Ravindra Kumar Parashar and Others V State Bar Council of Chhattisgarh and Another Facts

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Ravindra Kumar Parashar and others v State Bar Council of Chhattisgarh and


Advocates & Judges and its State Bar Council Election Rules, 2006, rr. 31(2), 31(2) .There
was Bar council election . Question is regarding the Validity of Court fee deposit & Election
for State Bar Council was held and results were declared, electing 25 members of State Bar
Council. Petitioners, being dissatisfied by declaration of result, filed a combined petition
before Tribunal under provisions of r. 31 (1) and (2) of 2006 Rules. Petitioners deposited a
sum of Rs. 10,000/- as Court fees as prescribed u/r. 31(2) of 2006 Rules with election
petition. Tribunal rejected petition holding that each petitioner is required to deposit Rs.
10,000/- as Court fees, in total Rs. 50,000/-
Petitioners were aggrieved by above order. So, Hence instant petition.
Whether R. 31(2) of 2006 Rules does provide for payment of Court fee by each of petitioner
but payment of Rs. 10,000/- on each petition or not?

2009 Indlaw CTH 252

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