Online Shopping System (OSS)

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Assignment #1

Online Shopping System (OSS)

Online shopping system is an e-Commerce site that can help in buying of goods
or product online by choosing the listed product from the website. The proposed
system helps in building website to buy, sell product or goods online using
internet connection. In our life, we will need to buy many goods and something
we really need, it hard to get some time to go out and get them buy ourselves
due to busy life or for some crisis such as corona viruses pandemic. In order to
solve this, we can buy goods or product online just by visiting the website and
ordering the online.
Dear students, you can use any resources to help you in answering the following
requirements (books, websites, journals and others)
The requirements:
1) As a software developer team member, describe steps in requirement
engineering process before your team start design the system.
2) Write down the proposed context diagram of this project (OSS).
3) List the at least four functional requirements.
4) List the at least four Non-functional requirements.

All above requirements should be organized in word document ant

submitted back for evaluation.

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