English VI. Class Agenda - April 16

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English VI.

Class Agenda – April 16th

Para garantizar un buen desarrollo durante la sesión, les sugiero lo siguiente:

1. Disponer del tiempo y espacio necesario para realizar la sesión Zoom.

10 minutes – Greetings & Instructions

30 minutes – Imagine

*Examples provided by the teacher before dividing groups and doing the activity.

First round – Guess who?

Imagine you could have met one of the people below before they became famous. What would
you have said or done? Why? Can you partners think of any better suggestions?

Tell your partners what you would have said, done and asked if you had met that person before
they became famous. DO NOT SAY THE NAME OF THE FAMOUS PERSON! Your partners will try to

 Marilyn Monroe  Julius Caesar

 Lady Di  Genghis Khan
 Adolf Hitler  Karl Marx
 Pol Pot  Leon Trotsky
 Neville Chamberlain  Gorbachev
 George W Bush  The people who worked on the first
 JFK atomic bomb
 Abraham Lincoln  Napoleon
 George III of England (king when the  The man who invented the guillotine
American colonies split from the UK)  Henry Ford

Second round - Can you think of any other people you might have liked to talk to, and what you
would have wanted to say? Why?

30 minutes - Difficult choices

*Examples provided by the teacher before dividing groups and doing the activity.

First round - Imagine you had to make the following real difficult decisions from history. Choose
two and tell your partners what you would have decided. Why? Do they agree with your decision?

• Drop the atom bomb on Japan, or launch an invasion.

• Put suspected Al Qaeda terrorists in Guantanamo Bay and so give radical groups worldwide a
rallying point, or risk them being released by the courts to commit terrorist acts again.

• Permit torture against suspected terrorists and so increase anti-American feeling, or risk not
knowing about an attack until too late.
 Sign the peace treaty with the guerrilla FARC or continue using and strengthening military
forces to defeat them.

 Carry out operation Jaque to liberate 15 people who have been kidnapped for more than
10 years by FARC or continue using dialogue to negotiate their liberation.

 Put the country in a long confinement to fight Coronavirus or take some less restricted
measures to protect the economy of the country.

Second round - Do you know what the real decisions were? Were any of your decisions different?
What do you think might have happened if the opposite decisions were taken?

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