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GROUP : EH 220 2B

No. Title Allocated Marks (%) Marks

1 Abstract/Summary 5  
2 Introduction 5  
3 Aims 5  
4 Theory 5  
5 Apparatus 5  
6 Methodology/Procedure 10  
7 Results 10  
8 Calculations 10  
9 Discussion 20  
10 Conclusion 5  
11 Recommendations 5  
12 Reference / Appendix 5  
13 Supervisor’s grading 10  

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2.0 Abstract
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Objective
2.3 Theory
2.4 Experimental Procedure
2.5 Results and calculation
2.6 Discussion
2.7 Conclusion
2.8 Recommendations
2.9 References
2.10 Appendices

Experiment of flow meter measurement apparatus is conduct to measure the

volumetric flow rate of fluids. Experiment will be conducted first with the control valve
of hydraulic bench was fully closed and fully opened the discharge valve. To ensure that
discharge hose is properly directed to volumetric tank of fiberglass before starting up the
system. Then, the pump was start up from hydraulic bench. The bench valve was opened
slowly. Proceed to fully open the flow control valve. When the flow in the pipes is steady
and there are no trapped bubbles, bench valve was closed to ensure the reducing flow to
the maximum measurable flow rate. The water level in the manometer board will begin to
full. The rotmeter was set to 5 mL. Record the reading of the tube A to J. With the
maximum measurable rate, retain maximum readings on manometer. At this point, the
flow was slowly reduced by controlling the flow discharge valve. Water level in
manometer board will start to level. Record the time of water reached to 3 mL. These
steps were repeated with set the rotmeter 10 mL, 15 mL and 20 mL.

Flow meters are used in the industry to measure the volumetric flow rate of fluids.
Differential pressure type flow meters measure flow rate by introducing a constriction in
the flow. The pressure difference caused by the constriction is correlated to the flow rate
by using Bernoulli’s equation. If a constriction is placed in a pipe carrying a stream of
fluid, there will be an increase in velocity, and hence an increase in kinetic energy, at the
point of constriction. From energy balance as given by Bernoulli’s theorem, there must
be a corresponding reduction in pressure. Rate of discharge from the constriction can be
calculated by knowing this pressure reduction, the area available for flow at the
constriction, the density of the fluid and the coefficient of discharge C d. Coefficient of
discharge is the ratio of actual flow to the theoretical flow and makes allowances for
stream contraction and frictional effects. For smaller pipes orifice meter is a suitable
choice. In order to use any of these devices for measurement it is necessary to empirically
calibrate them. That is, pass a known volume through the meter and note the reading in
order to provide a standard for measuring other quantities. Controlling the flow in piping
systems is a significant issue in the chemical process industries. Obviously, in order to
control the flow in a pipe, the flow must be measured. This experiment will introduce
you to three devices that are used to measure flow. One, the rotmeter, is a simple
mechanical device that is designed to be read by an operator. It is rugged, relatively
inexpensive, and easily installed. The second, the orifice plate, can be set up to be read
locally or remotely using pressure transducers. Both are designed for flows that do not
contain significant amounts of solid material. The third, the magnetic flow meter, is a
more sophisticated device than either the rotmeter or the orifice plate. It requires that the
flowing material be electrically conductive, but can measure flows with suspended


The Bernoulli Equation

Assuming a horizontal flow (neglecting minor elevation differences between measuring points)
the Bernoulli Equation can be modified to:

p₁ + 1/2 ρ v₁² = p₂ + 1/2 ρ v₂² (1)


p = pressure

ρ = density

v = flow velocity

The equation can be adapted to vertical flow by adding elevation heights h₁ and h₂. Assuming
uniform velocity profiles in the upstream and downstream flow - the Continuity Equation can be
expressed as

q = v₁ A₁ = v₂ A₂ (2)


q = flow rate

A = flow area
Combining (1) and (2), assuming A₂ < A₁, gives the "ideal" equation:

q = A₂ [ 2(p₁ - p₂) / ρ(1 - (A₂ / A₁)²) ]^(1/2) (3)

For a given geometry (A), the flow rate can be determined by measuring the pressure difference
p₁ - p₂. The theoretical flow rate q will in practice be smaller (2 - 40%) due to geometrical
conditions. The ideal equation (3) can be modified with a discharge coefficient:

1 /2
q = c d A ₂[2( p ₁− p ₂)/ ρ(1−( A ₂/ A ₁)²)] (3b)


c d = discharge coefficient

The discharge coefficient cd is a function of the jet size - or orifice opening - the

area ratio = A vc / A₂


A vc = area in "vena contracta"

"Vena Contracta" is the minimum jet area that appears just downstream of the restriction. The
viscous effect is usually expressed in terms of the non-dimensional parameter Reynolds Number
- Re. Due to the Bernoulli and Continuity Equation the velocity of the fluid will be at its highest
and the pressure at the lowest in "Vena Contracta". After the metering device the velocity will
decrease to the same level as before the obstruction. The pressure recover to a pressure level
lower than the pressure before the obstruction and adds a head loss to the flow.

Equation (3) can be modified with diameters to:

q = c d π /4 D₂2 [2( p ₁− p ₂)/ ρ(1−d 4 )]1 /2 (4)

D₂ = orifice, venturi or nozzle inside diameter

D₁ = upstream and downstream pipe diameter

d = D₂ / D₁ diameter ratio

π = 3.14

Equation (4) can be modified to mass flow for fluids by simply multiplying with the density:

m = c d π /4 D₂2 ρ[2( p₁− p ₂)/ ρ(1−d 4 )]1/ 2

When measuring the mass flow in gases, its necessary to considerate the pressure reduction and
change in density of the fluid. The formula above can be used with limitations for applications
with relatively small changes in pressure and density.

The Orifice Plate

The orifice meter consists of a flat orifice plate with a circular hole drilled in it. There is a
pressure tap upstream from the orifice plate and another just downstream. There are in general
three methods of placing the taps. The coefficient of the meter depends upon the position of taps.

 Flange location - Tap location 1 inch upstream and 1 inch downstream from face of
 "Vena Contracta" location - Tap location 1 pipe diameter (actual inside) upstream and 0.3
to 0.8 pipe diameter downstream from face of orifice
 Pipe location - Tap location 2.5 times nominal pipe diameter upstream and 8 times
nominal pipe diameter downstream from face of orifice

The discharge coefficient - cd - varies considerably with changes in area ratio and the Reynolds
number. A discharge coefficient cd = 0.60 may be taken as standard, but the value varies
noticeably at low values of the Reynolds number.

The pressure recovery is limited for an orifice plate and the permanent pressure loss depends
primarily on the area ratio. For an area ratio of 0.5, the head loss is about 70 - 75% of the orifice

 The orifice meter is recommended for clean and dirty liquids and some slurry services.
 The rangeability is 4 to 1
 The pressure loss is medium
 Typical accuracy is 2 to 4% of full scale
 The required upstream diameter is 10 to 30
 The viscosity effect is high
 The relative cost is low

The Venturi Meter

In the venturi meter the fluid is accelerated through a converging cone of angle 15-2 00 and the
pressure difference between the upstream side of the cone and the throat is measured and
provides a signal for the rate of flow.

The fluid slows down in a cone with smaller angle (5 - 70 ) where most of the kinetic energy is
converted back to pressure energy. Because of the cone and the gradual reduction in the area
there is no "Vena Contracta". The flow area is at a minimum at the throat. High pressure and
energy recovery makes the venturi meter suitable where only small pressure heads are available.
A discharge coefficient c d = 0.975 can be indicated as standard, but the value varies noticeably at
low values of the Reynolds number.

The pressure recovery is much better for the venturi meter than for the orifice plate.

 The venturi tube is suitable for clean, dirty and viscous liquid and some slurry services.
 The rangeability is 4 to 1
 Pressure loss is low
 Typical accuracy is 1% of full range
 Required upstream pipe length 5 to 20 diameters
 Viscosity effect is high
 Relative cost is medium

From the continuity and Bernoulli equations, show that the ideal (inviscid, incompressible) flow
rate through a Venturi tube or an orifice is:

d2 2  P
Qideal 
4   d 4
 1    
  D 

where D and d are the diameters at the inlet and the throat, respectively,  is the fluid density,
and P is the pressure drop from inlet to throat. The discharge coefficient is a correction factor
between the
actual flow rate and the ideal flow rate, and is simply defined as: Qideal

Hence if Cd of a Venturi tube or an orifice is determined, the actual flow rate can
be predicted by measuring the pressure drop across the device.


To verify the accuracy of a commercial flow meter for measuring flow rates, and to calibrate a
Venturi tube and an orifice as flow meters by determining their discharge coefficients

1. Turn on the pump and adjust the control valve on the hydraulic bench, the exit valve of the
Venturi-orifice assembly unit and the bleed valve on the manifold to bleed off all air bubbles.
2. Adjust the valves to obtain a flow rate of 22 liters/min as indicated by the commercial flow
3. Read the manometers that indicate the static pressure change across the Venturi and the
4. Close the drain valve at the bottom of the tank of the hydraulic bench. Collect a known
volume of water in the tank and record the time required to do so.
5. Decrease the flow rate by 1 liter/min, and repeat steps 3 and 4, until zero flow rate.


1. Flow meter demonstration unit

The Orifice Plate- the orifice meter consists of a flat orifice plate with a circular hole drilled in it.
There is a pressure tap upstream from the orifice plate and another just downstream. There are in
general three methods of placing the taps. The coefficient of the meter depends upon the position
of taps.

The Venturi Meter - in the venturi meter the fluid is accelerated through a converging cone of
angle 15-200 and the pressure difference between the upstream side of the cone and the throat is
measured and provides a signal for the rate of flow.

A) Demonstration of The Operation and Characteristics of Three Different Basic

Types of Flowmeter

Flow Rate
Rotmeter Volume Time Calculate using
Manometer Reading (mm) Rate, Q
(L/min) (L) (s) Bernoulli's
Equation (L/min)

A B C D E F G H I J Venturi Orifice

287 280 276 280 283 284 284 264 273 272 5 3 35.00 5.146 3.26 8.41
313 307 272 293 299 304 303 219 253 250 10 3 15.96 11.278 6.17 18.86
351 337 267 312 324 334 330 155 224 218 15 3 9.42 19.108 9.59 30.76
401 379 259 336 356 373 370 66 182 174 20 3 8.40 21.429 10.35 34.09
B) Determination of The Loss Coefficient When Fluid Flows Through a 90 degree

Differential Piezometer
Volume Time Flow Rate, Q V
Head ∆h (mm) Loss Coefficient
(L) (s) (L/min) (m/s)
Elbow (hi-hj)
3 35.00 5.146 1 0.1615 0.75
3 15.96 11.278 3 0.3540 0.47
3 9.42 19.108 6 0.5997 0.33
3 8.40 21.429 8 0.6726 0.35
Tapping Venturi Meter Diameter Orifice Meter

A = 26 mm G = 26 mm

B = 21.6 mm H = 16 mm

C = 16 mm

D = 20 mm

E = 22mm

F = 26 mm

A) Demonstration of The Operation and Characteristics of Three Different Basic Types

of Flowmeter

For the first reading:

For orifice head loss: H o =hG−hH =0.284−0.264=0.020 m

For venturi head loss: H V =h A −h F=0.287−0.284=0.003m

Cd A2
Qv = x√2 g ∆ h
A 2
√ 1−( 2 )
π D 2 π (0.026)
A1= = =5.31 x 10−4 m 2
4 4
π D2 π ( 0.016 )
A2= = =2.01 x 10−4 m2
4 4
Q actual 5.146 L/min
C d= = =1.03
Q ideal 5 L/min

For orifice:

( 1.03 ) ( 2.01 x 10−4 )

Qo = x √ 2 ( 9.81 ) ( 0.020 ) =8.41 x 10−3 m3 /s

√ 1−
( 2.01 x 10−4
5.31 x 10−4
m3 1000 l
Qo =8.41 x 10−3 (
s 1 m3 )( 160mins )
¿ 8.41

For venturi:

( 1.03 ) ( 2.01 x 10−4 )

Qv = x √ 2 ( 9.81 ) ( 0.003 )=5.43 x 10−5 m3 / s
−4 2

√ 1−
( 2.01 x 10
5.31 x 10−4
m3 1000 l
Qv =5.43 x 10−5 (
s 1 m3 )( 160mins )
¿ 3.26

B) Determination of The Loss Coefficient When Fluid Flows Through a 90 degree

For ideal loss coefficient,

Volumetric flow,

Q = 5 L/min
L 1min
= (5 ¿( 1 m ) ( )
min 1000 L 60 s
= 8.3333 x 10−5 m3 / s

Area of 90˚ elbow, A=π ( )
¿ π ¿)
= 0.0005310 m2

Average velocity, v =
8.3333 x 10−5
= 0.1567 m/s

Loss of coefficient, k = h x
2 x 9.81
= 0.001 x
= 0.799

For actual loss coefficient, k

Q = 5.146 L/min
L 1min
= (5.146 ¿( 1 m ) ( )
min 1000 L 60 s
= 8.577 x 10−5 m3 / s

Area of 90˚ elbow, A=π ( )
¿ π ¿)
= 0.0005310 m 2
Average velocity, v =
8.577 x 10−5
= 0.1615 m/s

Loss of coefficient, k = h x
2 x 9.81
= 0.001 x
= 0.752


From the experiment, we got the value of the flow rate is 5.146 L/min,
3.26 L/min for venture and 8.41 L/min for orifice with rotmeter value of 5 L/min. For
rotmeter reading of 10 L/min, the flow rate is 11.278 L/min, 6.17 L/min for venturi and
18.86 L/min for orifice. For rotmeter reading of 15 L/min, the flow rate is 19.108 L/min,
9.59 L/min for venturi and 30.76 L/min for orifice. For rotmeter reading of 20 L/min, the
flow rate is 21.429 L/min, 10.35 L/min for venturi and 34.09 L/min for orifice. All of
these vaue might be difference from the actual value. This happens because of some error
that we had done during conducting this experiment.
First of all, the error might cause from the parallax error that happen
during taking the reading of the manometer. This will affect the whole calculation of the
experiment. Next, the error might come from the air bubbles that contain on the stream
of fluid flow through the apparatus. It might be that we did not notice about the presence
of the air bubble. This will affect the flow of the fluid and the reading of the manometer.
Other than that the error might be happen when we were taken the time for
the 3 L of fluid flow. It might happen that we start or stop the time at slightly did not
same as we started to flow or stop the flow of the fluid.


In this experiment, there are three basic type of flowmeter which are rotmeter,
orifice, and venture. The readings of volume flow rate in all flowmeter should have the
same value to the ideal flow rate. The values of volume flow rate that we obtained for
rotmeter was 5, 10, 15, and 20 L/min, venture (3.26, 6.17, 9.59 and 10.35 L/min) and
orifice (8.41, 18.86, 30.76 and 34.09 L/min). Based on the values of the volume flow
rate, rotmeter has the most nearest value to ideal volume flow rate. For the determination
of the loss coefficient when fluid flow through 90 degree elbow was determined and the
value is 0.75, 0.47, 0.33 and 0.35 when the volume reach 3 L.


After complete doing the experiment, do calculation and obtain a result, there are
some recommendations in order to obtain more accurate result in future. Firstly, avoid
parallax error when reading the volume of water at each flow by placing the eyes directly
to the meniscus point. This is the important steps because the value of reading will give
the main result. To prevent from error, the student must look carefully and more than one
student read that value to ensure the value is correct. Besides that, make sure that there is
no air bubbles inside the equipment during the experiment. This will happen by flow the
water inside the equipment in longer time and connect the water supply correctly and
ensure there is no leakage inside the system. Another step in order to obtain more
accurate result is make sure measure the time correctly by using a stopwatch. The normal
digital clock because this will give less accurate result. Finally, make sure the calculation
was doing right and not make any error when doing the calculations.


1. Flow Measurement engineering Handbook, Richard Miller.

2. Experiment Method for Engineers, Jack Philip Holman.


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