The Improvement of A Thai Organic Rice Supply Chain: A Case Study of A Community Enterprise

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ISSN 2413-0877 Volume 3 (2016) 156-160

ICoA Conference Proceedings, 7 – 9 November 2015

The Improvement of a Thai Organic Rice Supply Chain:

A Case Study of a Community Enterprise
Yaniga Prasertwattanakul 1 and Pornthipa Ongkunaruk*1
Department of Agro-Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University
50 Ngam Wong Wan Rd. Lad Yao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
The demand for organic product has been increasing for decades due to consumer
consciousness for health and environment. In Thailand, the volume of organic rice
production is increasing, especially for the community enterprises. Our objectives are to
explore the supply chain of a community enterprise in Uthai Thani, to analyze the
business process and identify the problems and to provide the recommendation for an
efficiency improvement. Then, we conduct an in-depth interview to gain better
understanding of farmer and the community enterprise. Next, the business process
analysis is analyzed using Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF0). For
farmers and the community enterprise, the key performance indicators are productivity,
cost and quality. Then, the proper controls and mechanisms are proposed. These could be
the direction for further development to enhance organic rice supply chain management
for Thai producers especially smallholders to penetrate the international and domestic
Keywords: Business Process Analysis; Community Enterprise; IDEF0; Organic Rice;
Supply Chain Management

1. INTRODUCTION there are 125,730.71 rais certified organic rice

farms with increasing from 124,964.39 rais in
Over the past decades, rice plays an
2012 (Panyakul, 2015), of which produced
important role for Thai people. It is not only
total 44,005.8 tons, valued at 704.1 million
the main food but also includes other aspects
Baht (Green Net, 2015). The cultivated area in
of Thai lifestyles, beliefs, traditions and
2013 was increased by 0.61% from 2012
cultures. Moreover, rice is the major export
(Bureau of Rice Trade Administration, 2014).
product of value over billions US dollars per
Our objectives are first, to explore
year. However, in 2002, the value of exports
organic rice supply chain of a community
has decreased, due mainly to the impact of
enterprise in order to sustain the product
bilateral FTAs and the introduction of strict
quality and productivity by scoping the area of
food safety and traceability legislation by EU
interest at Uthai Thani province in central
and other importing countries. Therefore,
Thailand. Second, to analyze its business
compliance with these regulations is essential
process and identify the problem of organic
for new and existing Thai exporters and
rice supply chain focusing on farmers and the
smallholder farmers (Lorlowhakarn et al.,
community enterprise by drawing in form of
2008). The organic rice farming in Thailand
IDEF0. Finally, to provide the
has been cultivated for self-consumption since
recommendation and opportunity to improve
1992 (Sribrikit, 2011). At present, due to the
efficiency of Thai organic rice supply chain.
increasing trend of consumer consciousness of
health, safety and environmental issues as well
as the emerging markets, Thai exporters,
cooperatives and smallholder farmers have In this study, we conduct an in-depth
realized increasing demand consumption. interview with the leader of the community
However, the certification system starting enterprise, named Ban Nong Waen using
from rice farming and processing must be questionnaire as a tool to explore the organic
certified by the customers’ standard. In 2013, rice supply chain. The questions compose of

ISSN 2413-0877 © 2016 The Authors.

Published by KnowledgeE Publishing Services. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the ICoA Conference Proceedings.
Y. Prasertwattanakul and P. Ongkunaruk / ICoA Conference Proceedings, 7 – 9 November 2015

demographic data and key activities such as clean environment which lead them to have a
planning, sourcing, production, delivery, and sustainable living.
return. Then, we analyz a business process of Total certified organic rice farm area of
farmers and the community enterprise using the enterprise is 65 rais. In 2014, it produced
Integration Definition for Function Modeling 32 tons of paddies and generated 576,000 Baht.
(IDEF0). IDEF0 is designed to model the Sixty percent of net profit is for cash dividend,
activities of an organization or system (IDEF, twenty percent is reserved for operating
2014). These activities are represented by expenses, ten percent is for members’ benefits,
square boxes with a code at the right corner in and ten percent is for social charity such as
order to indicate the rank of each activity such
disaster recovery, traditional festival in
as A1, A2 and A3. Activities can be described
by their inputs, outputs, controls and community, etc. The group has a strong
mechanisms which represented by four types commitment to produce the organic rice and
of arrows. First, the input arrow denotes the strictly follows the guidelines provided from
material and information that drive the activity, the government officers. Later, the group was
represented by the arrow entering into the certified by the Organic Thailand certification
activity box on the left. The second arrow from the Department of Agriculture since
signifies the output or the material or 2005. However, at present the certification
information created by the activity, authority for rice has transferred to the Rice
represented by the arrow leaving the activity Department. After that, the group expands rice
box on the right. The third arrow is the control, cultivated area and has an investment plan to
which is the standard, regulation, or integrate their local rice mill and packing
requirement of the activity, represented by the house to control the quality throughout the
arrow entering from the top. Finally, a supply chain.
mechanism arrow implies the resources such
as people, machines and/or equipment that 3.2 Overview of an Organic Rice Supply
used to perform the activity, represented by Chain for Community Enterprise
the arrow entering into the bottom of the The organic rice supply chain of the
activity box (Ongkunaruk, 2015). In addition, community enterprise is shown in Figure 1.
a solid line specifies the current activities and
First, farmers cultivate organic rice according
a dashed line identifies the improvement that
to Organic Thailand Standard (TAS 9000 part
we suggested after analyzing the business
process in order to improve the organic rice 1 - 2009 and TAS 9000 part 4 - 2010) certified
supply chain management. Finally, we by Rice Department. Unlike other farms in
propose the guideline to improve the central region, this community farm is
efficiency for farmers and the enterprise. cultivated under rain fed areas. Therefore,
farmers can produce only one crop per year
3. RESULTS during rainy season and will harvest after four
or five months. During harvest season, the
3.1 Background of Ban Nong Waen paddies contain moisture more than 20%. This
Community Enterprise condition induces mold growth and the
Ban Nong Waen community enterprise paddies will be deteriorated. Hence, the sun
is formed by a farmer group located in Uthai drying of paddy for a few days is necessary
Thani province. At present, there are twenty process to reduce the moisture down to 14%
members with the president name Miss which is safe for storing paddy. However,
Prapaisri Munketkit. The goal of founding the most farmers do not have the moisture meter
enterprise is to encourage members to stop to measure the paddy moisture content. We
using chemical substances and fertilizers that found that sometimes paddy has moisture
cause health problems to both farmers and content less than the standard and this is one
consumers and substituting by organic rice kind of waste. After that, some farmers sell
farming. Moreover, the organic farming can paddy to community enterprise, but some mill
reduce production cost, especially for and sell by themselves as shown by a dashed
chemical substances and fertilizers. In a long line in Figure 1. Farmers who sell paddies to
term, the organic farming help farmers having the enterprise gain higher price than general
more savings, lower debts, good health and market price. At the enterprise, most
operations run by the president of the group.

Y. Prasertwattanakul and P. Ongkunaruk / ICoA Conference Proceedings, 7 – 9 November 2015

Next, the paddies are kept at members’ barns therefore rice can be graded by removing
due to no central warehouse. Then, the paddies defects such as damaged kernels, stones and
will be delivered to the local rice mill which is other impurities. The last two steps are
the property of the enterprise upon the orders vacuum packing and labeling before delivery
from local customers. On the other hand, for to customers who are local retailers and end
premium rice, the paddies will be outsourced consumers. The Organic Thailand logo on a
to a high quality rice mill due to the limitation package represents the certification of farming,
of the capacity, technology and hygiene of the processing and packing of organic rice. Failure
enterprise milling machine. After milling by to any qualification will prohibit to labeling
the enterprise, farmers obtain only head rice Organic Thailand logo. However, currently
and broken rice, but the husk belongs to the milling and packing process of the enterprise
enterprise. Later, rice will be separated to head and the outsourcing rice mill have not been
rice and broken rice by a rotary sifter. On the certified under the organic processing by Rice
other hand, the outsourcing rice mill has Department yet.
already separated head rice and broken rice,

Rice Department

Community Enterprise
Farmers (Local Rice Mill and Local Retailers
Packing House)

Rice Mills
Premium Rice

Figure 1. An organic rice supply chain for community enterprise

3.3 Business Process Analysis of an Organic collection and analysis and sharing
Farmer information could increase organic farming
productivity. Currently, farmers often use
The activities of farmers are shown in
seeds that they select from the previous crop.
Figure 2. Farmers plan to allocate the land and
In the future, the high quality rice mill should
select the varieties of rice to produce based on
be established in a central location because
last year sales volume and the current demand.
currently one of outsourcing rice mill is
However, farmers should determine which
located in another province. Additionally, we
rice variety is suitable based on cost and
suggest that farmers should define key
benefit. One of the most important factors for
performance indicators (KPIs) for main
rice cultivation is stable water resource.
activities to identify and control the farm
However, the rainfall is unpredictable and it is
performance and profitability. For example,
a high risk for cultivation under rain fed. The
production cost, productivity and
rainfall impacts the planting schedule and
transportation cost. Finally, we summarize the
productivity of rice. Therefore, the
current problems and recommendation for
implementation of risk management is
farmers in Table 1.
necessary for farmers to prevent risk occurring
or minimize its negative impact. For sourcing 3.4 Business Process Analysis of the
inputs, farmers should plan to select the best Community Enterprise
quality of rice seeds, fertilizers, organic
The activities of the community
substances to remove pest and disease.
enterprise which has a small-sized rice mill
Farmers should know which methods and
and a packing house are shown in Figure 3.
substances can increase the rice yield. Most of
The production plan is figured based on the
them using trials and errors, hence, the
historical data and is adjusted by the current
knowledge management by training, data
trend. The enterprise purchases only paddies

Y. Prasertwattanakul and P. Ongkunaruk / ICoA Conference Proceedings, 7 – 9 November 2015

from certified Organic Thailand farms. for milling and packing, we suggest that they
However, due to a limitation number of should implement Total Preventive
certified organic farms and low productivity, Maintenance (TPM) in order to increase the
the rice volume some time is not met the efficiency of machines and kaizen to reduce
demand. In addition, the enterprise has certain wastes occurred during machine start-up and
criteria to determine the price of paddies i.e. break down. In return process, we found that
moisture content and head rice yield. At leak package is the major cause. Hence, the
present, there is no standard measurement of enterprise should study the root causes of
the moisture content, but using handfeel and leaking and determine the optimal condition of
physical inspection which depends on vacuum packing or consult the expert. Next,
experience and skill over seventeen years. We the key performance indicators such as
suggest that the enterprise should record production cost, lead time and defective
paddy amount, moisture content and head rice proportion should be included. The summary
yield for each farmer so that they can use these of the problems and recommendation is shown
information to evaluate supplier performance in Table 2.
and improve the quality of farmers. In addition,

Production Plan Moisture Content

Cost and Benefit Transportation Cost
Determine Knowledge Management
Determination Optimal Inputs Capacity
Capacity Production Cost,
Consolidation Time/Season Productivity
Demand Risk Truck
Management Truck Quantity / Organic KPI Capacity
Time / Season Capacity Price / Time Thailand

Historical Data Plan Source Materials Make Paddy Deliver

A1 Source
A2 A3 A4

Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer
Form / Water Pumping Pickup
Pickup Engines Moisture
Spreadsheet Truck Truck
Form / Rice Seeds /
Spreadsheet Organic Fertilizer

Record Book

Figure 2. The business process of an organic farmer (IDEF0 level 1)

Customer Spec.
Capacity Organic Standard

Production Plan Mill and

Production Cost

Worker Color Sorter Machine KPI % Defect

Lead Time
Varieties of Rice
Rice Mill Machine
Inventory Inspection / Supplier TPM KPI KPI
Quantity /Price / Evaluation TPM
Time Production Cost
Capacity Standard
Inventory Customer
Moisture Content Policy Spec. KPI Capacity Truck
Policy Capacity
Demand Organic Thailand Capacity Organic Standard
Broken Rice
Order Paddy Grade and Packed Rice Packed Rice
Plan Source Source Mill Rice/ Deliver Return
1 Broken Rice Pack
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
Rice Husks Impurities
Farmer Farmer Form / Worker Worker Customer
Form / Money Rice Mill Pickup
Moisture Packaging
Spreadsheet Machine Truck
Pickup Vacuum Sealing Machine /
Truck Record Rotary Sifter Machine /
Book Weighing Machine / Plastic boxes
Production Plan
Production Plan

Figure 3. The business process of the community enterprise (IDEF0 level 1)

Y. Prasertwattanakul and P. Ongkunaruk / ICoA Conference Proceedings, 7 – 9 November 2015

Table 1. Summary of problems and such as key performance indicators. Using

recommendation for organic farmers quality seed and appropriate production
Activities Problems Recommendation
techniques such as biomaterials, water
Plan No risk - Implement risk management, measuring the moisture content
management management of paddies before selling, record yield and cost
Lack of - Make a suitable of activities could increase the productivity. In
production production plan addition, to strengthen the community
Source Rely on rainfall - Prepare farm
enterprise, all members must have teamwork,
irrigation by trust and participation in group activities
digging the pond through the consolidation of main activities
Lack of - Training such as planning, sourcing inputs, growing,
selection the - Determine optimal harvesting, storing, and delivery. In the future,
optimal inputs inputs
for farming other community enterprises should improve
Make Lack of - Provide a common their organic rice supply chain management to
moisture meter moisture meter increase the competitiveness in domestic and
Low yield - Using the optimal prepare for international markets.
inputs, data
management The authors would like to thank the
- Define suitable farmers and the president of the community
KPIs enterprise who kindly provided information
Deliver High - Establish high for this research.
transportation quality rice mill in
cost a central location
Table 2. Summary of problems and
Bureau of Rice Trade Administration. 2014. The
recommendation for the community enterprise
Situation of Organic Rice in Thailand. (http://
Activities Problems Recommendation
Source No standard - Buy a standard chments/import_export/sthaankaarnkhaawinthr
moisture content moisture meter iiyaithy.pdf). Accessed on September 4, 2015.
measurement Green Net. 2015. Organic Market in Thailand.
Lack of - Keep record data (
recording data in a form or
Accessed on September 4, 2015.
- Farmer evaluation IDEF. 2014. Function Modeling Method.
Make Local mill could - TPM/Kaizen ( Accessed
not meet the - Define suitable on September 1, 2015.
organic standard KPIs Lorlowhakarn, S., K. Boonyanopakun, W. Ellis, V.
Return Leak vacuum - Study the cause of Panyakul, D. Vildozo, A. Kasterine. 2008.
package leaking and Strengthening the Export Capacity of
experiment the Thailand’s Organic Agriculture. (http://www.
right condition for
packing .pdf). Accessed on September 3, 2015.
Ongkunaruk, P. 2015. Business process analysis
4. CONCLUSION and improvement for a raw milk collection
The organic rice supply chain of Ban centre in Thailand. Agriculture and
Agricultural Science Procedia, 3: 35-39.
Nong Waen Community Enterprise in Uthai
Panyakul, V. 2015. Overview of Organic
Thani, Thailand consists of six major Agriculture in Thailand during 2013-2014.
stakeholders i.e. farmers, the community (
enterprise, outsourcing rice mills, local Thai%20OA%2013-14.pdf). Accessed on
retailers, consumers and Rice Department. September 4, 2015.
Next, we analyze the business process of Sribrikit, S. 2011. The Situation of Organic
farmers and the community enterprise based Agriculture. (
on IDEF0 level 1. Then, we identify the ewt/oae_baer/download/article/article_201110
missing controls and mechanisms in each 13102515.pdf). Accessed on September 5,
activity for farmers and community enterprise 2015.


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