I You He She It We You (Plural) They: Pronouns

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Day 4:

As I’ve promised, we’re only going to focus on useful Russian and something we use every single
day. Pronouns are used a lot! I’ve already used 4 of them in this short paragraph. So, it must be
Here’s a little table:

Ты You
Он He
Она She
Оно It
Мы We
Вы You (plural)
Они They
As you can see, it’s pretty easy. On the other hand, you will have to memorize them all, because
there’s no similarities with English at all.
A thing that you might have noticed is that we have two different you’s: one is for singular,
another is for plural. We use ТЫ when we talk to our friends, to people of our age, but we use
ВЫ to refer to people of older age, people we want to show respect to, and when we refer to
multiple people.
For now, use these pronouns every single time you want to use a pronoun. You will make mistakes
sometimes, but please don’t stress yourself with things like- him, her, etc. It is not so important to
you at the moment. Get comfortable with this table, and maybe in 2-3 months you will need to
learn other types of pronouns.
At the end of this chapter you will have a link to a video, as well as a link to an audio where I am
going to pronounce them multiple times at different speed, going to explain the pronunciation in
detail to you. Use that to perfect your pronunciation.

After this chapter, you will know how to call people and how to start a sentence. We already laid
the first brick.
Just a quick fun fact. When me and my girlfriend are trying to speak (in English) about someone secretly, we
say a right pronoun, like он or она, then we start talking about them. No one will ever understand that we
are talking about them. Use that trick too:)

Here’s your exercise for today:

1. Try to find similarities between Russian pronouns (like мы, вы, ты have a letter ы at the end)
2. Write down names of people or objects that you can refer to using every single pronoun up top
(My mom- она, John Lennon- он, English Football Team- они. Make sure to use all pronouns)
3. Write down 5 sentences in English with English pronouns. Then go back and replace every single
pronoun with an appropriate Russian pronoun
4. Practice your pronunciation using the audio

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