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chunking means

Dividing the reading into small parts

17.when taking notes be sure you

Write down any idea the teacher reapeats

1. the length of a cv is determined by the job position being applied for


19.the steps of study reading are

Previewing,skimming,active reading,summarizing

11.before any mock interview the applicant should separately research the following

The company you are interviewing for

8.during an interview you should always look away from the interviews eyes and look very serious


2.during the mock interview, you should pay attention for the following

How often you used the words um and uh ordinary class lecture covers 4-7 test questions


6. the mock interviewer should evaluate if you spoke clearly and consicely during the interview


42. resumes and cvs are the same

51. the purpose of notes is to

Capture the main idea of the lesson

13. the “c” in focus is for creativity


58. a curriculum vita or c.v should not contain:


27.on an average a mock interview should last 20-40 minutes


52. the mock ionterviewer should evaluate if u are dressed appropriately for the job interview


7. during a job interview you should consdense your answers down to 3-5 minutes per answer


8. you should expect an interview to last for

20-40 minutes

3. study reading is reading difficult material to understand the material and to indentify the specific
information you need to learn


9. which one of the following statements is correct

After completing the mock interview, you should review all of the areas you can improve and research
any areas where you felt your knowledge or answers were lacking
60.everything on the cv should be

Up to date and true

14.during your mock interview, you should pay attention for the following

Difficulties that you had with the interview process is okay to include your physical characteristics in your cv


10,according ti the communication theory every class can be summarized in 5-9 main ideas


15.mock interviews are the best way to preare for answering actual interview questions that the
employer will ask

True should not try to learn new material about your test topic during the 24 hours prior to your test

Your brain will be tired

16.the three components of efficient learning functions are

Input,process,and outpot

18.________ is(are) the best way to prepare for answering actual interview questions that the employer
will ask

Mock interviews

53.most people prefer _______ to the other formats because it Is easy to see who you have worked for
and what you did in each particular job
Performance cv

20.content of a curriculum vita or c.v

Accounts for summer and campus employment,internships,fieldwork placements etc..

59. if you are planning to stay in the same field then you should write a performance cv


21.during the job interview, you attitude toward work and working with others is crucial in the hiring
process. You should convey an attitude that is


22.during the interview, you should pay attention for any stories of your achievements you forgot to


41.previewing and skimming the lesson before class, and trying to predict what the teacher is going to
explain is both part of

Preparing to listen is recommended to abbreviate the titles of your degrees because everyone knows them


24.why do you want to work for our company? Is a question asked in nearly every job interview


26. functional cvs are used when changing career direction

True a cv you have to include age place of birth and family information

28.oral communication is one of the evaluation criteria in any job interview. You should condense your
answers down to.

2-3 minutes

29.cvs should be written in a long descriptive sentences


44.a curriculum vita. Or cv is a comprehensive biographical statement emphasizing professional

qualifications and activities


33. cramming vs daily review

Daily review allows your brain enough time to review,associate etc..

36.when you rephrase what the teacher explains in your own words, you would be engaged in

Summarizing the job interview you will be evaluated based on


38. the cv should include only paid experiences


39.which of the following statements is correct?

Resume is an individual designed summary of personal, educational, and experience etc…

55. the most preferable type of cvs is the alternate cv type


23.a curriculum vita, or cv

Is typically used only in higher education job searches

47.which one of the following steps is true concerning improving your concentration?

Put a clock next to you ( one that has a seconds display) or a timer

48.checklists can be used to divide your work over the weeks of a semester


49. an ordinary class lecture covers

7-10 possible test questions can print your cv on a pink colored paper


40. processing learning functions include the actions you perform to enter information into your brain


50.for form and style of a curriculum vita, or cv

Bad vitas are still summaries and contain no complete sentences and little punctuation

51. the purpose of notes is to

Capture the main idea of the lesson

54.concerning curriculum vita or cv innacuracies

The discovery of inaccuracies, untruths, or misrepresentations will usually preclude further

consideration of your candidacy
56. an example of an output skill would be presenting an oral report in class

True of a curriculum vita or cv

Does not use personal pronouns

36. according to the communication theory, every class session can be summarized in 5-9 main ideas


4. when trying to improve your concentration you can listen to white noise etc..


30. you and the mock interviewer should separately research the company you are applying for


31. what is true about test preparation

To a large extent , test scores reflect the quality of your preparation

34. the steps of study reading are previewing, reading,memorizing,reviewing


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