Review of Related Literature

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This section includes all ideas and theories gathered from studies,
blogs, and articles that were conducive in recognizing all established
information. The researchers chose the related literature analogous to the
topic as aid of their inquiry to make it more comprehensible to the readers.


RGS Powerhouse Company (2015), stated in, “What is Photovoltaics?”,

A photovoltaic system uses solar panels to capture sunlight’s photons. These
solar panels each have many solar cells made up of layers of different
materials. An anti-reflective coating on top helps the cell capture as much
light as possible. Beneath that is a semiconductor (usually silicone)
sandwiched between a negative conductor on top and a positive conductor
on bottom. Once the photons are captured by the solar cell, they begin
releasing the outer electrons of atoms within the semiconductor. The
negative and positive conductors create a pathway for the electrons and an
electric current is created. This electric current is sent to wires that capture
the DC electricity. These wires lead to a solar inverter, which then
transforms it into the AC electricity used in homes. The more solar cells you
install, the more electricity is produced. PV systems produce the most
energy during the summer, when it is most needed to power air
conditioning. There are no moving parts and little to no maintenance
needed. PV technology has been in use much longer, proving its usefulness.
PV energy is much more versatile, since it converts sunlight directly into
electricity without generators.

According to European Commissioner for Energy, Piebalgs A. (2009),

“Photovoltaic solar energy Development and current research”, Photovoltaics
is the field of technology and research related to the devices which directly
convert sunlight into electricity. The solar cell is the elementary building
block of the photovoltaic technology. Solar cells are made of semiconductor
materials, such as silicon. One of the properties of semiconductors that
makes them most useful is that their conductivity may easily be modified by
introducing impurities into their crystal lattice. When photons of light fall on
the cell, they transfer their energy to the charge carriers. The electric field
across the junction separates photo-generated positive charge carriers
(holes) from their negative counterpart (electrons). In this way an electrical
current is extracted once the circuit is closed on an external load.

According to Wilczynski’s (2015) “Solar Powered Phone Chargers”,

solar power is a relatively new concept, and just recently have we started to
discover the potential that it has. Utilizing this type of energy for electricity
is only one small example of its uses. Converting solar power to charge a
phone is another, and this is where things start to really get interesting.
Imagine not having to charge your phone using an electric outlet but rather
being able to harness the sun's power to boost your phone's charge. You
would save money by not using electricity, you would be efficiently using
energy, and you would only have to rely on finding the sun rather than
finding an outlet. This concept is possible and has already begun to manifest
itself in the world of phone chargers today.

In Elmahdi’s (2012) “Application of Charging Mobile Phone by Solar

Energy”, though the system has a high initial cost, it has a higher yield on
the long-run. The energy from this system is environmentally friendly devoid
of noise pollution and toxic gas emission. This system saves these mobile
charging Most of the materials used in the construction of this system are
readily available in the market. Pretty much all you need is the right
connectors, the right amperage and voltage of the device, and a battery to
store the energy that the solar panels collect. In the conversion process,
photons knock electrons loose from atoms, and this is the subatomic energy
packet that forms the basis for light. Next, photons from the sunlight carry
enough energy to jar electrons from their orbit in the element silicon, which
is the material used in most solar cells. Finally, this solar power recharges a
battery by reversing the flow of the electrons, replenishing the battery's
electrical potential.


Maroma (2014) stated in ”Solar Powered Cell Phone Charging Station”

that Electricity can be produced from renewable resources, the sun’s energy
can be used to heat fluids for turbines in solar thermal systems or can be
converted directly to electricity using the principles of photovoltaic. The
exponential rise in oil prices, the growing awareness of energy-related
pollution, and the adverse effects of climate change have all contributed to a
re-evaluation of energy use. This re-evaluation has resulted in the
improvement in the efficiency with which energy is used in industry and
power generation, as well as in lighting, household appliances and
transportation. The efficient use of energy is a major factor that contributes
to the improvement of in energy consumption that has occurred in the last
decades in almost all industrialized countries. The amount of additional
energy required to improve the desired energy services depends on the
efficiency with which the energy is produced, delivered, and used. Energy
efficiency improvement would help reduce financially investment in new
energy supply system. Cell phone is one of the most common means of
communication today and through advancements in technology, also one of
the most affordable electronic gadgets that one can avail. Many systems and
devices have been integrated into the cell phone making it a multipurpose
gadget that can process pictures, emails and the like. But as with many
electronic gadgets, cell phones rely on electric current to carry out its many
functions and they require to be charged every so often. More so with
android phones which consume battery power much faster than regular cell
phones. In order to address the issue of presenting an alternative method of
powering electronic devices, the researcher opted to develop a Solar
Powered Cell Phone Charging Station. Furthermore, to improve the efficiency
of the PV mobile phone charging station, the height of the charging station
should be lowered and a sun tracker can be installed to the solar panel to
automatically direct the panel for maximum energy harnessing.


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