Full Report Thermo Lab 2

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(CHE 465)


DATE PERFORMED : 04/04/2012

No. Title Allocated Marks (%) Marks

1 Abstract/Summary 5  
2 Introduction 5  
3 Aims 5  
4 Theory 5  
5 Apparatus 5  
6 Methodology/Procedure 10  
7 Results 10  
8 Calculations 10  
9 Discussion 20  
10 Conclusion 5  
11 Recommendations 5  
12 Reference / Appendix 5  
13 Supervisor’s grading 10  


Checked by:
The refrigeration unit are made of four main components which are compressor, condenser,
expansion valve and evaporator. The mechanism of heat pump is to maintain the high
temperature by supplying heat from the source. Before the starting the experiment, the general
start-up procedures must be performed to ensure the unit is in good conditions. If not, the
obtained results will come in great amount of error. The objective of experiment 1 is to
determine the power input, heat output and coefficient of performance of a vapor compression
heat pump system. The cooling water flow rate, TT1 is set to 40% and the system is ran for 15
minutes to stabilize the unit. The power input, heat output and coefficient of performance are
0.196kW, -0.668 kJ/s and 3.41 respectively. The objective of experiment 2 is to produce the
performance of heat pump over a range of source and delivery temperatures. The FT1 are set to
80%, 60% and 40%. The linear graphs are obtained from the plotting of coefficient of
performance and heat delivered vs temperature of water delivered whereas the graph of
compressor power input vs temperature of water delivered is parabola curve due to unstable
reading. The objective of experiment 3 is to plot the vapor compression cycle on the p-h diagram
and compare with the ideal cycle. The p-h diagram obtained is slightly different with the p-h
diagram of ideal cycle as the water flow rate is not constant. Another objective is to perform
energy balances for the condenser and compressor. The heat output of condenser and compressor
are -0.428 kJ/s and -5.00 kJ/s respectively. There are several factors that contribute to the reading
of errors and affect the performance of unit. So, some recommendations must be conducted to
reduce the errors and obtained more precise results. The experiment can be said successfully

The SOLTEQ Mechanical Heat Pump (Model: HE165) has been designed with a pratical and
quantitative demonstration of a vapor compression cycle, and is suitable for all course levels
(intermediate and undergraduate). Refrigerators and heat pumps both apply the vapor
compression cycle, although the applications of these machines differ, the components are
essentially the same. The Mechanical Heat Pump is capable of demonstrating the heat pump
application where a large freely available energy source, such as the atmosphere is to be
upgraded for water heating.

In general, the heat transfer is always transferred from high temperature to low
temperature. This heat transfer process occurs by itself without any devices. The reverse process
which is the heat transfer from low to high medium requires special devices called refrigerators.
Refrigerant is the working fluid used in the refrigeration cycle. This involves four main
components which are compressor, boiler (condenser), evaporator and expansion valve
(throttling valve).

Heat out, Q out

3 Condenser 2

Evaporator Work in ,Win

Throttle 1 Compressor

Valve 4

Heat in, Qin

Figure 1: Vapor-compressor refrigeration cycle

Another device that transfers heat from a low temperature medium to a high
temperature is the heat pump. Both, heat pump and refrigerators operate on the same cycle
which is vapor-compression refrigeration cycle but differ in their objectives. The objectives of
a refrigerator is to maintain the refrigerated space at low temperature by removing heat from it
whereas for the heat pump, its objective is to maintain a heated space at a high temperature.
The process involves absorbing heat from a low temperature source and supplying this heat to
the high temperature medium.


1. To determine the power input, heat output and coefficient of performance of a vapor
compression heat pump system.
2. To produce the performance of heat pump over a range of source and delivery
3. To plot the vapor compression cycle on the p-h diagram and compare with the ideal
4. To perform energy balances for the condenser and compressor.


The refrigeration cycle is vapor-compression refrigeration cycle. The refrigerant enters the
compressor as a vapor and is compressed to the condenser pressure. It leaves the compressor at a
relatively high temperature and cools down and condenses as it flows through the coils of the
condenser by rejecting heat to the surrounding medium. It then enters a capillary tube where its
pressure and temperature drop drastically due to the throttling effect. The low temperature
refrigerant then enters evaporator, where it evaporates by absorbing heat from the refrigerated
space. The cycle is completed as the refrigerant leaves the evaporator and reenters the

For the heat pump, the operation is still same as the refrigerators by differ in objectives
and working fluid. A heat pump is a mechanism that absorbs heat from waste source or
surrounding to produce valuable heat on a higher temperature level than that of the heat source.
The fundamental idea of all heat pumps is that heat is absorbed by the medium, which releases
the heat at a required temperature which is higher after a physical or chemical transformation.
Generally, there are three types of heat pump systems:

1. Closed cycle vapor compression heat pumps (electric and engine driven)
2. Heat transformers ( a type of absorption heat pump) and
3. Mechanical vapor recompression heat pumps operating at about 200°C.

The coefficient of performance, (COPH) of heat pump cycle is an expression of the cycle
efficiency and is stated as the ratio of the heat removed in the heated space to the heat energy
equivalent of the energy supplied to the compressor.

COPH = heat removed from heated space/heat energy equivalent of the energy supplied to the

Thus, for the theoretical simple cycle, this may be written as:

heating effect (h −h )
CO P H = = 2 3
heat of compression (h2−h 1)

Note: The cooling water and refrigerant flow rate display is in percentage (%). Below are the
formula to convert cooling water and refrigerant flow rate to LPM.

1. Cooling water flow rate (LPM) = cooling water flow rate (%) × 5 LPM

2. Refrigerant flow rate (LPM) = Refrigerant flow rate (%) × 1.26 LPM
Apparatus and Materials

1 11


4 8

Figure 1: Unit construction for Mechanical Heat Pump ( Model : HE 165)

1. Pressure meter
2. Receiver Tank
3. Condenser
4. Compressor
5. Pressure Transmitter
6. Water Flow Meter
7. Evaporator
8. Expansion Valve
9. Valve
10. Control Panel
11. Monitor Panel

Working fluid: Cooling Water

Experimental Procedures

General Start-up Procedures

1. The unit and all instruments are checked that in proper condition.
2. The both water source is checked and the drain are connected then the water supply is
opened and the cooling water flow rate is set at 1.0 LPM.
3. The drain hose at the condensate is checked whether it is connected.
4. The power supply is connected and the main power is switched on and followed by main
switch at the control panel.
5. The refrigerant compressor is switched on. The unit is now ready for experiment as
temperature and pressure are constant.

Experiment 1: Determination of power input, heat output and coefficient of performance

1. The general start-up procedures are performed.

2. The cooling water flow rate is adjusted to 40%.
3. The system is allowed to run for 15 minutes.
4. The reading of cooling water flow rate (FT1), cooling water inlet temperature (TT5),
cooling water outlet temperature (TT6) and compressor power input is recorded and

Experiment 2: production of heat pump performance curves over a range of source and
delivery temperature.

1. The general start-up procedures are performed.

2. The cooling water flow rate is adjusted to 80%.
3. The system is allowed to run for 15 minutes.
4. The reading of cooling water flow rate (FT1), cooling water inlet temperature (TT5),
cooling water outlet temperature (TT6) and compressor power input is recorded and
5. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated with reducing water flow rate at 60 % and 40 % so that the
cooling water outlet temperature increased by about 3°C.
6. The similar steps are repeated until the compressor delivery pressure reached around
14.0 bars.
7. The performance curves for Heat Pump (coefficient of performance. Heat delivered,
compressor power input) versus temperature of water delivered is plotted.

Experiment 3: Production of vapor compression cycle on p-h diagram and energy balance

1. The general start-up procedures are performed.

2. The cooling water flow rate is adjusted to 40% and the system is allowed to run for 15
3. The reading of refrigerant flow rate (FT2), refrigerant pressure (low, P1) and (high, P2),
refrigerant temperature (TT1, TT2, TT3and TT4), cooling water flow rate (FT1), cooling
water inlet temperature (TT5 and TT6) and compressor power input are recorded and
4. The experimental vapor compression cycle on the p-h diagram of R-134a is plotted and
compared with the ideal cycle.
5. The energy balance on the condenser and compressor are performed.


Experiment 1

Cooling water flow rate, FT1 % 40

Cooling water inlet °C 26.2
temperature, TT5
Cooling water outlet °C 31
temperature, TT6
Compressor power input W 196
Experiment 2

Cooling water % 80 60 40
flow rate,FT1
Cooling water °C 26.6 26.5 26.4
inlet temperature,
Cooling water °C 30.0 30.6 31.8
temperature, TT6
Compressor W 198 197 198
power input

Experiment 3

Refrigerant flow rate, FT2 % 35

Refrigerant pressure (low), P1 Bars (abs) 3.1
Refrigerant pressure (high), P2 Bars (abs) 7.9
Refrigerant temperature, TT1 °C 6.9
Refrigerant temperature, TT2 °C 34.6
Refrigerant temperature, TT3 °C 31
Refrigerant temperature, TT4 °C 20.1
Cooling water flow rate, FT1 % 40
Cooling water inlet °C 26.5
temperature, TT5
Cooling water inlet °C 31.8
temperature, TT6
Compressor power input W 198


Experiment 1:

power input ,W 1 kW
net ,∈¿=196W ( 1000W )=0.196 kW ¿
cooling water flow rate(%)
cooling water flow rate , LPM = x 5 LPM
100(% )

¿ x 5=2 LPM

L 1 m3 1 min x 10−5 m3
2 x x =3.33
M 1000 L 60 s s

Heat output ,Q H :

ρwater =1000 kg /m3

m kg x 10−5 m3 kg
V m (
; m=1000 3 x 3.33
s )

Using interpolation of saturated water table at 26.2°C and 31°C to find h1 and h2,

h1 =

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
25 104.83
26.2 109.85
30 125.74

h2 =

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
30 125.74
31 129.92
35 146.64
Ein = Eout

mh1 = QH + mh2

QH = m(h1- h2) = (0.0333)(109.85-129.92)

= (0.0333)(-20.07) = -0.668 kJ/s (negative symbol indicate heat output)

W net ,∈¿= =3.41 ¿


3.41=CO P R +1

CO P R=2.41

Experiment 2:

For FT1 = 80%

power input ,W 1 kW
net ,∈¿=198W ( 1000W )=0.198 kW ¿
cooling water flow rate(%)
cooling water flow rate , LPM = x 5 LPM
100(% )

¿ x 5=4 LPM

L 1 m3 1 min x 10−5 m 3
4 x x =6.67
M 1000 L 60 s s

Heat output ,Q H :

ρwater =1000 kg /m3

m kg x 10−5 m3 kg
; m=1000 3 x 6.67
m ( s
s )
Using interpolation of saturated water table at 26.6°C to find h1 and 30°C to determine h2,

h1 =

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
25 104.83
26.6 111.52
30 125.74

h2@30°C = 125.74 kJ/kg

Ein = Eout

mh1 = QH + mh2

QH = m(h1- h2) = (0.067)(111.52-125.74)

= (0.067)(-14.22) = -0.953 kJ/s (negative symbol indicate heat output)

W net ,∈¿= =4.81¿


4.81=C O P R +1

CO P R=3.81

For calculations of cooling water flow rate 60% and 40%, refer to appendices.

From the calculations that have shown above, the graphs are plotted.

FT1(%) T(°C) COPHP Power(W) QH(kJ/s)

80 26.6 4.81 198 0.953
60 26.5 4.35 197 0.857
40 26.4 3.80 198 0.752
COP HP vs Temperature of Water Delievered


3 COP HP vs Temperature of
Water Delievered

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Heat Delivered vs Temperature of Water Delivered


Heat Delivered(kJ/s)





26.35 26.4 26.45 26.5 26.55 26.6 26.65
Power Input vs Temperature of Water Delivered
Power Input

26.4 26.5 2.6

Experiment 3:

For P1,

Pgauge = Pabs – Patm= 3.1 bar – 1.0 bar = 2.1 bar

Pressure in MPa = 2.1 bar ¿

Interpolation from superheated R-134a table to obtain enthalpy by using TT1

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
0 252.51
6.9 258.45
10 261.12

For P2,
Pgauge = Pabs –Patm=7.9 bar – 1.0 bar =6.9 bar

Pressure in MPa =6.9 bar ¿

Interpolation from superheated R-134a table to obtain enthalpy of TT2

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
30.0 268.45
34.6 273.11
40.0 278.57

Finding the enthalpy by interpolation of saturated R-134a temperature table using TT3

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
30.0 93.58
31.0 95.03
32.0 96.48

Finding the pressure by interpolation of saturated R-134a temperature table at h@TT3

P(kPa) h(kJ/kg)
770.64 93.58
793.27 95.03
815.89 96.48

1 MPa
Convert pressure unit to MPa = 793.27 kPa ( ¿=0.79 MPa (2 s.f)
1000 kPa

Finding the enthalpy by interpolation of saturated R-134a temperature table using TT4

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
20 79.32
20.1 79.46
22 82.14
Finding the pressure by interpolation of saturated R-134a temperature table at h@TT4

P(kPa) h(kJ/kg)
572.07 79.32
573.87 79.46
608.27 82.14
1 MPa
Convert pressure unit to MPa = 573.87 kPa ( ¿=0.57 MPa (2 s.f)
1000 kPa

From the values that calculated, p-h diagram can be constructed.

h(kJ/kg) P(MPa)
258.45 0.21
273.11 0.69
95.03 0.79
79.46 0.57
258.45 0.21

p-h diagram of R-134a










50 100 150 200 250 300
The p-h diagram of the ideal cycle is shown in appendices.

The mass flow rate:

cooling water flow rate(%)

cooling water flow rate , LPM = x 5 LPM
100(% )

¿ x 5=1.75 LPM

L 1 m3 1 min x 10−5 m3
1.75 x x =2.92
M 1000 L 60 s s

ρwater =1000 kg /m3

m kg x 10−5 m3 kg
V m (
; m=1000 3 x 2.92
s )

Energy Balances of

i) Compressor: Win= QH + m(h3-h2)

QH =Win + m(h3-h2)
QH= (0.198) + (0.0292)(95.03-273.11)= -5.00kJ/s
ii) Condenser: mh1=QH+mh2
QH=(0.0292)(258.45-273.11)= -0.428kJ/s


There are four experiments that had been conducted using the refrigeration unit. Each experiment
has different objectives. The objective for experiment 1 is to determine power input, heat output
and coefficient of performance of a vapor compression heat pump system. The refrigeration unit
consist of four main components which are expansion valve, compressor, evaporator and
condenser. Basically, the heat pump and the refrigeration have same mechanism but they differ
in terms of their objectives. The objective of heat pump is to maintain the high temperature by
supplying heat to sink while the refrigeration’s objective is to maintain the low temperature by
removing the heat from the source.

For experiment 1, the cooling water flow rate, FT1 is set to 40 %. The reading of cooling
water inlet temperature, TT5 and cooling water outlet temperature, TT6 are 26.2°C and 31°C
respectively whereas the compressor power input is 196W/0.196kW. From the FT1, the mass
flow rate is calculated which is 0.0333 kg/s. Using interpolation of saturated water table at
26.2°C and 31°C, the h1 and h2 are determined which are 109.85 and 129.92 respectively. By
using formula of heat output:

mh1 = QH + mh2

the heat output value is -0.668 kJ/s (the negative sign indicates the heat output). The COPHP and
COPR are determined using the formulas:

W net ,∈¿∧CO P HP=CO PR +1 ¿

The value of COPHP is 3.41 and the COPR is 2.41.

The objective of experiment 2 is to produce the performance of heat pump over a range
of source and delivery temperatures. The FT1 are set to 80% and the experiments are repeated
twice for the 60% and 40% of FT1 values. The calculations and formulas are same as in the
experiment 1. For 80% of FT1 value, the reading of TT5 is 26.6°C and the TT6 value is 30.0°C.
The compressor power input is 198W/0.198kW. The mass flow rate obtained is 0.067 kg/s. The
h1 and h2 are gained using saturated water table. The results are 111.5 kJ/kg and 125.74 kJ/kg
respectively. The heat output is -0.953 kJ/s and COP HP value is 4.81. Hence, the COPR is 3.81. For
FT1, 60%, the TT5 is 26.5°C and TT6 reading is 30.6°C. The compressor power input is
197W/0.197kW. The mass flow rate calculated is 0.05kg/s. The values of h1 and h2 are 111.103
kJ/kg and 128.25 kJ/kg respectively. Then, the heat output is calculated which is -0.857 kJ/s. The
COPHP is 4.35 and the COPR is 3.35. The mass flow rate of FT1, 40% is 0.0333 kg/s. Using the
interpolation temperature of TT5, 26.4°C and TT6, 31.8°C, the values of h1 and h2 are
determined which are 110.68 kJ/kg and 133.27 kJ/kg respectively. The heat output is -0.752 kJ/s
and the COPHP is 3.80. So the value of COPR is 2.80. Three graphs are plotted. For the coefficient
of performance vs temperature of water delivered, the graph showed the linear graph same as
the graph of heat delivered vs temperature of water delivered. The graph of compressor power
input vs temperature of water delivered is not linear but parabola curve as the reading taken at
not constant value.

The main objective of experiment 3 is to plot the vapor compression cycle on the p-h
diagram and compare with the ideal cycle. Another objective is to perform energy balances for
the condenser and compressor. The value of enthalpy can be obtained by interpolation using
TT1(6.9°C) which the value of h1 is 258.45 kJ/kg whereas the h2 value is 273.11 using
interpolation of TT2(34.6°C). The pressure 1 and 2 are 0.21 MPa and 0.69 MPa respectively. The
value of TT3 (31°C) and TT4 (20.1°C) are used to determine the h3 and h4 which are 95.03 kJ/kg
and 79.46 kJ/kg using the interpolations. The pressure 3 and 4 are also obtained using the
interpolation. The pressure 3 is 0.79 MPa whereas the pressure 4 is 0.57 MPa. The p-h diagram
is plotted. There is slightly different between the p-h diagram obtained from the experiment
and the ideal cycle because the water flow rate is not constant. The energy balances of
compressor and the condenser are shown by the formula of:

i) Compressor: Win= QH + m(h3-h2)

ii) Condenser: mh1=QH+mh2


From the experiment 1, the power input is 0.196kW whereas the heat output is -0.668 kJ/s.
Hence, the COPHP and COPR are 3.41 and 2.41 respectively. The experiment 2 are conducted
three times for 80%, 60% and 40% of FT1 values. For 80%, the power input is 0.198 kW, the
heat output is -0.953 kJ/s. The COPHP and COPR are 4.81 and 3.81 respectively. The power input
for 60% of TT1 is 0.197 kW. The heat output is -0.857 kJ/s so the COPHP is 4.35. Hence, the
COPR is 3.35. The heat output of 40% of FT1 is -0.752 kJ/s as the compressor power input is
0.198 kW. The COPHP and COPR are 3.80 and 2.80 respectively. The graph of coefficient of
performance and heat delivered vs temperature of water delivered showed linear relationship
whereas the graph of compressor power input vs temperature of water delivered is parabola
curve due to unstable reading. From the experiment 3, the p-h diagram is obtained but different
than the p-h of ideal cycle due to the non-constant water flow rate. The energy balances of
compressor and condenser are performed. The heat output of the compressor and condenser are
-5.00kJ/s and - 0.428 kJ/s respectively. There are some factors that contribute to the error in
reading and reducing the performance of the unit. So, some recommendations are suggested in
order to obtain more accurate results. This experiment is successfully conducted.


In order to increase the efficiency of the unit, there are several recommendations must be
performed to decrease the percentage of the error such as

 The general start-up procedures need to be performed before starting each of the
experiment. This is to ensure all the components of the unit are in good conditions ad
working smoothly. If the components are not in satisfied conditions, it will affect the
reading of the experiment and reduce the performance of the unit.
 The experiment must repeated at least 3 times so the reading will more accurate by
calculating the average reading. This will reduce the deviation from the theoretical data.
 The condenser must be cooled down after conducting each experiment. So, the best
results and more accurate results can be obtained.
 After adjusting the cooling water flow rate for each experiment, the system need to be ran
for 15 minutes. This allows the system to be stabilized to its cooling water flow rate and
the least error that can be recorded.
 The expansion valve of the refrigeration unit must be cannot touched as it will affect the
pressure of the valve and its throttling effect and can contribute to the huge errors.


 Miss Siti Norazian, Lecturer of Thermodynamics Laboratory.

 Cengel Y.A, and Boles A.M, Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, seventh
edition, McGraw Hill, 2011.
 Thermodynamics Property Tables and Charts.
 Refrigeration Unit, Thermodynamics Lab Manual, UiTM Shah Alam.
 http://www.vpcoe.org/PDF/Labmanuals/Mechanical/Refrigeration_and_Air_conditioning


For experiment 2

For FT1 = 60%

power input ,W 1 kW
net ,∈¿=197W ( 1000W )=0.197 kW ¿
cooling water flow rate(%)
cooling water flow rate , LPM = x 5 LPM
100(% )

¿ x 5=3 LPM

L 1 m3 1 min x 10−5 m 3
3 x x =5.00
M 1000 L 60 s s

Heat output ,Q H :

ρwater =1000 kg /m3

m kg x 10−5 m3 kg
V m (
; m=1000 3 x 5.00
s )
Using interpolation of saturated water table at 26.5°C to find h1 and 30.6°C to determine h2,

h1 =

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
25 104.83
26.5 111.103
30 125.74

h2 =

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
30 125.74
30.6 128.25
35 146.66

Ein = Eout

mh1 = QH + mh2

QH = m(h1- h2) = (0.05)(111.103-128.25)

= (0.05)(-17.147) = -0.857 kJ/s (negative symbol indicate heat output)

W net ,∈¿= =4. 35¿


4.35=C O PR +1

CO P R=3. 35

For FT1 = 40%

power input ,W 1 kW
net ,∈¿=198W ( 1000W )=0.198 kW ¿
cooling water flow rate(%)
cooling water flow rate , LPM = x 5 LPM
100(% )

¿ x 5=2 LPM

L 1 m3 1 min x 10−5 m3
2 x x =2.33
M 1000 L 60 s s

Heat output ,Q H :

ρwater =1000 kg /m3

m kg x 10−5 m3 kg
V m (
; m=1000 3 x 2.33
s )

Using interpolation of saturated water table at 26.4°C to find h1 and 31.8°C to determine h2,

h1 =

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
25 104.83
26.4 111.68
30 125.74

h2 =

T(°C) h(kJ/kg)
30 125.74
31.8 133.27
35 146.66

Ein = Eout

mh1 = QH + mh2

QH = m(h1- h2) = (0.0333)(110.68-133.27)

= (0.0333)(-22.59) = -0.752 kJ/s (negative symbol indicate heat output)

W net ,∈¿= =3.80 ¿


3.80=C O P R +1

C O PR =2.80

For experiment 3
The p-h diagram for ideal cycle

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