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31 March 2019, 16:59

Weightlifting Club Program 5x/week

From: Juggernaut Training Systems <>

4 of 11

Monday April  1, 2019

A) Snatch from blocks below the knee: 50%/3, 60%/3, 70%/3, (80%/2)x2,
85%/1, 90%/1, (95%/1)x2, (80%/2)x2

B) Snatch pull from blocks below the knee: 90%/3, (100%/2)x2, (110%/1)x3

C) Power clean: 50%/3, 60%/3, (70%/2)x2, (75%/1)x4

D) Good morning: 8 reps 4 sets

E) Box jumps: 5 reps 5 sets

Tuesday April  2, 2019

A) Muscle snatch: 50%/2, (55%/2)x4

B) Back squat: 80%/3, 90%/3, 100%/3, (110%/3)x4

C) Accessory all for 5 sets:

DB press 10 reps

Pull-ups 24 total reps as few sets as possible

DB rows 10-12 reps

Barbell curls 8 reps

Wednesday April  3, 2019

A) Snatch: 50%/3, 60%/3, 70%/3, (80%/3)x4

B) Front squat + jerk: 50%/2+2, 60%/2+2, 70%/2+2, (80%/2+1)x2,


C) Front squat: 95%/3, (100%/3)x4,

D) Clean pull: 80%/3, 90%/3, (100%/2)x2, (110%/1)x3

Friday April  5, 2019

A) Snatch + snatch from the hang below the knee: 50%/2+2, 60%/2+2,
70%/1+2, (80%/1+2)x4

B) Clean : 50%/3, 60%/3, 70%/3, (80%/3)x2, (85%/2)x4

C) Clean pull : 90%/3, 100%/3, (110%/2)x2, (120%/1)x3

D) Back squat: 85%/4, 95%/4, (105%/4)x5

E) Broad jump: 3 jumps 4 sets

Saturday April  6, 2019

A) Power snatch: 50%/3, 60%/3, (70%/2)x4

B) Power jerk: 50%/3, 60%/3, 70%/3, (75%/2)x4

C) Snatch grip RDL: 50%/4, 60%/4, (70%/4)x4

D) Dips: 5 reps 5 sets

E) Abs : 8 reps 3 sets

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