestine).
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Venous System: Venules Veins

• Formed when capillary beds unite • Formed when venules converge

– Smallest postcapillary venules • Have thinner walls, larger lumens
– Very porous; allow fluids and WBCs into compared with corresponding arteries
• Blood pressure lower than in arteries
– Consist of endothelium and a few pericytes
• Thin tunica media; thick tunica externa of
• Larger venules have one or two layers of collagen fibers and elastic networks
smooth muscle cells
• Called capacitance vessels (blood
reservoirs); contain up to 65% of blood
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Figure 19.5 Relative proportion of blood volume throughout the cardiovascular system.

Pulmonary blood
vessels 12%
Systemic arteries
and arterioles 15%
Heart 8% • Adaptations ensure return of blood to
heart despite low pressure
– Large-diameter lumens offer little resistance
Capillaries 5% – Venous valves prevent backflow of blood
• Most abundant in veins of limbs
Systemic veins
and venules 60%
– Venous sinuses: flattened veins with
extremely thin walls (e.g., coronary sinus of
the heart and dural sinuses of the brain)

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Table 19.1 Summary of Blood Vessel Anatomy (2 of 2)

Perbezaan ant Arteri, Vena &


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Denyutan Jantung Denyutan Jantung (2)

• Jantung menguncup and mengendur • Semasa diastol ventrikel (ventrikel
secara berulang mengendur), tekanan darah dalam
• Penguncupan jantung – sistol ventrikel rendah berbanding dalam aorta
• Pengenduran jantung – diastol and arteri pulmonari – injap semilunar
tertutup lalu menghasilkan bunyi denyutan
• Semasa sistol ventrikel (ventrikel kedua (dap)
menguncup), tekanan darah dalam
ventrikel meningkat – injap biskupid dan
triskupid tertutup lalu menghasilkan bunyi • Denyutan jantung boleh didengar dengan
pertama (lab) menggunakan stetoskop.

NADI Tekanan Darah

• Denyutan jantung menghasilkan tekanan • Tekanan darah adalah tekanan darah ke
darah dalam arteri atas dinding salur darah dalam mana
darah mengalir.
• Tekanan ini boleh dirasai sebagai nadi • Merujuk kepada tekanan darah pada arteri
pada arteri yang berdekatan dengan kulit – Tekanan darah sistolik
– Tekanan darah diastolik

Tekanan Darah (2) Tekanan Darah (3)

• Tekanan sistolik adalah tekanan terhasil • Tekanan diastol merujuk kepada tekanan
semasa penguncupan ventrikel kiri untuk darah paling rendah dan terhasil semasa
menolak darah ke aorta dan seterusnya ke pengenduran jantung (diastolik)
• Tekanan sistolik memberikan nilai yang • Ini adalah masa ventrikel dipenuhi dengan
paling tinggi semasa sistolik ventrikular. darah.


Kawalan Peredaran Darah Secara

Distribusi Darah
• Refers to the ability of the local tissues to
vasodilate (pengenduran) or vasoconstrict
(penguncupan) the arteriols that serve
them and alter regional blood flow
depending on the immediate needs of
those tissues.
• With exercise and increased metabolic
demand, the arteriols undergo locally
mediated vasodilation, opening up to allow
more blood to enter that highly active

Kawalan Peredaran Darah Secara Kawalan Peredaran Darah Secara

Intrinsik Ekstrinsik
• Essentially three types of intrinsic control • The concept of intrinsic local control
– Metabolic (strongest stimulus for local explains redistribution of blood within an
vasodilation) organ or tissue mass; however, the
– Other chemical produced by the endothelium cardiovascular system must divert blood
(inner lining) of arteriols to initiate vasodilation flow to where it is needed, beginning at the
– Pressure changes (myogenic response) site upstream of the local environment.
• Contrcts when pressure is high – Known as extrinsic neural control
• Dilate when pressure is low

Kawalan Peredaran Darah Secara Kawalan Peredaran Darah Secara

Intrinsik Ekstrinsik
• Blood flow largely regulated by the • In normal condition, sympathetic nerves
sympathetic nervous system. transmit impulses continuously to keep
• The circular layers of smooth muscle blood vessels moderately constrict –
within the artery and arteriole walls are regulate blood pressure.
supplied by sympathetic nerves. – Vasomotor tone
– In most cases - increase sympathetic activity • When sympathetic stimulation increases,
induces muscle cells of contract – decreasing flood flow to certain area decrease,
blood flow allowing more blood to flow to other areas.



• Blood serves many useful purposes in • Blood is composed of plasma (55% - 60%)
regulating normal body function. and formed elements (40% - 45%)

– Transportation – Plasma: 90% H2O, 7% plasma proteins, 3%

– Temperature regulation others
– Acid-base (pH) balance – Formed elements: >99% red blood cells
(hemoglobin), <1% white blood cells and

BLOOD(3) Blood Vicosity

• Plasma normally constitute 55 – 60% of • Vicosity refers to the thickness of the
total blood volume, blood.
– can decrease by 10% of its normal amount or
more with intense exercise in heat,
• The vicosity of blood is about twice that of
– can increase by 10% or more with endurance

• As blood vicosity increases, so does

resistance to blood flow.

• Lukis dan labelkan suatu gambarajah jantung
serta huraikan aliran darah melalui jantung.
Huraikan dengan teliti apa yang berlaku apabila
SELAMAT MAJU JAYA! suatu jantung dalam keadaan rehat terpaksa
membekalkan oksigen kepada badan yang
sedang bersenam? (10 markah)

• Apakah bezanya antara sistol dan diastol dan

apakah hubungan mereka dengan tekanan
darah sistolik dan tekanan darah diastolik? (5


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