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Submitted by:
Ishita Jhanwar
St. Kabir Institute Of Professional Studies

Submitted to:
Mr. Meet Suthar
Region Head- Gujarat

The shipsy company is creating the operating system for Global Trade. They are
delivering the services which can reduce the cost optimized shipping operations
and enhanced customer experience. It also deals in to improve on time delivery
of goods across ocean, air and road transportation. It solves the problems of
visibility for bulk movement of goods in heavy industries such as steel making,
automotive, manufacturing etc. For those industries, the extra expenses
reduction is very helpful and important so, they need a platform where they can
cut their cost and cut the needless expenses which occurs due to inefficiency.

The documentation of doing overseas

business are quiet typical and lengthy process so hundreds of man- hours are
wasted every day in that. Shipsy helps better utilization of the manpower as well
as enable a data driven approach to logistics management

Solution fruitfulness by Shipsy:-

72% - Reduction in man- hours for report.

38% - Decrease in detention.

64% - Increase in customer satisfaction.

Current Issues -

Now a days corona virus is affecting the import export market very highly. It is
increasing blank sailing of the ports of global market. In all these Scenario
Company is facing very much blank sailing problem and according to Shipsy
data every line had at least one blank sailing, Zim shipping line had two blank
sailings last week. Long term rate contracts are being voided citing force
majeure and carriers have also begun imposing an “equipment imbalance

Despite the rates of crude oil is going down the benefits have been wiped off
and as an example, spot rates from JNPT and Mundra port to the US East Coast
( New York) have increased by around 20 %. Prices of other ports have also
increased between 15 % to 100%.
What can be done –?

Visibility is a major important thing in these times of uncertainty. Empty

container triangulation can help. In a nutshell, an empty container with an
importer can be used by an exporter nearby without having to be transferred
back to the yard.
Services provided by Shipsy Logistics

It provides many things on one platform. It provides an individual domain for

their customers so that they can do various lengthy works on one place. They
create a software by which those companies who are registered under it could
reach at various factors of their shipment.

The company has a criteria of three modules in their workplace and those are –

1. Shipment Tracking Module- In this the consumers will able to track their
container through curated Container Tracking System. This make them able to
track all their shipment from any major shipping lines, on a single dashboard.

The importer and exporter doesn’t need to look after multiple things , they can
have an eye on their shipment by just only one software.

2. Spot Inquiry System- It can help people to do digital inquiry, prolonged

savings. It aims at for industry user perspective, access to curated pool of
forwardness. Automated negotiations, man- hour and cost reduction and cost

3. Shipment Execution- it helps to real time update of container’s location. BL

could be uploaded against particular shipment. Also it updates real time about

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