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BSBWRT401 - Write Complex Documents - TASK 1

Question 1.
The purpose and the audience for a document will define what format it needs to have and
how the content should be presented. For each of the document types listed below, give a
brief explanation

A business letter is a letter from one company to another,

Business letters or between such organizations and their customers, clients,
or other external parties. The overall style of letter depends
on the relationship between the parties concerned.
Business emails Email communication is used by businesses to promote
products and services. Email is helpful to manage
communication in the business network. Sharing and
collaboration can be done through email. Notification and
important updates are informed by business to its
Instructions, procedures & A procedure is a specified way to carry out an activity. An
manuals instruction provides detailed directions on how to perform
a task. The key to distinguishing between procedures and
instructions is to look at their level of detail. Procedures
describe “what” is done and instructions describe “how” it
is done
Short publications leaflets and A leaflet is a single page, printed on one or both sides,
brochures usually used to circulate in large numbers.

Brochures are promotional documents, primarily used to

introduce a company, organization, products or services
and inform potential customers or members of the public of
the benefits.
Meeting agendas and minutes Meeting minutes are the written or recorded
documentation that is used to inform attendees and non-
attendees about what was discussed or what happened
during a meeting.
The agenda serves as a notice of meeting if it is sent out
to meeting participants in advance. List of items/topics.

The agenda is a list of topics that will be discussed.

The agenda enables participants to prepare in advance for
the topics so that they can make a more valuable
Forms Choosing a legal structure (or business form) is one of the
first things you will do when you start your business. The
main types of business forms include sole proprietorships,
partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies
(LLCs), each with their own advantages and drawbacks
Reports A report is a stand-alone document that communicates the
results of a factual inquiry to other parties who have a
professional interest in the results, expert opinions,
laboratory tests, policy issues, trips, and administrative
details--anything of importance to the professional

Question 2:
Explain (in a paragraph) why organisations have set standards and requirements for

Documentation standards in a software project are important because documents are the
only tangible way of representing the software and the software process. Standardised
documents have a consistent appearance, structure and quality, and should therefore be
easier to read and understand.

Question 3.
Provide details of what a ‘style-guide’ is and what type of information is usually given

A style guide or manual of style is a set of standards for the writing, formatting and design of
documents. A style guide establishes standard style requirements to improve communication
by ensuring consistency both within a document, and across multiple documents

Question 4.
Carefully read the scenario, then answer the following 3 questions

Tahlia, a supervisor working in a large warehouse has been helping her team to test
different strategies for working more efficiently. The team of ten staff members tried three
different ways of processing incoming stock to see which was the easiest to adopt and
which was the fastest way of getting the goods to their destination. The team members
drew straws to allocate themselves into trial groups and allocated a method to each group.
Tahlia collected detailed performance information over the period of a month and now
needs to prepare a report for her team and her manager.

(a) What questions should Tahlia ask herself to ensure she covers grouping and sequencing
of information in order to prepare a formal report for her team manager?

- What is the objective of this strategy?

- What are the three strategies?
- What is the result?
- What is the method?
- What is suggestion for strategy implemented?
- What is conclusion?
- Where the information come from?

(b) List the key headings that Tahlia will need to include in her report.

• Executive summary
• Table of content
• Introduction
• Background
• Method of use
• Result
• Analysis
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Recommendation
• Appendix

(c) For each of the sections of Tahlia’s report, what content will be included? Complete the
table below.

Report Section Content

Executive Summary An executive summary provides an overview of a larger
document or research and is usually the first thing your reader
will see. Oftentimes, executive summaries are the only place
decision makers will go to determine if action is warranted on
a particular action or idea.
Introduction The beginning section which states the purpose and goals of
the following writing. This is generally followed by the body
and conclusion.
Methods Used The method section of an APA format psychology paper
provides the methods and procedures used in a research study
or experiment. 
Summary of the results To brief the reader on the details of a particular event. To
analyse a particular issue, draw conclusions and make
Discussion The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the
significance of your findings in light of what was already
known about the research problem being investigated and to
explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a
result of your study of the problem.
Recommendations A recommendation report proposes a solution to a problem or
evaluates possible solutions and recommends one. Before
proposing or recommending a solution, the report needs to
identify the problem. Think about the various problems you
encounter every day or read about in the paper
Conclusion A conclusion is the last part of something, its end or result.
When you write a paper, you always end by outline your
arguments and drawing a conclusion about what you've been
writing about.
Appendixes Using appendices in your report. Information that is not
essential to explain your findings, but that supports your
analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy information),
validates your conclusions or pursues a related point should be
placed in an appendix 

Question 5
If your document includes the presentation of data and numerical results, briefly explain
what you should do with it before inserting it into the report and why.

Tables present lists of numbers or text in columns and can be used to synthesize existing
literature, to explain variables, or to present the wording of survey questions. They are also
used to make a paper or article more readable by removing numeric or listed data from the
text. Tables are typically used to present raw data, not when you want to show a relationship
between variables.
Figures are visual presentations of results. They come in the form of graphs, charts, drawings,
photos, or maps.  Figures provide visual impact and can effectively communicate your
primary finding. Traditionally, they are used to display trends and patterns of relationship,
but they can also be used to communicate processes or display complicated data simply. 
Figures should not duplicate the same information found in tables and vice versa.

Question 6
(a) From the data shown below, summarise this information into text for inclusion in a

WHS injury records

Injury Severity Treatment Body part
Bumped into closing door while small first aid head
walking and not looking
Strained back while moving medium doctor back
furniture in office
Scald from coffee machine in tea medium first aid hand
Blisters from new provided small first aid foot
protective footwear
Cut from scissors while opening small first aid hand
Jammed finger from filing cabinet small first aid hand
drawer closing
Bee sting medium ambulance arm
Splashed with cleaning bleach small first aid arm
while cleaning toilet facility

There are injuries occurred within workplace that need attention which are hand, back, foot,
and arm injury. Giving first aid is usually the immediate response to the casualties. The most
severity of injury is to mention medium injury of hand, back, and arm. The injuries occur due
- Improper manual handling
- Lacking of safety awareness
- Equipment insecure
- Lacking of skill safety procedure.
There major concern injuries that need attention include Bee sting (need ambulance) and
strained back while moving furniture (need to see doctor)

(b) Draw bar graphs to represent the information in the table above for:
(a) Severity
(b) Treatment Provided
(c) Body Parts affected



small medium high

Treatment provided

4 Treatment provided

First aid doctor ambulance
Body part affected


2 Body part affected



head back hand arm foot

Question 7.

When including images, diagrams and pictures into a document, explain what things you
should consider.
Create images that have the exact dimensions required for the document, or use an suitable
graphics package to scale photographs and large drawings to the required dimensions. Do
not scale images with Writer, even though Writer has tools for doing this, because the results
might not be as clear as you would like.

Question 8.
As you go through the process of planning your document it may become obvious that
you do not have all the information you require to be able to complete the document.
What are your options?

1. Determine the document scope and identify each process.

2. Develop an applicability matrix.
3. Include a decision matrix.
4. Develop a title and an introduction.
5. Format information consistently.
6. Continually update the document.
7. Simplify your language.
Question 9

What advice would you give a friend who is writing a draft document for the first time?

1. Outline your core topic

If you are writing a paper or report, start by outlining the key problems you seek to solve with your
project. Briefly outline how they will be (or were) solved, then list the main findings. Develop a broad
framework that you can modify and add further detail in later drafts. Write a summary of the what,
who, how, where, when, and why?
2. Identify your audience
What you write and how much detail you provide depends upon who you are writing to, so clearly
identify your target audience.
3. Plan with pre-writing
Pre-writing is the thinking, note-taking, outlining, summarising, mind-mapping, brainstorming and
question-asking needed to plan and develop your core topic. Pre-writing is where you focus on the big
picture while writing your first draft and can include hand-writing and drawing diagrams on a
whiteboard or large piece of paper.
4. Make a mess and clean it up in later
The first draft should be messy, rough and amenable to change, allowing you to remould your
structure with successive drafts. Write bullet points, sentence fragments, and temporary paragraph
headings. Avoid trying to write perfect sentences and paragraphs (polishing). Don’t worry about being
repetitive or boring. Avoid making your writing eloquent, stylistic or succinct in the first draft: you can
revise and improve your writing as your rework later drafts.
5. Avoid adding minute details
Adding minute details to a specific sub-topic in a first draft can be a form of procrastination from
writing about your key points. Aim to produce a first draft that reflects your main ideas without
explaining them in minute detail. There is no point adding too much detail in the first draft as you may
change your mind about what you want to say. Allowing yourself to change your mind about what
you write is another important reason why you should avoid writing perfect sentences in your early
6. Start writing without engaging your inner critic
Don’t worry if your first draft doesn’t make complete sense. Don’t worry about the reader in a first
draft. Don't worry if you're not completely sure about what you want to say or what your final
conclusions will be. Give yourself time to develop and improve your thinking as you work through
successive drafts. By not writing perfectly in your first draft you are allowing yourself to easily to chop
up, delete or dramatically change what you have written.
7. Don’t stop to do more research

While writing, don’t stop if you are unsure about a particular fact or if you realise your need to look
something up. Instead try writing reminder notes to yourself directly in your draft in hard brackets
and make time to follow this up later.
8. Seek appropriate feedback
When you finish your imperfect draft, seek feedback that is appropriate for what you aimed to
achieve. Seek feedback on your key ideas and summary points that outline your core topic. If you
follow the protocol of not writing perfect first drafts, ask your colleagues to ignore punctuation,
grammar, sentence structure and any lack of details or thorough explanations that can be tackled in
later drafts.

Question 10

What style of language should you use for the following types of audiences?

Type of audience Style

a. Legal representative formal
b. Senior manager formal
c. Colleague semi-formal
d. Family members informal
Question 11

What are the overall aims when reviewing your draft text? Give a brief explanation.

The main purpose of a first draft is to sketch out ideas in writing. Consequently, fixing specific
problems in sentences, words, grammar, spelling, usage, or mechanics when writing a first
draft can be distracting and can hinder the development of important and interesting ideas.

Question 12

Word processing software is used to manipulate a text document, such as a resume or

a report. You typically enter text by typing, and the software provides tools for
copying, deleting and various types of formatting. Some of the functions of word
processing software include:
 Opening and naming a new word processor file
 Entering and saving a document
 Updating and simple formatting of a document
 Checking the document for spelling and grammar errors
 Printing a first and final draft of the document
 Making a backup copy of the document

Give a brief description of how word processing software can help in reviewing draft do

Question 13

Proofread and correct the following paragraph.

When things go wrong on the job, resist the urge to start placing blame, and pointing fingers.
Management is usually more interested in damage control. So, add to your personal value
and professional image by presenting viable solutions rather than spending a lot of time
dwelling on the cause Caution Don’t, ignore the cause completely, as the solution may lie in
understanding why the problem occurred to begin with.
Question 14

Give details of what should happen once your document has been proofread.

Once that part of the proofreading process, the overview editing, has been completed, it is
time to perform a more exacting analysis of the paper. During this part of the proofreading
procedure, you should search for errors in spelling, word usage, grammar, and punctuation.
After all, a poorly written paper cannot possibly communicate its message properly to the
Question 15

What are three (3) typical organisational guidelines on style when creating documents?

The rules for graphic style guides typically include applications and variations of the logo,
design standards in terms of look and feel (minimalist versus abstract or modern versus
vintage), corporate color palettes, and white space usage. This guide also includes
typography details (font families, sizes, kerning, and line height/spacing), layout specifics in
terms of how elements are positioned on a page, and information on website navigation and
visual hierarchy.
Question 16

Identify three (3) things you can do to enhance readability and appearance of your

 Write in clear, simple sentences. Try to stick with one idea in each sentence so you
don’t confuse the reader. This will make your sentences easy to understand and
follow to the next idea or sentence

 Use one or two syllable words. Try to avoid too many three syllable words, since
that can be confusing for the reader and harder to follow. Keep your words as
transparent as possible.

 Transition between different parts of your Word document. Transition words like

“first,” “however,” or “therefore” can tell your reader how parts of the document
relate to one another. It can help them move between sentences and between
paragraphs more easily

Question 17

List word processing functions that can be used ensure consistency of layout?

 Macros and Merging

Macros are stored keystrokes, or sets of editing and formatting commands, that can be
replayed whenever needed. Macros can boost productivity and take much of the tedium
out of repetitive word-processing tasks.
 Styles
Styles are user-created formatting commands that allow great control over repetitive
formatting structures within a document.
 Automatic References and Indexes
Documents that include tables of contents, cross-references, indexes, footnotes, endnotes,
and captions will benefit from the capability of a word processor to automatically generate
and format these items.

Question 18
 Spelling
 Language
 Grammar
 Sentences
 Compliance
 Consistency

When checking your document for the final time, what are the most common elements
you will confirm are correct?

Question 19

Provide a brief description and at least two examples of each of the parts of speech shown in the
table below.

Part of
Description Example

Nouns a word (other than a pronoun) The young girl brought me a very

used to identify any of a class long letter from the teacher, and then
of people, places, or things she quickly disappeared. Oh my!
( common noun ), or to name
a particular one of these
( proper noun ).

Pronouns a word that can function by The young girl brought me a very
itself as a noun phrase and long letter from the teacher, and
that refers either to the then she quickly disappeared. Oh
participants in the discourse my!
(e.g., I, you ) or to someone or
something mentioned
elsewhere in the discourse.

Adjectives Adjectives are words that The young girl brought me a

describe the qualities or states very long letter from the teacher,
of being of nouns: enormous, and then she quickly disappeared.
doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. Oh my!

Verbs a word used to describe an The young girl brought me a very

action, state, or occurrence, long letter from the teacher, and then
and forming the main part of she quickly disappeared. Oh my!
the predicate of a sentence,

Adverbs a word or phrase that modifies The young girl brought me a

or qualifies an adjective, verb, very long letter from the teacher,
or other adverb or a word and then she quickly disappeared.
group, expressing a relation of Oh my!
place, time, circumstance,
manner, cause, degree, etc.
Part of
Description Example

Tense Tense can be shown by  Verb: to listen

changing the spelling of a
verb.  Past: listened
 Verb: to credit
 Past: credited

Prepositions Prepositions are usually used The young girl brought me a very

in front of nouns or pronouns long letter from the teacher, and
and they show the relationship then she quickly disappeared. Oh
between the noun or pronoun my!
and other words in a

Conjunctions a word used to connect The young girl brought me a very

clauses or sentences or to long letter from the teacher, and then
coordinate words in the same she quickly disappeared. Oh my!

Interjections An interjection is a part of The young girl brought me a very

speech that demonstrates the long letter from the teacher, and then
emotion or feeling of the she quickly disappeared. Oh my!
Question 20

Yesterday, I put the blue key on the hook and closed the door.

Analyse this sentence and identify the parts of speech shown in the table below.

What is the:

Noun Key, door

Pronoun I

Adjective Blue

Verb put, close

Adverb Yesterday

Tense put, closed (past tense)

Preposition on

Conjunction and
Question 21

You are to use the following plain text and re-write it using correct rules and conventions
for proper English.

chores chores chores chores are boring scrubbing toilets cleaning sinks and washing
bathtubs take up a lot of my time and are not fun at all toilets when youre scrubbing
toilets make sure they are not stinky ive scrubbed one before and i was lucky it didnt
stink i think toilets are one of the hardest things to scrub in the bathroom because it is
hard to get up around the rim sinks are one of the easiest things to clean in the
bathroom because they have no rims and they are small i have cleaned one before and
it was pretty easy bathtubs ever washed one they are big they are deep and it is hard to
get up around the sides the bathtub is the hardest thing i think to wash in the bathroom
all chores are boring especially making my bed cleaning my room is ok because i have
to organize and i like organizing dusting is the worst there are so many things to dust
and its no fun chores arent the worst but theyre definitely not the best

Chores! Chores! Chores! Chores are boring! Scrubbing toilets, cleaning sinks, and washing
bathtubs take up a lot of my time and are not fun at all. 

Toilets! When you’re scrubbing toilets make sure they are not stinky. I’ve scrubbed one
before and I was lucky it didn’t stink. I think toilets are one of the hardest things to scrub in the
bathroom because it is hard to get up around the rim. 

Sinks are one of the easiest things to clean in the bathroom because they have no rims and
they are small. I have cleaned one before and it was pretty easy. 

Bathtubs, ever washed one? They are big, they are deep, and it is hard to get up around the
sides. The bathtub is the hardest, I think, to wash in the bathroom. 

All chores are boring, especially making my bed. Cleaning my room is OK because I have
to organize, and I like organizing. Dusting is the worst: dust, set down, pick up, dust, set down.
There are so many things to dust, and it’s no fun.

Chores aren’t the worst but they’re definitely not the best!

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