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Karim El Mestekawy

This file is for Oral Medicine for Membership of

the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of
Surgeons in Ireland Part 2 Exam.
Sources for MFD Part 2 Exam depends mainly on
candidates' feedback and there are no pictures
associated with it. So, I tried to make a more
useful feedback by adding pictures that match
the questions.
You can find my questions file in this LINK

The questions & answers file.

MFD Part2 Dublin November 2010

Station 1
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
a. Differential Diagnosis.
1.Oral Lichen Planus
2.Lichenoid Drug Reaction like Thiazides, Antimalarias or some
dental restorations.
3.Lupus Erythematosis.
5.Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis.

b. 4 types occurring in the oral cavity

c. 3 typical histological features
2.Elongated rete ridges with a saw tooth appearance.
3.Sub & Intra Epithelial lymphocyte infiltrate.
4. Degeneration of basal keratinocytes.
d. Is it benign/premalignant/malignant?
It is benign except erosive form which has a percentage of less
than 1% of being premalignant.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
Station 2

Picture of intraoral swelling for middle age lady (between upper

second incisor & canine)
a. Describe the lesion
A lesion extends between upper lateral incisor and canine
and it has a reddish nodule.
b. Differential Diagnosis
1.Oral Pyogenic Granuloma
2.Giant Cell Granuloma
3. Haemangioma.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
c. What type of cells do you see in the histological section?
1. Plasma Cells.
2. Lymphocytes.
3. Neutrophils.
d. Diagnosis
Oral Pyogenic Granuloma
e. What investigations do you need to prove the diagnosis?

MFD Part 2 May 2012 Dublin Centre

Station 3

Picture of Dorsal Surface of the Tongue

a. Which skin lesion does look like or associated with?
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
b. Genetic?
c. Mention 2 etiological factors
1. Candida.
2. Vitamin B Deficiency.
d. Treatment?
Reassurance and removal of the associated disease.
e. Name of the lesion.
Erythema Migrans or Geographic Tongue.

Station 4

Picture 1

Patient is diagnosed with AIDS.

Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
a. Name this lesion.
Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis.
b. Patient said this lesion is very frequent. Why?
Because the patient is immunodeficient due to AIDS.
c. If this lesion is associated with uveitis and genital ulceration
what is the condition?
Behcet Syndrome.

Picture 2
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy

1.Name of the lesion

Oral Lichen Planus

2. Treatment?

1. Reassurance : In case of being asymptomatic.

2.Pain or Ulceration : Topical Steroids like betamethasone,
prednisolone mouthwash or topical dexamethasone.
3.Severe Cases : Oral Steroids (Azathioprine)

Dr.Karim El Mestekawy

MFD Part 2 November 2012

Station 5

Picture male patient who is a denture wearer and has controlled

diabetes, he comes complaining of a bilateral symmetrical white
lesion on his cheeks (buccal mucosa)
May be one of the following:
1. Lichenoid Drug reaction due to Oral Hypoglycemic Drug.
2. A lesion which is genetic in origin (Oral Lichen Planus).
1.Blood test for diabetes.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
2. ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)
3. Drug History.
1. Reassurance : In case of being asymptomatic.
2.Pain or Ulceration : Topical Steroids like betamethasone,
prednisolone mouthwash or topical dexamethasone.
3.Severe Cases : Oral Steroids (Azathioprine)


Bahrain June 2013

Station 6
picture 1

a. what is this lesion?

Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
b. why is it recurrent?
1. Genetic in origin.
2. Stress.
c. If associated with uveitis and skin lesions? What is the
Behcet Syndrome.

Picture 2

a. What is the lesion.

Oral Lichen Planus (Reticular Type)
b. Treatment?
1. Reassurance : In case of being asymptomatic.
2.Pain or Ulceration : Topical Steroids like betamethasone,
prednisolone mouthwash or topical dexamethasone.
3.Severe Cases : Oral Steroids (Azathioprine)
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
MFD Part 2 Jordan December 2014
Station 7

Picture of a lesion in a patient has been diagnosed with chronic

candida infection.

1.Median Rhomboid Glossitis.
2.Erythema Migrans, Geographic Tongue or Benign Migratory
2.What other lesion do u expect to see?
Kissing lesions on the surface of the palate due to spread of
infection to it.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
NOTE: There may be also Angular Chelitis in case of presence
of median rhomboid glossitis associated with chronic candida
infection in a patient who wears upper complete denture.

3.Most common site?

Dorsum of the tongue ( just anterior to circumvallate papillae)

4.How would you biopsy the lesion and from which side?
Excisional Biopsy from the periphery of the lesion to include
affected and healthy tissue.

NOTE: when you examine the oral tissues for a lesion, you
should first remove the removable appliances from the patient’s
mouth to be able to examine all the patient’s oral tissues to
have a more precise and more accurate evaluation and diagnosis
of the patient’s oral health condition.

Station 8
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy

Picture of large swelling on the lateral side of the palate and the
paper states that he had the 8 beside the swelling extracted.

1.Cause of extratction?
Devitalization as the tumor causes loss of vitality to the tooth.

2.Differential diagnosis?
1. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma.
2.Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma.
3. Acinic Cell Carcinoma.

3.Type of biopsy?
Fine needle aspiration.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
MFD Part 2 Jordan December 2013
Station 9

Picture 1
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy

Most common in population.

2.Is it premalignant?

3.What is the treatment?


1. Dermoid Cyst
2. Epidermoid Cyst.
3. Pseudocyst.
4. Sebaceous Lymphadenoma.

Picture 2
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy

1.D.D? Mention 3
1.Oral Lichen Planus
2.Lichenoid Drug Reaction like Thiazides, Antimalarias or some
dental restorations.
3.Lupus Erythematosis.


Bahrain June 2015
Station 10
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy

picture of swelling in inter dental papilla between upper lateral

and canine.

a) Differential diagnosis?
1.Oral Pyogenic Granuloma
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
2.Giant Cell Granuloma
3. Haemangioma.

b) Type of cells.
1. Plasma Cells.
2. Lymphocytes.
3. Neutrophils.

c) Investigation?


Bahrain 2016

Station 11
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy

1.what are the risk factors rather than nicotine or smoking?

3.Human Papilloma Virus.

2.Histological feature?
1. Invasion of deep tissues with cellular pleomorphism.
2.Increase nuclear staining.
3. Abnormality of cell growth and multiplication.

Dublin November 2016

Station 12
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy

1.Diagnose it , other name?

Pseudomembranous candidiasis. Other Name: Thrush
2.Treatment ?
Antifungal (Nystatin)
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
3. 4 local factors ?
1. Dentures.
2.Orthodontic Appliances.
3.Poor Oral Hygiene.
4.Chronic local irritants.

4. 4 systemic factors ?
2.Immunodeficiency (HIV and AIDS)


Ajman April 2017

Station 13
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
Picture 1

The patient gave a history of recurrence of this ulcer recently

more than before.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
1. 4 causes of the ulcer
1.Genetic in origin.
4. Hormonal disturbance.
2. He gave other signs with the ulcer like uvulitis and he asked
about the disease?
Behcet Syndrome

Picture 2

1. Diagnosis.
Oral Lichen Planus
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
2. Treatment.
1. Reassurance : In case of being asymptomatic.
2.Pain or Ulceration : Topical Steroids like betamethasone,
prednisolone mouthwash or topical
3.Severe Cases : Oral Steroids ( Azathioprine)

Sudan Jan 2016

Station 14

1. What's the diagnosis?

Oral Pyogenic Granuloma.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
2. Management.
1. Reassurance. For Example, In Pregnancy.
2. Surgical Excision.
UAE April 2016
Station 15

1. What are the predisposing factors?

1. Smoking.
2.Tobacco use.
3. Alcohol.
4. Immunodeficiency (HIV or AIDS)

2. Name one histologial feature?

1. Cellular Pleomorphism.
2. Increased nuclear staining.
Dr.Karim El Mestekawy
3. what are the prognostic factors other than microscopic
1. Persistence of the lesion for more than 3 weeks.
2. Painless Ulcer.
3. Being firm with raised edges, indurated base and fixed to
the surrounding tissues.
4. Referred Otalgia is a common manifestation.
5. Combination with lingual sulcus and ventral surface of the
tongue to create a horseshoe area (coffin area)

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