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PSG College of Technology:Coimbatore-4

Biomedical Engineering Department

M.E Nanotechnology Syllabus


3 0 03
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF NUMERICAL METHODS: Scientific Modeling - Numerical data and Numerical operations
-Numerical Algorithms -Numerical Programs -Numerical Software - Approximations in Mathematical Model building- Numerical
integration -Differentiation -Variational finite element methods-Rayleigh’s method-Ritz method. (9)


modeling - physical simulation - advantages
and limitations - process control - Transport
phenomena- concept of physical domain and
computational domain - assumptions and
limitations in numerical solutions – Finite
element method and Finite difference method.


DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS& APPLICATIONS: Euler method, Runge-Kutta method, Multi step-differential equations-
boundary values- Elliptic equations-one dimensional parabolic equation-hyperbolic equation- partial differential equations
-separation of variables-wave equation-Laplace equation-nonlinear partial differential equations - approximation methods of
nonlinear differential equations. (9)

SIMULATION: Basic concepts of simulation- data manipulation, data exchange of the structure, properties and processing of
materials-Three dimensional model for capillary nanobridges and capillary forces. Molecular dynamics simulation.

MONTE CARLO METHODS: Basics of the Monte Carlo method-Algorithms for Monte Carlo simulation-Applications to systems
of classical particles-modified Monte Carlo techniques-percolation system-variation Monte Carlo method-diffusion Monte Carlo
method - Quantum Monte Carlo method. (9)

Total 45
1. S.C. Chopra and R.P.Canale, “Numerical methods for Engineers”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Erwin Kreyzig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
3. R.J. Schilling and S.L. Harris, “Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers using MATLAB and C”, Thomson publishers,
New Delhi, 2004.
4. D. Frenkel and B. Smith, “Understanding molecular simulation from algorithm to applications”, Kluwar Academic Press,
5. K. Ohno, K. Esfarjani and Y. Kawazoe, “Introduction to Computational Materials Science from ab initio to Monte Carlo
Methods”, Springer-Verlag, 1999.


The physical basis of quantum mechanics: Limitation of classical physics – plank’s quantum hypothesis – Einstein’s
photoelectric effect – wave nature of particle – The uncertainty principle – Schrödinger’s Time dependent and independent
wave equations – particle in a box – Harmonic oscillator – rigid rotator. (9)

Formalism of quantum mechanics: Linear operator – Hermitian operator – Postulates of Quantum mechanics –
Simultaneous measurability of observable – Equations in motion – Linear harmonic oscillator – Operator method – particle
moving in a spherically symmetric potential – hydrogen atom – Hydrogen orbital – Matrix representation of wave functions.

Angular momentum: The angular momentum operators – Eigen values and Eigen functions of L and L-Eigen values of J and
J-spin angular momentum – Addition of angular momenta – Clebsch – Gordan coefficients – Computations. (9)

The variation method and perturbation theory: The variational principle – variation method for excited states – the ground
state of Helium, hydrogen molecule – Deuteron – first order perturbation – Harmonic perturbation – Transition to continuous
states. (9)

Relativistic wave equations: Klein – Gordan equation – particle in a coulomb field – Dirac’s equation for a free particle –
plane wave solution – Negative energy states – Magnetic moment of the electron – Radial equations for an electron in a
general potential – many electrons atoms – Hatree equations – Hatree – Fock equation.

Total 45

1. Aruldhass.G.”Quantum Mechanics”, Printice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Mathew.B.M and Venkatesan.K “A Text book of quantum mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill publication New Delhi, 2007.
3. Schiff.L.I “Quantum Mechanics”, McGraw Hill book company 1968.
4. Ghatak and Lokanathan, “Quantum Mechanics”, The Macmillan company of India Ltd, 1975
5. Amit Goswami, “Quantum Mechanics”, WCB Publishers, 1992.



CRYSTAL STRUCTURE : Atomic structure- Atomic bonding in solids- Crystalline state of solids- Unit cells and Space lattices –
Crystal structures- Crystal planes and directions- Miller Indices - Diffraction of X-rays by crystal - Bragg's equation - Correction
to Bragg's equation - Reciprocal lattice- Crystal Defects- point, line and surface defects. (10)

SEMICONDUCTORS AND THEIR PROPERTIES: Band model of semiconductors - carrier concentrations in intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors - Fermi level - variation of conductivity and mobility with temperature - law of mass action . Hall effect
- Hall coefficients for intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors - determination of Hall constant - Hall effect devices. (9)

DIELECTRIC AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES: Static dielectric constant, electronic , ionic and orientation polarizations - Internal
or local fields in solid and liquids. Lorentz field in cubic materials - Clausius-Mosotti equation - complex dielectric constant -
determination of dipole moment for polar substances - dielectric losses - frequency dependence of electronic, ionic, orientation
polarisabilities - optical absorption, luminescence - Thallium activated alkali halides - electro luminescence.

FERRO ELECTRIC AND PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS: General properties - classification of ferro electric materials - dipole
theory of ferro electricity - ferro electric domains - applications - piezoelectric materials and applications. (6)

MAGNETIC PROPERTIES: Diamagnetism, paramagnetism - ferromagnetism - domain theory - magnetic hysteresis , Weiss
molecular field theory, Heisenberg's theory - magnetic anisotropy - domain walls - Exchange energy - antiferromagnetism - two
sublattice theory - ferrites - properties - structure - magnetic moments - preparation and applications - hard and soft magnetic
materials. Garnets magnetic bubbles - magnetic resonance EPR and NMR. (10)


1. Callister W D, "Materials Science and Engineering : An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 7th Edition, 2007.
2. Kittel C, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Wiley Eastern Ltd., 2005.
3. Raghavan V, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course", 5th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
4. Dekker A J, "Solid State Physics" , Macmillan and Co., 2000.
5. Michael Shur, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices", Prentice Hall of India, 1995.


Scientific Revolutions – Types of Nanotechnology and Nanomachines – the Periodic table – Atomic Structure - Molecules and
phases - Energy - Molecular and atomic size – Surfaces and dimensional space – top down and bottom up. (5)

Forces between atoms and molecules - Particles and grain boundaries – strong Intermolecular forces – Electrostatic and
Vander Waals forces between surfaces – similarities and differences between intermolecular and inter particle forces –
covalent and coulomb interactions – interaction polar molecules – Thermodynamics of self assembly.

Opportunity at the nano scale-length and time scale in structures – energy landscapes – Inter dynamic aspects of inter
molecular forces – Evolution of band structure and Fermi surface. (7)

Quantum dots - Nano wires – Nano tubes - 2D and 3D films - Nano and mesopores, micelles, bilayer, vesicles –bionano
machines – biological membranes. (7)

Influence of Nano structuring on Mechanical, optical, electronic, magnetic and chemical properties-gram size effects on
strength of metals optical properties of quantum dots and quantum wires-electronic transport in quantum wires and carbon
nano tubes - magnetic behavior of single domain particles and nanostructures – surface chemistry of Tailored monolayer – self
assembling. (13)

Total 45

1. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, “Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies”, Geoff smith
overseas press, 2005.
2. Charles P.Poole.Frank J.Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2003.
3. Mark A.Ratner, Daniel Ratner, Mark Ratne,”Nanotechnolgy: A gentle introduction to the next Big idea”, Prentice Hall
P7R:1st Edition, 2002.


BULK NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS: Quantum wells, wires and Dots – Size ad dimensionality effects, Carbon
nanotubes (CNTs)- Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), graphenes, fullerenes-
Structure and Properties, Metal/oxide nanoparticles, nanorods, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanofibers, Semiconductor
Quantum Dots- Excitons, Magnetic Nanoparticles- Nanostructured Ferromagnetism, Polymer nanoparticles, Core-Shell
Structures, Nanocrystals, Single electron tunneling- Applications (9)

GAS SENSOR MATERIALS: Criteria for the choice of materials, Experimental aspects – materials, properties, measurement
of gas sensing property, sensitivity; Discussion of sensors for various gases, Gas sensors based on semiconductor devices.


BIOSENSORS: Principles- DNA based biosensors – Protein based biosensors – materials for biosensor applications
fabrication of biosensors—future potential. (9)

SEMICONDUCTOR NANODEVICES: Single-Electron Devices; Nano scale MOSFET – Resonant Tunneling Transistor -
Single-Electron Transistors; Single-Electron Dynamics; Nanorobotics and Nanomanipulation; Mechanical Molecular
Nanodevices; Nanocomputers: Theoretical Models; Optical Fibers for Nanodevices; Photochemical Molecular Devices; DNA-
Based Nanodevices; Gas-Based Nanodevices; Micro and Nanomechanics. (9)

Schottky devices - Quantum Structures and Devices. Quantum layers, wells, dots and wires, Mesoscopic Devices, Carbon
Nanotube based logic gates, optical devices. Connection with quantum dots, quantum wires, and quantum wells- Single
Molecule electronic devices – photonic bandgap systems: applications and devices. (9)

Total 45

1. Introduction to Nanotechnology, Charles P.Poole, Jr. and Frank J.Owens, Wiley, 2003
2. G. Cao, Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, ICP, London, 2004.
3. C.M. Niemeyer and C.A. Mirkin, Nanobiotechnology, Concepts, Applications and perspectives, WILEY-VCH, Verlag
Gmb H&Co, 2004.
4. Nanotechnology - Molecularly Designed Materials – G.M.Chow and K.E.Gonslaves, (American chemical society)
5. Physics of semiconductor Nanostructures: K.P.Jain, Narosa Publishers, 1997



BULK SYNTHESIS: Synthesis of bulk nano-structured materials –sol gel processing –Mechanical alloying and mechanical
milling- Inert gas condensation technique – Nanopolymers – Bulk and nano composite materials. (9)

CHEMICAL APPROACHES: Self-assembly, self-assembled monolayer (SAMs). Longmuir-Blodgett (LB) films, clusters,
colloids, zeolites, organic block copolymers, emulsion polymerization, templated synthesis, and confined nucleation and/or
growth. Biomimetic Approaches: polymer matrix isolation, and surface-templated nucleation and/or crystallization.
Electrochemical Approaches: anodic oxidation of alumina films, porous silicon, and pulsed electrochemical deposition.

PHYSICAL APPROACHES: Vapor deposition and different types of epitaxial growth techniques- pulsed laser deposition,
Magnetron sputtering - Micro lithography (photolithography, soft lithography, micromachining, e-beam writing, and scanning
probe patterning). (9)
Characterization Methods: Optical Microscopy – Scanning Electron Microscopy – Transmission Electron MicroscopyAtomic
Force Microscopy – Scanning Tunneling Microscopy – Optical Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy – Thermogravimetric
Analysis – Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Thermomechanical Analysis- X-Ray Diffraction. (9)

Mechanical characterization: Modulus and load carrying capability of nano region - Compression -micro hardness – Fatigue –
Abrasion and wear resistance – Super elasticity – Nanoindentation. Nanotribology – Nanotribometre – Surface Force
Apparatus – Quartz Crystal Microbalance – Friction Force Microscope. (9)

Total 45
1. S.P. Gaponenko, Optical Properties of semiconductor nanocrystals, Cambridge University Press, 1980.
2. W.Gaddand, D.Brenner, S.Lysherski and G.J.Infrate (Eds.), Handbook of NanoScience, Engg. and Technology, CRC
Press, 2002.
3. G. Cao, Nanostructures & Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties & Applications, Imperial College Press, 2004.
4. T.Pradeep, “Nano: The essentials, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2007.
5. Willard, “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, 2000.
PATTERNING OF THIN FILMS: Introduction - Necessity for a clean room- different types of clean rooms-construction and
maintenance of a clean room- Lithography -Optical lithography- Optical projection lithography- Multistage scanners resolution-
Photo mask- Binary mask- Phase shift mask - Attenuated phase shift masks - alternating phase shift masks - Off axis
illumination- Optical proximity correction - Sub resolution assist feature enhancement-Optical immersion lithography- Optical
interferometric lithography- Holographic lithography. (15)

MASKLESS OPTICAL LITHOGRAPHY: Mask less optical projection lithography - Zone plate array lithography-Extreme
ultraviolet lithography. (5)

ELECTRON BEAM LITHOGRAPHY: Scanning electron-beam lithography- mask less EBL- parallel direct-write e-beam
systems-electron beam projection lithography - Scattering with angular limitation projection e-beam lithography- Projection
reduction exposure with variable axis immersion lenses. (5)

X-RAY LITHOGRAPHY: Ion beam lithography- Focusing ion beam lithography - Ion projection lithography - Projection focused
ion multi-beam - Masked ion beam lithography- Masked ion beam direct structuring- atom lithography. (5)

NANOIMPRINT LITHOGRAPHY AND SOFT LITHOGRAPHY: Nanoimprint lithography (NIL)- NIL- hot embossing- UV-NIL-
Soft Lithography- Moulding/Replica moulding: Printing with soft stamps- Edge lithography -Dip-Pen Lithography-set up and
working principle. Etching techniques- Reactive Ion etching- RIE reactive ion etching- Magnetically enhanced RIE- IBE Ion
beam etching- Other etching techniques. (15)

Total 45
1. D. S. Dhaliwal et al., PREVAIL –“Electron projection technology approach for next generation lithography”, IBM Journal Res.
& Dev. 45, 615, 2001.
2. M. Baker et al., “Lithographic pattern formation via metastable state rare gas atomic beams”, Nanotechnology 15, 1356,
3. H.Schift et al., “Fabrication of polymer photonic crystals using nanoimprint lithography”, Nanotechnology 16, 261, 2005.
4. R.D. Piner, “Dip-Pen” Nanolithography, Science 283, 66, 1999.


Development of micro electronics, Region of Nanostructures, methods and limits on microminiaturjzatjon in semiconductors,
micro electro mechanical systems. (9)

Silicon micromachining, semiconductors and insulators, Microsystems fabrication techniques, Silicon MEMS fabrication
technology, Single crystal reactive etching and metallization process. (9)

Non-silicon MEMS and fabrication techniques, SiC MEMS, Biomedical - MEMS techniques. Integration of microsystems with
electronics – RF MEMS – Applications. (9)

Polymers in Microsystems, Packaging of MEMS devices by anodic/fusion bonding, Pressure sensors and packaging, MEMS
performance and evaluation. (9)

Nano electro mechanical systems fabrication and process techniques, lntegration of nanosystems and devices, applications
and future challenges. (9)

Total 45
1. W.R.Fahrner, “Nanotechnologv and Nanoelectronics - Materials, Devices and Measurement Techniques” Springer, 2006.
2. K.Goser, P.Glosekotter & J.Dienstuhl, “Nanoelectronic and Nanosystems – From Transistors to Molecular Quantum
Devices” Springer, 2004
3. S. E. Lyshevski, MEMS and NEMS: Systems, Devices and Structures, CRC Press, 2002.
4. Gregory Timp, Nanotechnology, Springer, 2005
5. Smart Material Systems and MEMS: Design and Development; Vijay K Varadan, K J Vinoy, S Gopalakrishnan.

Basics of nanoelectronics – capabilities of nano electronics – physical fundamentals of nano electronics – basics of information
theory – the tools for micro and nano fabrication – basics of lithographic techniques for nanoelectronics. (5)

Quantum electron devices – from classical to quantum physics: upcoming electronic devices – electrons in mesoscopic
structure – short channel MOS transistor – split gate transistor – electron wave transistor – electron spin transistor – quantum
cellular automate – quantum dot array – Principles of Single Electron Transistor (SET) – SET circuit design – comparison
between FET and SET circuit design. (12)

Nanoelectronics with tunneling devices and superconducting devices – tunneling element technology - RTD: circuit design
based RTD – Defect tolerant circuits. Molecualr electronics – elementary circuits – flux quantum devices – application of
Superconducting devices – Nanotubes based sensors, fluid flow, gas temperature; Strain – oxide nanowire, gas sensing (ZnO,
TiO, SnO, WO), LPG sensor (SnO powder)- Nano 2 2 3 2 designs and Nanocontacts-metallic nanostructures.
A survey about the limits – Replacement Technologies – Energy and Heat dissipation – Parameter spread as Limiting Effect –
Limits due to thermal particle motion – Reliability as limiting factor – Physical limits – Final objectives of integrated chip and
systems. (6)

Memory devices and sensors – Nano ferroelectrics – Ferroelectric random access memory – Fe-RAM circuit design –
ferroelectric thin film properties and integration – calorimetric sensors – electrochemical cells – surface and bulk acoustic
devices – gas sensitive FETs – resistive semiconductor gas sensors –electronic noses – identification of hazardous solvents
and gases – semiconductor sensor array. (12)

Total 45
1. Karl Goser, Peter Glosekotter, Jan Dienstuhl, “Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems”, Springer, 2004.
2. Rainer Waser (ed.) Wiley VCH Verlag Weiheim Nanoelectronics and information technology: Advanced electronic
materials and novel and devices, 2nd edition, 2005.
3. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons, Burkhard Raguse “Nanotechnology: basic science and
emerging technologies”, Overseas Press 2005.



SENSOR CHARACTERISTICS AND PHYSICAL EFFECTS: Active and Passive sensors – Static characteristic - Accuracy,
offset and linearity – Dynamic characteristic - First and second order sensors – Physical effects involved in signal transduction-
Photoelectric effect – photo dielectric effect – Photoluminescence effect – electroluminescence effect – chemiluminescence
effect – Doppler effect – Barkhausen effect – Hal effect – Ettinshausen effect – Thermoelectric effect – Peizoresistive effect –
piezoelectric effect – pyroelectric effect – magneto-mechanical effect (magnetostriction) – Magnetoresistive effect.

NANO BASED INORGANIC SENSORS: Density of states (DOS) – DOS of 3D, 2D, 1D and 0D materials – one dimensional
gas sensors:- gas sensing with nanostructured thin films – absorption on surfaces – metal oxide modifications by additives –
surface modifications – Nano optical sensors – nano mechanical sensors – plasmon resonance sensors with nano particles –
AMR, Giant and colossal magnetoresistors – magnetic tunneling junctions. (8)

ORGANIC / BIOSENSORS: Structure of Protein – role of protein in nanotechnology – using protein in nanodevices –
antibodies in sensing – antibody in nano particle conjugates – enzymes in sensing – enzyme nanoparticle hybrid sensors –
Motor proteins in sensing – transmembrane sensors – Nanosensors based on Nucleotides and DNA – Structure of DNA – DNA
decoders and microarrays – DNA protein conjugate based sensors – Bioelectronic sensors – DNA sequencing with nanopores
– sensors based on molecules with dendritic architectures – biomagnetic sensors. (12)

APPLICATIONS: Cantilever array sensors- Cantilever sensors for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus - Cantilever sensors for
cancer diagnosis- Nano tube based sensors- Nanotube-based sensors for DNA detection- Nanotube-based sensors for
capnography- Nanowire-based sensors- Nanowire-based electrical detection of single viruses- Nanowire-based electrical
detection of biomolecules. (8)

DETECTORS AND APPLICATIONS: Bio receptors–Bio detectors-Nano array based detector-Nano Particle based detector-
Ultra-sensitive detection of pathogenic biomarkers- Ultra-sensitive detection of single bacteria.

Total 45
1. Kouroush Kalantar – Zadeh, Benjamin Fry, “Nanotechnology enabled Sensors”, Springer Verlag New York, 2007, ISBN-
13: 9780387324739
2. H.Rosemary Taylor, “Data acquisition for sensor systems” (sensor physics and technology 5) Chapman and Hall, London,
UKISBN 0 412 785609, 1997.
3. Jerome Schultz, Milar Mrksich, Sangeeta N. Bhatia, David J. Brady, Antionio J. Ricco, David R. Walt, Charles L. Wilkins,
“Biosensing: International Research and Development”, Springer, 2006 ISBN 10 14020 40571, ISBN 13 978 1 4020 4057
4. Ramon Pallas-Areny, John G. Webster, “Sensors and signal conditioning” John Wiley & Sons, 2001, 2 edition ISBN 0 471
33232 1.


NANOTECHNOLOGY IN PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONS: Human anatomy – Form function and physiology –
Developmental prolog - principle of development – Neurophysiology – sensory physiology and muscle physiology - Trends in
nanobiotechnology - Protein- and peptide-based compounds for cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases and organ transplant-
therapeutic classes- focused pharmaceutical delivery systems. (9)

IMMUNOASSAY TECHNIQUES: Understanding of antibody-based diagnostic techniques (immunoassay) - micro- and nano-
immunosensors- Bio-Barcode Assay- use of magnets, gold, DNA and antibodies- therapies and diagnostics for cancer and
central nervous system disorders. (9)

IMPROVED MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS: Improved diagnostic products and techniques- in vivo imaging capabilities by enabling
the detection of tumors, plaque, genetic defects and other disease states-ability to control or manipulate on the atomic scale-
Nanobot medical devices- logic and intelligence embedded into medical devices- standalone sensing and computing devices.

PROSTHETIC AND MEDICAL IMPLANTS: New generations of prosthetic and medical implants- artificial organs and implants-
artificial scaffolds or biosynthetic coatings- biocompatibility and reduced rejection ratio- retinal, cochlear, and neural implants,
repair of damaged nerve cells, and replacements of damaged skin, tissue, or bone. (9)
METHODS FOR DIAGNOSIS: Animation of the PCR - DNA Profiling - Cantilever Sensors - Targeted Drug Delivery -
Magnetic Nanoparticles - Cancer cell targeting - Stem Cell Scaffolds - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) -
Tethered Lipid Membranes. (9)

Total 45
1. Brian, R.Eggins, “Chemical Sensors and Biosensors”, Wiley; New York, Chichester, 2002.
2. Biosensors and modern biospecific analytical techniques, Wilson & Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry; Ed. L
Gorton; Elsevier, “The Immunoassay Handbook”, Amsterdam, London, 2005.
3. Ed. David Wild, “The Immunoassay Handbook”, 3rd edition, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005.
4. Allen J Bard and Larry, R Faulkner, “Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications”, Wiley, New York,
Chichester, 2nd ed.; 2001.
5. Ed. Vladimir M.Mirsky, “Ultrathin Electrochemical Chemo- and Biosensors: Technology and Performance” in Springer
Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors; Volume Two;; Springer, Berlin; 2004


POLYMERIC MATERIALS: Introduction – Origin, classification, formation of polymers – chain growth and step growth
polymerization, copolymerization. Thermoplastics and thermosets. Micro structures in polymers – polymer length, molecular
weight, amorphous and crystalline, thermal transitions in plastics. (9)

ELECTRONICALLY CONDUCTING POLYMERS: General description – Band theory, insulators, semiconductors, metals,
semimetals, poly(sulfur nitride), polyacetylene – Synthesis, structure and morphology. Conductivity doping, theory, uses.
Phenylene polymers – poly(para-phenylene), poly(phenylene vinylenes),poly(phenylene sulfide). Polypyrrole and
Polythiophene, Polyaniline. Stacked phtalocyanine polymers, polymers with transition metals in the side-group structure.
Roadmap for Organic Electronics Applications: Technology, Materials, Printing and Patterning Techniques, Devices,
Principle Challenges/Red Brick Walls.Technical Issues in Printed Electrodes for All-Printed Thin-Film Transistor Applications:
Introduction, Surface Roughness of Printed Electrodes, Edge Waviness in Printed Electrodes, Solution-Process Organic TFT.
All-Printed Flexible Organic Light-emitting Diodes: introduction, Roll-to-Roll Printing, Gravure Printing of Poly(3,4-
ethylenediocythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) and Pentafluorobenzenethiol , Screen Printing of Aluminium Cathode,
Characteristics of All-Printed OLEDS, Roll-to-Roll Printed OLED Demonstrators. (9)
Scaling Effects in Organic Transistors and Transistor-Based Chemical Sensors : Scaling Behavior in Organic
Transistors, Charge Transport in Polycrystalline Organic Semiconductors (Intragrain and Intergrain), Characterization of
Nanoscale Organic Transistors, Channel Length and Temperature Dependence of Charge Transport in Organic Transistors,
Field-Dependent Mobility Model for the Scaling Behavior of Charge Transport, Charge Transport in sub-10-nm Organic
Transistors, Scaling Behavior of Chemical Sensing with Organic Transistors, General Introduction to Organic Transistors for
Sensing Applications, Vapor Sensing in Micron-Sized Organic Transistors and Trapping at Grain Boundaries, Transition of
Sensing Response by Organic Transistors from Micron-Scale to Nanoscale, Discussions on the Scaling Behavior of Sensing
Response: Role of Grain Boundaries and Contact, Sensor Response to Different Analytes and the Function of Receptors.

Sensor applications: Organic Thin-Film Transistors for Inorganic Substance Monitoring, OTFT-Based Sensors, Strain and
Pressure Sensors Based on Organic Field-Effect Transistors, Applications for Organic Field-Effect Transistor Sensors, An
Introduction to Organic Photodetectors. (8)

Total 45
1. Harry R Allcock, Frederick W Lampe and James E Mark, “Contemporary Polymer Chemistry”, 3rd edition, Pearson
2. Polymer Electronics- A flexible Technology: Frances Gardiner, Eleanor Carter: iSmithers.
3. Organic Electronics in Sensors and Biotechnology, Ruth Shinar, Joseph Shinar; Mc graw Hill.
4. Norman G Einspruch, “VLSI Electronics Microstructure Science”, Volume 1, Academic Press, New York, 1981.


INTRODUCTION: Nanotechnology for sustainable energy-Materials for light emitting diodes-batteries-advanced turbines-
catalytic reactors-capacitors-fuel cells. (9)

RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY: Energy challenges, development and implementation of renewable energy
technologies - nanotechnology enabled renewable energy technologies - Energy transport, conversion and storage, Nano,
micro and meso scale phenomena and devices. (9)

MICRO FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY: Micro-fuel cell technologies, integration and performance for micro-fuel cell systems -
thin film and microfabrication methods - design methodologies - micro-fuel cell power sources. (9)

MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEMS: Nano-electromechanical systems and novel microfluidic devices - nano engines - driving
mechanisms - power generation - microchannel battery - micro heat engine (MHE) fabrication - thermocapillary forces -
Thermocapillary pumping (TCP) - piezoelectric membrane. (9)

HYDROGEN STORAGE METHODS: Hydrogen storage methods - metal hydrides - size effects - hydrogen storage capacity -
hydrogen reaction kinetics - carbon-free cycle- gravimetric and volumetric storage capacities - hydriding/dehydriding kinetics -
high enthalpy of formation - and thermal management during the hydriding reaction - distinctive chemical and physical
properties - multiple catalytic effects - degradation of the sorption properties - hydride storage materials for automotive
applications. (9)

Total 45
1. J. Twidell and T. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, E & F N Spon Ltd, London, 1986.
2. Hydrogen from Renewable Energy Sources by D. Infield,
3. Fuel Storage on Board Hydrogen Storage in Carbon Nanostructures by R.A., Shatwell,
4. Fuel cell technology handbook. Hoogers. CRC Press, 2003.
5. Handbook of fuel cells: Fuel cell technology and applications by Vielstich. Wiley, CRC Press, 2003.



Polyolefin/clay nanocomposites- Structure–property relationships of polypropylene nanocomposite fibres- Dyeable

polypropylene via nanotechnology. (8)

Nanofilled polypropylene fibres- Producing nanofiber structures by electrospinning for tissue engineering - Producing polyamide
nanofibers by electrospinning. (8)

Continuous yarns from electrospun nanofibers- Controlling the morphologies of electrospun nanofibres- Multifunctional polymer
nanocomposites for industrial applications. (8)

Hybrid polymer nanolayers for surface modification of fibers- Nanostructuring polymers with cyclodextrins- Nanofabrication of
thin polymer films. (8)

Electrostatic self-assembled nanolayer films for cotton fibers- Multiwall carbon nanotube–nylon-6 nanocomposites from
polymerization- Carbon nanotube and nanofibre reinforced polymer fibres- Structure and properties of carbon nanotube-
polymer fibers using melt spinning- Nanotechnologies for coating and structuring of textiles. (13)

Total 45
Edited by P. J. Brown and K, Stevens Nanofibers and Nanotechnology in Textiles,CRC Press 2007
Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-4449-2


Biology inspired concepts – biological networks-biological neurons- the function of neuronal cell- biological neuronal cells on
silicon modeling of neuronal cells by NLSI circuits – bioelectronics- molecular processor – DNA analyzer as biochip – molecular
electronics. (7)

Nano biometrics – Introduction – lipids as nanobricks and mortar: self assembled nanolayers- the bits that do think – proteins-
three dimensional structures using a 20 aminoacid-biological computing – a protein based 3D optical memory using DNA to
build nano cubes and hinges – DNA as smart glue – DNA as wire template – DNA computers. (10)

Natural Nanocomposites – Introduction – natural nano composite materials- biologically synthesized nanostructures-
biologically derived synthetic nanocomposites- protein based nanostructure formation – biologically inspired nanocomposites –
nanotechnology in Agriculture (Fertilizers and pesticides). (10)

Nano analytics – quantum dot biolabeling – nanoparticle molecular labels – analysis of biomolecular structure by AFM and
molecular pulling- force spectroscopy – biofunctionalized nanoparticles for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering and Surface
Plasmon Resonance. (10)

Molecular Manufacturing – Nano simulation; Is nanotechnology bad or good? – Implications of nanotechnology: Health and
safety implications from nanoparticles: Health issues – Environmental issues – Need for regulation – Societal implications:
Possible military applications – Potential benefits and risks for developing countries – Intellectual property issues – Criticism of
Nanotechnology – Studies on the implications of Nanotechnology. (8)

Total 45

1. Christ of M.Neimeyer, Chad.A.Mirkin (eds.,), Nanobiotechology: Concepts, Applications and perspectives Wiley VCH
Weinheim, 2004
2. David.S.Goodsell, Bionanotechnology: concepts, Lessons from Nature, Wiley-Liss, 2004
3. Nanobiotechnology Protocols, Sandra J Rosethal, David W Wright, Series Methods in Molecular Biology, 2005
4. R.S. Greco, F.B.Prinz and R.L.Smith, Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems, CRC press, 2005.
5. Protein Nanotechnology Protocols, Instrumentation and Application, Tuan Vo-Dinh, Series; Methods in Molecular
Biology 2005



Introduction to Embedded Systems: Embedded Systems-Applications of Embedded Systems-Processors in the System-

Other Hardware Units-Software Embedded into a System-Exemplar Embedded Systems-Embedded System-on-Chip (SOC)
and in VLSI circuit. (8)
Devices and Buses for Device Network: I/O Devices-Timer and Counting Devices-Serial Communication using I2C,CAN and
USB. Parallel Communication using PCI, PCIX and Advanced Parallel High Speed Buses. (8)
Device Drivers and Interrupts Servicing Mechanism: Device Drivers-Parallel Port Device Drivers in a System, Serial Port
Device Drivers in a System, Device Drivers for Internal Programmable Timing Devices – Interrupt Servicing Mechanism-
Context and the Periods for Context Switching, Deadline and Interrupt Latency. (9)
Embedded Software Development Using IDE: Introduction to Integrated Development Environment (IDE)- Programming
Concepts and Embedded Programming in Assembly and C- Creating a New Project – Adding Files to a Project-Building a
Project-Debugging and Simulating the application-Getting Embedded Software into the Target System. (9)
REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS (RTOS): Tasks and Task States, Tasks and Data, Semaphores and Shared Data,
Message Queues, Mailboxes and Pipes, Timer functions, Events, Memory Management, Interrupt Routines in RTOS
Environment (8)


Total 42
1. Rajkamal,”Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.
2. David E Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer” Pearson Education Asia, 2006.
3. Arnold Berger, “Embedded System Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools, and Techniques” CMP Books, 2001.
4. Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components” Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005.


INTRODUCTION: Challenges for wireless sensor networks, Comparison of sensor network with ad hoc network, Single node
architecture –Hardware components, energy consumption of sensor nodes, Network architecture – Sensor network scenarios,
types of sources and sinks, single hop versus multi-hop networks, multiple sinks and sources, design principles, Development
of wireless sensor networks– WINS ,µAMPS Underwater Acoustic and Deep space networks. (10)

PHYSICAL LAYER: Introduction, wireless channel and communication fundamentals – frequency allocation, modulation and
demodulation, wave propagation effects and noise, channels models, spread spectrum communication , packet transmission
and synchronization, quality of wireless channels and measures for improvement, physical layer and transceiver design
consideration in wireless sensor networks, Energy usage profile, choice of modulation, Power Management. (10)

DATA LINK LAYER: MAC protocols –fundamentals of wireless MAC protocols, low duty cycle protocols and wakeup concepts,
contention-based protocols, Schedule-based protocols, Link Layer protocols –fundamentals task and requirements ,error
control ,framing, link management. (9)

NETWORK LAYER: Gossiping and agent-based uni cast forwarding , Energy-efficient unicast, Broadcast and multicast,
geographic routing , mobile nodes, Data –centric and content-based networking –Data –centric routing, Data aggregation,
Data-centric storage, Higher layer design issues. (8)

CASE STUDY: Target detection tracking, Habitat monitoring, Environmental disaster monitoring, Practical implementation
issues, IEEE 802.15.4 low rate WPAN, Sensor Network Platforms and tools-Sensor node hardware, Node-level software
platforms, node –level simulators. (8)

Total 45

1. Wireless Sensor Networks: an information processing approach – Feng zhao, Leonidas guibas, Elsivier publication, 2004.
2. Wireless Sensor Networks –C.S.Raghavendra Krishna, M.Sivalingam and Tarib znati, Springer publication, 2006.
3. Wireless Sensor Networks : Architecture and protocol –Edgar H .Callaway, FirstEdition ,CRC press 2003.
4. Protocol and Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks –Holger Karl , Andreas willig ,John wiley publication, Oct 2007.



INTRODUCTION: Purpose of Database system - Characteristics of database approach - Advantages of using DBMS -
Database concept and architecture - Data Abstraction - Data Models - Instances and schema - Data independence - schema
architecture - Database Languages - Database Manager - Database Administrator - Database Users. (7)

DATA MODELING: Entity sets attributes and keys - Relationships (ER) - Database modeling using entity - Type role and
structural constraints - Weak and Strong entity types - Enhanced entity-relationship (EER) - Entity-Relationship Diagram Design
of an E-R Database schema – Object modeling - Specialization and generalization - Modeling of union types. (7)

RELATIONAL MODEL: Relational model -basic concepts - Enforcing Data Integrity Constraints – Relational Algebra
Operations - Extended Relational Algebra Operations - Relational Calculus - Assertion and Triggers - Introduction on views -
Introduction to SQL – Basic queries in SQL - Advanced queries in SQL - Functions in SQL - Basic data retrieval - Aggregation –
Categorization - Updates in SQLs - Views in SQL - Different types of views - Theoretical Updatability of Views. (8)

DATABASE DESIGN: Database design process - Relational database design - Relation Schema - Anomalies in a database -
Functional dependencies - Membership and minimal covers - Normal forms - First Normal Form - Second Normal Form - Third
Normal Form - Boyce-Codd Normal form - Reduction of an E-R schema to Tables - Converting EER Diagrams to relations -
Practical database design tuning - Effect of de-normalization on database performance. (8)

FILE ORGANIZATION, INDEXING AND HASHING: Overview of file organization techniques - Secondary storage devices -
Operations in files - Heap files and sorted files - Basic concepts Indexing and Hashing – Basics of RAID technology.
OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE DESIGN: Introduction toOODBMS - Approaches to OODs - Object oriented data model -
Object identity - Complex Objects - Persistence - Type and class hierarchies - Inheritance - Modeling and designing of OODs –
OODBMS for CAD / CAM application. (6)

CASE STUDY ON POPULAR DATABASE PACKAGES: Oracle – Implementation of CAD / CAM design data in Oracle
database. (3)

Total 45
1. Date C J, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Pearson Education Asia, 2005.
2. Elmasri R and Navathe S B, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Addison Wesley, 2004.
3. Raghu Ramakrishnan, “Database Management Systems”, Mc Graw Hill, 2004.
4. Silberschatz, Korth H and Sudharshan S,” Database System Concepts”, Mc Graw Hill, 2003.
5. Graeme C Simsion, “Data Modeling Essentials”, Dreamtech, 2001.


3 0 0 3
INTRODUCTION: The development of Microelectronics – The region of Nanoelectronics - The Complexity Problem – The
challenge initiated by Nanoelectronics . Basics of Nanoelectronics: Electromagnetic Fields and Photons – Quantization of
Action, Charge, and Flux – Electrons behaving as waves – Electrons in potential wells – Ddiffusion Process. (10)

BIOCHEMICAL AND QUANTUM-MECHANICAL COMPUTERS: DNA Computer – Information Processing with Chemical
reactions – Nanomachines – Parallel Processing. Quantum Computers – Bit and Qubit – Coherence and Entanglement –
Quantum Parallelism. (8)

PARALLEL ARCHITECTURES FOR NANOSYSTEMS: Mono and Multiprocessor Systems – Some considerations to Parallel
Processing – Influence of Delay Time – Power Dissipation - Architecture for Processing in Nanosystems: Clasic Systolic
Arrays – Processor with large memory – Processor array with SIMD and PIP Architectures – Reconfigurable Computers – The
Teramac Concept as a Prototype. (9)

SOFT COMPUTING AND NANOELECRONICS: Methods of Soft Computing – Fuzzy Systems – Evolutionary Algorithms –
Connectionistic Systems – Computationally Intelligent Systems – Characteristics of Neural Networks in Nanoelectronics -
Local Processing – Distributed and Fault-tolerant Storage – Self-organization. (9)

NANOSYSTEMS AS INFORMATION PROCESSING MACHINES: Nanosystems as Functional Machines – Information

Processing as Information Modification – System Design and its interfaces – Requirements of Nanosystems. Uncertainties:
Removal of Uncertainties by Nanomachines – Uncertainties in Nanosystems – Uncertainties in the Development of
Nanoelectronics. (9)

Total 45
1. Karl Goser, “Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From Transistors to Molecular and Quantum devices”,
Springer, New Delhi, 2005.



OPTICAL MICROSCOPY: Optical microscopy- Use of polarized light microscopy – Phase contrast microcopy – Interference
Microscopy – hot stage microscopy - Image analysis techniques. (9)

SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY: Basic design of the scanning electron microscopy – Modes of operation–
Backscattered electrons – secondary electrons- X-rays – typical forms of contrast– Resolution and contrast – enhancement –
Specimen Preparation, Replicas Various-application of SEM – Field emission gun scanning electron microscopy.

TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY: Basic principles - Modes of operation – Specimen preparation – Diffraction in
imperfect crystals – Dislocations – precipitates – Structure of Grain boundaries and interfaces- HRTEM use in nanostructures.

ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY: Basic concepts-Interaction force-AFM and the optical lever- Scale drawing- AFM tip on
nanometer scale structures- force curves, measurements and manipulations-feed back control-different modes of operation –
contact, non contact and tapping mode-Imaging and manipulation of samples in air or liquid environments-Imaging soft
samples. Scanning Force Microscopy-Shear force Microscopy-Lateral Force Microscopy-Magnetic Force microscopy.

SCANNING TUNNELING MICROSCOPY: Principle- Instrumentation- importance of STM for nanostructures – surface and
molecular manipulation using STM -3D map of electronic structure. (6)

Total 45
1. J.Goldstein, D. E. Newbury, D.C. Joy, and C.E. Lym, “Scanning Electron, Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis”,
2. S.L. Flegler, J.W. Heckman and K.L. Klomparens, “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy: A
Introduction”, WH Freeman & Co, 1993.
3. P.J.Goodhew, J.Humphreys, R.Beanland, “Electron Microscopy and Analysis”,
4. R.Haynes, D.P.Woodruff and T.A.Talchar, “Optical Microscopy of Materials”, Cambridge University press, 1986.


PRODUCT DESIGN: Concept generation- Product Architecture- Industrial Design Process- Management of Industrial design
Process and Assessing the quality of Industrial Design - Establishing the product specification. (9)

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Criteria for selection of product- Product development process- Design for Manufacture
- Estimate the manufacturing cost- Reduce the support cost- Prototyping- Economics of Product development projects - Elements of
Economic analysis- financial models -Sensitive analysis and influence of the quantitative factors. (9)

MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES: Technology Management - Scientific Management - Development of management

Thought-Principles of Management- Functions of management-planning- organization - Directing, Staffing and Controlling- Management
by objective- SWOT analysis - Enterprise Resource planning and supply chain management. (9)

ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCE & ENVIRONMENT: Concept of Entrepreneurship- Entrepreneurship as a career- Personality

Characteristic a successful Entrepreneur- Knowledge and skill required for an Entrepreneur- Business environment – Entrepreneurship
Development Training - Center and State government policies and Regulations - International Business. (9)

MANAGEMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS: Pre feasibility study - Ownership - budgeting - project profile preparation -
Feasibility Report preparation - Evaluation Criteria- Market and channel selection - Product launching - Monitoring and Evaluation of
Business- Effective Management of Small business. (9)

Total 45

1. Karal, T.Ulrich Steven, D.Eppinger, “Product Design and Development”, McGraw- Hill International, editions, 2003.
2. S.Rosenthal, “Effective Product Design and Development”, Irwin, 1992.
3. H.Koontz and H.Weihrich, “Essentials of management”, McGraw Hill Publishing company, Singapore international edition,
4. J.J.Massie, “Essentials of Management” Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1985.
5. Hisrich, “Entrepreneurship” Tata Mc Grew Hill, New Delhi, 2001



The student will make atleast two technical presentations on current topics related to the specialization. The same will be
assessed by a committee appointed by the department. The students are expected to submit a report at the end of the
semester covering the various aspects of his/her presentation together with the observation in industry visits. A quiz covering
the above will be held at the end of the semester.


1. Nanofibers – Electrospinning
2. Preparation of Nanoparticles – chemical reduction method
3. Synthesis of a ceramic material
4. Fabrication of nanofilms-Chemical method
5. Surface plasmon absorbance of metal nanoparticles – UV-vis spectroscopy
6. Imaging of Nanofilms – AFM
7. Atomic size / Interatomic distance (HOPG) – STM
8. Sample preparation for TEM-I
9. Sample preparation for TEM-II
10. Indexing SAD pattern


1. Design and simulation of pressure sensor
2. Design and simulation of gas sensor
3. Design and simulation of Thermal sensor
4. Design and simulation of Gyroscope
5. Design and simulation of Accelerometer
6. Design and simulation of DNA Biosensor
7. Design and simulation of Cantilever Array sensor
8. Design and simulation of Nanotube based sensor
9. Design and simulation of Nano wire based sensor


I Implementation of the following object oriented concepts in C++

1. Inheritance
2. Polymorphism
3. Encapsulation
4. Friend Function
5. Virtual Function
6. Templates
II. Application development using features of Java

1. Java Input/Output Streams

2. Multithreading
3. Exception Handling
4. Applets
5. Socket Programming
6. Servlets



1. Fabrication of nano grain thin film capacitors by magnetron sputtering and characterization
2. Fabrication of nano grain thin film resistors
3. Fabrication of nano composite sensors and characterization
4. Preparation of CdS nanoparticles in polymer matrix for sensor applications
5. Preparation of CIGS thin films solar cells with nanostructure GaZnO
6. Laser micromachining and surface analysis for MEMS applications
7. Synthesis of nanostructure thin film sensors by spin coating
8. Synthesis of nano crystals for phosphor applications


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