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Questionnaire for Store Managers / Retailers:

Type of Retailer
Supermarket Departmental Store Hypermarket
Name of Retail Mall:_________________________________________________

Name of Person:_____________________________________________________

Designation : _______________________________________________________

Address : ____________________________________________________________

Ph. No. : ____________________Mobile : _________________________________

1. Please rate the objectives of your retail firm with the scale of 1-5, where 1-
Strongly disagree & 5- Strongly agree

Sr Scale
No 1 2 3 4 5
1 Increase Store Traffic
2 Improve Category Profitability
3 Increase Customer Loyalty
4 Building a brand image in the
customer's mind
5 Providing information about the
retailer's location and offering

2. In order to achieve these objective(s), do you required to give more focus

towards Retail Promotion called RETAIL COMMUNICATION MIX?


3. Please rate the usage of following tools you use to communicate with the
your customers, with the scale of 1-5, where 1- Never Used & 5- Always

Sr No Communication tool
1 2 3 4 5
1 Advertising
2 Sales Promotion
3 Store Atmosphere
4 Publicity
5 Personal selling

4. Advertising

4.1. Do you use Advertising as Communication tool?


4.2. The advertisements you are giving are,

Own advertisement
Cooperative advertisement with producers of branded products

4.3. Please give your opinion regarding the usage of media for placing your
advertisement, (exclusively for pune region) with the scale of 1-5, where
1- Never Used & 5- Always Used

Sr No Media
1 2 3 4 5
1 Cable Television
2 Newspaper
3 Radio
4 Hoardings/Billboards
5 Leaflets/flyers
6 Magazine
7 Website / Internet
8 E-mail

5. Sales Promotion

5.1. Do you use Sales Promotion as Communication tool?


5.2. Please give your opinion regarding the usage of sales promotion schemes
to attract the customers in your mall, (exclusively for pune region) with
the scale of 1-5, where 1- Never Used & 5- Always Used

Sr No Schemes
1 2 3 4 5
1 Price off
2 Coupons
3 Samples
4 Extra product
5 Free product
6 Contest / Sweepstake
7 Product Bundling
If any

6. Store Atmosphere

6.1. How do you rate the tools you used under store atmosphere?

(exclusively for pune region) with the scale of 1-5, where 1- Never Used
& 5- Always Used

Sr No Tools
1 2 3 4 5
1 Racks & Mannequins
2 Attractive colors on wall
3 Striking Fragrance
4 Attractive Lightning
5 Attractive slat wall
6 Changing room
7 Display showcase
8 Garment racks
9 Music in mall
10 POP

6.2. Point of Purchase (POP)
6.2.1. Do you charge for POP to the company?

6.2.2. Please give your opinion regarding the usage of Point of

purchase tools you use which enable you to convey your
promotional messages quickly and effectively to the
customers.(exclusively for pune region) with the scale of 1-5,
where 1- Never Used & 5- Always Used

Sr No POP tool
1 2 3 4 5
1 Poster Displays
2 Audio POP
3 Digital signage
4 Shopping trolleys
If any

7. Publicity

7.1. Do you use publicity as communication tool?


7.2. Please give your opinion regarding the usage of tools under publicity
which provide newsworthy information to attract press media,
(exclusively for pune region) with the scale of 1-5, where 1- Never Used
& 5- Always Used

Sr No Publicity tool
1 2 3 4 5
1 Call of celebrity
2 Give Sponsorship
3 Organize Special Events
4 Printing Company Magazine
5 Give importance to Public
service activity (CSR)
6 Creation of News
7 Attractive Web site
8 Shopping Bags

8. Personal Selling

8.1 Number of sales persons working in your malls in pune city are,
0 – 50
51 – 100
101 – 150
151 and above

8.2.Do you provide training to your salesperson?


8.3.Thinking of your experience with your salesperson, how much do you

agree with the following statement, with the scale of 1-5, where 1-
Strongly Disagree & 5- Strongly Agree

Sr No Statements
1 2 3 4 5
1 Customer & Salesperson relationship
increase the business of retailer
2 Salesperson can regulate customer
decision making process
3 Customer first approached to
Salesperson for the complaints /
suggestion of the entire store.
4 Salesperson’s success depend on
his/her confidence, competence
motivation & commitment.
5 Salesperson’s training can affect
retailer’s progress
6 Salesperson is a Brand Ambassador of
the entire store

9 . Do you use the following strategy to attract the customers on weekend and

Sr. Strategy to attract customer on Weekend and YES NO

No. Holidays
1 Chain-wide Sweepstakes
2 In-Store Advertising
3 Frequent Shopping Programmes
4 Special offers on weekend / holidays
5 Special event on weekend / holidays
6 Promotion tied to local Organization or Charity
7 Targeted Direct Mail

10. Do you use the following methods for allocation of promotional budget?

Sr. No. Method YES NO

1 Percentage of total sales
2 By past record
3 By Marginal analysis
4 By objectives and task to perform
5 By matching the competition
6 By judgment and common sense

11. Total budget allotted for Promotion within Pune region is,

0 - 1% of total sales
1 – 2 % of total sales
2 – 3% of total sales
3 – above % of total sales

12. The budget allocated for different communication tools. (in percentage of total
promotional budget)

Sr. Budget
0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100%
No of total
of total of total of total of total promotion
promotion promotio promotion promotion budget
budget n budget budget al budget

1 Advertising
2 Sales
3 Store
4 Publicity
5 Salesperson

11. Any suggestion regarding the retail promotion,


Thank you for your valuable time.

Questionnaire for Customers
Que 1: How often do you go for shopping?
Daily Weekly Fortnight Monthly
Que 2 : Please rate the following tools from which you collect the information about
the store, with the scale of 1-5, where 1- Never Used & 5- Always Used
Sr No Communication tool
1 2 3 4 5
1 Advertising
2 Sales Promotion
3 Store Atmosphere
4 Publicity
5 Personal selling
Que 3 : Please give your opinion regarding the usage of media for collecting the
information of store with the scale of 1-5, where 1- Never Used & 5- Always Used
Sr No Media
1 2 3 4 5
1 Cable Television
2 Newspaper
3 Radio
4 Hoardings/Billboards
5 Leaflets/flyers
6 Magazine
7 Website / Internet
8 E-mail

Que 4 : Please give your opinion regarding the sales promotion schemes you like
most with the scale of 1-5, where 1- Not preferred & 5- Always Preferred
Sr No Schemes
1 2 3 4 5
1 Price off
2 Coupons
3 Samples
4 Extra product
5 Free product
6 Contest / Sweepstake
7 Product Bundling
If any

Que 5 : How do you rate the tools which you like the most in the store with the scale
of 1-5, where 1- Not preferred & 5- Always Preferred
Sr No Tools
1 2 3 4 5
1 Racks & Mannequins
2 Attractive colors on wall
3 Striking Fragrance
4 Attractive Lightning
5 Attractive slat wall
6 Changing room
7 Display showcase
8 Garment racks
9 Music in mall
10 POP

Que 6 : Please give your opinion regarding the usage of these tools which attract
you visit the store with the scale of 1-5, where 1- Never Used & 5- Always Used
Sr No Publicity tool
1 2 3 4 5
1 Call of celebrity
2 Give Sponsorship
3 Organize Special Events
4 Printing Company Magazine
5 Give importance to Public
service activity (CSR)
6 Creation of News
7 Attractive Web site
8 Shopping Bags

Que 7 Thinking of your experience with your salesperson, how much do you agree
with the following statement, with the scale of 1-5, where 1- Strongly
Disagree & 5- Strongly Agree
Sr No Statements
1 2 3 4 5
1 Customer & Salesperson relationship
increase the business of retailer
2 Salesperson can regulate customer
decision making process
3 Customer first approached to
Salesperson for the complaints /
suggestion of the entire store.
4 Salesperson’s success depend on
his/her confidence, competence
motivation & commitment.
5 Salesperson’s training can affect
retailer’s progress
6 Salesperson is a Brand Ambassador of
the entire store

Que 8 : Do you think following strategy will attract you to visit the store on weekend
and holidays?
Sr. Strategy to attract customer on Weekend and YES NO
No. Holidays
1 Chain-wide Sweepstakes
2 In-Store Advertising
3 Frequent Shopping Programmes
4 Special offers on weekend / holidays
5 Special event on weekend / holidays
6 Promotion tied to local Organization or Charity
7 Targeted Direct Mail

Thank you for your valuable time.


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