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I. A sociologist who studies population trends 4. Which of the following statenrents are
would be MOST interested in the TRUE of Malthus' Population tlrcory?

(A). impact of natural disasters on the [. Population growth eyentuaily

economy outstrips food supply.
(B) irnpact of clim ate change on I[. Population gows at an arithmetical
agriculture rate-
(C) relationship between industries and lll. People mrrst practise moral
pollution levels restraint.
(D) impact of cultural beliefs and
practices on population growth (A) I ancl II only
rates (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
2, Country X has a dependency mtio of 33: I00
and Country Y has a dependency ratio of
7 5: I 00. Wlrat can be inflerred about tlrese
'ltsrn 5 ref,ers to the following diagram
countries? which shows a type ofpopulation pyramid,

[. The standard of living is relatively

. high in Country X,
I[. The standard of living is relatively
Iow in Country X"
I[[. Country Y is less developed than
Country X.

(A) II only
5, Which of the tollowing governmsntal
policies are LIKELY to be implemented
(B) I and tll only
in a country with rhis type of population
(C) II and III only pymmid?
p) I, II and III
I. Allocating.more ntoney for

3, Wh ich of the following statenrents is TRUE
of Caribbean migratory patterns? II. Eluilding more early childhood
centres .

(A) Ernigrants go mainly to Eurape and Ill. Training more paediatric nrlrses
(A) I and II only
(B) Most Caribbean emigrants try to
(B) I and III only
escape rel igious persecution.
(c) II and III only
(C) Caribbean populations have (D) I, II and III
re.sulted flrorn immigration over
(E) The urban populations grolv 6. The Family Planning Association of,
rnainly beeause of international Country Y is developing a carnpaign
imrnigrants. targeting teenage flemales. The population
statistics whiclr the assosiation may find
MOST helpful would be the

(A) crude birtlr rate.s

(B) overaIl lertility rates
(C) ntple-lbmale sex ratio
(D) age-specific ferti lity rates



7. Stage II (Early Expanding) of the I[, The terrn 'Underete,ve{oPms:nt' is usually

Denrographic T'ransition tlreory is associated with
characterized [:y
(A) exploitation of the resources in
(A) Iow birth rates, Iow deatlr rates, Third World countries
slow population growth (B) a lack of natural resources in
(B) h iglr birth rates, lorv death rales, developing countries
rapid popu lation growth (C) dependency on foreign goods and
(C) lrigh birth rates, lrigh death rates, services
slow population growth (D) d"pendency on government
(D) low birth rates, low death rares, revenue
negative poputation growth

\2. Which of the following theorists is

B. Dependency theorists argued tlrat associated .with the World Systerns
developing coUntries renlained poor approa ch?
because of their
(A) Lloyd Best
(A) Iack of stable politieal structrrres (B) William W. Rostow
(B) exploitation by rich colonial (C) Andre Gunder Frank
powers . (D) [rnrnanuel Wallerstein
(C) failure to...develop products for
. export
(D) lack of an ideology of sosial and .I.tSfn I.1 refers to the following table which
economic progress shows the' development indicators that
are used to describe trends and evaluate
progress in various countries-
9, Modernization theory is MAINLY
associated with - ,
Variable Indicator
Education Adult literacy rate
(A) Maixists
(B) Weberians
Social development X
(c) Interactionists
(D) Funetionalists
I{ealtlr Persons living

10. In 2008, Country X had a total population

I3. In the table above, X represents the number
of 500 000. The total number of bi*hs of
for that yeff was 5 000, The total number
of deaths for ihat year was 2 AA0. Which (A) people's standard of living
of the following was the crudd birth rate (B) people who are victims oflcrime
(CB$) for Country X inZA09?
(c) peop Ie lvithout university edttcation
(A) tu ro0
people who have access to essential
(B) 40/100
(c) 1o/r oo0
(D) 40t r 000


L4. Which o{' the. following tlreories drew 18, Which of the f,ollowing are characteristics
attention to the economic challerrges o[ of deviance?
'firird lVorld courttries?
l- Deviant acts break the law.
(A) Modernization ll. Deviance violates standards of,
(B) Globalization conduot.
(C) Deperrdency IIL Deviant acts are subjectively
(D) New Right interpreted.

(A) I and II only

[5. What are lhe inrplications lor the Caribbean (B) I and IIt only
region of,an ageing population? (c) II and lll only.
(D) [, II and III
(A) A decrease in the dependent
(B) An inereased demand for social 19. Which of the following statements on
services juvenile offenders is MOST aceurate?
(c) A decrease in the incidence ofl
chronic illnesses (A) Tlrey are sent to the same prison
(D) Arr increased demand for tnore wirlr adult offenders,
schools and educational facil ities (B) Serious juvenile oflenders are
predominately male.
(c) Most juveniles seldom somnrit
16. Nicholas lives in a cornmunrty, labelled a deviant acts alone.
high crime area, where he is able to learn (D) J uvenile crimes tend' to be
sriminal techniques. organized.

Whiclr of the followirrg tl'reorists clairn that

such behaviour is learned frorn crirninals 2*. ln Merton's typology of deviance, an
in the cornrnunity? . individual who accepts culturally validated
goals but finds deviant ways of achieving
(A) ' Marx and Lernert them is known as
(B) Cohen and Merton
(C) Beeker and Lea & Young (A) a ritualist
(D) Sutherland and Cloward & Ohtin (B) a retreatist
(C) a pessimist
(D) an innovator
17. Most crinrinologists emphasize that in order
to prevent crime,
2L. Rarnesh Ako, two supervisors in a
I. the punishment must not occur too construetion company, secretly falsif,y the
quickly after the crime company's docurnents to ensure that they
I l. the severity of punishrnent rnust be get extra supplies for building their nelv
equivalent to fhe crinre homes. This is an example of
III. the pain of, punishrnent must be
increased and the pleasure of (A) rvhire collar crinre
crirne rnust be decreasecl (B) orga'nized crinre

(A) [ and II only

(C) corporale crime
(B) I and tll onty
(D) hidden crirne
(C) II and III only
(D) [, I I and III

22. White collar and corporats crirnes pose Ite.lrr,25 refers to the followlng pie chart
a serious sscial- problenr to Caribbean which shows the population distribution
yet, often remain unnoticed. Why of Country X,
are these types ofl erimes so diffisult r.o

I.. Tlrese crimes lead to victimization

which tends to be diffused.
II, These types of crimes tend to be
20o/o behveen
intermingled with legitim atp
4I and 60 years S0% urder
III. The peryetrators of these crimes do 15 years

not think ofl tlrenrselves as real

25"/o tretween
16 snd 40 years
IV. These crimes tend to be made up of
complex and rclatively technical

(A) I and IV only

(B) I, il and tII only
(C) II, III and lV only 25. The population distribution of Country i
(D) [, I[, III and IV is MOST representative of

(A) an ageing population

23, Wittrout crime ttrere wouli be no social
(B) a youthful population
change in societlr and this would result (C) a declining population
in stagnation, Wlrich of ttre following (D) an expa*ding population
theoretical approaches is BEST reflected
in thls statement?
26. Tlre family acts as an agent of social control
for all its rnembers, Which of the following
(A) Marxist - .
is the LEAST likely example of social
(B) Weberian
control within the family?
(C) .Functionalist
(D) lnteractionist (A) Males arE prepared to be
(B) Boys are encouraged to perforrn
24, Social control is MOST accurately defined domestic duties.
AS (C) Donrestic activities lceep women

(A) a combination of intsrnal arrd (D) a;ir-H-*;nitored more ctosety

external factors that encourage than boys.
(B) ' institrrtional values, trorrrls and
attifudes tlrat constrain hunrart 27. Whiclr of the fbllowing is LEAST likely to
behav iour be an instrun.renl sf ideological control?
(C) the external factors that encourage
norrnative behaviour (A) Peer group
(D) the internal frctors that constrain (B) Church
Iruman behaviour (C) Irarnily
(D) Media



28. Criminal behaviorrr among women is 31. Whichofthefollowingpbrspectivesasserts
' under-reported because that poverty resirlts frorn the failure of the
state to allocate resources equitably?
I. police officers tend to be more
lenient with women (A) Marxism
, tl. erinres comrnitted by wolnen tenrl (B) W"eberianism
to be pettycrimes (C) Interactionism
[I1. orimes committed by women are (D) Functionalism
Iess likely to be detected

(A) I and ll only 32, "Nothing can be done to improve rny

(B) [ and III only circumstances. t rnust think about where
(C) tl and III only I will get f,ood for today. Tomorrow will
(D) I, II and lll ' take care of itself'."

Which of the following theories describes

29. Which of the following statements is poverly as outlined above?
associated with the Marxist theory of
crirne? (A) Culture of Poverty
. (B) Social Action
(A) Most laws concern the protection (C) Functionalist
ofprivate property. (D) Marxist
(B) Criminal behaviour is linked to
personality and intel ligence.
(C) Some crime is necessary for the 33. Whichofthefollowingperspectivesasserts
' survival ofthe socialgystem. thst.povefihas many benefits to society?
(D) Delinquentsuboulturesernerge
whenjuveniles band togetherto (A) Marxism
' forrn gsngs. (B) Weberianism
(C) Interastionism
. (D) Functionalisrrl
30. Emile Durkheim's insight into deviance
indicates that it
34. W}ich of thb following activities is NOT
(A) rcpresents an altemative means of likely to lead to olimate ohange?
(B) developsfrcrnanomieaudproduces (A) Cro-wing plants
social solidarity (B) Clearing forests
(C) may resultfrom'labelling by others (C) Driving to work
but produces solidarity (D) Using eleetrical power
(D) promotes the ideology of the rich
r and produces social solidarity

-7 -

35. AccordingtotheCultureofPovertytlreory, 39. Women may be unequally disadvantaged

by the experience of being in poverty.'
(A) poverty persists because it is ' Which of the following situatiorrs BEST
beneficial to certain poor and reffects women's experienee of being in
affluent groups in society poverty?
(B) poyerry results from the stare's
inability to allocate resouroes (A) Womon are more likely to be
equitably unemployed.
(C) the poor take their condition for (B) Women are more likely to bE
granted'and seldom try to change criminalized.
(D) the poor are dependent on the (C) Womenachievelowereducational
welfare of the state levels than men.
(D) High levels ofdiscrimination exist
against women in society.
36. The MOST accurate statement about
the contribution of sociology to an
understandingofpoverty is thatsociology 4A. Whish of tlre following is an indicator of
the quality of a health care system in a
(A) helps us appreciate governqrent's particular eountry!
rolo in poveffy rcduction
(B) helps us undersrand the problems (A) Crude birrh rate
in measuring poverty (B) Infant mortality rate
(C) oxplains why poverty persists (C) Inward niigration rate
$mong specific.groups (D) Outward migration rate
(D) explains why poverty occurs
. among individuals
41. Indigenous people in the Caribbean
are MOST likely to be subjectod to,
37. Whioh of the following refleots a poverty and affected by poverty. Which of the
alleviatlon policy where tlrere is consern following factors contributes LBAST to
for equify in accessing education, health this situation?
and political rights?
(A) They are victims of discrinrination
(A) Basicneedsapproaoh by governments of the
(B) Human rights approach region.
(C) Foster, Qreer, Thorbecks (fGD G) They rand to be isolated and lack
rnea$ure ptppgr amenities.
(D) Cender-related,developmentindex (C) They usually have little ascess to
. (GDI) education.
(D) Their oultures are thought to be
' inferior.
38. A poyerty alteviation policy which focuses
on 'what is producad', 'in what ways'and
with'what impact' is the

(A) Sen poverty index

(B) basic needs approach
(C) human riglrts approach
(D) hurnan development index (HDI)




Item'4Z refers to the following diagram which shows sonre of the effects of poverty.

_---> I'ecnage
eduea{ioual Povcrty
opporhrnities Preguaney


42. In the diagranl above, X can be represented by

(A) proper nutririon

(B) financial stabiliry
(C) insuf;ficient parental supervision
(D) ftequent employment oppoffunitieg

43. Poor people derive the least benefit fricm 45, Intervention strategies to reduce poverty
the lrealth care .systern because of and inequity in the Caribbean.include
(A) genetic factors affecting rhem
[, Condltional cash transfler (CCT)
(B) discrimination by the middle slass
(C) their diet and living conditions
II, Early chitdhood development
GJ) , technological changes in the heattlr
(ECD) projeets
care system
III. Micro-credit and insurance
44. Researchers contend that the behaviour
of the poor is not culturally ingrained, (A) I and II only
but rather is'determined by 'situational tB) I and III only
constraints'. . (c) II and III only
(D) [, II and tll
Whish of the following factors can be
describecl as a situeitional $onstraint?

(4) Seasonal employnrent

(B) Maferial deprivatiorr
(C) Cultural deprivation
(D) Underernployment



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