List of Figures

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List of Figures

Overview Interrelation of book chapters 9

1.I Aspects of understanding risk 18
1.2 Anatomy of a catastrophic incident 21
1.3 Basic incident sequence without safeguards 21
1.4 Identifying the initiating cause and the loss event in an incident scenario 22
1.5 Preventive and mitigative safeguards come into play after an initiating cause 23
1.6 Generic “bow-tie’’ diagram showing relation of safeguards to loss event 24
1.7 Emergency cooling system schematic 26
2.1 Information available for hazard review 39
3.1 Adverse consequences associated with process hazards 52
3.2 Typical interaction matrix 57
3.3 NOAA Worksheet compatibility chart display 59
3.4 Implementation of inherently safer design within a process risk management system 65
4.1 DAP process schematic for the Checklist Analysis example 97
5.1 Schematic for the chlorine feed line example 110
5.2 Example of a simplified checklist for hazard evaluation 111
5.3 Overview of the HAZOP Study technique 121
5.4 HAZOP Study method flow diagram 124
5.5 DAP process schematic for the HAZOP Study example 131
5.6 DAP process schematic for the FMEA example 139
5.7 Example fault tree structure 148
5.8 Sample fault tree with gates and basic events identified 149
5.9 Matrix for resolving gates of the sample fault tree 151
5.10 Emergency cooling system schematic for the Fault Tree Analysis example 153
5.11 Development of the Top event for the emergency cooling system example 154
5.12 Development of the first two intermediate events 155
5.1 3 Completed fault tree for the emergency cooling system example 156
5.14 First step in constructing an event tree 160
5.15 Developing the first safeguard in the sample event tree 161
5.16 Developing the second safeguard in the sample event tree 162
5.17 Developing the third safeguard in the sample event tree 163
5.18 Example of an incident sequence fault tree 164
5.19 Event tree for the initiating cause “loss of cooling water to the oxidation reactor” 166
5.20 Branch point symbol used in Cause-Consequence Analysis 169
5.21 Consequence symbol used in Cause-Consequence Analysis 169
5.22 Cause-consequence diagram for “loss of cooling water to the oxidation reactor” 170
5.23 Generic “bow-tie’’ diagram 172

xviii Guidelines f o r Hazard Evaluation Procedures

6.1 Typical uses for hazard evaluation techniques 180
6.2 Criteria for selecting hazard evaluation techniques 187
6.3 Example flowchart for selecting a hazard evaluation technique 188
7.1 Summary of commonly used approaches to identifying incident scenarios 21 3
7.2 Preventive and mitigative safeguards 218
7.3 Example risk matrix using order-of-magnitude frequency and severity categories 222
8.1 Example risk matrix 244
9.1 Typical usage of procedure-based techniques at some facilities 263
9.2 Illustration for case study 266
9.3 Example HRA event tree structure 284
9.4 HRA event tree for the operator response to an alarm example 286
I 1.I Schematic of the example VCM manufacturing process 307
12.1 Interaction matrix for VCM process materials 31 2
13.1 VCM process block diagram 316
14.1 VCM plant layout 328
15.1 VCM pilot plant P&ID 340
16.1 VCM plant incinerator P&D 366
16.2 Example event tree for the VCM plant - generic process upset initiating cause 370
16.3 Example event tree for the VCM plant - low fuel gas pressure initiating cause 371
16.4 Preliminary fault tree developed for the incinerator shutdown system 372
16.5 Final fault tree for the incinerator shutdown system 374
16.6 Fault tree for incident scenario I-7-explosion 375
17.1 Schematic of the HC1 storage tank 382
19.1 Revised incinerator P&ID 396
20.1 VCM plant layout -PVC siting alternatives 410
20.2 PVC batch reactor P&ID 412
20.3 F&EI calculations for low-pressure PVC reactor site # I 426
20.4 Radius of exposure calculations for low-pressure PVC reactor site #1 427
20.5 F&EI calculations for high-pressure PVC reactor site #1 428
20.6 Radius of exposure calculations for high-pressure PVC reactor site #1 429
20.7 F&EI calculations for low-pressure PVC reactor site #2 430
20.8 Radius of exposure calculations for low-pressure PVC reactor site #2 431
20.9 F&EI calculations for high-pressure PVC reactor site #2 432
20.10 Radius of exposure calculations for high-pressure PVC reactor site #2 433
20.11 PVC unit block diagram 434
21.I HCl column P&ID 436
21.2 HRA event tree for loss of overhead condensing 446
22.1 Process flow diagram for the VCM furnace area 453
A3.1 Instructions for use of example reactivity checklist 468
C.l Symbols used in example problem drawings 520
E.l Cargo compatibility chart from CHRIS Manual 524

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