AEF2 Student Book (p.1-19)

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SECOND EDITION Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson OXFORD American ENGLISH FILE Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson Pou Slgson and lv sender th og cosutesof OXFORD English File 1 and English Fie 2 UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation 4A Where are you from? word order in questions common verb phrases, vowel sounds, the ‘Salngeeinunbos” Sabet 6B Chaat choice Teds desciing peal: fies appearance and personality 8 C MrandMrs.Clarkand Percy present continuous clothes, prepositions of place and lv! 10 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episade 1 Hotel prablems 12 A Right place, wrong person sinple pastsvegular and regular verbs vacations regular verbs: ed endings 14 B Thestory bohind the photo pest continuous prepositions of timeand sentence stress place: at, in, on 16 © Onedark October evening time sequencersandconnectors —_verbphrases word stress: 48 | REVIEW AND CHECK 182 20. A Plans.and dreams bbe going to(plans and predictions) airports sentence stress and fast speecin 22 B Let's moot again present continuous (Future verbs+prepositionseg. sounding friendly arrangements) artivein 24 © What's the word? defining relative clauses. expressions for paraphrasing: pronunciation ine like, for example, et. fictionary 26 PRACTICALENGLISH Episode 2 Restaurant problems 28 A. Parents and teenagers present perfect + yet; just housework, makear do? and ts) ‘tready 20. B Fashion and shopping present perfect orsimple past? (2) shopping and ch 32 © Lost weekend ‘something, anything, nothing, etc. adjectives ending -edand-ing jou, andl 34. REVIEW AND CHECK 384 36. A. Notime for anything comparative adjectives and adverbs, time expressions: spend time, sentence stress suas ete 38 B Superlative ities superlatives (+ ever+ present perfect) describingatownarcity _wordand sentence stress 40 C Howmuchistoomuch? quantifiers, too, not enough health and the body infu fa and ie! 42 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 3 The wrong shoes 44 A Areyoua pessimist? will /won't (predictions) opposite verbs "wont 46 B rlnever forget you will won't (decisions, offers, verb + back word stress: promises) two-syllable verbs 48 Themeaning of dreaming review of veri forms: present, past, adjectives + prepositions the letters ow land future 50. | REVIEW AND CHECK 586 Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation 52 A Howto.. uses of the infinitive verbs + infinitive: try to, forget’ weak form of to, linking tovete 54 B Being happy uses of the gerund verb +ing) verbs + gerund the letter’ 56 © Leama language inamonth! have to, don't have fo, must, ‘modifiers: ttle bit), really etc. sentence stress must not, can't 58 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 4 At the pharmacy 60 A Idon't know what to do! land, sentence stress 62 B ifsomething can go wrong... if + present, wil base form etchgali linking (frst conditional) 64 © Youmust be mine possessive pronouns ‘adverbs of manner sentence rhythm 65 | REVIEW AND CHECK 780 68 A What would you do? ‘fe past, would + base form ‘animals word aaa (second conditional 70 B ‘vebeenat id oF for years present perfect + forend since _phobiasand words related to fear sentence stress 72 © Bortosing present perfect orsimple past? (2) biographies ‘word stress, ci 74 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode § Getting around 76 A Themothersofinvention _possive verbs: invent, oiscover etc. (ed, sentence stress 78 B Could do better usedto ‘school subjects used to/ didnt use to 20 C Mrindecisive ‘might ‘ward building: noun formation diphthongs 52 | REVIEW AND CHECK 9810 84 A Badlosers expressing movement sports, expressing movement sports 86 B Areyouamorning person? word order of phrasal verbs phrasal verbs linking 88 C Whatacoincidence! 90 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 6 Time to go home ‘50, nether + aunilaries similarities sentence stress, Vand 982 A Strange but true! pest perfect verb phrases contractions: had hadnt 94 B. Gossipis good for you reported speech say or tol? double consonants 95 © The American English ‘questions without auxiliaries review review File quiz 98 | REVIEW AND CHECK 11812 100 Communication 126 Grammar Bank 164 regular verbs 11 Writing 150 Vocabulary Bank 166 Sound Bank 118 Listening G word order in questions V common verb phrases, spelling and numbers What do P vowel sounds, the alphabet you do? AY: ea al-tecW-leeM el Rael t Ys 1 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING common verb phrases 1 HOME AND FAMILY «= Where you from? «= Where you borr? “+ Where do you Pp + Doyou in ahouse or an apartment? + Doyou any brothers and sisters? + Doyou any pets? 2 JOB/ STUDIES cca 1 Jerr ee eee "= Doyou your job? + What year you ire #N OK og cco + Where did you ~ . - 3. FREE TIME * 4, + What kind of music do you to? \ = Doyou a musical instrument? Which? + What TV shows deyou__? \ + Doyou ‘any sports? Which ones? ™~S '* What kinds of books or magazines do you ? + How often do you tothe movies? + What did you __last weekend? a Complete the questions with a verb, ¢ Inpairs, ask and answer the questions, Can ‘you find at least one thing from each section that you have in common? we vein tne ‘any other languages? Which? English before? b @2)) Listen and repeat the Free Time questions Copy the rhythm. Sentence stress Remember that we usually stress the important words in a sentence {the ones that carry important information) and say the ather wards less strongly, eg. Where are you from? What do you do? b GRAMMAR word order in questions Reorder the words to make questions. I born where your parents were ? 2 where from teacher our is ? 3 name your how you do spell ? 4 did last you go night out ? > p.126 Grammar Bank 1A. Learn more about word order in questions and practice it, Stand up and ask different students the first question until somebody says yes. Then ask the follow-up question. Continue with the other questions, asking different students. Do you drink alot of coffee?) (Yes, Ido. ow manycupsfcotee doyouaink?) Fe cupsa dy Present | drink alot of coffee (or tea)? How many cups...? } goto bed early during the week? What time...? | spend.a long time on Facebook every day? How long...? Past J havea big breakfast today? What...? } go somewhere nice on Saturday? Where...? |} seea good movie last week? What movie. ‘SPELLING & NUMBERS (07) Listen and write six first names. > Communication What's his name? How do you spell it? p.1008 p.103. How do you say these numbers? 13 30 76 100 150 375 600 1,500 2000 10,500 (8) Listen and write the numbers. 1 Gate 3 Te eS 2 miles 4 Population: 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, the alphabet 4 @5)) Look atthe sound pictures. What are the words and vowel sounds? Listen and check. a? Le @ ax ‘an b> p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings of these sounds. © Add these letters to the circles. F L EGHIMORWXY A = = 5 4d @6)) Listen and check. Practice saying the letters in each circle. e Askand answer with a partner. Do you usually get in touch with your friends by phone, email, or Facebook? Do you have an iPod or MP3 player? What kind? Do you often watch DVDs? What kind? Do you watch ESPN, CNN, or MTV? Do you have any friends from the US or the UK? Interview your partner and complete the form. first name last name address phone number email Cm —l G simple present V describing people: appearance and personality P final -s/-es ike good books. He doesn't like sports. Charlotte’s choice 1 VOCABULARY describing people 4 @9)) Listen toa man deseribing his girlfriend and check (/) her picture a a (2k GLa Listen again. What two questions does Luke's friend ask him? How does Luke answer the second question? LP What does she ok ke? Whats she tke? What dos she lok ike? = Tellme about her apperance (ls she tall / short? What color hair does she have?). Whats she Uke? = Teme what kind of person sheis Usahe fend? she sy? © > p.150 Vocabulary Bank Describing people. 2 READING a Who do you think knows you better, your mother (or father) or your best friend? Why? b_ Read the introduction and che first paragraph of thearticle 1 Whatis the idea ofthe experiment? 2 Whois Chaelotce? 3 Who are Alice and Katie? 4 What do Alice and Katic have to do? Then what happens? © Now read what Charlotte says. With a partner guess the meaning of the highlighted words and phrases. Cover the text. Can you remember? 1 What does Charlotte like doing? 2 What's she like? 3. What kind of men does | doesn't she like? 4 Who does she think is going to choose better? Why? Who knows you better — ye | AKON or ® your mother best friend? Ih our weekly experiment, single people who are looking for a partner ask their mother and their best friend to help. this week's single person is Charlotte Ramirez, a 25-year-old web designer. Her father is Argentinian and her mother is American, She lives in San Francisco, and she doesn’t have a partner right now. Her mother, lice, chooses a man she thinks is perfect for her daughter and her best friend, Katie, chooses another. Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man, Which one does she prefer? SG ars ee teenie st Tone like staying at home with a good book,” says. Charlotte, “I'm very friendly and sociable and I get along well with most people. I think I have a good sense of humor” “What kind of men do I like? Well, I like interesting men who can make me laugh. Physically, I prefer men with a really nice smile who are taller than me. And I don’t usually like men with beards! I like men who areinto literature and art, and classical music.” “I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me. Both my mom and my best friend know me very well. Maybe Katie could find me a guy who is physically more compatible, but my mother has known me for longer! GRAMMAR simple present From memory, try to complete the sentences using the simple present. 1 She have a partner right now, 2 She ‘ona date with each man, 3 Which one she prefer? 4 Wharkind of men ike? St usually like men with beards. In pairs, answer the questions. 1 Which letter do you add to most verbs with he, she,and i? 2. How do the verbs below change with he, she, and i? watch study go [have 3 What auxiliary verbs do you use to make questions and negatives with...? a I/you [wef they b he [she it > p.126 Grammar Bank 18. Learn more about che simple present and practice it. Can you remember the kind of men Charlotte likes and doesn' like? Look at the photos of Alexander and Oliver. Find out about them, 3» Communication Alexander and Oliver A p.1008B p.103. Her mother’s chol een Cres Which man do you think is better for Charlotte? Why? LISTENING @14)) Listen to Charlotte talking about what happened when she met Alexander. What did she think of him? Does she wane to see him again? Listen again and write down any adjectives or expressions that Charlotte uses to describe his appearance and personality, © 15)) Now repeat for Oliver. What does Charlotte decide in the end? Do you agree with her? 5 PRONUNCIATION final -s / -es a @16)) Listen and repeat. She likes eats cre [Tek his prem bora_| He has brown eyes. FR 2 | She wearsjeans She relaxes with boxes of chocolates. He uses glasses to read. fal £& Pronunciation of finals /-es: verbs and nouns ‘The final sis pronounced or. The difference is small ‘The final -esis pronounced iz after ch, c, g, sh, s, z, and x b 17) How do you say the he/she i form of these verbs and the plural of these nouns? Listen and check. verbs: choose cook go live stop teach nouns: boy class date friend language parent 6 SPEAKING & WRITING a Look at the form below and prepare to give this information about your friend. you have a friend who is looking for a partner Name Relationship Single Divorced Separated rs Age Job Likes Appearance Doesn't ike b_ Workin pairs. Ask and answer about your people. Compare the information. Do you think the two people are compatible? C what's his (her) name? € > pl Writing Describing a person. Write a description of a person you know. 7 @18) SONG Ugly iz G present continuous V clothes, prepositions of place P and/or Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy 1 VOCABULARY clothes a Lookat the pictures. What are the models ‘wearing? Match the words and clothes. boots: pants shirt shoes skirt top b > p.151 Vocabulary Bank Things you wear. 2 PRONUNCIATION #5) and /or/ a &20}) Listen to these words and sounds. Practice saying them, 1 | computer 2 RS tin 1b Look atthe highlighted letters in the words below. Which sound do they have, | or 2 bracelet cardigan jacket necklace Tshirt shire skirt actor chemistry first painter third arrive imagine world attractive instrument problem prefer © @21)) Listen and check 4 > p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for these sounds. ‘© Askand answer the questions with a partner. What clothes do you usually wear...? + atwork / college | school + when you go out at night + when you want to relax on the weekend 3 What's the woman doing? She's standing. infront of the window. GRAMMAR present continuous Look at the painting on page 9 by artist David Hockney (1937-). In pairs, describe the man and the woman. + What do they look like? + What are they wearing? + What are they doing? Underline the correct form of the verb, present continuous or mple present, In the painting the man isn't wearing | doesn't wear shoes. In some countries women often wear / are wearing hats to weddings. In the painting a white cat sts J isitting on the man’s knee. My son usually sits sitting at che back of the class so that the teacher can't see him, > p.126 Grammar Bank 1C. Learn more about the present continuous and practice it Look at the pictures on page 4. What are the people wearing? What are they doing? LISTENING © 24») Look atthe painting Mrand Mrs Clark and Percy on page 9 and listen to the audio guide. Focus on the people and things in. the painting as they are mentioned. Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Percy isthe name of the cat 2 Mr.and Mrs. Clark made clothes for famous people. 3. The painting shows their living 4 The painting is very small 5. Celia is pregnant inthe painting 6 Ossie is putting his feet into the rug becai 7 The position of the couple in the painting is unusual. heis cold, 8 The open window isa symbol of the love berween them. 9) Thecatisasymbol of infidelity. 10 Celia and Ossie later got divorced 11. Celia doesn't like the painting. 12. Ossie Clark died in 1995, VOCABULARY prepositions of place Look at some sentences that describe the painting, ‘Complete them witha word or phrase from the list jn (x2) on (x2) under infrontof behind between next to ontheright ontheleft in the middle 1 There are two people the room. 2 The woman is standing and che man is sitting 3 ofthe painting, the manand the ‘woman, there’san open window. 4 Awhite cats sitting the man. 5 There'sarug the man’s chair. 6 There's telephone the floor the man's chair. 7 the telephone there's lamp. 8 the woman there's table, and a vase with Flowers it. 25) Listen and check. Then cover the sentences and look atthe painting. Say where the things and peopleare. SPEAKING O bescribing a picture (a painting or photo) When we describe a picture we usually use: ‘There's / There are to say what i in the picture, eg, There isa table anda vase with flowers init. There are two people. + The present continuous to say what the people are doing, eg, The woman is standing and the man is sitting. ‘+ Sometimes we combine There is and the present Continuous, eg, There is a woman standing near the window > communication Describe and craw A p.1008 p.106. Describe your picture for your partner to draw. In small groups, ask and answer the questions. 1 Which of the three paintings in this lesson do you prefer? Why? 2. What pictures or posters do you have on the wall in your bedroom or living room? 3. Doyou havea favorite painting? What? describe it? 4 Doyou havea favorite painter? Who? Doyyou (or did you) paint or draw? What kinds of things? CMa Hotel problems @4 INTRODUCTION Look at the photos. Describe Jenny and Rob. ©26)) Watch or listen to Jenny. Number the pictures 1-6 in the order she mentions them, ‘Watch or listen again and answer the questions. 1 What does Jenny do? 2 Where did she goa few months ago? 3. Who's Rob Walker? 4 Whar did they do together? of Rob? ative quality? 5 What does she thi 6 What's Rob's onen 7 How longis Rob going to be in New York? 2 @4 CALLING RECEPTION a (27) Cover the dialogue and watch or listen. Who does Rob call? Why? 1b Watch orlisten again. Complete the You Hear phrases. »)YouHear YouSay (> Helio, eception. Hell. This s room 613. How cant you? There's a problem with the air-conditioning. tise't working, and it's very hot in my room, Im sorry, sir. nu somebody up tolookatt right now. Thank you, Good reception. | Hello, fn sorry to bother you again. This is room 613. How can help you? Ihave problem with the WiFi, cant geta signal. im sorry, sit i you through tof. Thanks. € @26)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases. Copy the rhythm. rw - ‘A There's a problem with the air-conditioning, B lend somebody to look at it. 1L=1will We use M+ verb to offer to do something, d Practice the dialogue in 2b with a partner. © tb In pairs, role-play the dialogue. {A (book open) You are the receptionist. B (book closed) Youarea guest. You have two problems with your room (chinkabout what they are) A Offer to do something about B's problems. You begin with Hell, reception £ Change roles. 3 @4 JENNY AND ROB MEET AGAIN a (@29)) Tharevening Jenny goes tothe hotel to meet Rob, and they go out for something to eat. Watch or listen and mark the sentences T ot F. 1 Rob says he doesn't like the hotel 2 Jenny is going to show him around the city tomorrow. 3. Barbara is Jenny's boss. 4 Robis hungry. 5 I's fourin the morning for Rob. 6 They're going to meet at eleven, 7 Jenny thinks that Rob is going to getllost. b_ Watch or listen again. Say why the F sentences are alse © Lookat the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing words? Social English phrases Jenny Here you atlast. Rob it's tobehere. Jenny Do you have a view? Jenny Barbara's forward to meeting you. Jenny You be really tired. Rob I guess youre Rob By the Jenny It's to see you, too. 4. 30)) Watch or listen and complete the phrases. € Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do ‘you say them in your language? B conyou.2 tell somebody about a problem (eg. in hotel) offer toda something ‘greet friend who youhavent seen far along time ‘Online Practice JN G simple past: regular and irregular verbs V vacations P regular verbs: -ed endings Where did you goon. vacation? Iwent to Costa Rica with some friends. Right place, 1 VOCABULARY vacations a Inone minute, write down five things you like doing when you're on vacation, e.g relaxing, going to museums. Then compare with a partner b> p.152 Vocabulary Bank Vacations. In pairs, interview your partner with the vacation questionnaire. Ask Why? My perfect summer vacation Which do you prefer..? going abroad oF going on vacation in your country going by car, bus, plane, or train going to the beach or going to acity staying in ahote or apartment) or going camping tanning, going sightseeing, or going for walks hot, sunny weather or cool, cloudy weather going with friends or going with your family 2 READING & SPEAKING a Workin pairs. A read about Joe’s vacation. Bread about Laura’s vacation. Find the answers to questions 1-5, 1 Where did he | she go on vacation? 2 Who did he | she go with? 3 Where did he / she stay? 4 What was the weather like? 5 Why didn’the | she enjoy the vacation? b_ Now tell your partner about the vacation you read. Use questions 1-5 to help you. € Read your partner's text. In pairs, guess the meaning of the highlighted words and phrases. Whose vacation do you think was worse? Why? Have you ever taken a vacation that you didn’t enjoy very much? What happened? wrong person The place is perfect, the weather is wonderful, but if you're with the wrong person, a vacation can bea disaster... Joe 28, a fight attendant Last October, went on vacation to Thailand fortwo weeks with my gifriend, Mia The vacation began wel. We spent two days in Bangkok and saw the Floating Market and the Royal Palace, But things went wrong when we left Bangkok. I wanted to stayin hostels, which were basic but clean, but Mla said they were to0 uncomfortable. So we stayedin very expensive hotels. | wanted to experience the local atmosphere, but Mia just wanted to 49 shopping. thought | knew Mia well but you don't know a person unt You travel with him or her. It was awfll We argued about everything For our last four days we went to Ko Chang, a beautiful island. twas like being in paradise. The weather was beautiful and the beaches were wonderful, bt we just sunbathed without speaking. We spent our lastnight Dackin Bangkok, and we met some travelers from Austala, They were realy friendly, and Mia started frting with one ofthe boys. That was the end. 3 When we arrived a OHare international ee eran Airport the nextday, we decided to breakup. hon took hundreds of photos, but when I got travel with him — jomet didnt show them anyone. or her 99 Laura 26,anurse 6 I'd love to go back Last spring, my bestfriend sabelle and to Costa Rica one ‘booked a vacationin Costa Rica. We rented cay..but without asmallhouse fora week witha fantasticview Linda, 99 ofthe ocean. At the ast minute another fiend, Linda, asked if she could come, too. We felt sorry for her because she had probiems with her boyfriend, so we said yes. Costa Rica was magica and the weather was perfect but the vacation was 2 disaster for one simple reason: Linda was s0 cheap! She has 2 good ob so she's not poor, but she ust dit want to pay for anything. When we went sightseeing, she didnt want to go onary cruses or do any nature activities that cost money, When we went ona zipline tour, she Complained that it was too expensive. When we went to have lunch or diner, she alvays wanted to goto cheap restaurants ‘orshe bought a sandwich and att in the house, But the night Tinvitedher and sabelle out on my birthday, she chose the ‘most expensive things on the menu! The worst thing was that although isabelle and! paid forthe house, Linda never once bought usa coffee ora snack {dove to go back to Costa Rica one day..but without Linda LISTENING @34)) Youare going to listen to Mia and Linda talking about their vacations. First listen to Mia. Does she agree with Joe about the vacation? Listen again, What does Mia say about... 1 her relationship with Joe before they went 2 the places where they stayed 3 talking to other travelers 4 photos: 5 going on vacation with a boyfriend © 35)) Now listen to Linda, What'sher opinion of the vacation? Then listen again. What does she say about...? 1 Costa Rica 2 what they did there 3 the cost ofher vacation 4 her next vacation Who do you sympathize with most, Joe or Mia? Laura or Linda? GRAMMAR simple past: regular and irregular verbs What is the simple past of these verbs? Are they regular or irregular? Check your answers in Joe's text. g0 begin spend leave ant be I stay think know argue sunbathe take Now underline the simple past[#] verbs in Laura’s text. What are the base forms? Find and underline two simple past =lverbs in thetwo texts. How do you make(=land 7, inthe simple past...? + with normal verbs + with was were + with could > p.128 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn more about the simple past and practice it. 5 PRONUNCIATION regular verbs: -ed endings a 373) Listen and repeat the sentences. it Ad! We booked a vacation. We walked around the town, We sunbathed on the beach. We argued about everything. We rented a house We decided to break up, b_ Say the simple past of these verbs. In which ones ised pronounced /id/? artive ask end invite like lave need park start stay © (38) Listen and check PD. fear simple past verbs Remeber that we dont sual pronounce the ein-ed The -dendng seul pronounced or The dference between those endings every na We ony proncunce the ein-edwhen there isa tor adbefere tg, wanted ended With these verbs -e0= hi 6 SPEAKING a Look at Your last vacation below. What are the questions? b_ Think about your answers to the questions YOUR LAST VACATION 1 Where / 90? 2 When / 90? 3 Who / go with? 4 Where / stay? 5 What / the food like? 6 What / the weather like? 7 What / do during the day? @ What / do at night? 4 / have a good time? 10 / have any problems? ¢ Workin pairs. Ask your partner about his / her vacation, Show interest in what he / she says and ask for more information. Then change roles. Useful language for showing interest S| Really? Wow! Fantastic! Great! etc. [=] Oh, no! How awful et. [2] Was it expensive? Why? What happened? etc. CIEE G past continuous, V prepositions of time and place: at, in, on What was P Sentence stress, happening? Pome People were waiting for the The story behind the photo “= READING Look ata photo that news photographer ‘Tom Pilston took in 2008, What do you think is happening? Read Tom’s description of what happened on the night he took the photo. Were you right? Read it again and answer the questions. 1 Why did Tom Pilston go to Chicago? 2 Why couldn’the rake photog ‘of Obama? What was the weather like? ph sy tao at yr MS in history Where could the people see the ol election results? O: November Ath, | arrived in Chicago late in the evening. | 6 Was he sorry that he couldn't go inside the center? }wanted to photograph Barack Obama and his family in the convention center, but when | got there | discovered that | dian’t have my press pass and I couldn't go inside. | walked around the park Culside the center. Although it was November, it was a warm night. Why do you think the photographer thought The atmosphere was wonderful. When | took this photo, everybody his photo was better than a photo of Obama __ was looking at the TV screens waiting forthe election results. Some himself? Do you agree? people were quietly holding hands and smiling - others were tense ? and nervous. They felt that it was thelr moment. Suddenly, lrealized that this was a better place to be than inside. | was watching Obama's Victory through the faces of al these people, african, Hispanic, Chinese, GRAMMAR past continuous white about 1 lock he reauts were announced and everybody ‘went crazy. People started laughing, shouting, and crying. But when ‘Obama made his speech they al became quiet and emotional. There was only one place to be onthe planet that night - and | was there. What happened when Obama won? Look at che highlighted verbs in an extract from the text. Do they describe actions that happened...? after he took the photo bb atthe same time as he took the photo 3 VOCABULARY @t, in, on Peieiinsrecea buoto, everybody Sm a Which preposition do you use before...? looking at the TV screens waiting for the election results. Some people were quietly 1 adiate (e.g, November 4th) holding hands and smiling — others were 2 atime (e.g, 11 o'clock) Raeceetnervou. 3 the morning, the afternoon, ete 4 aroom or building (eg, the convention centr) > p.128 Grammar Bank 28. Learn more Bes abeutthepasecontinvousand practiceit. -B_ Check your answers toa in the text. What preposition do you nse with? 4)41)) in pairs listen ro the sounds and make a sentence using the past continuous §nd the simple past 1 amonth (eg. January) 3 home, work, school 2 the weekend Thermere pase toned ¢ > p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 1 {nit strta tain > Commur tion at, in, on A p.100B p.106. Answer the questions with a preposition and a time or place. 4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a (43) Listen and repeat the dialogue. Copy the rhythm. A. Where were you at six o'clockin the evening? 8 Iwas at work. ‘8. What were you doing? 8 Iwas having a meeting with the boss. b_Inpairs, take curns answering the questions about yesterday. 60am. 11:00am. lunchtime 400 pm. 600 pm. 10:00pm. midnight SPEAKING & WRITING ‘Talk to a partner. Give more information if you can. 1 Do you havea photo you really like? Who took it? What was happening atthe time? 2. Doyou upload photos to Facebook or other Internet sites? What was the last photo you uploaded? 3. Doyou havea photo as the screen saver on your computer or phone? What is it of? 4 Doyou havea favorite photo of yourself asa child? Who took it? What was happening when they took it? What were you wearing? Do you have any photos in your bedroom or living room? What are they of? Where were you at 6:20) ( was ath 6 Doyou know any other famous historical photos? inthe morning? “ees Who or what are they of? b> p.112 Writing My favorite photo. Write a description of your favorite photo. What were you dong?) 2] 5 LISTENING a Look ata famous photo that was on the cover of many magazines around the world inthe 1960s. Where do you think the people are? What do you think is happening? 1b Read the beginning of a newspaper article. Why do you think itis called "The image that costa fortune”? © (@44)) Now listen to the woman in the photo talking about it. Were you right Listen again, Choose a, b, or. 1 In 1968, she 4. wasn't interested in polities b wasacommunist © wasananarchist 2. She loved the atmosphere because all the students were fighting for a peace b democracy ¢ freedom 3 She was sitting ona friend's shoulders because she was tired b torake photos € sothat she could see better 4 She was carrying the Flag because C= cde Bendern was bon in 1940. She was the 4. she was leader in the demonstration granddaughter of Count Maurice de Bender ich By gore coher aristocrat vino ovmed a lot of property in Paris and ee ewinie ‘Monaco. although he had other grandchidren, the Count decided to leave al his money o Caroline. “never knew 5 Her grandfather died six _later. Why, says Caroline. "Perhaps because | was prety.” He paid a days b weeks c months for het to go to very expensive schools in England, and he hoped that she would marry well, perhaps a member ofa European royal family. But Caroline wes a rebel. She went to New York and worked there fora short time as a model. Then, in 1968 when she was 28 years old, she returned to Paris ‘Oni © Doyou think she is sorry that she was in that photo? firme FES b G time sequencers and connectors iy wes V verb phrases oem P word stress venjtest secause she was in a hurry. One dark October evening GRAMMAR "i annah met Jamie in the summer of 2010. time sequencers and connectors Itwas Hannah's 2ist birthday, and she and her friends went to a club. They wanted to dance, but they didn ike the music, so Hannah went to-speak to the DJ, “This music is awful,” she said, “Could ‘you play something else?" The Di looked at her and said, “Don't worry, Ihave the perfect song for you." 4).45)) Read the story once. Then complete it with aword or phrase from the box. Listen to the story and check After that Thenext day One evening in October Suddenly Twominuteslater When 1 Two minutes later he said, “The next song is by Scouting For Girls It's called Blue As Your Eyes, and it's for a With a partner, answer the questions. beautiful girl who's dancing over there.” Hannah knew that i ‘the song was for her. 2 Hannah and her friends . left the club, the DJ was waiting for her at the door. “Hi, 2 T'm Jamie,” he said to Hannah, “Can I see you again?” So 3. What happened when Hannah left the club? Hannah gave him her phone number. 4 What was the restaurant like? 5 Why did Hannah go and speak to Jamie? Why did Jamie play Blue As Your Eyes? Jamie called Hannah and invited her to dinner. 5 Where did they go every evening after that? He took her to a very romantic restaurant, and they talked 6 What was the weather like that evening? all evening. Although the food wasn't very good, they had, 7 Why was Hannah driving fast? ‘a wonderful time. + Jamie and Hannah saw 8 Why didn’t she see the man? each other every day. Every evening when Hannah finished, ? work, they met at §:30 in a coffee shop on Bridge Street. From memory, complete these sentences from the They were madly in love. story wih, because or although Then check with : Prenat tas et work! Asusual she Was going y to meet Jamie at 5:30. It was dark and it was raining. She 1 She was going very fast. she was ina hurry looked at her watch. It was 5:20! She was going to be late! 2 the food wasn’t very good, they had a She ran to her car and got in. At 5:25 she was driving along wonderful time Bridge Street. 3. He was wearing a dark coat, Hannah didn't see She was going very fast because she was na hur him at first. | aman ran across the street. He was wearing a dark coat, So Hannah did't see him at frst. Quickly she > p.128 Grammar Bank 2C. Learn more about time acti font cathe beak sequencers and connectors and practice them. Complete the sentences in your own words. Then compare with a partner. They fellin love on theie first date. Two months later 1 2. Twent to bed early last night because. 3 The weather was beautiful, so we decided. 4 Iewas really cold that night, and when woke up next morning. Although we didn'e play well in the final game. 6 Lwas driving along the freeway listening to the radio, Suddenly. PRONUNCIATION word stress SPEAKING & LISTENING a Read the story of Hannah and Jamie in 1 again, Stress in two-syllable words Approximately 80% of two-syllable words are stressed on the first syllable. ‘Most two-syllable nouns and adjectives are stressed on the first sylable, e., mother, happy. However, many two-syllabie verbs and prepositions or connectors are stressed on the second syllable, eg, arrive, behind, before. b_ Inpairs, use pictures 1-S to retell the story. Try to use connectors and the verb phrases in 3. a Underline the stressed syllable in these words from the story. aleross afiter algain allong allthough aw|ful belcause birthiday evelning in|vite perlfect se|cond b )49)) Listen and check. VOCABULARY verb phrases a Make verb phrases with a verb from box 1 anda phrase from box 2. All the phrases are from the story invite somebody to dinner 1 invite D along bridge Street somebody your meet ‘email/ phone number give song take across the street wait inahurry be ina coffee shop play for somebody leave the club very late run somebody to dinner somebody to restaurant a wonderful time b_ Cover box 1. Try to remember the verb for ea phase There are two different endings to the story. Take a class vote. Do ‘you wane to listen to the happy ending or the sad ending? 4)50, 51)) Whar do you think s going to happen inthe ending you have chosen? Listen once and check. Listen again. If you chose the happy ending, answer the questions in > Communication Happy ending p.102. If you chose the sad ending, answer the questions in > Communication Sad ending p.106. 4)52)) SONG Blue As Your Eyes GRAMMAR Giro), bore 1 any brothers or sisters? a Haveyou b Doyou last night? a Where you went b Where did you go € Where you did go 3 Mybrother a doesnitlike bdon'tlike © doesntlikes 4 Her parents a has b haves _c have 5 1___tomusic when I'm working. a neverlistenb don'tneverlisten ¢ listennever 6 Inthe picture the woman a wears b wearing c iswearing 7 A What___? B I'mlooking for my keys. a youaredoing b doyoudo © areyoudoing 8 She's in college. She ___ history: ‘studing b ‘studying ¢ studying © Doyouhave soccer. asmall business, ablue dress. 9 We to Bangkok last August. awere bwent c didgo 10 Tsaw the movie, but I it a didnitliked b don’tliked ¢ didn't ike 11 When I gorhome, my parents a were sitting b wassitting ¢ were siting 12 What at 11 pam? You didn't answer my call a youweredoing _b youwasdoing ¢ wereyoudoing 13 She couldn't see him because she her glasses, a wasn'twearing b didn'twear ¢ didn't wearing 14 Wewentto the movies ‘we decided to go forawalk, a After b Then ¢ When 15 Wehadagreattime, __the weather wasn'tvery good, aso b because c although onthe sofa. VOCABULARY a Complete the phrases with a verb from the list. book do drive invite leave look play stay take wear 1 A Whardo you 2 2A What does she 3 She doesn't usually wedding ring. B I'madoctor. like? B She'stalland stim. jewelry -only her 4A Did you any photos? B No, didn’t 5A Wheredid you __?B Inasmall hotel. 6 Didyou_____ your flights online? 7A Ler’ yourparentsto dinner. B Good idea 8 A Areyou goingto there? B No, we're going to take the train. 9 A Goon! Askthe DJto oursong! B OK. 10 A Whattime do we need to home tomorrow? B About 7:00. Our flight is at 9:00. 1b Complete with at, in, or on. 1 The meetingis _ March 13th. 2A Where's Mom? B She's 3. Hewasborn 1989. 4 A Where's the dictionary? ‘the kitchen. B le’s___theshelfin my room, 5 Mark’snot back yet— he's still_school 6 Iesavery quiet town, especially ___night. 7 Wewent vacation to Bangkok last year. & Gia he word shat isiferen T straight long blond beard 2 smart lazy generous fanny 3 friendly cheap stupid unkind 4 dress skirt tights tie 5 socks gloves. sneakers sandals 6 necklace bracelet ring seat J winly — fogey dirty sunny 8 basic dirty uncomfortable luxurious PRONUNCIATION a the word with a different sound. co Tne 2 SS shire shorts work curly 3 fizi chooses languages lives glasses 4 GH weight height — kind night 5 Ey arrive along actor about b_ Underline the stressed syllable. 1 tallkaltive 2 musitache 3 preifer 4 disigusiting 5 comfor'talble CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the newspaper article once. Does the journalist think that taking photos in muscumsis a good thing or abad thing? CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? 4)53)) Onthe street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. 'b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or ” F (false) , 1 The journalist saw tourists taking photographs of im A works of artin Rome and New York. T# 2 When he firstsaw people taking photos inthe MOMA, cin Joanna’—~deanna~David Yon he didn’t understand what they were really doing. 1 Justin 3 Then he realized that the photographers were not ooking atthe paintings. 4 They were taking photos because they wanted to look at the paintings later. 5 Later couple asked him to take a photo of them in front ofa painting 6 He suggests two possible ways of solving the problem, © Lookat the highlighted words in the text. Guess their ‘meaning from the context. Check with your teacher or witha dictionary. ‘ago, in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome — a erawd of people standing around Michelangelo's Pete, taking photos with their cameras and cell phones. Then last week I saw it again at the Museum of Modern Art (the MOMA) in New York City. {At first, wasn’t too worried when I saw people photographing the paintings. It was a litle ittating, but that was al, It didn’ ‘make me angry. Then the sad truth hit me. Most of the people \were taking photos without looking at the paintings themselves, People were pushing me, not because they were trying to get better view of the art, but because they wanted to make sure that no one blocked their photo. Was it possible that maybe they Were taking the photos go that they could admire the paintings better when they got home? This was very improbable. They were not there to see the paintings, but to take photos to prove that they had been there T: first time I noticed this phenomenon was a few years ‘Then it got worse. Now people were taking photos of their partners or friends who were posing next to, or in front of some. of the most famous paintings. Neither the photographers nor the person they were photographing had looked at the art itself, although I saw that sometimes they read the label, to make sure that the artist really was famous. Atleast nobody asked me to take a pieture of them together, smiling in front of a Picasso! | think that photography in museums should be amined, but I also have a less drastic solution. I think that people who want to take a photo of an exhibit should be forced to look at it first, for atleast one minute. a looks like his mother b looks like his father © doesn't look lke his father or his mother Joanna's favorite painting is of a alandscape b aperson c ananimal Jeanna’ last vacation was a. shortand stressful b longand fun © short but good David a takesa lot of photos b isinalorof photos © hasa lot of photos on his phone Yonisays a heenjoys crying atthe end of amovie b hethinks movies with a sad ending are more realistic © henever watches movies with a sad ending CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Check (/) the box ifyou can do them. Can you...? ask and answer six questions about work / studies, family, and free-time activities describe the appearance and personality ofa person you know well describe a picture in this book and say whatis happening, what the people are wearing, ec. ask and answer three questions about recent vacation describe a favorite photo and say what was happening when you took it say three true sentences using the connectors so, ‘because, and although WRC Short movies A photographer DED Watch and enjoy the movie, Cm HE

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