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Based upon this it was held that, explicit provision referring to levy under central law is a
statutory requirement and any interpretation by implication is statutorily barred. Although in
charging section the cess that is sought to be imposed has been described as an additional
excise duty, it is an independent levy. The rates of taxes and the excisable items have been set
out in schedule attached to that Act. However, if any exemption is to be granted, it is to be
done by specific provisions or notifications. Merely because some notifications have been
issued under 1944 Act granting exemption, those notifications cannot he made applicable to
levy made under the Act by virtue of provisions of s.3(4) of 1944 Act which does not refer to
any notification at all. Therefore, no implication regarding 'cess' is possible. Further, in view
of representations made, CBEC issued a specific clarification, emphasizing that it is a duty of
excise under a Finance Act. This specific clarification is not applicable to 'cess' under 1976
Act. Revision dismissed.

Ratio - Whenever revenue granted exemption from additional levy, they did so in clear

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