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Increase Your Child’s Grit

Grit is “perseverance and passion for long-term goals,”

Grit is more important than IQ in whether a child graduates or not!
Grit is a better indicator of future earnings and happiness than either IQ or
Today’s mounting research on grit suggests that your child’s ability to work
hard, endure struggle, fail, and try again may be the key to determining his
or her long-term success and happiness.
Over the next 3 weeks, I would like to encourage parents to focus on the
topics of grit and perseverance. In my weekly package, I will provide
videos, exercises and activities that you may want to use with your kids.
I understand that you may not have the time to do all of these activities, so
just choose from what interests you and your child. Much of what I will
cover can and should be used while your kids are playing, doing chores, or
working on schoolwork.
10-15 minutes a week of teaching my topics directly is plenty of time.
Video example of how you can increase grit in your child
Regarding the video link below.... 
I'm not concerned so much with the content of what is being taught in
this video; what I would like you to notice however is  how long the
teacher/parent allows the child to struggle and work out a solution. 

Click on the video now and advance it to the 1:00 minute mark. Watch
how long the adult waits and nudges... but doesn't give the answer.
THIS is how we can teach grit.
If your child gets frustrated and gives up…. Nudge them along and don’t let
them quit…. Stay calm and cool.
Exercises and videos supporting the 3 goals

Fun Videos for Kids Promoting GRIT

Intro video for GRIT (Grd. 3-5)

Famous people that have GRIT (grd. 3-5)

Michael Jordan's Failures Kept Him Strong (grd. 3-5)

Sesame Street: Power of Yet (grd. K-2)

Sesame Street: Song Don't Give Up (Grd. K-2)

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