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Jan Patrick D.

BSN 4M grp 4B

Music on the Operating Room

"We trust that the magic of sound, scientifically applied, will contribute in ever greater
measure to the relief of human suffering, to a higher development and a richer integration of
the human personality, to the harmonious synthesis of all human "notes" of all "group chords
and melodies" - until there will be the greater symphony of the One Humanity."
Roberto Assagioli M.D.

Music can be employed as assistance in obtaining physical, emotional and spiritual health.
During the first half of the nineties, I investigated the therapeutic consequences of distinct
types of music on patients under adequate anaesthesia. This investigation was done in
Johannesburg at the Garden City Clinic, over a period of four years (1991-1995), with
statistics done at the Witwatersrand university, by dr. Jackie Galpin.

Data available on investigations done to test the therapeutic benefits of music, would fill a
library of its own. That was not what was done. The effect of music with a known therapeutic
value, was investigated on patients under adequate anaesthesia - testing for reduction in pain
levels and a shorter recovery period. It is an accepted dictum in psychology that people in a
deep sleep, coma or under anaesthesia can hear (not remember). That the auditory pathways
up to the auditory cortex actually remain open and untouched by anaesthesia. That you can
talk to people in a coma or undergoing surgery, and that the body would respond to whatever
was said. In many hospitals, positive suggestions are given to patients in a coma and on the
operating table. The capital aim of the project was to test music to serve as a credible
alternative for the positive verbal suggestions.

Music has powerful effects on people, whether they are educated in music or not. Wertheim
(1961) states that "muscle perception and performance is an inborn capacity of the human
brain. This ability is common among human beings and is independent of education or
culture....." This makes the application of music as a therapy, or music as an aid to any other
therapy, very simple.

Science, Medicine and Anthropology have completed many years of investigation on the
effect of music on the physical body. As early as 1830, articles were published by J. Dogiel,
which outlined experiments done to affirm music's dynamic effect on the body. Absolute
physiological reactions were established, and amongst other things, it was proved that music
act on the circulation of blood, and can cause blood pressure to rise and fall. According to
this, these alternations of pressure rely mainly on the influence which auditory stimulation
has on the medulla oblongata and the auditory nerve.

During the first half of the previous century, many investigators throughout Europe agreed
that music increases metabolism in a very adequate way, and that it changes muscular energy
and enhances respiration.

The positive effects of music on physical and psychological health are truly widespread. In an
article on music as cause of disease and healing agent, Assagioli (1965) states that "through
its influence upon the subconscious, music can have a still more definite and specific healing
effect of a psychoanalytic character. If of an appropriate kind, it can help in eliminating
repression and resistance and bring into the field of waking consciousness many drives,
emotions and complexes which were creating difficulties in the subconscious".
Jan Patrick D. Peñaflorida
BSN 4M grp 4B

It is known that certain kinds of music have the ability to reduce pain, whether it is physical
or emotional. Scarantino (1987) states that "Pythagoras of Samos taught his students that
certain musical sequences, chords and melodies produced definite responses in the human
organism, and could change behaviour patterns that accelerated healing processes"

In a further discussion Scarantino states "In the 1970's, Bulgarian researchers, under the
direction of Dr. Georgi Lazanov, discovered a holistic approach to learning, that allows the
body and mind to work in harmony through the linking of music and verbal suggestions....
While listening to largo movements from works of Baroque era composers, with tempos
slower than the average heartbeat (sixty beats per minute or slower), the vital signs of test
subjects slows down in rhythm with the music, relaxing them physically but leaving their
minds alert for the assimilation of information. When the various educational data was
presented to the students while the music played in the background, the students experienced
significant increases in awareness and retention of information and a whole repertoire of
health benefits, including relief from pain and headaches....."

Relief of physical pain and stress was also observed during the investigation at the Garden
City Clinic, Johannesburg. A double blind experiment was performed to investigate the effect
of four different genres of music on the pain, discomfort and recovery levels of patients
undergoing total abdominal hysterectomies and laparotomies, and it was found that patients
who received music had lower pain- and stress levels, specifically with the use of Mozart's
piano concertos.

Baroque Music (1600-1750) - Music of this period is characterized by neatness and precision.
Composers were highly influenced by the strict rules of Pythagorean principles and harmony.
Their philosophy was that music is the bridge that links all things in the universe.
Well known composers from this era are: Bach, Händel, Vivaldi, Teleman and Corelli.

Classical Music (1750-1825) - During the 18th century a movement called "The Age of
Reason" began amongst philosophers such as Voltaire, Locke and Jefferson, who believed
that the world could be controlled through reason and science. During this period it was
believed that there had to be a reason for everything, and an all-over simplicity was sought
that was not known in earlier centuries. The Classical period in music tends to be associated
with this movement, and composers perfected the forms of classical music such as the sonata,
symphony and concerto. Music from this period tends to be "easier listening" for the
musically unsophisticated.
Well known composers from this era are: Mozart and Haydn.

Romantic Music (1825-1900) - Composers from this era wanted to overwhelm their listeners
and wanted to "melt their hearts". The main focus was on the melody and the romantic
themes tended to be lyrical.
Well known composers from this era are: Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky.


Relax by breathing deeply while you sit in an upright position with closed eyes. Listen to the
music of any of the above-mentioned composers, especially the slow movements of concertos
from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras. Remain in this meditative-position for as
long as desired.
Jan Patrick D. Peñaflorida
BSN 4M grp 4B

The combination of breath- and music therapy provides a powerful tool in establishing the
physical and emotional health of the individual.
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