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Subject:English Portfolio work

Topic:”Should teenagers have credit cards?”
Education of children is a process that requires a lot of responsibilities in order to
raise worthy citiziens.An aspect of this process is the money issue and the way they
should manage and spend it. There is a strong debate whether children should have
access on money by using credit card or not.No doubt there are pros and cons that
support both ideas.
Firstly, the only way to learn how to manage money is to actually have money to
manage. We are not talking about large sums of money but a limited amount with
which we can meet our needs in daily life.Another advantage of having credit card is
that they reduce the need to carry cash. Most retailers accept credit cards and they are
pretty much required for online purchases.
Secondly, most teenagers are not used to carrying large sums of money with them,
however, there are times when money is the simple solution to an emergency. If we
get hit with an unexpected expense, credit cards can be the quick and easy solution
we need.
On the other hand,credit cards can make life easier, but they can also make
overspending easier as well,especially by the teenagers. Because a credit card in the
hands of a teenager may tempt him to use it more for pleasure than necessity.
Also there is another disavantage of having a credit card. Credit cards carry unique
risks. Credit cards can be stolen, their numbers can be copied, and they can be used to
steal your money and identity.This is a very serious problem that need to be solved.
To sum up ,there are both positive and negative aspects of having a credit card.
Despite the arguments that support both sides of the issue, it is important the
appropriate education of teens in order to take responsibilities and to use money in an
efficient way.

Worked by:Suela Pira

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